


Political Science

The study of the processes, principles, and structure of government and of political institutions.

500 Questions

The third step in the problem-solving model is?

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The third step in the problem-solving model is typically to explore and generate potential solutions to the problem. This involves brainstorming different ideas, evaluating their feasibility, and selecting the best course of action to address the issue at hand.

What is meant by extant literature?

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Extant literature refers to written works that have survived from the past and are still available today. This can include books, manuscripts, and other forms of written material that have not been lost or destroyed over time.

Why Political science began s ends with the state who said this?

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Political science began with the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who is also credited with saying that "man is by nature a political animal." This quote reflects the idea that human beings are naturally inclined to live in organized societies with defined political structures, such as the state.

Why do we need to study political sciencr?

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Studying political science helps us understand how political systems work, analyze political behavior, and evaluate public policies. It provides insights into power dynamics, decision-making processes, and global issues, which are essential for informed citizenship and effective participation in a democratic society.

What are the political factors that influence the development of the code of ethics?

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Political factors that influence the development of a code of ethics may include government regulations, political ideologies, lobbying efforts by interest groups, and the influence of political stakeholders. These factors can shape the values, principles, and standards included in the code of ethics to align with prevailing political interests and agendas.

Why Aristotle considered as father of political science?

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Aristotle is considered the father of political science because he was one of the first to systematically study and analyze the nature of politics, government, and society. His groundbreaking works, such as "Politics" and "Nicomachean Ethics," laid the foundation for the study of political theory, philosophy, and governance, shaping the field for centuries to come. Aristotle's emphasis on empirical observation, rational analysis, and categorization of different forms of government greatly influenced the development of political science as a discipline.

Who led to the study of history political science and?

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The study of history and political science was led by various scholars and thinkers throughout history, including figures like Herodotus, Thucydides, Machiavelli, and Montesquieu. These individuals made significant contributions to how we understand and analyze societies, politics, and historical events.

What are the approaches to study African politics?

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Approaches to studying African politics include comparative analysis, historical research, case studies, and quantitative analysis. Scholars may also adopt interdisciplinary approaches that draw on fields like sociology, anthropology, and economics to better understand the complexities of political systems in Africa. Additionally, research methods such as interviews, surveys, and fieldwork are commonly utilized to gather data and insights.

Where was The political science curriculum was found in the US by the faculty at?

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The political science curriculum in the US was established by faculty at Columbia University in 1880. They created the first department of political science, setting the foundation for the study of politics as an academic discipline in the country.

Is politics a boon or curse?

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Politics can be both a boon and a curse. On one hand, politics is necessary for governance, decision-making, and representation of individuals in society. On the other hand, it can lead to corruption, power struggles, and division among people. Ultimately, the impact of politics depends on the intentions and actions of those involved in the political process.

Why might there be controversy surrounding the term?

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Controversy surrounding terms can arise due to differing interpretations or viewpoints on its meaning, historical context, or implications for different groups or communities. It may also stem from evolving societal beliefs and values, as well as the impact of power dynamics and social inequalities that influence how the term is perceived.

What are the Similarities of anthropology and political science?

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Anthropology and political science both involve the study of human societies and behavior. They both can focus on understanding power dynamics, social structures, and cultural practices within societies. Additionally, both disciplines may use qualitative research methods such as interviews, fieldwork, and observation to gather data.

What are the obstacles to a scientific study of politics?

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Some obstacles to a scientific study of politics include the complexity and unpredictability of human behavior, challenges in controlling variables in real-world settings, ethical concerns related to experimentation on human subjects, and the influence of various contextual factors on political phenomena.

What is the statement politics is the art of the possible?

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This phrase suggests that in politics, decisions and actions are often influenced by what is achievable or realistic, rather than idealistic or moral considerations. It emphasizes the pragmatic nature of political decision-making, where compromises and strategic moves are made to achieve outcomes within the constraints of the existing circumstances.

Who said political science is a progressive science?

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Adolf Hitler said in "Mein Kampf" that political science is a progressive science.

What are the advantages of learning political science?

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Learning political science can help individuals understand how political systems operate, the role of government in society, and how decisions are made at both the domestic and international levels. It can also improve critical thinking skills, enhance analytical abilities, and provide valuable insight into current events and political issues. Additionally, studying political science can open up career opportunities in fields such as government, international relations, law, and public policy.

What does corroborating sources allow a political science to do?

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Corroborating sources in political science allows researchers to verify information, strengthen the credibility of their findings, and support more robust and accurate analysis of political phenomena. By comparing information from multiple sources, researchers can reduce bias and ensure the reliability of their conclusions.

What is the abbreviation for a degree in political science?

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The abbreviation for a degree in political science is typically "B.A." (Bachelor of Arts) or "B.S." (Bachelor of Science), depending on the focus of the program.

Discuss is archipelagic doctrine?

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The archipelagic doctrine refers to a concept in international law that grants archipelagic states the right to delineate sea lanes and air routes for passage within their archipelagic waters. It is based on the idea that archipelagos should be treated as single unit entities. The doctrine is codified in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Is it true When Socialism is taken to its extreme it's called Authoritarianism?

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Yes, when socialism is taken to its extreme, where there is complete government control over the economy and society, it often transitions into authoritarianism. In an authoritarian socialist system, individual freedoms and rights are restricted as the government exerts total control over all aspects of life.

What are the different political orientations?

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Some common political orientations include liberalism, conservatism, socialism, and libertarianism. These orientations represent different beliefs about the role of government, individual rights, economic systems, and social policies. Each orientation has its own set of values and principles that guide how individuals view and approach political issues.

What does corroborating sources allow a political scientist to do?

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determine whether an assertion made by one source is likely to be true.

What are the concepts of legitimacy and authority?

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Legitimacy refers to the perception or recognition that an individual or institution has the right to govern or make decisions. Authority is the actual power or ability to enforce decisions or actions. Legitimacy provides the moral and ethical foundation for authority to be accepted by others.

How are rights and duties interlinked?

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Rights and duties are interlinked because rights often correspond to specific duties that others have towards us. For example, the right to freedom of speech is linked to the duty of others to respect that freedom. Conversely, duties often stem from the recognition of rights, as in the duty to provide a safe work environment corresponding to the right to a safe workplace.

The three parts in which northern plains are divided?

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The northern plains in India are divided into three parts: the Punjab Plains, the Ganga Plains, and the Brahmaputra Plains. These divisions are based on the major river systems that flow through the region.