


Political Science

The study of the processes, principles, and structure of government and of political institutions.

500 Questions

Why sociology is part of pure science?

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Sociology is considered part of pure science because it uses systematic methods to study human behavior and social interactions in a scientific way. It aims to understand and explain social phenomena through empirical research and theoretical analysis, similar to other natural and social sciences. Its focus on uncovering patterns and laws governing social behavior aligns it with the principles of pure science.

What is Max Weber's theory of state power?

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Max Weber's theory of state power focuses on the idea that the state holds a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence within a given territory. He argued that authority is derived from the consent of the governed, and that the state's power is upheld through the bureaucracy and legal system. Weber also emphasized the importance of charismatic, traditional, and rational-legal forms of authority in shaping state power.

Is social darwinism barbaric?

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Social Darwinism is a controversial ideology that applies Darwin's theory of "survival of the fittest" to social and economic realms, often leading to justification of inequality and exploitation. Many criticize it as morally questionable and barbaric due to its emphasis on competition, individualism, and the idea that disadvantaged individuals or groups are biologically inferior.

What is the need and importance of foreign aid for Nepal?

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Foreign aid is important for Nepal to support its development efforts, improve infrastructure, address poverty, and build capacity in key sectors such as healthcare and education. It provides crucial resources that the country may lack domestically, helping to stimulate economic growth and improve the overall well-being of its citizens. Additionally, foreign aid can also strengthen diplomatic ties between Nepal and donor countries, fostering international cooperation and support.

What is a social consequence?

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A social consequence refers to the impact on individuals or society resulting from certain actions, behaviors, or events. It can include changes in relationships, attitudes, norms, or institutions within a community. Social consequences can be positive or negative, depending on the situation.

What are geopolitical regions?

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Geopolitical regions are areas of the world defined by their strategic importance, political relationships, and cultural characteristics. They can be based on shared history, common challenges, or economic alliances, and are often used to analyze global politics, security issues, and development trends. Examples include the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Eastern Europe.

WHAT IS the necessity of learning political sociology?

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Learning political sociology is essential for understanding the relationships between individuals and society, power dynamics, and how political structures influence social behavior. It helps analyze political systems, institutions, and ideologies, providing insights into how they shape our lives and societies. This knowledge is crucial for addressing societal issues, advocating for change, and engaging in informed political participation.

What happens when the economy is low?

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When the economy is low, there is generally a decrease in economic activity, resulting in lower levels of production, employment, and spending. This can lead to decreased consumer confidence, business closures, and financial hardships for individuals and businesses. Governments may intervene with policies to stimulate economic growth and recovery.

What is all law in Libya based on?

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Islamic law (Sharia) serves as the primary source of legislation in Libya, as stated in the country's constitution. However, other legal principles and customs also influence the Libyan legal system, reflecting a mix of Islamic, customary, and statutory law.

What does the pluralist model of power relations used in the United States suggest in studying how power is distributed within societies?

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Asked by Wiki User

The pluralist model suggests that power is widely dispersed among various groups in society, rather than being concentrated in the hands of a few. It emphasizes the importance of different interest groups having the ability to influence decision-making processes and policy outcomes. This perspective holds that no single group dominates completely, leading to a more balanced distribution of power.

Explain how economics is related to the different discipline of social sciences and natural services in sociology?

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Economics is related to social sciences like sociology through its focus on understanding human behavior, social interactions, and societal institutions. In sociology, economics helps analyze how economic factors influence social structures, inequality, and power dynamics. When considering natural services, economics examines how economic activities impact the environment and natural resources, leading to discussions on sustainability, conservation, and resource management within the broader social context.

What is the meaning nature and scope of comperative politics?

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Comparative politics involves analyzing and comparing political systems, institutions, and processes across different countries. It seeks to understand why political systems operate the way they do and the impact of various factors on political outcomes. The scope of comparative politics extends to studying political behavior, institutions, ideologies, and policies to identify patterns, trends, and similarities/differences between countries.

What is group identity?

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Group identity refers to the sense of belonging and shared characteristics or experiences that people have with others in a particular group. It can include cultural, ethnic, social, political, or other affiliations that contribute to an individual's sense of self within a larger community. Group identity often plays a role in shaping individual behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes.

List and explain advantages of flexible exchange rate regime?

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  1. Automatic adjustment: Flexible exchange rates allow currencies to fluctuate based on market forces, enabling automatic adjustment to changes in supply and demand without the need for government intervention.
  2. Insulation from external shocks: Countries with flexible exchange rates are better able to insulate themselves from external shocks, such as changes in global economic conditions or commodity prices, as their currency can depreciate or appreciate to rebalance the economy.
  3. Independent monetary policy: A flexible exchange rate regime gives countries greater freedom in conducting their own monetary policy, as they are not constrained by the need to maintain a fixed exchange rate.

Overall, a flexible exchange rate regime provides countries with the ability to adapt to changing economic conditions, maintain independence in their policy choices, and enhance economic resilience.

What is a Scalar Question?

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A scalar question is a type of question that usually requires a straightforward, one-word or short answer. These questions are typically closed-ended, meaning that they limit the possible responses to a specific range of choices. An example of a scalar question is "Is it raining outside?" which can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no."

What is the purpose of the national convention system?

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The purpose of the national convention system is to bring together delegates from each state to nominate a candidate for the presidency of the United States. It serves as a platform for party members to discuss and determine the party's platform and select its presidential and vice-presidential nominees.

Does social Darwinism still exist?

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Social Darwinism as a formal doctrine is no longer widely accepted, but some elements of its ideas can still be found in certain political beliefs or ideologies. The concept that competition and individual success are key drivers of society can be seen in some economic philosophies and social attitudes today. However, it is important to note that modern societies also emphasize values such as equality, social justice, and welfare, which contrast with the strict survival-of-the-fittest mentality of traditional social Darwinism.

How is sociology considered a science and a theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sociology is considered a science because it uses systematic methods to study society and human behavior, gathering empirical data and developing theories to explain social phenomena. As a theory, sociology provides frameworks and explanations for understanding social interactions, structures, and institutions, helping to predict and interpret various social processes.

What does it mean to say that race is socially constructed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Race distinguishes people by their physical appearance (skin tone), while ethnicity distinguishes people by their culture- what they "share" with others (i.e. language, religion).

Race and ethnicity are socially constructed, which means that they are only apparent because of how people view others. Race and ethnicity are created by society as a way to create generalized assumptions- labels. They are used because they are distinct markings- people can easily be grouped together by their similarities and separated by their differences.

Even though race and ethnicity are socially constructed, people do not always have the ability to choose their race or ethnicity. This is because race and ethnicity are not random. They originate from geographical location.

What is the relationship between political science other sciences?

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Asked by Wiki User

Social sciences are the field of studies that study "society." These include: anthropology, archaeology, business administration, communication, criminology, economics, education, government, linguistics, international relations, geography, history, law, and psychology. Political science may deal with all of these studies.

Behaviouralist methodology and positivism (i.e the use of quantitative data) within political science are methods and perspectives "borrowed" from psychology and natural sciences.

What do you call the population count that is taken every ten year?

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The census, in many places, counts the population every 10 years.

How does science help society?

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Science helps society by providing solutions to problems, advancing technology, improving healthcare, and expanding our understanding of the world around us. It also drives innovation and economic growth by creating new industries and improving existing ones. Overall, science plays a critical role in shaping the progress and development of society.

What type of power is the power to make treaties with foreign countries?

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The power to make treaties with foreign countries is typically considered an executive power held by the government's executive branch. In the United States, this power belongs to the president as outlined in the Constitution.

Tools of social mobilization?

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Tools of social mobilization include social media platforms, community organizing, grassroots campaigns, and public demonstrations. These tools are used to engage and mobilize individuals towards a common goal, raise awareness, and create social change.

Nature and scope of political sociology?

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Political sociology is a subfield of sociology that examines the relationship between politics and society. It analyzes how power, authority, and governance are organized, maintained, and transformed within societies. The scope of political sociology includes studying topics such as political institutions, social movements, political behavior, and the impact of social factors on political processes.