

Prehistoric Animals

Prehistoric animals represent the vast majority of extinct animals. Through exploration, scientists are piecing together from the first sea dwelling organisms to modern day species. Types of questions covered are about animals who existed before recorded history and the ever popular debate as to what caused the dinosaur extinction.

500 Questions

Did hominoids come from anthropoids?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, hominoids and anthropoids are both groups of primates that belong to the same superfamily, Hominoidea. Hominoids include apes and humans, while anthropoids include apes, monkeys, and humans. Therefore, hominoids did not come from anthropoids; rather, they share a common ancestor within the primate evolutionary tree.

The vertebrate jaw first appeared in?

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The vertebrate jaw first appeared in early jawless fishes, such as the now-extinct Placodermi, around 450 million years ago during the Ordovician period. This evolutionary development allowed for more efficient feeding and contributed to the success of jawed vertebrates.

Was the tyranasourous-rex around in the prehistoric times?

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Yes, the Tyrannosaurus rex lived during the Late Cretaceous period, which was part of the Mesozoic Era, known as the "Age of Dinosaurs." It roamed the Earth around 68-66 million years ago.

When did dinosaurs walk the earth?

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Dinosaurs first appeared around 230 million years ago and are popularly said to have gone extinct 65.5 million years ago. However, in a sense dinosaurs are still alive since most paleontologists now classify birds as dinosaurs.

What does the prehistoric or preliterate era refers to?

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The prehistoric or preliterate era refers to a time period before written records existed. This era typically encompasses the development of humans and early civilizations before the invention of writing systems. Archaeological evidence is often used to study and understand this period.

When did the first vertebrate appear?

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Asked by Wiki User

vertebrates evolved from micro-organisms many millions of years ago...

Another point of view:

This actually depends upon your personal view. For the Christian, the story of creation as it appears in the book of Genesis clearly indicates that the first vertebrates appeared on the fifth day of creation, when God created birds, fish and other sea creatures.

Oldest known vertebrateA five-centimetre fossil, known as the Ediacara Chordate and uncovered in South Australia is believed to be the oldest vertebrate ever found. The fossil looks like an elongated tadpole and is believed to be at least 560 million years old.

Were there humans during the Cenozoic Era?

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Asked by Coffeelover

Yes, the Cenozoic Era began around 66 million years ago and continues to the present day. Humans, specifically Homo sapiens, evolved during the Cenozoic Era, appearing in the fossil record around 300,000 years ago.

Is there any scientific evidence that specifically rules out mythical creatures existing presently or in the past?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no scientific evidence that definitively rules out the existence of mythical creatures in the past, as absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. However, the lack of physical evidence, such as fossils or remains, for creatures like unicorns or dragons suggests that they are more likely fictional rather than real beings.

Can Any Vampire Out There Turn you Into One?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, not any vampire can turn you into one. In most vampire folklore, it often requires a willing exchange of blood or a specific ritual between the vampire and the human to turn them into a vampire. It's not something that can be done by just any vampire.

Where can a 13-year-old find a job in chester?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most companies will not hire a 13 year old in Chester. Some jobs teens can do include babysitting and yard work.

What color were mammoths?

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Some Woolly mammoths had dark brown or black coats while others had pale ginger or blond hair. Scientists are unsure why different-coloured mammoths existed. In most textbooks of the woolly mammoth, its hair is usually shown as auburn to orange in colour because that's the colour of the hair when its dug out of the ground, but that could be a result from being buried or the leaching out of pigment.

Was there ever a bear called the cave bear?

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The cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) was a species of bear that lived in Europe during the Pleistocene and became extinct at the beginning of the Last Glacial Maximum about 27,500 years ago. Both the name caveand the scientific name spelaeusderive from the fact that fossils of this species were mostly found in caves, indicating that this species spent more time in caves than the brown bear, which only uses caves for hibernation. Consequently, in the course of time, whole layers of bones, almost entirely those of skeletons, were found in many caves.

Is a megalodon reraleted to a modern shark?

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It is related to a great white shark.

Was the Elephant bird bigger than the Moa?

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The elephant bird. But now, the ostrich is bigger because the elephant birds are extinct.

What treatments were used in prehistoric times?

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Stone age people were illiterate and thus believed in superstition. Like many people in rural areas also.

What are five types of dinosaurs?

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Five types of dinosaurs are sauropods, carnosaurs, therapods, ceratopsians and hadrosaurs

The painted images of animals in prehistoric caves were generally done naturalistically?

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All cave paintings were made by modern humans. They were usually made in caves that had no habitation and were hard to access, so they may have served a religious purpose. Usually the subjects of cave paintings were large animals such as bison, reindeer, horses, mammoths, etc. They also occasionally painted carnivores, such as the cave hyena.

Food chain for grass?

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Asked by Heemi

The following words name things in a desert.Arrange the words to form a food chain.Then,add arrows to show how energy moves throuth the food chain.The words are mouse grass sun bacteria coyote.

What was the first animal to have a pentadactyl limb?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is unlikely to ever be definitively known, as the fossil record of early tetrapods is incomplete, and the vast gulf of time that separates us from them (360+ million years) compounds the problem. However, we do have some fossils, and from them it is clear that the earliest tetrapods had more than 5 toes on each foot (they were polydactylous). Acanthostega had 8, Ichthyostega had 7 and Tulerpeton had 6 - there seems to have been a trend of reduction in the number of toes over time in the tetrapod lineage. The early Anthracosaurs seem to have had 5 toes ancestrally, a trait which they might have passed on to their amniote descendants. However, it seems as though even the early tetrapods like Acanthostega were effectively five-toed, as their forward toes were combined into a single flesh-covered digit.

Can an organism evolve?

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By the process of natural variation and selection by survival of the fittest.

Is little foot the dinosaur a girl?

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Asked by Wiki User

Little foot was Apatosaurus or Brontosaurus. You can also call Apatosaurus Brontosaurus.

What animals are rare or extinct becaue o f hunting?

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No species has ever been threatened to extinction due to regulated hunting. In fact, it was hunters who demanded the establishment of our wildlife resource agencies and demanded they set seasons and bag limits.

When you see a thriving population of deer, bear, and many other species- thank a hunter. They brought them back from the era of over exploitation, and keep their populations in balance with the animals available habitat.

What is a mammoths favorite food?

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Asked by Wiki User

They were vegetarians, eating leaves, ferns and grasses.

Did the earth experience over a dozen great mass extinction?

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there were 11 mass extintions.1 Precambrian(Paleozoic)2 Cambrian,3 Ordovician,4 Silurian,5 Devonian,6 Carboniferous,7 Permian.(Mesozoic)8 Triassic,9 jurassic,10 Cretaceous.(Cenozoic)11 tertiary, 0 quaternary/today.

What animals survived the mesozoic extinction?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends what your definition of reptile is. Turtles, Crocodiles are all "living fossils", because they were present in the mesozoic era. (of course not in the same shape or size, but in the same species). Some even say that birds are reptiles. (because latest fossils show us that some dinosaurs had feathers). So to answer your question, turtles, crocodiles and birds are all living reptiles from the mesozoic era.

Hope this helps.