



A truly healthy person has a sound body and mind that is free of disease and infirmity. Healthy living includes taking the steps needed to optimize one's chances of surviving and thriving, like eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Questions relating to all aspects of health and living a healthy life are welcome here!

500 Questions

Why should sugar be used in moderation?

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Sugar should be consumed in moderation due to various health concerns. Firstly, it affects weight management as sugary foods are high in calories but low in nutrients, leading to weight gain and obesity, which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. Additionally, excessive sugar intake disrupts blood sugar levels, causing energy crashes and increasing the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes. Sugar also harms dental health by promoting tooth decay and cavities. Furthermore, sugary foods often lack essential nutrients, potentially leading to nutritional deficiencies and poor overall health. Lastly, high sugar consumption is linked to chronic diseases like heart disease, fatty liver disease, and cancer due to its inflammatory and metabolic effects. The key is moderation or complete avoidance and replace it with more natural alternatives if cannot be entirely avoided.

Cancer can be caused by changes in this?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cancer can be caused by changes in the DNA of cells. The development of cancer is often associated with genetic mutations or alterations in the DNA sequence of certain genes. These changes can disrupt the normal regulatory mechanisms that control cell growth, division, and death. The key factors related to cancer development include:

Genetic Mutations:

Mutations in specific genes can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and the formation of tumors. Mutations can be inherited (germline mutations) or acquired during a person's lifetime (somatic mutations).


Oncogenes are normal genes that, when mutated or activated, can promote the development of cancer. These genes are involved in regulating cell growth and division.

Tumor Suppressor Genes:

Tumor suppressor genes normally prevent the uncontrolled growth of cells. Mutations that inactivate these genes can contribute to cancer by allowing cells to evade normal growth controls.

DNA Repair Genes:

DNA repair genes are responsible for fixing errors or damage in the DNA sequence. Mutations in these genes can lead to the accumulation of genetic abnormalities and an increased risk of cancer.

Epigenetic Changes:

Epigenetic modifications, such as alterations in DNA methylation or histone modifications, can influence gene expression without changing the underlying DNA sequence. Abnormal epigenetic changes can contribute to cancer development.

Environmental Factors:

Exposure to certain environmental factors, such as tobacco smoke, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, certain chemicals, and infectious agents, can cause DNA damage and increase the risk of cancer.

Lifestyle Factors:

Unhealthy lifestyle choices, including poor diet, lack of physical activity, and excessive alcohol consumption, can contribute to DNA damage and increase susceptibility to cancer.


Inherited genetic mutations passed down from one generation to the next can increase the risk of certain cancers. However, most cancers are not directly inherited but result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Understanding the genetic and molecular changes associated with cancer is crucial for developing targeted therapies and personalized treatment approaches. Early detection and intervention are also essential for improving outcomes in cancer patients.

Why don't you get sick each time you drink orange juice?

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Asked by Wiki User

Drinking orange juice may not prevent you from getting sick every time because health problems typically come from viruses or bacteria. Now, not having orange juice is not a problem. But orange juice has vitamin C, which can help your immune system and would possibly make illnesses shorter and much less severe. It's simply one section of staying healthy, so even though orange juice is true for you, it would not imply you may not get sick.

How do you get kids to nap in pjs?

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Asked by Wiki User

i usually tell my kids to keep the pjs on then ill give them a treet but i never give them suger i manly grab a strawberry or a banana some kind of fruit that's sweet and contains no suger then they usually listin to me but mostly it matters on what kind of parent you are and what kind of relationship you have with oyur kids.

What does a 97.7 F temperature means?

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Asked by Wiki User

97.7 Fahrenheit is a pretty moderate or average temperature. A bit low but I would certainly not worry about it. Your perfectly fine.

Is moodle a drug?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes moodle is a drug. its a new type of drug that all the kids are using now. they say its the new thing.

Does smoking decrease your life expectancy?

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Yes it does

Is it okay to sleep naked with your mom?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, if your mom wants you to sleep naked with her she is doing bad things. You should tell a teacher, or a police person. They will get her get the help she needs. It is never OK for mom or dad to ask you to sleep naked with them. No adult should want you to sleep naked with them ever. Unless if she is a MILF and the last part where" No adult should want you to sleep naked with them ever" if my adult Girlfriend wants me to sleep naked with her i will and get some

Whats the best remedy for a boil?

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Asked by CarlosRatcliff

Boils can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful skin infections caused by bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. While most boils can be treated at home, severe cases may require medical attention. Here are some remedies and self-care measures that can help alleviate the discomfort and promote healing:

  1. Warm Compress: Applying a warm, moist compress to the boil several times a day can help speed up the healing process by promoting drainage and reducing pain. Soak a clean cloth in warm water and apply it to the affected area for about 10-15 minutes at a time.

  2. Keep it Clean: Gently cleanse the boil and surrounding skin with mild soap and water to prevent infection and promote healing. Avoid harsh scrubbing, which can irritate the skin and worsen the boil.

  3. Avoid Squeezing: Refrain from squeezing or puncturing the boil, as this can lead to further infection and spread bacteria to other areas of the skin.

  4. Topical Treatments: Over-the-counter antiseptic creams or ointments containing ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or tea tree oil may help reduce bacterial growth and alleviate symptoms. Apply as directed on the packaging.

  5. Pain Relief: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help alleviate pain and discomfort associated with boils. Follow the recommended dosage instructions.

  6. Natural Remedies: Some people find relief from using natural remedies such as tea tree oil, turmeric paste, or garlic paste applied topically to the boil. However, evidence supporting the effectiveness of these remedies is limited, so use with caution and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

  7. Maintain Good Hygiene: Practice good hygiene habits, including regular handwashing and keeping the affected area clean and dry. Avoid sharing personal items such as towels or razors to prevent the spread of bacteria.

If the boil does not improve within a few days, worsens, or is accompanied by fever or other concerning symptoms, it's essential to seek medical attention. A healthcare provider may prescribe antibiotics or perform an incision and drainage procedure to treat the boil effectively and prevent complications.

Dr. Kapil Kumar Singhal

Which foods are good for memory and brain?

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Asked by Wiki User

Several foods are known to be beneficial for memory and brain health:

Fatty Fish: Fatty fish like salmon, trout, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, which is essential for brain health and cognitive function. Regular consumption of fatty fish has been linked to improved memory and reduced risk of age-related cognitive decline.

Blueberries: Blueberries are packed with antioxidants, particularly flavonoids, which have been shown to improve memory and cognitive function. Studies suggest that regular consumption of blueberries may help delay brain aging and improve communication between brain cells.

Broccoli: Broccoli is high in compounds called glucosinolates, which have been associated with the maintenance of cognitive function as we age. It also contains vitamin K, which is essential for forming sphingolipids, a type of fat densely packed into brain cells.

Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper, all of which are important for brain health. These minerals play key roles in neurotransmitter signaling, memory, and cognitive function.

Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate contains flavonoids, caffeine, and antioxidants, which have been shown to improve memory, focus, and overall brain function. However, it's essential to consume dark chocolate in moderation due to its high calorie and sugar content.

Nuts: Nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, and cashews, are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and healthy fats that support brain health. Regular nut consumption has been associated with improved memory and cognitive function.

Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin has been shown to cross the blood-brain barrier and may help improve memory and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Incorporating these foods into your diet can help support brain health and cognitive function over time. Additionally, maintaining a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, along with regular exercise and adequate sleep, is essential for overall brain health.


Is papaya rich in serotonin?

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Asked by Wiki User

Papaya is a good source of serotonin (0.99 mg/100 g), which has been associated with enabling the gut to mediate reflex activity and also with decreasing the risk o thrombosis.

Why people get weight when using birth control?

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Birth control is a topic that affects many people, and it's essential to understand its effects on the body. When individuals use hormonal birth control methods (such as birth control pills, patches, or injections), they may experience changes in weight. Here are some reasons why this might happen:

  1. Fluid Retention: Some hormonal birth control methods can cause fluid retention, leading to temporary weight gain. This is more common with certain types of birth control pills.

  2. Increased Appetite: Hormonal changes caused by birth control can sometimes increase appetite. If a person consumes more calories than they burn, they may gain weight.

  3. Metabolic Changes: Hormonal birth control can affect metabolism. Some people may experience a slower metabolic rate, which can contribute to weight gain.

  4. Muscle Mass: Birth control doesn't directly cause fat gain, but it can impact muscle mass. Some individuals may retain more water or lose muscle, affecting overall body composition.

  5. Individual Variability: Everyone's body reacts differently to hormonal changes. Some people may gain weight, while others may not notice any significant changes.

  6. Lifestyle Factors: Lifestyle choices, such as diet and physical activity, play a crucial role. If someone becomes less active or makes unhealthy food choices, weight gain can occur regardless of birth control use.

How do you stay asleep if you wake up in the night?

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Asked by Wiki User

To stay asleep if you wake up in the night, try these tips:

Stay Calm: Don't worry about not sleeping; stay relaxed.

Keep it Dark: Make sure your room is dark. Use curtains or an eye mask if needed.

Stay Put: Try to stay in bed and keep your eyes closed.

Breathe Deeply: Take slow, deep breaths to help calm your body.

Avoid Screens: Don't look at your phone or clock as the light can wake you up more.

Comfortable Position: Find a comfortable sleeping position and try to stay still.

These steps can help you fall back asleep if you wake up during the night.

Types of cyanosis?

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Cyanosis is the bluish discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes. It is divided into two types:

  1. Peripheral cyanosis: This is the bluish discoloration of the distal extremities like the fingertips, hands, toes, and lips that occurs when there is a lack of oxygen-rich blood flow to these areas. This can be due to cold temperatures, peripheral vasoconstriction, or peripheral vascular diseases. Here, arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) is Normal.

  2. Central cyanosis: This is a generalized bluish discoloration of the body and the visible mucous membranes that occurs due to inadequate oxygenation caused by the presence of abnormal hemoglobin or reduced arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2). This could be due to problems of the Heart, Lungs, or Blood.

What other names is cervical cancer known by?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cervical cancer is sometimes known by other names or terms, and these may include:

Cervix Cancer:

This is a straightforward term referring to cancer that originates in the cervix.

Uterine Cervix Cancer:

Specifies that the cancer occurs in the cervix of the uterus.

Invasive Cervical Cancer:

Refers to cancer that has invaded beyond the surface layer of the cervix.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix:

Describes the specific type of cervical cancer that originates in the squamous epithelial cells lining the cervix.

Adenocarcinoma of the Cervix:

Refers to cervical cancer that originates in the glandular cells of the cervix.

Cervical Carcinoma:

A more formal term for cancer of the cervix.

Malignant Neoplasm of the Cervix:

A medical term indicating a cancerous growth in the cervix.

Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN):

Refers to precancerous changes in the cervix that may progress to cervical cancer if left untreated.

What removes salt in body?

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Asked by Wiki User

One ; do not ingest any more salt ( Sodium chloride (NaCl) , table salt).

Two ; your kidneys are your natural filters. They will remove most unwanted chemicals.

However, The human organism does require, both chloride ions and sodium ions to function. So the kidneys will only remove the excess leaving the sodium ions and chloride ions in balance /equilibrium with the other body functions.

I cant sleep my heartbeat is fast and im always cold why?

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Asked by Toriibellee

There could be several reasons why you're experiencing difficulty sleeping, a fast heartbeat, and feeling cold. Some potential causes include:

Stress or Anxiety: Stress and anxiety can lead to increased heart rate and difficulty sleeping. If you're experiencing stress or anxiety, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation may help.

Caffeine or Stimulant Use: Consuming caffeine or other stimulants close to bedtime can interfere with sleep and cause a rapid heartbeat. Try to avoid caffeine and stimulants in the hours leading up to bedtime.

Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions such as thyroid disorders, anemia, or heart problems can cause symptoms like a fast heartbeat and feeling cold. If you have concerns about your health, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Poor Sleep Hygiene: Not following good sleep habits, such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and avoiding electronic devices before bed, can contribute to difficulty sleeping.

Cold Environment: If your room is too cold, it can make it challenging to fall asleep and may contribute to feeling cold throughout the night. Ensure your sleeping environment is comfortably warm by adjusting the thermostat or using additional blankets.

Dehydration: Dehydration can cause symptoms such as a rapid heartbeat and feeling cold. Make sure you're drinking enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

If you continue to experience these symptoms regularly and they interfere with your daily life, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance. They can help identify any underlying issues and recommend appropriate treatment options.

How can you find out if a company is a non profit?

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To determine if a company is a nonprofit organization, you can follow these steps:

Check the company's website: Nonprofit organizations often prominently display their nonprofit status on their websites. Look for phrases such as "501(c)(3)" (in the United States), "nonprofit organization," "charitable organization," or "tax-exempt status."

Search the company in databases: In many countries, there are official government databases where you can search for nonprofit organizations. For example, in the United States, you can use the IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search tool to verify the tax-exempt status of an organization.

Look for registration with relevant authorities: Nonprofit organizations are usually required to register with government authorities to obtain tax-exempt status. Check with the appropriate government agency or department responsible for regulating nonprofits in your jurisdiction.

Review financial documents: Nonprofit organizations are required to file financial documents, such as annual reports and tax returns, which are often publicly available. These documents can provide information about the organization's financial status and tax-exempt status.

Contact the organization directly: If you're still unsure about the organization's status, you can contact them directly and ask for clarification. They should be able to provide information about their nonprofit status and any relevant documentation.

By using these methods, you can verify whether a company is a nonprofit organization or not.

What are the qualifications for egg donation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most egg donation programs require egg donors to be younger than 32 years old. They may also screen the potential donors for being carriers of inherited diseases.

List three serious health risks that may result from being overweight or obese?

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Asked by Wiki User

Being too heavy can cause some serious health problems. Here are three big ones:

Heart Troubles: Being overweight can lead to heart problems such as heart disease and stroke. It can raise your blood pressure, disrupt your cholesterol levels, and harden your arteries, some of which are bad for your heart.

Sugar Problems (Type 2 Diabetes): Being overweight is connected to getting type 2 diabetes. Too much physique fat, especially around your belly, messes with how your physique handles sugar. As a result, it can lead to diabetes, which brings its own set of health issues.

Joint and Back Pain: Carrying more weight puts a great deal of stress on your joints, especially in your knees, hips, and lower back. This stress can cause problems like osteoarthritis, a joint sickness that can cause joint pain, limit your movement, and raise the threat of getting hurt.

Remember, being overweight can also be linked to other health problems, like trouble breathing, certain cancers, and feeling down. It's essential to stay at a healthy weight by eating right and staying active to avoid these health issues.

Is it safe to go up stairs in a walking boot?

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Asked by Wiki User

I've been in a walking boot on and off for my whole life so I've gotten used to tackling stairs. I recommend taking it easy and ensuring that you hold onto safety rails while you go up and down stairs with the boot - if you don't feel like it's something you can comfortably do - don't do it. I wish you a speedy recovery!