

Motorcycle Clubs and Organizations

Motorcycle clubs and organizations are formed by like-minded individuals who are interested in motorcycle and social gatherings. The organization’s hierarchy is similar a corporation’s, with a president, directors and officers.

382 Questions

Is there a motorcycle gang called life and death?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes there is a motorcycle gang called the life and death.

it was formed in 1978 by Robert (DOCTOR BOB) Kitchener.

in N.S.W and QLD they holy the largest know motorcycle territory of any club in the southern hemisphere ... the entire Hawksbury district in Sydney's western suburbs.

this includes Windsor, Richmond, Portland, Kurrajong

reported to currently have 328 members

Answer:yes there is an outlaw m.c called life and death there numbers have dwindled to about 50 Australia wide they are nothing more than pathetic old men with no respect for anything or anyone they are despised whereever they go they are standover merchants because they think the world owes them something because they wear a grubby old rag on their backs they are nothing more than a laughing stock in the hawkesbury community. Answer:No, there is not a "gang" called Life and Death.

There is however a Motorcycle Club called Life and Death MC.

Life and Death MC was formed in 1973, not 1978 as mentioned above.

Life and Death MC hold the two largest area's of any MC in Australia, these being the Hawkesbury and Lake Macquarie districts in New South Wales.

They also have chapters in Queensland.

Life and Death MC also have the longest serving National President, Dr. Bob who is a founding member of the club. Dr. Bob gets his name from being known to fix anything.

What was the difference between and Riding Club and Motorcycle Club?

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Riding clubs are loosely formed clubs with no structure that just ride once and awhile. And a motorcycle club has a tight brotherhood and structure and has members who are more involved in their clubs on a daily basis.

Is there a nobleman motorcycle club?

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Yes. They were a club in the Las Vegas, Nevada area. My dad PRay was a member when I was a kid. We lost my dad in '83. I lost contact with the club, I would like to reconnect with some of the old club members.

My brother inlaw was a memeber he went by the name BimBam if you want i can call him and ask him to get ahold of you .

What is the meaning of giving a single spur to the survivor at a funeral of a biker?

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Giving a spur to a survivor is a biker's tradition of honoring a fallen friend or loss of a loved one.

Here is a presentation given at a friend's funeral (copied from a placard given to the family at the service) - the name has been removed to respect the privacy of the family.

Spur Presentation

"Today, I have worn this single spur in honor of [deceased's name].

This tradition dates back to medieval days and the knighthood, when medieval horsemen returning from battle would wear one spur instead of a pair, symbolizing the loss of their brother knight.

This was significant because it was their spurs that symbolized a man was a knight; not his sword, horse or armor. And no matter what kind of hardship a knight faced, he would part with everything else before he would part with his spurs.

This tradition has been handed down and adopted by many groups throughout the centuries. Most notably, perhaps, is the United States Cavalry, where spurs are only awarded to a deserving few. These chosen few represented the best of the best and embodied all that has been, is, and ever will be great within the organization.

The tradition has also been adopted by many of today's "Iron Horsemen" to honor a fallen brother or sister rider.

With this tradition in mind, it is an honor and a privilege to present you with this spur as a keepsake to remember your loved one's last ride. Please accept our deepest condolences."

When the verbal presentation is complete, motorcyclist kneels down, removes his spur, and presents it to the loved one. He then stands back up, turns and walks away.

How did the Sturgis South Dakota Motorcycle Rally get started?

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In began with a Sturgis Motorcycle Club called the Jackpine Gypsies that had been created by Clarence "Pappy"" Hoel who held the local Indian Motorcycle Franchise. The ""Black Hills Classic" first met in 1938 and has met since then with the exception of the World War II years when gasoline rationing was in effect.

Need a motorcycle club name?

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i know this is a tottaly different subject but sons of anarchy is a real biker club

What is the ranking or hierarchy structure of an American outlaw biker club?

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prez, sargent at arms, treasurer, patch member, prospect, hang around

How do you contact or get information on the Highwaymen Motorcycle club of Detroit?

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They have their own website, on it you will find an email address to contact them. See the link below.

Can anyone name all of the bikie gangs in Australia Life And Death Hells Angels Nomads Outlaws Outcasts commancheros Gypsy Jokers Black Ulans Vietnam vets Finks Phoenix 3rd Reich...?

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Asked by Wiki User

These are some of the outlaw bikie gangs as well as some others, but cant identify all of them sorry. Hope this helps

Black Ulans - Coffin Cheaters - Gypsy Jokers - Fourth Reich - Finks - Comancheros - Highway 61 - Life & Death - Gladiators - Bandidos - Rebels - Hells Angels - Satans Soldiers - Lone Wolf - Odins Warriors - Club Derose - Devils Henchman - Nomads - Tramps & Vandiemans - Grave Diggers - Gods Garbage - Cossaks - Highway Men - Foolish Few - Immortals - Iron Horsemen - Renegades - Satans Sinners - Satans Riders - Outcasts - Bros - Idiots - Jafasr is Gay - Outlaws - God Squad - Patriot Guard Riders - Harley Owners Group - Dykes On Bikes - Blue Angels - Devils Diciples - Ghost Riders - Grim Reapers - Pagans - Road Knights - Warlocks - Joes Jokers - Declans Deciples.

Ulysses Club Inc is NOT an outlaw club. It is an incorporated motorcycle association for riders who are over 40 years of age. Please do not add Ulysses Club to this list again.

Blue Angels is a gay policemen group who wear there horse riding jodpers everywhere, not just sitting in their Highway Patrol cars