


Credit Reports

A report detailing one's borrowing and repayment record used to determine one's credit reputation. It is used by lending institutions to find the subject's credit worthiness.

500 Questions

What is the cost of piezoelectric crystal in Indian rupee?

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The cost of a piezoelectric crystal can vary depending on the type, size, and quality of the crystal. On average, a small piezoelectric crystal can range from ₹100 to ₹500 in India. However, for more specialized or higher-quality crystals, the price can be higher.

If a drill rig reports a blow count 8-17-19 What is the n?

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The blow count 8-17-19 indicates the number of blows it took to advance the ground rod 8 inches on the first blow, 17 inches on the second blow, and 19 inches on the third blow. The "n" value for this blow count is 19.

What is the contraction word for o'clock?

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O'clock is a contraction of "of the clock"

What are the Kenyan consumer protection institutions?

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Some of the consumer protection institutions in Kenya include the Competition Authority of Kenya (CAK), the Kenya Consumer Protection Advisory Committee (KECOPAC), the Consumer Federation of Kenya (COFEK), and the Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK). These institutions work to ensure fair business practices and protect the rights of consumers in Kenya.

Why is ventricular contraction wave larger?

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The ventricular contraction wave is larger because the ventricles have thicker and more muscular walls compared to the atria. This increased muscle mass allows the ventricles to generate greater force during contraction, resulting in a larger amplitude of the contraction wave on an electrocardiogram (ECG).

What is five twelfths as a decimal?

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Five twelfths as a decimal is approximately 0.4167.

What is a rhythmic contraction?

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A rhythmic contraction refers to a repeated pattern of muscle contractions at regular intervals. This can occur in various muscles in the body, including the heart muscle during the cardiac cycle. Rhythmic contractions are important for fundamental physiological processes such as pumping blood or generating movement.

If you dispute something on your credit report can you get a credit score while it's in investigation?

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Yes, you can still access your credit score while a dispute is under investigation. However, the disputed item may impact your credit score differently depending on the resolution of the investigation. It's important to stay on top of the dispute process and monitor any changes to your credit report and score.

What is an unauthorized experiment?

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An unauthorized experiment is one conducted without proper approval or consent from the relevant authorities, such as an institutional review board or regulatory agency. These experiments often violate ethical guidelines and can pose risks to participants or the environment.

Where can I find a triple credit report online?

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You can find triple credit reports online through various credit reporting agencies like Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. Simply visit their websites and look for options to request a triple credit report, which typically includes your credit information from all three bureaus in one comprehensive report.

How many hundredths of a second are in a second?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are 100 hundredths of a second in one second.

Is Ares legal to use?

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The legality of Ares depends on how it is being used. If it is being used to share copyrighted material without permission, then it is illegal. However, if it is being used for legal and authorized file sharing, then it is not illegal.

Can an ounce of gold can be stretch into a wire?

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Yes, one ounce of gold can be stretched into a wire that is over 50 miles long due to its malleability. This property makes gold a popular choice for creating intricate jewelry pieces and electrical connectors.

If you report an error on your credit report and it is removed corrected by credit agency how long will it take for your credit score to improve?

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Once an error is corrected on your credit report, it may take about 30-45 days for the credit reporting agencies to update the information. As a result, your credit score could improve within that timeframe. Keep monitoring your credit report to ensure the error has been resolved properly.

How do you treat plastic on durable goods that has turned from white or beige to yellow?

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To treat plastic that has yellowed, try cleaning it with a mixture of baking soda and water or with a solution of white vinegar and water. You can also try applying a paste of hydrogen peroxide and cream of tartar, then let it sit in the sun for a few hours before rinsing off. If these methods don't work, consider using a specialized plastic restoration product.

How long does it normally take for you to be notified if you got an apartment?

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The notification time can vary depending on the landlord or property management company. Generally, you can expect to be notified within a few days to a week after submitting your rental application. If it takes longer than that, it's a good idea to follow up with the landlord or property manager for an update.

How do you write thirty-four hundredths as a decimal?

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Thirty-four hundredths written in decimal form is 0.34

What are consumer credit agencies?

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Consumer credit agencies, also known as credit reporting agencies or credit bureaus, are organizations that collect and maintain information about individuals' credit histories and financial activities. The primary consumer credit agencies in the United States are Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.

The main functions of consumer credit agencies are:

  1. Credit Reporting:

    • They gather information about individuals' credit accounts, payment histories, credit inquiries, and other financial data from creditors, lenders, and other sources.

    • This information is compiled into individual credit reports, which provide a detailed record of a person's credit history.

  2. Credit Scoring:

    • Based on the information in credit reports, the agencies use proprietary algorithms to generate credit scores, which are numerical representations of an individual's creditworthiness.

    • Credit scores are used by lenders, landlords, employers, and others to assess the risk of extending credit or services to a particular individual.

  3. Credit Monitoring and Fraud Prevention:

    • Credit agencies offer services to help consumers monitor their credit reports and detect any signs of identity theft or fraudulent activity.

    • They also provide tools and resources to help consumers understand and improve their credit profiles.

Consumer credit agencies are regulated by federal laws, such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which govern the collection, use, and distribution of credit information. These laws aim to ensure the accuracy, fairness, and privacy of consumer credit data.

It's important for individuals to regularly review their credit reports from the three major credit agencies to ensure the information is accurate and to address any errors or discrepancies. Maintaining a good credit history and credit score can have significant implications for a person's ability to obtain loans, credit cards, mortgages, and other financial products and services.

Is a 247 map score good?

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A 247 map score is generally considered good, as it falls within the top performance range. It indicates that you have a strong understanding of the game and are consistently making valuable contributions to your team's success. Keep up the good work!

Why did the census bureau report that the frontier was closed?

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The Census Bureau reported that the frontier was closed in 1890 because they believed that the American frontier had been settled, and there were no longer any significant areas of the United States that remained unsettled or undeveloped. This marked a turning point in American history, as the country shifted from an era of westward expansion to one of industrialization and urbanization.

Imagine you are writing a report about the climate zones of the US Which map is likely the best to include in your report?

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A climatic zone map of the United States showing the various regions based on temperature, precipitation, and vegetation would be the most helpful for your report. This map would provide a visual representation of how the climate varies across the country and help readers better understand the different climatic zones present in the US.

Which behaviors might lead someone to have a low credit score?

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Missing bill payments, maxing out credit cards, carrying high levels of debt, and frequently applying for new credit can all contribute to a low credit score. Having a history of bankruptcy or foreclosure can also negatively impact a credit score.

What behaviors might lead someone to have a low credit score?

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Late or missed payments, high credit card balances, applying for numerous new credit accounts in a short period, and defaulting on loans are behaviors that can lead to a low credit score. Additionally, having a limited credit history or a history of bankruptcy can also contribute to a low credit score.

Is 82 a good Cognitive Proficiency Index score?

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A Cognitive Proficiency Index (CPI) score of 82 typically falls within the average range. However, it is recommended to interpret this score in the context of other factors, such as age and individual cognitive strengths and weaknesses, to get a more comprehensive understanding of cognitive abilities.

Followings includes information regarding a persons credit character reputation and habits?

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Yes, a person's credit character includes information about their creditworthiness, payment history, and overall financial behavior. Lenders use this information to assess the risk of extending credit to the individual. It reflects how responsible the person is in managing their debts and finances.