


Fables and Folklore

Fables and folklore are stories that convey a moral story. They usually contain some kinds of supreme being and try to explain where certain things come from. Folklores are usually stories passed down in a culture.

500 Questions

What is a very lucky number?

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In many cultures, the number 7 is considered to be very lucky because of its association with good fortune, perfection, and completeness. It is often seen as a number that brings success and prosperity.

What is an epocolipse?

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It seems like there may be a typo in your question. Did you mean "apocalypse"? If so, an apocalypse refers to a catastrophic event that leads to widespread destruction or the end of the world in various religious beliefs and cultural traditions.

Is crossing on the stairs bad luck?

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Beliefs about crossing stairs bringing bad luck range among cultures and individuals. Some people might also consider it bad luck to go anyone on the stairs due to superstitions or cultural traditions, while others can also now not consider such notions. Ultimately, whether or not crossing stairs is viewed as a terrible success depends on non-public beliefs and cultural influences.

Is there any folklore about Comet Hyakutake?

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Comet Hyakutake, named after Japanese astronomer Yuji Hyakutake who discovered it in 1996, did not have specific folklore associated with it as it was a recently discovered astronomical object. However, comets have historically been viewed as omens or harbingers of change in various cultures around the world.

Why were some people angry when Arthur was declared King of the Britons?

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Some people were angry because they may have had their own ambitions to be king, or disagreed with Arthur's claim to the throne. Additionally, some may have been wary of Arthur's inexperience or doubted his ability to lead effectively.

What significance did the legends of King Arthur have on medieval England?

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The legends of King Arthur provided a sense of national identity and unity to medieval England through themes of chivalry, honor, and bravery. They also reinforced the ideals of kingship and the importance of divine right to rule. Additionally, the stories of King Arthur and his knights inspired literature, art, and culture during the medieval period.

Which is the point from where and as myth originates?

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Myths originate from various sources, such as cultural beliefs, oral traditions, and interpretations of natural phenomena. They often serve to explain the mysteries of the world, illustrate moral lessons, or provide a foundation for a society's customs and rituals. Myths can be passed down through generations and evolve over time as they are shaped by different cultures and changing societal values.

What is the rising action for King Arthur the movie?

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Definition of Rising Action. Rising action in a plot is a series of relevant incidents that create suspense, interest, and tension in a narrative. In literary works, a rising action includes all decisions, characters' flaws, and background circumstances that together create turns and twists leading to a climax.

How can you describe King Arthur as a king locate a part in the story that will support your answer?

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King Arthur is often described as a noble and just king who values chivalry and honor. In the legend of King Arthur, a good example of his qualities as a king is when he establishes the Knights of the Round Table, promoting equality and unity among his knights by having no head of the table.

Who does King Arthur suspect of disloyalty?

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King Arthur suspects Mordred, his nephew and illegitimate son, of disloyalty in many Arthurian legends. Mordred is often portrayed as a traitor who eventually leads to King Arthur's downfall, particularly in the story of the Battle of Camlann.

What did pecos bill do to end the drought?

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Pecos Bill used his lasso to capture a tornado and squeezed the rain out of the clouds.

Which events in the myth could have happened in the real life?

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In myths, events that involve natural phenomena or human actions that could be interpreted as symbolic, such as a great flood or a heroic journey, may have originated from real-life experiences or historical events. However, it is important to remember that myths often contain allegorical or supernatural elements that may not have a direct counterpart in reality.

Why does Kevin connects to King Arthur?

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Kevin may connect with the legend of King Arthur due to a shared sense of heroism, leadership, and a desire to uphold ideals of chivalry and honor. Perhaps Kevin sees parallels between his own personal journey or values with those of the legendary King Arthur.

What type of folklore is shown in the story ''The Brave Mice''?

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"The Brave Mice" showcases the theme of courage and resilience in the face of danger, which is a common motif in many folktales worldwide. The story follows a group of mice who band together to outsmart their enemy, highlighting the value of unity and bravery in overcoming challenges.

What is the phenomenon in the myth?

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The phenomenon in the myth is the occurrence or event that is being described, such as a natural disaster, magical event, or supernatural occurrence. It is often the central element of the story and can have a significant impact on the characters or world of the myth.

Can a witch turn you into a werewolf?

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No, witches are not known for the power to turn someone into a werewolf. Werewolf transformations are typically associated with folklore or fictional stories.

Why do both agravaine and Mordred dislike King Arthur?

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Both Agravaine and Mordred dislike King Arthur because they feel ignored, overlooked, and undervalued by him. They harbor feelings of resentment and jealousy towards Arthur's authority and preferential treatment of others, leading them to plot against him out of a desire for power and revenge.

What does Lucan and Bedievere offer Mordred in exchange to not fight King Arthur?

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Lucan and Bedievere offer Mordred safe passage out of Britain and a portion of land to rule in exchange for not fighting King Arthur. They want to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and bring an end to the conflict peacefully.

Did King Arthur save Camelot?

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In Arthurian legends, King Arthur is known for his leadership and defense of Camelot, rather than saving it. The stories often focus on his efforts to unite the kingdom and uphold justice, rather than a single act of saving Camelot.

What are the characteristics of oral myth?

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Oral myths are typically passed down through generations by word of mouth. They often combine elements of history, culture, and folklore to convey important lessons or beliefs. Oral myths can vary in detail and interpretation depending on the teller, making them a dynamic and evolving form of storytelling.

What traits of King Arthur?

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King Arthur is often depicted as courageous, just, and honorable. He is known for his leadership skills, wisdom, and his commitment to upholding traditional values of chivalry and loyalty. Additionally, he is viewed as a legendary figure representing unity and the idea of a rightful and just ruler.

What character traits are rewarded in coyote and the buffalo what charater traits are punished?

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Character traits rewarded in "Coyote and the Buffalo" include cleverness, adaptability, and respect for one's surroundings. Traits that are punished can include greed, arrogance, and disregard for nature.

What is the problem of the story of the hare and the tortoise?

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The hare had so much arrogance and belief in himself that he would win because of his speed over the tortoise, that he thought he could take a nap. In taking a nap, the tortoise surpasses the hare and almost reaches the finish line. The hare tries his fastest to catch up, but it was too late..

When was True Myth created?

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True Myth Wines was founded in 2014 by the wife and husband duo, Sarah and Russell Stotesbery, who are dedicated to producing high-quality wines from California's Central Coast.

What are the folklore characters portrayed in frangipani house?

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The folklore characters portrayed in "Frangipani House" include the Soucouyant, a vampiric creature from Caribbean folklore; the Douen, a mischievous spirit that leads children astray; and the La Diablesse, a female demon who lures men to their doom. These characters play a pivotal role in shaping the story's supernatural elements and cultural resonance.