


Alligators and Crocodiles

23 species of crocodilians, including alligators, caimans, crocodiles and the gharial of India. If you really want to know which is which, you need to know the particular characteristics of each of these carnivores. Ask your questions in here and leave the shoes, handbags and luggage at the door.

500 Questions

Do gars attack people?

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Gars generally avoid human contact and are not known to intentionally attack people. However, they might exhibit aggressive behavior if they feel threatened or cornered. It is best to give gars their space and not provoke them to prevent any potential conflict.

How many cells are in a crocodile?

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There Are About 4642 Left In The Wild, Most Either Get Killed By Humans For The Long Spiky Skins, And For The Teeth, As A What Ever You Call It, Or They Get Captured And Put Into Zoo's For Entertainment. I Think It's Cruel As So Many Are Going, So I Reckon About 73% Of Crocodiles Are Here Still. :) Hope I Helped.


It depends on the species. There are 13 living species. 5 are of least concern, 5 are endangered, 1 is vulnerable, and 2 don't have much information. (ICUN Red List) The kinds that are endangered are now illegal to kill, but they continue to suffer from poaching and habitat loss. Three prehistoric species of crocodile are extinct as well.

Where is the alligator on the food chain?

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Alligators are at the top of the food chain in their ecosystems as apex predators. They feed on a variety of prey, including fish, birds, mammals, and other reptiles. Only a few animals, like larger alligators and humans, are known to prey on adult alligators.

How might a spoonbill and an alligator interact in an ecosystem?

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A spoonbill and an alligator could interact in an ecosystem by competing for food sources, such as fish and crustaceans. The alligator may prey on the spoonbill if given the opportunity. However, the spoonbill could also benefit from the alligator's presence by scavenging on leftover food from the alligator's meals.

Found in protruding eyes at the top of their heads what mammals pupils are t shaped so they can see equally well above and below water?

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This unique eye structure with T-shaped pupils is found in the four-eyed fish (Anableps). These fish have adapted to live near the water's surface, allowing them to simultaneously see above and below the waterline to detect predators and prey.

How do alligators stay warm?

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Alligators are cold-blooded, so they rely on their environment to regulate their body temperature. They bask in the sun to absorb heat and warm themselves up, and they seek out warmer spots like shallow water or mud during cooler weather. Additionally, their large bodies retain heat well, helping them stay warm.

Is a salt water crocodile a carnivore or omnivore?

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A saltwater crocodile is a carnivore, meaning it primarily eats meat. Their diet consists mainly of fish, birds, and mammals, although they have been known to consume some plant matter occasionally.

How does the circulatory system of a crocodile work?

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The circulatory system of a crocodile is similar to that of other vertebrates. It consists of a heart with four chambers (two atria and two ventricles) that pumps oxygenated blood to the body and deoxygenated blood to the lungs to be oxygenated. Crocodiles have special adaptations in their circulatory system that allow them to hold their breath for extended periods while submerged.

What is average length of a saltwater croc?

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The average length of a saltwater crocodile is about 13-18 feet, with some individuals reaching up to 23 feet in length.

How does laying eggs contribute to a crocodiles survival?

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Laying eggs allows crocodiles to reproduce, ensuring the continuation of their species. By burying their eggs in nests, they protect the eggs from predators and provide a suitable environment for them to develop. This reproductive strategy helps maintain crocodile populations in their environment.

How much does an alligater gar cost?

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The cost of an alligator gar can vary depending on factors such as size, age, and where it is being purchased. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $50 to several hundred dollars for an alligator gar. Additionally, ensure that you are complying with regulations regarding ownership of this species.

Is a alligator snapping turtle a carnivore or a omnivore?

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The alligator snapping turtle is primarily carnivorous, feeding on fish, insects, amphibians, and even small mammals. It occasionally may consume plant matter, but its diet mainly consists of meat.

Why did dinosaurs become extinct and not crocodiles?

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crocodiles lived because they lived in water and crocodiles had amour plates on it's back

It is important to protect wild animals like crocodiles?

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Yes, wild animals like crocodiles play a crucial role in maintaining a balanced ecosystem. Protecting crocodiles ensures the preservation of their natural habitats and biodiversity. Additionally, they are integral to the overall health of the environment and can indicate the overall health of an ecosystem.

Could a alligator possibly survive living in central MO around ponds and cave's and reach five to six feet?

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It is unlikely for an alligator to survive in central MO due to the climate being too cold for them to thrive. Additionally, alligators are not native to that region. If an alligator were to be found in central MO, it would most likely be a released or escaped pet, but it would struggle to survive and reach that size in the wild environment.

How is the alligator essential to the ecology of the okefenokee swamp?

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Alligators play a crucial role in the Okefenokee Swamp ecosystem as top predators, regulating prey populations like fish, turtles, and birds. They help maintain the balance within the food chain, controlling the numbers of other species. Their nesting activities also create important habitats for other wildlife in the swamp.

What are the bony plates of a starfish called?

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The bony plates on a starfish are called ossicles. These ossicles are found in the endoskeleton, which provides structure and support to the starfish's body.

What are the different stages of human development?

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The stages of human development are typically categorized as infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. These stages are characterized by physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that occur as individuals grow and mature. Each stage presents unique challenges and milestones that contribute to an individual's overall development.

Why does acid weaken the egg shell?

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Acid can weaken the eggshell because it reacts with the calcium carbonate in the shell, leading to the formation of carbon dioxide gas, water, and calcium ions. This reaction can dissolve or break down the calcium carbonate structure of the eggshell, making it weaker or softer.

What does a crocodile use its teeth for?

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Crocodiles use their teeth to catch and grip prey, tear apart flesh, and consume their food. Their teeth are designed for holding onto prey as they drag it into the water to drown or eat it.

What sound does an adult nile crocodile make?

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An adult Nile crocodile makes a range of sounds, including barks, roars, hisses, and growls. These vocalizations are used for communication during different social interactions and can vary in intensity and frequency depending on the situation.

What would happen if salt water is heated?

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Eventually if heated long enough (and hot enough) all the water would either eat the world or MELT (turning into steam), leaving behind nothing but solid salt behind. This is one way that you can remove salt from sea water in fact.

What are the Odds of being attacked by an alligator?

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The odds of being attacked by an alligator in the United States are extremely low, with an average of about one fatal attack per year. Avoiding areas where alligators are known to live, such as freshwater marshes and lakes, can further reduce the already low risk of an attack.

What is scientific name crocodile?

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The scientific name for crocodiles is Crocodylidae. This is the family name, not the name of a specific species, because there are many species of crocodile.

Scientific naming is a way of classifying animals into groups. For example, crocodiles are animals (not plants or bacteria) so they are part of the Kingdom Animalia. Crocodiles have spines-- they're vertebrates-- so they are part of the Phylum Chrodata. Crocodiles are reptiles, so they're part of Class Reptilia. The family name, Crocodylidae, is the group right above specific species in the hierarchy of scientific naming.

What is the alligator species name?

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The genus Alligator has two species:

Alligator mississippiensis - the American Alligator


Alligator sinensis - the Chinese Alligator