

Art Media

Different forms of art including photography, sculptures, painting, drawing, printmaking, and decorative art.

500 Questions

How do you make dry clay wet again?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on what type of clay you are using. If you are using clay for pottery and such then you will need a kilm. If you are using air dry clay there are two ways for you to dry it faster if you are the impatient type or you have to have it dry as fast as you can for a project that is due soon. The first is to use a blow dryer. Use a low setting and keep it about four inches away from the clay. The second way is to dry it in a oven at 200 degrees. If you want the full directions on how to do both then look it up. There are many sights for your type of question. Good luck with your project.

What were Pablo Picasso's accomplishments?

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Asked by Wiki User

in his early years he painted portraits of what he wished to be, a handsome man who got all the ladies.

What do you do after the clay have dried up?

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Asked by Wiki User

Technically, no. If it is a regular, water based clay, you can just add water if it gets too dry. Clay is porous, and will soak in that water and come back to a workable state over time. Just keep it in plastic. If you have created something and that gets to the bone dry state, it will be very difficult to get it back to workable consistency without breaking down the integrity of the piece.

What is mixed media in art?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mixed media means just that: a piece of work, not made of just paint, or just pencil or just metal, but a combination of several materials. These may be any materials that the artist has chosen to use just then.

What type of media did claes oldenburg use?

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Asked by Wiki User

Claes Oldenburg is an American sculpture. He creates public art installations, enlarged replicas of everyday objects and soft sculpture versions of everyday objects. He also uses several different mediums; metal, plastic and stone.

How do you sharpen a ceramic knife?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hi. This is Sandra.

Thank you for asking exact question because most of the people ask "how to sharpen a knife" The problem of the question is, there are many kinds of knives we are using like

  1. kitchen
  2. serrated
  3. pocket
  4. hunting
  5. Boning
  6. paring
  7. Chef's
  8. carving
  9. Santoku
  10. cleavers
  11. utility
  12. Japanese
  13. Tomato knives and so on.

These kind of knives aren't for only one kind of sharpener.

For sharpening a serrated knife, you should use sharpening stone, abrasive belt sharpener, pocket knife sharpener and other other kits like pen. These sharpeners are made for that knives.


For ceramic knife, you can use these sharpening stones, manual & electric knife sharpeners for this ceramic knife. Hope these will be the best and give you the best result after sharpening.

  • King Two Sided Sharpening Stone with Base - #1000 & #6000
  • Work Sharp WSKTS-KO Knife and Tool Sharpener Ken Onion Edition
  • Premium Knife Sharpening Stone Two sided Grit 1000/6000
  • Bora 501057 Fine/Coarse Combination Sharpening Stone
  • KitchenIQ 50009 Edge Grip 2 Stage Knife Sharpener
  • Electric Diamond Knife Sharpener for Ceramic Knives and Stainless Steel Knives with 2-Stage Diamond Sharpening Wheel
  • Messermeister Ceramic Rod Knife Sharpener, 12-Inch
  • Lansky 8" Ceramic Sharp Stick
  • Lansky 4-rod Turn Box Crock Stick Sharpener (LCD5D)
  • SunrisePro Knife Sharpener

Thanks you. If you don't understand, then let me know.

The organization of visual elements in artwork is called?

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Asked by Wiki User

Visual art can be classified into 3 categories, namely Realistic Art, Modern Art and Applied Art.

What did Giacometti use to make his sculptures?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alberto Giacometti Used Bronze In His Sculptures And He Used Earth Tone Paint On This Paintings

What is the subject matter of the artwork if any?

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Subject matter in art, is what the artist decided to use as it's model or main centre piece.

What is the importance of graphic aids?

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Asked by Wiki User

It gives students and readers a better and clearerunderstanding of the material given to them without making them feel discouraged. It encourages them to reach for higher comprehension and learn more about the different aspects in pictures, maps, and photographs. This increases their concentration and determination to truly comprehend the information and apply them in different situations themselves. Instead of giving constant reading material to children, allowing students to study graphic aids is a better way to maintain their interests in a specific topic. Graphic aids are not only for young students to use for school, but people all over the world uses this technique to accomplish various tasks in their everyday lives.

What is the difference between light and reflected light?

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Asked by Wiki User

Source light is light coming directly from a light source/emitter (i.e. a light bulb, the sun, stars, etc.).

Reflected light is light coming indirectly from the light source/emitter. That could be reflected, refracted light, etc.

Why do professionals use charcoal instead of pencils for sketching?

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Asked by Wiki User

Regular school type pencils don't have the necessary graphite content to get very good contrast. The typical school pencil also doesn't have the longevity needed for art.

Artists use pencils to do their sketches and line variety and to work out ideas that can be easily erased. Regular #2 school pencils are great ways to begin your art! And if you get enough pencils together in one place, you might have enough wood and graphite to build yourself a nifty cool pencil sculpture! Pencils also create Lines.... the most basic element of art.

Pencils do not need to have graphite, pencils are nothing more than a tool to make a mark onto something. Ever go to the beach and draw in the sand with stick? Your stick was your pencil!

Where does pi comes from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pi is the ratio of the diameter of a circle to the circumference. It is used in various formulas, such as the area of a circle and the volume of a cone. It was discovered by the ancient Greek mathematicians. We are finding more and more digits of pi as technology advances, but we will never reach the end because pi is an irrational number.

What are some of the reasons for making art?

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Asked by Wiki User

People make art for various reasons but i suppose the most common reasons would be to record something in a certain time period, to express oneself, and to just produce something beautiful for the enjoyment. Hope that helped some

What is the most watched person on Deviantart?

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Asked by Shootingstar37654

1st October 2011-

RainCookie currently has 35 million pageviews, and received around 10,000 per day.

Ioulaum, currently standing at 42 million, is disqualified from achieving this title as he is well-known for deceiving deviantArt pageviews for his own benefit (in short, he hacks deviantArt to boost his pageviews by millions).

Although Ioulaum has more pageviews than RainCookie, he is not the most viewed deviant, as his pageviews were achieved artificially, whilst RainCookie gained hers naturally, or at least, we can assume that she did until further evidence is acquired.

What element is used to make the leads in pencils?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lead is a misnomer when talking about pencils. What you're actually writing/drawing with is graphite. Lead was neverused in the making of pencils.

What does art culture mean?

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ya gitu dh

What is the difference between wet and dry media?

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Asked by Wiki User

Examples of wet media: oil paint, water color. Examples of dry media: pencil, crayon.

Are metal braces better then clear ceramic braces?

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Asked by Wiki User

p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; }a:link { }

Both are use to straighten your teeth In Invisalign, the clear alternative to metal braces for adults, kids and teens. These aligner are made of smooth, comfortable and virtually invisible plastic that you wear over your teeth. and In metal braces consist of standard metal brackets that are attached to your teeth connected by wire. And a regular routine to tightening so pressure can straighten your teeth.

What are the disadvantages of Lithography?

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Asked by Wiki User

preparation times are particularly long, particularly in high quality is financially impractical for the production of a single item, particularly for colour printing advertising applications.

Why did pop art use bright colours?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because he was a painter and liked bright colors. So did, and do, many other painters. Don't ask them WHY!

They stand out in front of other colours and to look more affective

by jade and sky xxx

Uhh,Why NOT ask why?? It's a way of trying to understand things. Not all painters use the colors they do just because they like colors. For some artists, the colors have a special meaning. I think Warhol tried to use some contrast between his subject matter and the colors he used on them. For instance, he did a silkscreen called "Electric Chair" in which the colors were red, blue, bright yellow, and even pink. When you think of electric chairs you don't think of pink, or any kind of brightness. I think a big reason for why he used bright colors is because he meant for the colors to have a bigger purpose than he just liked bright colors.

How old do you have to be to join deviantART?

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Asked by Wiki User

Currently deviantART's compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (effective April 21st 2000) is limited to prohibiting any child under the age of 13 from opening, maintaining, or otherwise using a deviantART account. This restriction stands even when parental permission is granted.

"As we collect certain pieces of identifiable information and since a deviantART account allows a user to publicly display various types of personal and identifiable information (such as name, location and email information) we cannot allow children under the age of 13 to utilize an account at this point in time.

All accounts found to be used or maintained by a child under the age of 13 will be closed automatically and without notice when it is brought to the attention of the deviantART administration. Accounts closed in this fashion will be preserved until their user reaches the minimum required age of thirteen years old."