


Caribbean Islands

The Caribbean Islands are a large group of islands that separate the Caribbean Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico. The grouping is over 2,000 miles long, and is made up of over 1,000 islands. Due to the tropical scenery, warm waters, and rich culture, the area is a popular cruise ship and vacation destination.

500 Questions

How many miles from equator is st kitts?

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St. Kitts is located approximately 17 degrees north of the equator. Using the Earth's circumference (approximately 24,901 miles), you can estimate that St. Kitts is around 1,640 miles from the equator.

What is the record high temperature in Saint Lucia?

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The record high temperature in Saint Lucia is around 98.5°F (37°C). It was recorded in the capital city of Castries.

What countries in the Caribbean use proportional representation?

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Name a country in the Caribbean which uses the proportional representation (PR) electoral system. *

Does Saint Lucia get snow?

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No, Saint Lucia does not get snow. It has a tropical climate with warm temperatures year-round. Snowfall is extremely rare in tropical regions like Saint Lucia.

This volcano on the island of Martinique killed nearly 30000 people by a large gas cloud?

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The volcano you are referring to is Mount Pelée. In 1902, it erupted and created a pyroclastic flow that destroyed the town of Saint-Pierre, killing around 30,000 people in a matter of minutes. It is one of the deadliest volcanic eruptions in history.

What is the climate of Grenada?

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Grenada has a tropical climate, with warm temperatures year-round and a distinct rainy season from June to December. The island experiences occasional hurricanes and tropical storms due to its location in the Caribbean. The average temperature ranges from 75°F to 85°F.

How many people were injured in the 1902 eruption of Mount Pelee on the island of Martinique?

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The eruption of Mount Pelée in 1902 resulted in around 30,000 casualties, with the majority of them being fatalities. The exact number of injured individuals is not well-documented, but it is estimated to be in the thousands.

How much did the population in Grenada decreased after Hurricane Ivan?

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The population of Grenada did not decrease after Hurricane Ivan in 2004. However, many residents were displaced or left the country temporarily due to the widespread destruction caused by the hurricane.

Who responded to Grenada when hurricane Ivan hit in 2004?

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The United States was one of the countries that responded to Grenada when Hurricane Ivan hit in 2004. The US provided aid, assistance, and relief efforts to help the affected population and support the recovery process.

Are they any active volcanoes in grenada?

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No, there are no active volcanoes in Grenada. The last volcanic activity on the island occurred over 100,000 years ago, and Grenada is not known to have any currently active volcanic activity.

What are the geographical factors which would make it difficult for Caribbean people to develop a shared sense of identity?

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Some factors that could make it difficult for Caribbean people to develop a shared sense of identity include the region's historical legacy of colonialism leading to diverse cultural influences, language barriers due to the multiple languages spoken across the Caribbean islands, and the physical distance and isolation of many islands, which can hinder face-to-face interactions and connections.

What is the longitude and latitude of st maarten?

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The west end of Runway-10 at Princess Juliana International Airport

on Beacon Hill Road, Simpson Bay, on Sint Maarten, is located at

18.03941° north latitude

63.11940° west longitude.

Other places around the airport have different coordinates, and don't even

get me started about the rest of the island.

What is the absolute location of saint Lucia?

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The absolute location of Saint Lucia is approximately 13.9094° N latitude and 60.9789° W longitude in the Caribbean Sea.

What is the capital city of Saint Kitts and Nevis?

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Basseterre is the capital city of Saint Kitts and Nevis. It is located on the island of Saint Kitts and serves as the political and cultural center of the country.

What is the time zone for st maarten?

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St. Maarten operates on the Atlantic Standard Time (AST) zone, which is UTC-4 hours. It does not observe Daylight Saving Time.

What are the French names of places in Grenada and their meaning?

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Alphabetically sorted, a list of about 80 French names in Grenada:

Après tout : after all

Anse la Roche (on Carriacou): Rock bay

Barique : barrel

Beaulieu : beautiful place

Beauséjour : beautiful residency

Belle Isle, Belle isles : beautiful island

Belmont : beautiful mount

Belvédère : panorama

Bonaire : good air

Bretache (old French) (on Carriacou): crenel, crenellated battlement

Caille island : quail island

Castaigne : chestnut

Céleste : celestial

Champ Fleurs : flower field

Chapeau Carré (on Carriacou): square hat

Corbeau : raven

Crochu : hooked, crooked

Duquesne : an old French name "from the Oak"

Durmont : hard mountain

Fontainbleu falls : after the town of Fontainebleau, south of Paris

Gouyave, Goyave, Guyave, Gouave : guava

Grand Anse : big bay

Grand Bras : long arms

Grand Mal : bad disease / big evil

Grand Pauvre : Great Poor (an allegory for "Christ")

Grand Roy : great king

Gros Point : big point

l'Anse aux épines : thorn bay, prickly bay

l'Espérance : hope

l'Etage : upstairs

La Baye / La baie : the bay

la Fillette: the little girl

La Fortune : Fortune

La Mode : Fashion

La Pierre : the stone

la Poterie : the potter's

la Sagesse bay : Wisdom bay

la Tante : the aunt

les Tantes (islands) : the aunts

La Borie, Laborie : (an old shepherd hut)

le petit trou : the small hole

Mardi Gras : Fat Tuesday

Marigot : the swamp

Marquis : Marquee

Mirabeau : a place where you have a large view

mon Plaisir : my pleasure

Mon Repos : my rest

Mont Tout, Mont Toute : all mountain

Montreuil : numerous placenames in France

Morne délice : delightful mountain

Morne Docteur : doctor mount

Morne Fendue : cracked mountain

Morne jaloux : jealous mountain

Morne Longue : long mountain

Morne rouge : red mountain

Morne Tranquille : Quiet mountain

Noelville : Christmastown

Nonpareil : without equal

Palmiste : palm tree

Pecher : peach tree

perdmontemps : wastes my time

Petite Anse : small bay

Petite Martinique : Little Martinique (from the name of the large French island in the Carribbean)

petit étang : the pond

Petit Saint Hilaire (on Carriacou): little Saint Hilaire (a place name existing as very numerous villages in France)

Pomme rose : pink apple

Pyrénées : (mountain range separating France from Spain)

Quarrière : a quarry

Ravine : gulch, gully

Requin Bay : Shark bay

Ronde island : round island

Rosemont : rose mount

Saint Cloud (French town near Paris)

Saint-Omer : a town in northern France

Salines : salt pans, salt fields

Sans Souci : without trouble

Sauteurs : jumpers

Soubise : under winter's winds

Terre Cannes : Sugar Cane fields

Vendome : (from the French town Vendôme)

What island chain is Grenada part of?

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Grenada is part of the Lesser Antilles, which is a chain of islands in the Caribbean Sea.

What is the time zone difference between England and Saint Lucia?

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England is located in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) zone while Saint Lucia is in the Atlantic Standard Time (AST) zone. The time zone difference between the two countries is typically 4 hours, with Saint Lucia being 4 hours behind England.

Explain how urbanization occurs in the Caribbean?

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Urbanization in the Caribbean often occurs due to population growth, rural-to-urban migration, and economic opportunities in urban areas. Major cities like Kingston, Port-au-Prince, and Santo Domingo attract people looking for better job prospects, education, healthcare, and infrastructure. This influx of people leads to the expansion of urban areas, the development of informal settlements, and increased pressure on resources and services.

Has it ever snowed in the Caribbean?

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Snowfall is extremely rare in the Caribbean due to the region's tropical climate. It is almost unheard of for snow to fall in the Caribbean, with the exception of high-elevation areas in countries such as Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Even then, snowfall is still a very unusual occurrence.

What is the landforms for Grenada?

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Grenada is an island country with volcanic origin, characterized by mountainous terrain and rugged coastlines. The central region of the island consists of mountains and hills, while the coastline features sandy beaches, cliffs, and small bays. The highest peak is Mount Saint Catherine, which reaches an elevation of 840 meters.

What are the major landforms in Grenada?

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Grenada is characterized by volcanic activity, resulting in rugged mountainous terrain across the island. The major landforms include the central mountain range, which includes Mount Saint Catherine, the highest point in Grenada. Additionally, there are numerous lush valleys, waterfalls, and volcanic crater lakes scattered throughout the island.

What islands are found in the Caribbean Sea?

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Some of the islands found in the Caribbean Sea include Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola (shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Puerto Rico, Barbados, and Trinidad and Tobago.

How long has Grenada been a country?

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Grenada became an independent country on February 7, 1974. It had previously been a British colony.

What are the weather conditions and temperature of Saint Lucia in December?

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In December, Saint Lucia typically experiences warm and humid weather with temperatures ranging from 25°C (77°F) to 29°C (84°F). There may be occasional showers or thunderstorms due to the rainy season, but overall it is a pleasant time to visit with plenty of sunshine.