



Caribou are the cervids of the Far North, most notably of Canada and Alaska. Also known as reindeer in Europe and northern Asia, these migratory members of the deer family make their home on the Tundra during the brief summer and the sub-Arctic boreal forests during the winter.

500 Questions

What is Reindeers scientific name?

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The scientific name for reindeer is Rangifer tarandus.

Do white tail deer have big ears?

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Yes, white-tailed deer have relatively large ears which are proportionate to their head size. These large ears help them detect danger and communicate with other deer through a variety of vocalizations.

What is the albino deer scientific name?

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The scientific name for the albino deer is Odocoileus virginianus.

What is the scientific name for rocky mountain elk?

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The scientific name for Rocky Mountain elk is Cervus canadensis nelsoni. They are a subspecies of the North American elk and are commonly found in the Rocky Mountains region of North America.

What is the scientific name for caribou?

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The scientific name for caribou is Rangifer tarandus.

What is the scientific name for caribou moss?

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The scientific name for caribou moss is Cladonia rangiferina. It is a type of lichen that is an important food source for caribou and other animals in the Arctic.

Deers scientific name?

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The scientific name for deer is "Cervidae," which refers to the family of hoofed mammals that includes deer. Within the Cervidae family, there are many different species of deer, each with its own unique scientific name.

When do white tail deer shed their velvet?

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Whitetails shed their velvet in fall

What is the Irish word for deer?

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The Irish word for deer is "fiadh."

When did Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer appear?

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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer first appeared in a story written by Robert L. May in 1939. The character gained widespread popularity after a song based on the story was recorded by Gene Autry in 1949.

What are the names of sanatas reindeer?

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I think it is Donner, Dancer, Vixen, Dasher, Comit, Cupid, Rudolph, Vixen and there is one other which i cant think of. sorii.

What is the native country of the deer?

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Colombian rubbish sanctuary.

What is the largest antlered animal?

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penguins, it is a well known fact that penguins have the biggest and best of everything in the world, you may think its caribou or deer or even turtles.


Did all of santas reindeers have antlers?

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Analysis: If we're really going to let science be our guide in this matter, the first thing we have to admit is that reindeer don't fly, let alone haul a jolly fat elf around in an airborne sleigh. And if we start down that slippery slope, there's only one conclusion we can possibly reach: Santa Claus doesn't exist. That way lies madness.
But there is a loophole.
It is a fact, reindeer experts say, that both the male and female of the species have antlers. It is also a fact that while most cows retain their antlers until spring, most bulls drop their antlers by early December. Which is worrisome, I know, but the key word is most.
The experts go on to explain that some younger bulls, depending upon hereditary and environmental factors, may keep their antlers well into spring --- even as late as April.
So it is plausible to suppose that if, for the sake of argument, there were a Santa Claus, and if, for the sake of argument, he did circumnavigate the globe in a reindeer-powered sleigh every December 25th, then at least some of those reindeer --- including one in particular with a shiny, red nose --- could be males.
Chalk one up for tradition, if just barely.

What are the types of deer in Utah?

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There are a couple different kinds of deer species that reside in Utah. Some of these deer species include mule deer and white-tailed deer.

What is the range of the mouse deer?

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Which mouse deer? There are nine species of mouse-deer (four of which are called chevrotains). Their ranges differ.

1. The Water Chevrotain is found in the southern parts of Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, and Cameroon, throughout Equatorial Guinea and Gabon, in northern Democratic Republic of the Congo, in all of Congo but the far south, in western Uganda, and in southwestern Central African Republic.

2. The Indian Spotted Chevrotain lives in southern Nepal and in all of India except the northwest and northeast.

3. The Sri Lankan Spotted Chevrotain lives in all of Sri Lanka but the south.

4. The Yellow-Striped Chevrotain lives in southern Sri Lanka.

5. The Java Mouse Deer lives throughout Java.

6. The Lesser Mouse Deer is found in all of Vietnam and Laos but the far north of each, in southern Myanmar, and throughout Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Brunei, Borneo, and Sumatra.

7. The Greater Mouse Deer is found in southern Myanmar and Thailand, throughout Malaysia, Brunei, Borneo, and Java, and on several small islands around Java.

8. The Philippine Mouse Deer is found only in far southern Palawan, throughout Balabac, and in northwestern Busuanga (those are islands in the Philippines).

9. Williamson's Mouse Deer is found only in a small area of far southeastern China and in a small area of northwestern Thailand.

What percentage of Americans hunt?

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Sources from organizations like the National Rifle Association and National Whitetail Association claim that somewhere between 1-2 out of every 10 Americans hunt various types of deer.

What happens to the energy in a green plant when it is consumed by a deer?

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From solar energy to plants: The plant captures part of the light energy from the Sun, and stores it as chemical energy.Plants to animals: To a great extent, there is no energy conversion here. The animal just "captures" the chemical energy stored by the plant. Some energy, however, is wasted, for example for digestion.

Was Rudolph one of santas origonal reindeer?

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isRudolph was one of Santa's original reindeer

Why is Rudolphs red nose useful to Santa?

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while Santa rides through the night,Rudolf's nose is like a torch

What role did each of santa reindeer play in pulling the sledge?

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The names of the reindeer that pull Santa's sleigh are







Donner and Blitzen

then there is Rodolph. but that another story....

How are fawns born?

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A fawn is a name for a juvenile deer. Adult female deer give birth to them if mating with an adult male deer successfully occurs.

Unless you mean a faun which is a nature spirit from Greco-Roman mythology known as satyrs and sometimes considered servants of Pan.