



Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, chocolate chips, chocolate ice cream... Chocolate has been a favorite confection throughout the ages. Ask or answer questions about this sweet treat.

500 Questions

What is the name of a chocolate without milk but with a moderate amount of sugar?

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It was known as kye (sometimes spelt Kai) in the British navy. Block chocolate was scraped into a mug, bowl, etc. and hot water added. It was a strong, thick drink designed to help the watch on deck get through their shift, especially on a cold, dark night. Sometimes very sweet condensed milk was added.

Does Milton Hershey Haunt The Hershey Park Arena?

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I live near the area and I only know of one story. A long time ago, a man worked for the ride called the comet. Something happened ( I don't know what) but he was involved in an accident on the ride that caused his death. Supposedly his ghost haunts the ride and he can sometimes be seen walking or pacing near the ride. I've never seen any paranormal evidence though and I have been going there since I was a child.

Is chocolate poisonous for all dog breeds?

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to most dogs Yes. Yes it is if you were allerigic to chocolate then you may be posinus

What is the name of a cocktail made from brandy and chocolate milk?

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The drink/cocktail is called La Mumba and originates from Spain

Does sees candy still produce marsh-mints?

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Yes - but they can only be purchased online.

Is gum better than chocolate?

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Taffy! Totally Taffy!! (Personally Opinion)

How many grams of sugar are in a almond joy candy bar?

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Serving Size: 2 Pieces Total Calories 160 Calories from Fat 80

What fruits go good with chocolate?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • strawberries
  • banana
  • pineapple
  • melon
  • apple

and if you want other things then these are good:-

  • marshmallows
  • chocolate fudge brownies
  • fudge

Is theobromine in Hershey's chocolate?

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Yes they do My Girl friends Allergic, As in can Die! And nearly DID! They use a loop hole to list it as a natural Flavoring. The Soy in it is a MSG Chain known as Soy Lecithin. Some people use Soy Lecithin as a emulsifier and even a heath food. Its still a form of MSG (though not technically) but to layman it IS For all practical purposes MSG as if you have problems with the one you will with the other since the nearly identical structure and effects. Only lawyers and chemist teachers and Hershey Allergy Task force would argue the differences.

What is the history of chocolate ice cream?

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The ancient Greeks, Romans, and Jews were known to chill wines and juices. This practice evolved into fruit ices and, eventually, frozen milk and cream mixtures. In the first century, Emperor Nero sent messengers to the mountains to collect snow so that he could serve concoctions flavored with fruit and honey. Twelve centuries later, Marco Polo introduced Europe to a frozen milk dessert similar to sherbet that he had enjoyed in the Far East. The Italians were especially fond of the frozen confection that by the sixteenth century was being called ice cream. George Washington had 3 ice cream freezers; it was his favorite desert.

What is the mass of hot chocolate in a large thermos?

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Asked by Ivy30

well the answer could be 10 grams or so but i think it is 19 grams .

What ingredients do you need to make chocolate?

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The ingredenst in chocolate is the cocoa bean and other things

Is Dove chocolate made in the US?

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Yes, it's made in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania

How does chocolate mold?

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8 to ten min.
It depends on the heating that it is in. In a cold area it wont melt, but if it is in your pocket on a hot day it will get mushy. Our body temperature is high and it will melt quickly in your mouth.

What can i use instead of cocoa powder?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can use melted chocolate instead, there are many website which contain recipes for chocolate treats using melted chocolate instead of cocoa powder. It also tastes nicer too! :) hope it helps x

How many segments in an orange?

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I have been wondering myself. Mine are seedless, popular in New Zealand - possibly from Australia. They have eleven segments. This seems a strange number. Can 'Fractals' have some part in this? Is it because they are developed from other citrus and have 'lost' a petal in the development? Clyde Dawson (New Zealand)

What is Cadbury's tagline?

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Kuch meeta hojaye

How many chocolate chips are in an ounce?

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Ok, I busted out the kitchen scale and measured out 1 ounce of chocolate chips and it came to about 48 chocolate chips in one ounce.

Home remedy for dogs who ate chocolate?

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You can't, your vet 'might' be able to help. I hope he advises you keep only Pokemon pets henceforth

Please follow the link below to the Purdue Veterinary Medicine Faculty

Or solve it yourself for very little money.

If your dog ate chocolate and your afraid it won't survive and you don't have money for the vet. Then you will have to make your dog vomit its easy, because it has happen to me I know. 1.) You have to go and buy Hydrogen Peroxide give you dog 3 teaspoons every 10 minutes 3 times. 2.) I know why does that sound expensive well it isn't you can buy them at CVS for very little money; a small bottle cost $1.00 a medium bottle cost $1.29 and a large bottle cost $1.90. See its cheap isn't it, and don't worry your thinking well how much am I suppose to give my big dog little dog. Its all the same 3 teaspoons very 10 minutes 3 times, and don't worry about overdosing your dog because you can't. Why? Because its harmless to your dog.

What did the golden tickek from Willy Wonka say?

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Greetings to you the lucky finder of this GOLDEN TICKET

present this ticket at the factory gates at ten o'clock in the morning on the January 1st And do not be late you may bring with you one member of your own family ~and only one ~ but no one else.

From MR willy wonka

Chocolate or vanilla?

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Neither. Vanilla is a flavoring that has no sugar. Cocoa powder typically doesn't have any sugar either. When mixed into a cake or ice cream or some other confection, the sugar content is the same. However, if you use chocolate chips or syrup they do have sugar and may add some additional sweetness to the mix.

And if you are thinking of 'helping' your diet by eating vanilla, I hate to tell you that it won't be enough of a difference to worry about.