


Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus was an Italian navigator who sailed through the Atlantic Ocean and reached the American continent in 1492. He was not the first explorer to reach America but he established permanent contact between the Americans and the Europeans.

500 Questions

Who did Spain send to explore after the voyages of Columbus and what did they discover?

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Spain sent explorers such as Amerigo Vespucci, Juan Ponce de León, and Hernán Cortés to explore the Americas. These explorers discovered new lands, including present-day Florida, Mexico, and parts of Central and South America.

Who were the new lands named after instead of Columbus?

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The new lands were named after Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer and cartographer who realized that Columbus had discovered a new continent and not Asia. This realization led to the naming of the continent "America" in his honor.

What two explorers who sailed for the monarch of Spain and what did they accomplish?

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Two explorers who sailed for the monarch of Spain are Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand Magellan. Columbus is credited with discovering the Americas in 1492, while Magellan's expedition was the first to circumnavigate the globe from 1519 to 1522.

Why is Amerigo Vespucci and Christopher Columbus important?

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Amerigo Vespucci was important for realizing that the lands Columbus discovered were actually part of a new continent, which was named after him (America). Christopher Columbus is important for being one of the first Europeans to reach the Americas and initiating European exploration and colonization of the New World.

Vasco Nunez de Balboa proves that Amerigo Vespucci was right and that Christopher Columbus was wrong?

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Vasco Nunez de Balboa did not prove that Amerigo Vespucci was right and Christopher Columbus was wrong. Balboa actually discovered the Pacific Ocean while exploring Panama, which supported Columbus's belief in a westward route to Asia rather than proving Vespucci's theory about a new continent. Columbus and Vespucci's discoveries provided different insights into the geography of the New World.

What is the elevation of Santa Maria Volcano?

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The elevation of Santa Maria Volcano is approximately 3,772 meters (12,375 feet) above sea level.

What year did Vespucci prove Columbus wrong'?

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Amerigo Vespucci did not necessarily "prove Columbus wrong." The discrepancy between Columbus' belief that he had reached Asia and Vespucci's realization that he had discovered a new continent led to the use of the name "America" in his honor. This occurred during the early 1500s.

What countries did the early explorers come from?

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The early explorers came from various countries, including Portugal, Spain, Italy, England, France, and the Netherlands. These explorers set out to discover new lands, trade routes, and resources during the Age of Exploration in the 15th to 17th centuries.

What were some cause and effects of European exploration of the Americas?

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Causes: desire for new trade routes to Asia, spread of Christianity, thirst for wealth and power.

Effects: colonization and exploitation of indigenous populations, spread of diseases, exchange of goods and ideas between continents.

What did Christopher columbus do before he died?

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Before he died, Christopher Columbus primarily focused on writing and documenting his voyages to the New World. He also continued to seek support for further exploration and tried to clarify and defend his legacy amidst criticism and controversy.

Portugal believed it could reach the East Indies by sailing around the tip of?

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Africa, which lead to the successful rounding of the Cape of Good Hope by Bartolomeu Dias in 1488. This discovery paved the way for subsequent expeditions to establish trade routes and colonies in the East Indies.

Name five other places where tsunami waves struck?

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Tsunami took place off the east coast of Japan triggered by the March 11, 2011 earthquake and killed thousands.

In fact, this tsunami traveled over half the globe across the Pacific Ocean. The first waves hit Hawaii about 9 a.m. EST (1400 GMT) Friday and traveled across the Pacific from Alaska to Chile.

How do sailing ships provide evidence that the Earth is round?

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Sailing ships disappearing hull-first over the horizon as they sail away is evidence that the Earth is round. This phenomenon occurs because of the curvature of the Earth, which hides the lower part of distant objects as they move away from the observer.

Who was a famous explorer from Venice?

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One famous explorer from Venice was Marco Polo. He traveled to Asia and wrote about his experiences in the book "The Travels of Marco Polo," which introduced Europeans to the riches and cultures of the East.

Spanish king who promoted the expeditions of Columbus and Vespucci?

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King Ferdinand of Spain supported and sponsored the expeditions of Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci. He played a crucial role in financing and organizing these journeys which ultimately led to the discovery of the New World.

What is combusion?

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Combustion is a chemical reaction between a fuel and an oxidizing agent, typically oxygen, resulting in the release of heat and the formation of products such as water and carbon dioxide. It is a form of exothermic oxidation reaction.

What maps did Columbus make?

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Christopher Columbus made several maps during his voyages to the New World, including his most famous map from his first voyage in 1492, which depicted his intended route from Spain to Asia. However, most of the detailed mapping of the lands he encountered was done by other cartographers and explorers following his initial voyages.

How did humans discover that the earth is round and not flat?

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well the earth is round known to the scientists but flat to some people as they can believe. humans discovered that the world is round and not flat from the astronauts and scientist as you think of the man who first went to the moon!

While it is true that men were not able to observe the complete globe until they traveled to space, a Greek astronomer calculated that the earth was actually round about 200 B.C.E. However, the fact of it's spherical shape was not generally accepted until almost a 1000 years later.

More fascinating than that though, is the knowledge that the shape of the earth was recorded in the Bible book of Isaiah about 750 B.C.E. He wrote at Isaiah 40:22 "There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth." The Hebrew word translated "circle" carries the meaning of a complete, or spherical circle.

Even before that, around 1500 B.C.E. Moses (who recorded the account of Job's trails) quoted Job's observation that God was "Hanging the earth upon nothing." (Job 26:7) This is clearly contrary to the common belief of the time that the earth was not only flat, but had to be supported by something, be it the god Atlas, giant elephants, or what have you.

Navigational tools used by Columbus?

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Christopher Columbus used traditional navigational tools such as the compass, quadrant, and astrolabe to navigate across the Atlantic Ocean. These instruments helped him determine his ship's direction, latitude, and position relative to the stars. Columbus also relied on dead reckoning and celestial navigation techniques to estimate his location during his voyages.

How did Diego Columbus die?

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Diego Columbus, son of Christopher Columbus, died on February 23, 1526 in Montalbán, Spain. The exact cause of his death is unknown, but it is believed that he died of a natural illness.

How long did the Vikings stay in North America?

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The Vikings likely stayed in North America for a brief period around the early 11th century. Their settlement, known as L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, Canada, was abandoned after a short time, so their presence in North America was temporary.

How do you Navigate using the stars?

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Navigating using the stars involves identifying key constellations or stars in the night sky and tracking their movement to determine direction. Polaris, the North Star, is a commonly used reference point in the northern hemisphere as it remains stationary. By understanding the positions and movements of other stars relative to Polaris, navigators can determine their orientation and course. Special tools like a sextant can also be used to measure angles to the stars for precise navigation.

What year did Columbus land in the new world?

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Watlings Island?This debate has been going on for more that 500 years. The truth is....nobody really knows were Columbus first stepped foot on the New World. If you want a good guess, most historians have agreed on Guanahani Island which today is known as Watling Island in the Bahama's. The reason for the debate is that Christopher Columbus was notorious for keeping inaccurate logs on distance throughout the first voyage. In fact, Columbus did this on purpose. Columbus was a sailor who sailed by "Dead Reckoning" and he was an expert at it. As far as a mathematical sailor--- he was not. Columbus did keep a detailed diary of every day activities. Through this diary log, it can be determined that the physical description given by Columbus himself (and with his inaccurate but useful position logs) Watlings Island is the most PROBABLE landing site of Christopher Columbus. To this day there have been search crews combing the Bahamas for the wreckage of the Santa Maria which sank by accident on Christmas, 1492. This would yield indisputable proof of the first landfall. Unfortunately, no such wreckage has ever been found.
The first place Christopher Columbus landed was the Caribbean Islands. His first attempt at settlement was on Hispaniola.

In what order did these explorers make expeditions Vespucci Magellan Balboa and Columbus?

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Columbus, Balboa, Magellan, Vespucci. Columbus famously reached the Americas in 1492, Balboa was the first European to sight the Pacific Ocean in 1513, Magellan led the first expedition to sail around the world from 1519 to 1522, and Vespucci explored the eastern coast of South America in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.

What evidence shows that Columbus was a poor administrator?

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Upon his arrival in the Americas, Columbus struggled to manage the settlements he established, facing challenges such as famine, disease, and conflict with indigenous peoples. He also faced allegations of tyranny and mismanagement from his own crew members and colonists, leading to his removal as governor of the territories he governed. Columbus's inability to navigate these complex issues effectively contributed to his reputation as a poor administrator.