

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has a high content of cocoa solids, and contains no or very little milk. It is available sweet, semi-sweet, bittersweet or unsweetened. It is often used in recipes calling for semi-sweet dark chocolate.

500 Questions

How many squares is 180 grams of dark chocolate?

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These will vary brand to brand. Just look at the packaging, see the total weight. Count the amount of squares per bar. Weight divided by number of squares will tell you the weight per square. Then divide 100 by the weight per square to tell you how many squares you need

Is dark chocolate semi sweet chocolate?

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wicked good for you... its stimulates your senses

What do you do if your dog ate a small amount of dark chocolate?

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Use common sense. Keep a close eye on the dog for a day or two and if you sense something wrong or have a gut reaction then take the dog to a vet. If you're unsure what to do altogether, take the dog to a vet. ***************************** My addition to this answer: From what I learned from my dog trainer, hydrogen peroxide can be used to induce vomitting when you know your dog has injested something harmful. Searching the internet for some backup, I came across this site: It also lists the Animal Poison Control number 1-800-548-2423. If it's off hours or a long way to the vet, calling the number and using the hydrogen peroxide may be a good, timely option.

How many calories in a bite size herseys dark chocolate?

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In Hershey's dark chocolate 21grams of sugar is Present.

Some sugar free chocolates also there.

Is dark chocolate real chocolate?

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yes but its healthier because it has caffei in it.

How many kisses are in one ounce of Hershey's kisses dark chocolate?

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If there are 95 hershey kisses in 1 lb and 16 ounces in 1lb then there would be 5.94 hershey kisses in 1 ounce.

Why is dark chocolate bitter than milk chocolate?

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hun its better not bitter ok :) just trying to help

Does dark chocolate have whole milk?

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Yes dark chocolate does in fact contain milk.

Dark Chocolate does not have any milk in it. Many products that call themselves dark chocolate put milk in them, but dark chocolate doesnt have milk. It is pure cocoa.

Does dark chocolate contains vitamin K?

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Because milk and cocoa are key components of chocolate, there are vitamins in chocolate.

Cocoa and dark chocolate both contain B-complex vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5 and B11. Milk and white chocolate contain large amounts of B12 from the milk, as well as vitamin A. All types of chocolate have vitamins D and E.

In addition, there are numerous minerals in chocolate. Dark chocolate has magnesium, copper, iron, manganese and zinc, which are useful for brain function, cell growth, the repair of tissue and the absorption of nutrients.

How many carbs in one ounce of dark chocolate?

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It depends on the amount and type of chocolate, but I'm holding a 78% cocoa bar in my hand and it says that it has 25 gr per 100 gram serving.

Does dark chocolate melt faster than white chocolate?

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Although there is no significant difference in the melting points of these two varieties of chocolate, dark chocolate will melt faster than white if you leave both of them out in the sunlight. The dark color is much more absorbent of sunlight.

How many calories are in 1 gram of dark chocolate?

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It depends on the brand. In average dark chocolate, 70 - 85% cocoa, there are 6 calories in 1 gram and 156 calories in 1 oz or 28g.


How much is 125 g dark chocolate?

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The ammount per day, vary from 2 grams (1/4 Oz) to 70 g (2 Oz) . I am in favor of 7 g per day as per the quoted link, or 22 g every third day, the link I lost.

Is dark chocolate good for me?

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Yes but not in large quantities.

What country does dark chocolate come from?

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the first successful milk chocolate was made by Daniel peter in Switzerland

Can dark chocolate lower cholesterol?

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The cocao plant does not contain cholesterol, however chocolate can have cholesterol if milk is added to the chocolate mix.

How many calories in two squares of dark chocolate?

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It depends on the brand. Dark chocolates generally, are said to have a lower calorie compared to white or milk chocolate but, you have to understand that some brands do have slightly higher calories in dark chocolates. Best way to determine the calorie in the chocolate is by looking at the total calories on the nutritional facts label.

There are 220 calories in a Dove, 1.4oz Rich Dark Chocolate bar

Dark Chocolate Hersey's Kiss, 9 pieces has 180 calories

What are the similarities between white chocolate and dark chocolate?

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Cocoa is an ingriedient in chocolate. It is a refined dry powder made from the cocoa bean. The cocoa butter has been remove from it. Chocolate includes cocoa, cocoa butter, sugar, milk, and other ingridients. As the proportions change in the chocolate mixture, it is possable to derive various types of chocolate, like bitter, semi-sweet, dark, and milk chocolate.

How many weight watchers points are the Atkins dark chocolate coconut bars?

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3 points according to the ww point calculator Same as Slimfast. It is a quick breakfast for me.

Is there more sugar in dark chocolate than milk chocolate?

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Milk chocolate contain more sugar.

What happens when you melt dark chocolate?

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It becomes a liquid.

What chocolate melts faster milk chocolate or dark chocolate?

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that is the dumbest quesion do a better one next time