


Distances and Travel Times

Need to know how long it will take to get you from Los Angeles to Paris? New York to Sydney? Ask questions here about travel times and distances between two places.

500 Questions

How many meters are in 75 kilometers?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are 75,000 meters in 75 kilometers, as there are 1,000 meters in a kilometer.

Louisiana is located above or below the equator?

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Asked by Wiki User

Louisiana is above the equator. No part of the continental US is below the equator. This assumes that you are comfortable with the completely arbitrary convention of calling north above and south below.

What is the time differents from middlesbrough to Thailand?

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The time difference between Middlesbrough, UK (GMT) and Thailand (Indochina Time) is typically 6 hours. Thailand is ahead of Middlesbrough.

What cities in Mexico are near the equator?

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Asked by Wiki User

Following are the 20 most important cities in Mexico. Twelve of them are over one million cities, and all of them account for 44% of total Mexican population (2010 census):

  1. Mexico City: 20,137,152
  2. Guadalajara: 4,434,252
  3. Monterrey: 4,080,329
  4. Puebla: 2,668,347
  5. Toluca: 1,846,602
  6. Leon: 1,792,047
  7. Tijuana: 1,751,302
  8. Juarez: 1,328,017
  9. Torreon: 1,215,993
  10. Queretaro: 1,097,028
  11. San Luis Potosi: 1,040,822
  12. Merida: 1,035,238
  13. Mexicali: 936,145
  14. Aguascalientes: 932,298
  15. Cuernavaca: 875,598
  16. Acapulco: 863,438
  17. Tampico: 858,620
  18. Chihuahua: 851,971
  19. Saltillo: 823,098
  20. Morelia: 806,822

How do you convert between metric units?

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Asked by Wiki User

To convert between metric units, you can use the prefixes to go up or down the scale. For example, to convert from meters to kilometers, you divide by 1000; to convert from grams to kilograms, you divide by 1000. Remember: move the decimal to the left to convert to a larger unit and to the right to convert to a smaller unit.

Would 1 inch equal 14 mile or 400 miles why?

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Asked by SavyRos930

1 inch would equal 14 miles. This is because the question is asking for a comparison between 1 inch and two different distances, 14 miles and 400 miles, and the logical interpretation is that 1 inch is being compared to 14 miles.

Is Nassau Bahamas near the equator?

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No, Nassau, Bahamas is not near the equator. It is located in the northern hemisphere, around 25 degrees north latitude. The equator is located at 0 degrees latitude.

Three landforms in Florida?

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  1. Everglades - a vast wetland ecosystem known for its unique biodiversity.
  2. Key West - part of the Florida Keys archipelago, famous for its coral reefs and turquoise waters.
  3. Cape Canaveral - known for its space launch facilities and NASA's Kennedy Space Center.

What degrees is the tropic of cancer?

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The Tropic of Cancer is located at approximately 23.5 degrees north latitude.

Island group off the coast of South Argentina?

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The island group off the coast of South Argentina is called Tierra del Fuego. It is located at the southern tip of South America and is divided between Argentina and Chile. This group of islands is known for its beautiful landscapes and unique wildlife.

What is the distance of the prime meridian?

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The prime meridian is located at 0 degrees longitude and runs from the North Pole to the South Pole, passing through Greenwich, London, UK. The distance of the prime meridian is essentially the circumference of the Earth at the equator, which is approximately 24,901 miles (40,075 kilometers).

What is the only ocean the equator doesn't run through?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Arctic Ocean is the only ocean that the equator does not run through. The equator passes through the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans but not the Arctic Ocean.

How do you convert a direct statement scale to a linear scale?

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To convert a direct statement scale to a linear scale, assign numerical values to the categories or statements on the direct statement scale. Then, plot these values on a linear scale, ensuring that the spacing between values is consistent to create a linear relationship between the categories or statements.

What is the Time difference between UK and Russia?

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Asked by Wiki User

The time difference between the UK and Russia varies depending on the specific regions. Generally, Moscow is 3 hours ahead of London. However, Russia spans several time zones, such as those in the Far East, which can be up to 8 hours ahead of the UK.

What is the time difference between Germany and Canberra?

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Asked by Wiki User

During the week beginning on the last Sunday of March and from the 1st Sunday of October to the last Sunday of October, Canberra is nine hours ahead of Germany...

2 PM CEST in Germany = 11 PM EDT in Canberra

From the 1st Sunday of April to the 1st Sunday of October, Canberra is eight hours ahead of Germany...

2 PM CEST in Germany = 10 PM EST in Canberra

From the last Sunday of October to the last Sunday of March, Canberra is ten hours ahead of Germany...

1 PM CET in Germany = 11 PM EDT in Canberra

Texas city whose latitude is farthest from the equator?

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Asked by Wiki User

Assuming you mean, 'What city is located furthermost (farthermost) north,' Wikipedia says, "Hammerfest claims to be the northernmost city in the world, although the title is disputed by Honningsvåg, Norway; Barrow, Alaska; and Longyearbyen, Svalbard."

About a yard or 39 inches it was originally one ten-millionth of the distance from the north pole to the equator?

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Asked by Wiki User

The original definition of a yard was one ten-millionth of the distance from the North Pole to the equator, which is approximately 0.9144 meters or 36 inches. Over time, the yard has been standardized as 36 inches or 3 feet.

Measure distance east and west from the prime meridian?

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Distance east or west from the Prime Meridian is measured in degrees of longitude, with 0 degrees being the Prime Meridian itself. Locations to the east are expressed as positive values, while locations to the west are expressed as negative values. For example, New York City, which lies west of the Prime Meridian, is located at approximately -74 degrees longitude.

3000 meters equal how many miles?

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Asked by Wiki User

Math time! A meter is equal to 3.2808 feet and there are 5280 feet in a mile. This is all we need to know to figure it out. Multiply 3,000 times 3.2808 and you get 9,842.4. This is how many feet 3000 meters equals. Since there are 5,280 feet in a mile, divide 9,842.4 by 5280 and you get 1.86. This is what 3000 meters is equal to in miles. 1.86 miles

What time is the time difference between Bristol Maine and Cancun Mexico?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bristol, Maine is in the Eastern Time Zone, and Cancun, Mexico is in the Eastern Standard Time Zone. The time difference between them is the same throughout the year, which is 1 hour - Bristol is 1 hour ahead of Cancun.

Distance from London to South Pole?

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Asked by Wiki User

The distance from London to the South Pole is approximately 14,000 kilometers (8,700 miles) when measured in a straight line. However, travel distance may vary depending on the route and mode of transportation.

What time is Greenwich Mean Time when it is 4 pm in the post Pacific Time zone?

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Asked by Wiki User

12:00 Eastern Standard Time (EST) =
09:00 Pacific Standard Time (PST) =
10:00 Pacific Daylight Saving Time (PDT)

12:00 Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT) =
08:00 PST =
09:00 PDT

How many miles is 20000 kilometers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Miles is the imperial unit of measuring distances. Kilometers or meters is the metric unit. 1 mile is 1.6093 km. So to convert km to miles, we divide by 1.6093. 1 feet = 0.0001893 miles. The corresponding distance in miles is 124.2742

How long is a monsoon?

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A monsoon typically lasts for a few months, varying from region to region. In some areas, a monsoon season can last up to three months, while in others it can extend for five to six months.