


Extended Family

Relatives outside of an immediate family (mother, father, brother, sister) are part of an extended family. Extended family relationships include: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and in-laws among many others. Ask questions here about how a person is related to their extended family (ex: How is your brother's mother-in-law related to you?)

500 Questions

Can you date your brothers brother in law?

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Yes, you are only related by marriage. There have been marriages of sisters who marry brothers.

What is your relation to your cousins child?

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First cousin once removed.

Who was the son of sambhaji?

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chatrapati shahu maharaj

What is your fathers niece to you?

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Your father's niece is your first cousin, and her daughter is your first cousin, once removed.

Who was Madeliene L'Engles husband?

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Her Husbands Name was Hugh Franklin and Died in the Year of 1986

When did the great depressionstart?

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In New Zealand, the Great Depression began in 1929, and deepened significantly in 1932. It lasted until the late 30s, when WW2 started, and the work required for that relieved the depression.

How do you expose a narcissist mother-in-law?

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Exposing someone for something that they cannot recognize or understand does no good for either of you in the long run. The thing you need--an apology, change of behavior, etc.--probably will not materialize and you will still be frustrated. Move forward to better times. True narcissists never apologize, in fact whatever lie or devious act you may catch them in will ultimately be someone elses, or your fault. The best way to deal with a narcissist is to doument and have absolute proof of previous lies. To a narcissist, you and everyone else don't know the difference. Consequentally they tend to pull the same things over and over. If you have documented proof of a narcissists lies then when they lie again you can put it in their face like a dog that has pooed on the carpet. Actually this tactic is not really effective with a dog or a narcissist even though any dog has far more conscience than a narcissist. However, narcissists HATE to be confronted with their past fabrications due to an internal self loathing. Keep in mind, "you don't know the difference" When you confront them with the truth they cannot / will never admit it, and how they react will be based on several factors. The key factor will be whom is present, how public the humiliation is and how truly sick they are. Borderline narcissists may derail, just make sure you confront them in public... The truth about themselves is what they fear and hate most.

Are Kareena Kapoor and Tusshar Kapoor cousins?

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Shahid Kapoor is not the brother of Kareena Kapoor. He is the ex-boyfriend of the actress. She dumped Shahid in order to marry Saif Ali Khan.

Why did the narrator call her grandmother avva in the chapter how I taught my grandmother to read by Sudha Murty?

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very touching story about a 12 year old girl and her grandmother who is illiterate. sudha murthy's grand mom was illiterate. they (granny n sudha) preferred a weekly local magazine called karmaveera which came in kannada lang. and that magazine had a episode story named kashiyatre. granny was fond of it and his granddaughter would read out that story. one day, sudha had to attend a marriage party at her village. as usual karmaveera came but granny was not able to read a word only she could watch the images. when sudha came home, she found granny tear-eyed. she asked her the reason behind it and granny told about what happened when she was in the village. granny asked her if she could make her able to read and write. at first sudha was surprised at this. then, she thought 4 one more time then, she agreed. sudha worked hard and so did her granny to secure their goal i.e. to make granny literate. then, goal secured at saraswati puja time. when the festival was going, granny came and touched sudha's feet and sudha was shocked at her behavior. granny exclaimed her that she was touching her feet as a student not as a grandmother. sudha too bowed her at her feet and touched it. granny gifted sudha a frock. sudha and granny were both happy at this occasion. sudha was the first tutor of her grand mom.

What would my nephew's children be called to me?

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The traditional terms were "great-nephew" and "great-niece" but grandnephew and grandniece are identically defined: the children of a niece or nephew, i.e. grandchildren of a brother or sister. The terms may have first been used circa 1804.

What is a surrogate daughter?

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A surrogate father is a person who functions like a father to someone who is not his biological or adopted child. In other words, a surrogate father plays the role of father where a legal parental relationship does not already exist.

What do you call your grandfather's brother's granddaughter?

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Your grandfather's brother's granddaughter is your second cousin.

What relation are your nephew's children and your grandchildren?

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Your uncle's grandchildren are your first cousins, once removed.

They and your grand children are your second cousins, once removed

Who were the aunts or uncles of Zeus?

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Poseidon,Hera, Hades thats all i know

What do I call my great neice's daughter?

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Your great uncle's daughter is you parent's 1st cousin so he/she is your first cousin once removed.

Can a nephew be a sibling?

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Nephew: your sibling's son (from your brother or sister); sibling: your brother or sister (from your parents). Because your brother or sister cannot also be your parents, and vice versa, your nephew cannot be your sibling. If one of your parents mates with one of your siblings, the resulting child would be a step-sister or step-brother, having only one parent in common with you.

Can a sister-in-law and brother-in-law marry?

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Yes, unless they are close biological relatives like brother and sister etc. They are only in your family because you and your spouse got married. That does not make them related in any other way.

What relation is my fathers cousin's child to me?

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your 2nd cousin, or maybe your 2nd cousin once removed.

What relation is your sister's grandson to you?

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She would be his Great Aunt

Who is your mother's only sister's son's brother's aunt's daughter's sister's father?

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Thius question is probably intended ot be a riddle wiht the answer being "your father" and presumes the following logic.

Your mother's only sister is your aunt.

Her son is your first cousin.

His brother is also your first cousin.

His aunt is your mother.

Her daughter is your sister or you.

Her sister is you or your sister.

The father is your father.

The problem is that this is only one of two possible logic paths, and the other leads to a conclusion that the person is not related to you.

Your mother's only sister is your aunt.

Her son is your first cousin.

His brother is also your first cousin.

His aunt is your mother, but he could also have an aunt who is the sister of his father.

His father's sister's daughter is his first cousin, but is not related to you.

Her sister is not related to you.

Her father not related to you.

What to call your maternal uncle's daughter?

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Your uncle's daughter is your first cousin. In the English language, it does not matter whether the uncle is a maternal uncle or a paternal uncle. All the children of your aunts and uncles are your first cousins.

What is my grandfather's first cousin to me?

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Your father's (or mother's) first cousin's son (or daughter) is your second cousin. Second cousins are people who do not have the same parent or grandparent, but have the same great-grandparent.

What relation is my sister's granddaughter to myself?

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Your sister's grand daughter is your grand niece or great niece. You are her great aunt or great uncle.

What does it mean to have a relative twice removed?

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When relatives are "twice removed" from each other, it means that they are two generations separated from one other. Cousins can be once remove, twice removed or any other number of times removed. If two brothers each have a son, one named Joe and the other named Charles, Joe and Charles are first cousins. Charles' son and Joe are first cousins once removed and Charles' grandson and Joe are first cousins twice removed. If Joe has a son named Jimmy, Charles' son and Jimmy are second cousins, and Charles' grandson and Jimmy are second cousins, once removed.