

Garden Weeds

The term 'garden weeds' generally refers to whatever plants are not wanted in the garden. Specifically, it tends to include aggressive plants that invade and take over the garden, or plants whose benefits are unknown. Contributors typically raise questions about a particular weed's specific identity and characteristics, natural range, environmental impact, and effective control.

500 Questions

Where was kosha weed brought from?

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Asked by Imcuriousohsocurious

Kosha weed was brought from India and China. The word means 'sheath' in Sanskrit, which is a very ancient and literary language of India. It was brought into the United States of America to serve as ground cover and as forage for livestock and wildlife.

How do you kill whorled milkweed?

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Asked by Wiki User

To kill whorled milkweed, you can manually uproot the plants, making sure to remove the entire root system to prevent regrowth. Alternatively, you can use an herbicide containing glyphosate, being careful to follow the instructions on the product label for safe and effective application.

How do goldenrod weeds reproduce?

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Asked by Wiki User

Goldenrod weeds reproduce through the production of small, dandelion-like seeds that are dispersed by the wind. They can also reproduce via underground rhizomes, allowing them to spread rapidly. Some goldenrod species can also reproduce through vegetative fragmentation, where broken stems or roots can develop into new plants.

Would chemists make weed killer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, chemists develop weed killers to target and eliminate specific types of weeds. These weed killers are formulated using various chemicals and compounds to effectively control the growth of unwanted plants. Additionally, chemists work to ensure that weed killers are safe for use around desired plants and the environment.

What is a predator of Goliath beetles?

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Asked by Wiki User

Predators of Goliath beetles include birds, small mammals, and some insect species like ants that may feed on their eggs or larvae. However, adult Goliath beetles are generally well-protected by their large size and hard exoskeleton, which makes them less vulnerable to predators.

What are ways in which spotted knapweed is not a pest?

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Asked by Wiki User

Spotted knapweed is not a pest when it serves as a food source for certain insects or wildlife, as it can contribute to the diversity of an ecosystem. Additionally, in some cases, spotted knapweed has been found to have medicinal properties and can be used for herbal remedies.

Why does herbicides like 24D and 245T kills weed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Herbicides like 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T disrupt plant growth by causing abnormal cell growth, leading to a buildup of toxic substances in the plant. This disrupts the plant's ability to photosynthesize, grow, and reproduce, ultimately leading to the death of the weed.

What does ragweed look like?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ragweed is a green plant with serrated leaves that resemble fern fronds. It produces small, yellow-green flowers that develop into mean-looking seed heads. Ragweed can grow up to 3 feet tall and is a common cause of hay fever due to its pollen.

What common lawn weeds grow in the eastern United States of America?

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Asked by Wiki User

Common lawn weeds in the eastern United States include crabgrass, dandelions, clover, and chickweed. These weeds can quickly take over a lawn if not properly controlled through regular maintenance and weed management strategies.

How does lye kill weeds?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lye, or sodium hydroxide, kills weeds by disrupting their cell structure and function upon contact. It causes the cells of the weed to disintegrate and essentially burns them, leading to the plant's death. However, lye is a strong and caustic substance that can harm other plants and the environment if not used carefully.

What kingdom is milkweed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Milkweed's Kingdom is Plantae; Order, Gentianales; Family, Apocynacea;, Subfamily, Asclepiadoideae; Genus, Asclepias.

What is the significance of classifying weeds?

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Asked by Wiki User

Classifying weeds helps in better understanding their biology, behavior, and characteristics, which in turn aids in developing effective control strategies. It also helps in prioritizing management approaches based on the weed's invasiveness, ecological impact, and economic importance. Additionally, weed classification allows for targeted research and monitoring efforts to mitigate their negative impact on agriculture and ecosystems.

What is the scientific name for stingy nettles?

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Asked by Wiki User

Urtica dioica is the scientific name for stingy nettles.

Specifically, plants generally can be identified in one of two ways. One method involves recourse to the names which non-scientific people use. These names tend to be in the local language. Examples regarding stingy nettles will include common nettles and stinging nettles.

The other method involves use of the names which researchers and scientists use. These names generally may be expected to include words of Greek and Latin origins. The example in this particular case will be the term Urtica dioica, with the Latin word urtica meaning "nettle" and the Greek-derived word dioica meaning "two houses" (from δι [di-] for "double, twice" and οἰκία [oikίa] for "houses") in reference to eggs and sperms locating on different plants ("houses") of the species.

What is 'garlic chives' in Latin?

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Asked by Wiki User

'Allium tuberosum', 'Allium ramosum' or even 'Allium chinense' may be found as the Latin names for 'garlic chives'.

What is the classification of kudzu?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vine is the classification of kudzu.

Specifically, the plant in question (Pueraria spp) belongs to a type of plant that is known for a trailing growth pattern. Kudzu grows by coiling, climbing, and trailing. The pattern is horizontal and vertical in direction and super-fast (at the rate of 1 foot [0.3048 meters] per day under optimal conditions) in speed.

What is the scientific name for the weed 'shepherd's purse'?

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Asked by Wiki User

Capsella bursa-pastoris is the scientific name of the plant "shepherd's purse".

Specifically, the scientific name also can be called the botanical or Latin name in regard to plants. In this case, the name literally means "little box, little coffer ("for shepherding-related objects)". The designation refers to the shape of the plant's seeds.

What is the real name of the common weed called goathead?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tribulus terrestris is the real name of the common weed goathead.

Specifically, the real name can be considered the scientific, Latin or botanical name of a plant. It is the same no matter what the culture or language of the person who uses it. In this case, the name means "water chestnut" (from the Greek τρίβολος) on "land" (from the Latin terrestris).

The other name is the common name, which varies by cultural and linguistic context. For example, goathead also responds to the other common English names. Some of the better known of these names will include bullhead, cat's head, devil's eyelashes, devil's thorn, devil's weed, puncturevine, and tackweed.

What causes weeds?

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Asked by Wiki User

Seeds germinating in an environment that provides the proper growing conditions are the causes of weeds. The vegetation in question may be defined as plants whose benefits are unappreciated or unknown and whose presence therefore is undesirable, because of aggressive, invasive competition or because of cultivator preferences for other edibles or ornamentals. Weeds tend to flourish because of multiple ways of taking over space -- by rhizomes, roots, stolons -- that is disturbed and too high or low in nutrients for plants deemed to be non-weeds.

How do you kill kudzu?

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Asked by Wiki User

Controlled burns, herbicide applications, and severe pruning is a way to kill all kudzu and thick brush in an area. The combined treatment schedule generally may be counted on to remove most problem vegetation within one year and the most resistant within two or three years. Any two of the above-mentioned three components will work whereas all three together (or just aggressive, clear-cutting, determined, mass-level bulldozing on its own) will yield the most dramatic results in the shortest amount of time.

How do you kill weeds in myrtle?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mulching, removing, spraying, and using landscape fabric or mulch are ways to kill weeds without killing the myrtle among which the weeds are growing. Removal can be done -- but carefully so as not to damage or destroy the woody plant's body parts -- by hand, hoe, rake, or shovel. Spraying must involve a non-residual, specific, target herbicide so as not to adversely affect the Myrtus genus member in question.

How has kudzu affected trees?

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Asked by Wiki User

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make energy, through interaction with the sun's rays. Plants need energy to grow. When they live for more than one year, they tend to store this energy while they're dormant, for ready access in the spring. The preceding informaton applies to herbaceous and woody plants, and therefore to kudzu. Kudzu uses photosynthesis to changethe form of the water and nutrients that the plant gets from the soil. Under the influence of the sun's rays, the nutrients and water are changed into energizing materials, such as sugars and starches. These materials are what kudzu needs to carry out its daily activities, such as growing.

Does salt water kill weeds faster than weed killer?

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Asked by Wiki User

no, round up is safer and more envirumentally friendly then salt. ------- I found this answer and just shook my head about the ignorance. Salt is in every LIVING thing and so is safe (not to consume in great quantity mind you) for animals and people. Roundup is a pesticide and so is not safe. Common sense.

What are the advantages of weed killers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Kills weeds, obviously. Most herbicides that are sold to gardeners are non-specific herbicides--in other words, the chemical solution in the jug or bottle will kill any plant that comes in contact to the chemical, no matter if it's a plant you don't consider a weed or not. It also means that it doesn't target specific types of plants (like broad-leaved plants and/or grasses), but a wide variety.

How herbicides work depends on what type you are using. There are two different types; contact herbicides and systemic herbicides, both kill plants in the same basic way they either stop the plant from "breathing" or "eating". Contact ones hit the plant and kill whatever is growing above ground and systemic herbicides get sucked in by the plant, travel down to the roots and kill the plant from there.

Does weed killer kill flowers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Of course. Most weed control products are "selective" which means they kill weeds and not grass. The labels should does not kill grass but will kill everything else.

Even if you spray near your flowers and not on them, they could still die because weed control is volatile which means the vapors (almost like gasoline) will rise up and kill them.

What descriptive phrase fits non-vascular plants?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ancient evolution, internal challenges, limited size, restricted space and water dependency are descriptive phrases that fit non-vascular plants. Non-vascular plants such as green algae, hornworts, liverworts and mosses count among the first life forms recognizable as plants, albeit without internal means for in-taking, processing and storing nutrients and water. They therefore never overcome the environmental challenge of being near moist earth or open water for food, lodging and reproduction or the spatial limit of the physical shape assumed for the environmental space that it fills.