

Improbable History

Improbable history refers to historical or fictional events that either did not actually happen, are not likely to have occurred or cannot be easily traced. An example of a question on improbable history is, “Who invented the hangover?”

500 Questions

Who are the coolest barbarians in history and why?

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Asked by Neosporin17

Some of the coolest barbarians in history include Attila the Hun for his military prowess, Alaric the Visigoth for sacking Rome, and Boudica for leading a rebellion against Roman rule in Britain. These figures are remembered for their fierce bravery, strategic skills, and impact on shaping history through their conquests and resistance against established powers.

How much rope would be needed for a Hung Parliament?

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Asked by Wiki User

The amount of rope needed for a Hung Parliament is an idiom and not meant to be taken literally. It suggests a situation where no single party has a clear majority in a legislative body, making it difficult to pass laws or make decisions.

Which country do clothes come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Clothes can come from various countries depending on where they are manufactured. Countries like China, Bangladesh, Vietnam, and India are major suppliers of clothing to the global market. However, clothing production is also carried out in many other countries around the world.

Do they have MSN in Russia?

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Asked by Wiki User

MSN Messenger, also known as Windows Live Messenger, was discontinued by Microsoft in 2013. Therefore, regardless of the country, including Russia, MSN Messenger is no longer available. However, other instant messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and Viber are widely used in Russia.

If there are any among us who wish to dissolve?

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Asked by Wiki User

If there are any among us who wish to dissolve, we should engage in open and respectful dialogue to understand their concerns and try to find common ground. It is important to approach the situation with empathy and a willingness to find solutions that benefit everyone involved. Ultimately, unity and collaboration are key to achieving progress and resolving conflicts.

Who was the person to discover the groundhog?

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Asked by Wiki User

The groundhog is not credited to any one person. Groundhogs have been observed and studied for centuries, and their behavior on February 2nd to predict the weather has been a long-standing tradition in many cultures.

What are three types of correctional institutions?

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Asked by Wiki User

Three types of correctional institutions are jails, which hold individuals for short periods of time while they await trial or serve shorter sentences; prisons, which are long-term facilities for individuals serving more serious sentences; and juvenile detention centers, which house underage offenders.

What does xowxo mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no standard meaning for the term "xowxo." It could be a personal or made-up word without a defined definition. Without further context or information, it is difficult to provide a specific meaning for this term.

Where musicals invented?

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Asked by Wiki User

Music was not invented ; it was discovered by the early Indians .

What is a one eye one horned flying purple people eater?

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Asked by Wiki User

well its a myth a BIG one too


The one-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater is completely real and lives in the southern mountain ranges of Purplonia, the land of the purple people. (not really)haha

Who was the first man in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • Adam.

Adam was the first man in the world.

Although others are certain it was Kiwa, Guardian of the Sea.
It depends which creation story you read. Nearly every religion has its own story of who the first person was. But while the western religions say it was Adam, that is a religious answer, based on belief; if you are searching for a factual and scientific answer, anthropologists would say we truly do not know who the first man (or woman) was, since we have very few artifacts with anyone's name on them-- cave paintings show that there were people living thousands of years ago, but the painting are not signed. The Adam and Eve story was a later attempt to explain where human beings came from.

What also floats in water?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bread Apples Very small rocks Churches Cider Great gravy A duck

When was yarn invented?

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Asked by Wiki User

It was invented in 1891 but not actually used till early 1911

What is a mom for?

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Asked by Hikill

A mom is a person that gave birth to you. Really, you should know that by now.

What is the most common cheese?

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Asked by Wiki User

Goat cheese and cheddar cheese.

Who is the first person that invented singing?

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Asked by Wiki User

I believe the first recorded instance of a song in history was that of the Children of Israel after crossing the Red Sea during the Exodus from Egypt. I think that singing wasn't something that was invented as in " oooh look a new song " I think one day someone just decided to sing. Not an invention. They just sang and they didn't tell anyone. and one day it just came about that people sang. But Instrumental songs are different.

Who in history predicted 2012?

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Asked by Wiki User

AnswerThe ancient Greeks did not predict the end of the world in 2012. However, some have read an ancient Mayan calendar to predict the end of the world in 2012.

What are funny names to call your girlfriend?

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Asked by Wiki User

i have found that they like when you call them beautiful, sweetie, honey, or boo. hope this helps(;

Why did Cristopher Columbus name the Native Americans Indians?

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Asked by Wiki User

Columbus called them Indians (incorrectly) because he thought he was in India. Calling a native American an Indian can be derogatory or perceived as an insult. Best to call them by their tribe name or by their given name.

What is a three l lama?

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Asked by Wiki User

So far none has shown up despite a long outstanding bet made by poet Ogden Nash:

The one l lama, he is a priest

The two l llama, he is a beast

But I will bet a silk pajama

That there isn't any three l lllama

But -

a big fire might be a three alarmer.

No, Nash himself said a "three-alarmer" did not count.


The one l lama, he is a priest

The two l llama, he is a beast

and the three l lllama is extinct

Why do imams lie?

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Asked by NoShariaForus

There are numerous views concerning whether or not Islam is true or the Truth. Pointing out these arguments does not make them true, but showcases why people may or may not make the claim that Islam is a lie.

Many ignorant people with no knowledge of the religion may make claims. Don't believe in what the media or others say, it is up to you to decide if it is a lie or not. Do your research and may your path be lit.

Various Answers marked with "*"

* You don't have to be a university professor or a rocket scientist to search, find and know the truth. You should do a litmus test that will guide you to the ultimate truth. Some people have preconceived ideas and hidden agendas by attacking Islam. Islam does not need them. You only need to read the Quran and listen to its recitation to know that it is from God. The Quran has challenged mankind throughout history to come up with something similar. Yes they failed. Please study the text and think about the miracles of God in creation (e.g. the universe and human beings) and you will find the truth. The information about the origins of Quran being in Baghdad and not in Mecca/Medinah and that it evolved for 300 years is not true. The Quran was memorized by the prophet's companions during its revelation and was completed before the Prophet's death. Find me a book throughout history where it is memorized by its adherents from cover to cover. There were millions of people who memorized the Quran and the trend continues. This is a miracle that cannot be matched and a definite preservation by God. Do you call this a lie ????!!!!

* Some consider the origins of Islam and the Qur'an are dubious. This is the opinion of some scholars and professors of Islam, history, Arabic and many other fields. Among them are: Dr. John Wansbrough, American historian who taught at London University's School of Oriental and African Studies; Professor Joseph Schacht, professor of Arabic and Islam at Columbia University in New York and a leading Western scholar of Islamic law; Dr. Patricia Crone, a scholar, author and historiographer of early Islamic history working at the Institute for Advance Study; R. Stephen Humphreys, professor of history and Islamic studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara; and Professor Andrew Rippin, professor of history and specialist in Islamic studies at the University of Victoria, B.C., Canada.

"Almost universally, independent scholars studying the Qur'an and Hadith, have concluded that the Islamic scripture was not revealed to just one man, but was a compilation of later redactions and editions formulated by a group of men, over the course of a few hundred years. The Qur'an which we read today is not that which was in existence in the mid-seventh century, but is a product of the eighth and ninth centuries. It was not conceived in Mecca or Medina, but in Baghdad. It was then and there that Islam took on its identity and became a religion. Consequently, the formative stage of Islam was not within the lifetime of Muhammad but evolved over a period of 300 years."

* All religion is essentially subjective and have "mysteries," which cannot be argued by logic or intellect. They are taken "in faith" by the believers. We can argue the historical aspects of any religion, but not its basic tenets. Jesus Christ's special relationship to God is a matter of faith to Christians. Mohamed's special dispensation of knowledge as the "last and final prophet" is based purely on faith and belief. Siddhartha's special "enlightenment" is a matter of faith and belief. It is foolish to argue these things. We can only judge the actions of those who proclaim a faith... not the faith itself. Most have fallen short of the tenets of the faiths they proclaim. To paraphrase another, "Dear God, have mercy on all of us poor creatures struggling to know Thee...."

* Probably because there is so much confusion, even among Muslims, about the premise upon which Islam came, in the seventh century. This premise is actually quite surprising and revealing, concerning our present problems.

* As religions cant be proved or verified so the only standard is to see how many people are increasingly following that religion. The people who have studied Islam independently know that the acts and sayings (Hadith) of Prophet (PBUH)were compiled later on but Quran was revealed to Prophet and there were certain companions of Prophet (Sahabi) who wrote Quran as it was revealed.

A history student can easily understand that how national, race, and personal biases of historians affect the course of history. The same is true with the researches sponsored by the West, particularly in a time when Islamic thoughts are opposing the actions of the only superpower. No wonder if some so called research projects conclude that Quran was compiled in the 18th century.

* People will claim anything is a lie, even gravity.

* The truth is people will hate anything they don't understand and will sometimes go to the extent of attacking it. But just because something is not supported by a person doesn't make it a lie, we can't judge something unless we understand everything about it, only God knows.

* First off, you try and sound intelligent by talking about "scholars" who are not remotely associated to Islam, that's just about as wise as asking a terrorist to explain Judaism. If you want correct information, I would suggest you refrain from asking American scholars about Islam and instead, ask a person who practices and truly understand Islam to answer you.

That being said, The reason why people would say Islam is a lie, is simply the same reason why people would say any other religion is a lie. If it is not their own religion, why should they believe its true? Islam deal with realities that nobody wants to face and deal with, it speaks truths about almost every event we currently face, and of course, if you are not Muslim, you will refuse to want to accept Islamic Truth, because the fact is, you dont want to believe that another religion is right, and ultimately, this is not your fault, you are only following what has been taught to you through generations, whether right or wrong...which is exactly what every other religion is doing as well.

* If you feel its a lie, with or without fact, that is your opinion, which you are very much entitled to....

Controversial opinions

* Because it plagiarises other religious texts that we know were not inspired or delivered by God such as talmudic texts, Zoroastarian apocrypha.

* Because the convenience of Muhammad's revelations to reach his own personal desires was evident- he wanted to marry his daughter in law so Allah allowed it, he wanted money so Allah ordered Muhammad received the greatest share of stolen goods from the Muslims attacks, he wanted to marry 6yr old Aisha yet her father refused so Muhammad claimed Allah told him in a dream, Muhammad wanted to rape captives of war so Allah conveniently sent a revelation allowing it, etc.

* There are more than 22 religions in the world, having 500 thousand or more followers. There are so many different religions because people tend to think different. If all people would think Islam true then all people would be Muslims. So there is no wonder that some people are not Muslims but its really surprising that they say 2nd biggest and first most rapidly growing religion in the world a lie.

*Hint on the above last but one answer paragraph:

The one who wrote this answer "* because the convenience ......" is not only offensive but he deviated from all the guidelines of answering site questions. It is his/her own right not to believe in Islam or prophet Muhammad but it is not his/her right to insult the prophet of more than one fifth of world population. In reply to the false statements that he/she mentioned:

  • Prophet Muhammad was married with a single wife for 25 years (in time polygamy was spread allover the world even among prophets) and remained 2 years after his wife death without marriage. His first marriage after that was with a widow 80 years old to take care of her in this old age. He didn't marry his daughter in law as claimed. She was a wife of a slave to him that he freed and gave him his name to honor him but God forbade adopting. So, if he married his ex-wife it is not a sin.
  • It is a shame on any one to claim that Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) was stealing goods from Muslim attacks. Read the history written even by non-Muslims to understand how prophet Muhammad was honest and faithful before and after preaching Islam. He didn't get money for himself otherwise how you explain that he was sleeping in a mud house on the ground and died with single penny left for inheritance.
  • could any mindful or wise person believe that prophet Muhammad marries a 6-year old girl. Check your readings again and be sure of the authenticity of your sources.
  • Does it make sense for a prophet to rape captives. The only one presented to him as a slave by the Egyptian Christian priest (named Coptic Maria) he freed her and married her and got a child from her (named Ibrahim that died while still child). He set the rule to free woman slaves by this way. Raping women (free or slaves) is a sin in Islam. Do you the prophet can do that sin.

Please, don't throw insults and false statements and be assured of any information you write in this respected site.

As a brief answer to the question above: anyone has the right to believe in Islam or not. Quran says

"There is no compulsion in religion..."

Meaning English translation of (Quran, Chapter 2, Verse 256)

However, he/she should know that he/she will be responsible in front of the Creator of his/her choice in The Last Day of Judgment. He/she should know that to believe or not to believe is something between the person and God. This should not affect the peaceful and cooperative relationships among people of different faiths for the benefit of their communities and all mankind. This is what called for in Quran Chapter 5, Verse 48) that says:

"...If God had willed, He would have made you all in one nation and one religion), but that He (God) left you in different religions to compete in good deeds and society benefits. The return of all of you is to God; then He (God) will inform you about that in which you differ"Those who want to seek the truth can check sites of confidence and read about Islam, Quran, and the prophet then they can make their own sound opinion. Sure the more than one fifth of the world population who believe in Islam are believing in a lie. Otherwise, no explanation would exist for the growing number of Muslim (fastest growing rate among all religions) population that is much higher than birthrates.

In brief, those who claim that Islam is a lie aim at:

  • limiting the spread of Islam and the convert of many non Muslims to Islam when they feel sure of Islam authenticity, the divinity of Quran, and the evidences that Muhammad is true God prophet and messenger, and
  • to find justification in getting control of Islamic countries claiming fight against claimed Islam terrorism.

It remains two points. The first point is that everyone has his/her own choice to be Muslim or not but he has no right to speak about Islam rudely or with disrespect. Only God would resolve any discrepancy and/or debate about God religions. The second point is that any one claiming that Islam is a lie should ask himself/herself why many non Muslim people; including religious and scientific leaders; convert to Islam without any persuasion to get better education, better food, better medical treatment, or better job. Refer to the related question below on What are the proofs that the Bible is God revelation words and not a human authored text to find that the same arguments apply on other God holy books including the Qur'an.

Why do socks disappear in the dryer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lost socks is a result of the rotational energy of the dryer drum creating micro blackholes along the lines of gravitational nuclear thermodynamic flux - the socks drop into the black hole and emerge on the other side of the space time continium - some poor alien planet is covered in old socks

this has been proven by the fact I visited the planet Saturn last year and indeed did find some old socks I had lost ....
Sometimes you put things into the dryer and they never come out this is because dryers are actually portals to another dimension. Small items of clothing like socks get transported to another time and place.

What are military houses in ancient Greece called?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most homes in ancient Greece had a courtyard, which was the center of activity. Children could safely play outside in the warm climate. Homes were divided into areas for the men and areas for the women. The andron was a room reserved for males to entertain male guests. The room had a separate entrance to the street so male guests did not have to cross paths with any of the ladies of the house.

Houses were made out of sun-dried brick on a foundation of stones. Sun-dried brick was not a dependable material and often crumbled. Burglars were termed "wall piercers" because they broke through the walls to gain entry into homes. Roofs were made of overlapping clay tiles. Andron room floors were sometimes tiled, but the flooring of the rest of the rooms was packed dirt.

The Greeks had a very limited amount of furniture in their houses. The rooms were relatively bare by today's standards. Wooden chairs, couches and stools were typical.

Food was cooked outside during most of the year. When the weather was not conducive to cooking outside, a hearth or brazier was used in the kitchen. Kitchens were built with a hole in the roof so that smoke could escape.

Houses had one or two private rooms. Bathrooms consisted of a chamber pot, which was dumped into a gutter or into the street.

The head of each household was the husband. It was the woman's role to complete the daily chores and raise children. Often large families included the parents and children, grandparents, unwed female relatives, and slaves all under the same roof.

They were called villages.

Are there really monsters under your bed?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. At night it is very quiet and you can hear all sorts of noises, some of which are magnified in the open space under a bed. If there was a monster there (or in a closet), where could it possibly go during the daytime??

Who had the first surname?

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Asked by Wiki User

Difficult question. First of all, I don't think Surnames can be classified as an invention. Their use may even date back to prehistoric times. Their usefulness peaked, however, when a man like John the blacksmith became known as John Smith. Fran Logan Difficult question. First of all, I don't think Surnames can be classified as an invention. Their use may even date back to prehistoric times. Their usefulness peaked, however, when a man like John the blacksmith became known as John Smith. Fran Logan