

Karl Marx

Karl Marx was a German philosopher and historian (among many other things), and played a crucial role in the development of the modern idea of communism.

500 Questions

What did Karl Marx mean when he said According to Marx government would fade away as all humanity came to support workers power?

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Karl Marx believed that under communism, where workers held power collectively rather than being governed by a separate entity, the need for a centralized government would diminish and eventually disappear as society became truly classless and stateless. This idea is tied to his vision of a society where working classes would no longer be exploited and oppressed, leading to a harmonious and egalitarian society.

What did Karl marx and friedrich engels believe was wrong with the world?

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Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels believed that the capitalist economic system was inherently exploitative, creating inequalities between the bourgeoisie (owners) and the proletariat (workers). They argued that capitalism led to alienation, social conflict, and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, ultimately causing societal instability and suffering for the working class.

Where did marxism take place?

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Marxism originated in Germany and then spread to other European countries, particularly Russia, where it became highly influential. Marxism also had significant impact in China, Cuba, Vietnam, and various other countries as a political and economic ideology.

Why did the ostend manifesto fail?

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The Ostend Manifesto failed because it proposed that the U.S. purchase Cuba from Spain, which was seen as aggressive and expansionist by many, including antislavery groups who feared it would lead to the spread of slavery. The public outcry and international opposition to the Manifesto led the U.S. government to abandon the idea.

What Is The Nomenklatura?

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The nomenklatura was an elite group of government officials and bureaucrats in the Soviet Union who held key positions of power and privilege. Members of the nomenklatura had access to special perks and benefits, and were often able to secure jobs for their family members through their connections. They played a significant role in maintaining the stability of the Soviet system.

What were Karl benzes big accomplishments?

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Karl Benz was a German engineer and inventor who is credited with creating the first automobile powered by an internal combustion engine in 1885. His Benz Patent-Motorwagen is considered the world's first practical automobile and laid the foundation for the modern automotive industry. Benz's innovation revolutionized transportation and paved the way for future advancements in mobility.

Which groups in society do you think you might have supported communism?

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Some groups in society that may have supported communism in the past include industrial workers, peasants, marginalized minorities, and intellectuals seeking greater equality and social justice. These groups may have been attracted to the promises of economic equality, collective ownership of resources, and the potential for social change offered by communist ideologies.

What theory did patty smith hill develop?

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Patty Smith Hill developed the "Patty Hill" or "Hill" theory, which focuses on the importance of play and creativity in early childhood education. She is also known for her work in developing the "Patty Hill blocks" which were an innovative teaching tool used to promote learning through play.

What is theoretical assumption?

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To assume using the basis of theories.

What is most closely associated with the government providing pensions for senior citizens?

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Social security programs are most closely associated with the government providing pensions for senior citizens. These programs are designed to provide financial support to retired individuals and ensure they have a source of income in their old age.

Why is Karl Marx remembered?

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Karl Marx is remembered for his contributions to the development of socialist and communist theory, particularly through his famous works such as "The Communist Manifesto" and "Das Kapital." He is known for his critique of capitalism and advocacy for a classless society where the means of production are owned collectively. Marx's ideas have had a significant impact on political, economic, and social movements around the world.

How did Karl Marx's Jewish heritage affect his later beliefs?

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Karl Marx's Jewish heritage influenced his later beliefs by exposing him to ideas of social justice and a sense of solidarity with the oppressed. However, Marx eventually rejected religion and developed his own theories of social change based on economic dynamics and class struggle. His Jewish heritage may have contributed to his critique of capitalism and advocacy for a more equal and just society.

What is Karl Marx theory on domestic violence?

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Karl Marx did not specifically have a theory on domestic violence, as his focus was primarily on economic structures and class struggle. However, his analysis of power dynamics and inequalities within society could be applied to understanding how societal structures may contribute to patterns of domestic violence.

What are 3 words that describe Karl Marx's father?

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Middle-class, lawyer, influential.

How would Karl marx compare the renaissance period to modern day?

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Karl Marx would likely see similarities between the Renaissance period and modern day in terms of economic and social changes. He may argue that both periods witnessed shifts in power dynamics, emergence of new classes, and changes in the nature of work and production. However, Marx might also point out differences, such as the level of industrialization and global capitalism in modern times that were absent during the Renaissance.

What are the main features of the bourgeoisie conception of history?

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The bourgeoisie conception of history emphasizes progress through industrialization, capitalism, and individual achievement. It often focuses on economic development, technological advancements, and the rise of the middle class as drivers of historical change. This perspective tends to prioritize material wealth and social status in shaping historical narratives.

What did Karl Marx had to say about child abuse?

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Karl Marx did not specifically address child abuse in his works. However, he advocated for the elimination of social and economic conditions that perpetuated inequalities and injustices, including those that could contribute to child abuse. Marx's focus was on highlighting the exploitative nature of capitalism and calling for a more equitable society.

Who were labeled as communist sympathizers?

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During the Cold War era in the United States, individuals who were perceived to have communist leanings or sympathies were often labeled as communist sympathizers. This included politicians, writers, artists, and intellectuals who were suspected of supporting or advocating for communist ideologies.

Why was Karl blossfeldt famous?

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Karl Blossfeldt was famous for his botanical photography that showcased the intricate details and structures of plants. His work highlighted the beauty and complexity of natural forms, influencing the field of photography and botanical studies.

What is the meaning binomial?

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A binomial is a polynomial with two terms. It is an algebraic expression consisting of two terms connected by either addition or subtraction. It is commonly seen in the form of (a + b)^n in binomial theorem, where a and b are variables and n is a non-negative integer.

What does equal liability of all to labor in the communist manifesto mean?

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"Equal liability of all to labor" in the Communist Manifesto means that all members of society are expected to contribute to society through work, based on their abilities and skills. This concept envisions a society where everyone has a responsibility to work in order to contribute to the collective good, rather than relying on a small segment of the population to bear the burden of labor.

Which of the composers upon arriving in Paris in 1831 quickly became closely associated with the most prominent intellectuals artists musicians political activists and financiers of hi?

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Hector Berlioz quickly became closely associated with the prominent intellectuals, artists, musicians, political activists, and financiers of his time upon arriving in Paris in 1831. His innovative compositions and strong opinions on music made him a central figure in the cultural scene of Paris during the Romantic era.

What are obstacles Karl Marx had to overcome during his time?

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Karl Marx faced obstacles such as censorship and suppression of his writings by authorities, as his ideas were seen as threatening to the existing power structures. He also encountered opposition from other political thinkers and economists who disagreed with his theories and approach to addressing social and economic issues. Additionally, Marx's lack of academic credentials and financial stability at times made it difficult for him to gain recognition and support for his work.

What is Philosophy Karl Jasper?

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Karl Jaspers was a German-Swiss psychiatrist and philosopher known for his contributions to existentialism and the concept of the "axial age." He believed in the importance of individual freedom, self-awareness, and responsibility in the face of the complexities of modern life. Jaspers's philosophy emphasized the need for communication and empathy in overcoming the limitations of human existence.

What was it like to be in the working class in 1912?

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Life in the working class in 1912 was often challenging, with long hours, low wages, and poor working conditions in factories and mines. Many families lived in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, with limited access to healthcare and education. Workers often faced exploitation and lacked job security.