

King of the Hill

“King of the Hill” was an American comedy animated series created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels. The series was aired weekly from January 12, 1997, to September 19, 2009, on Fox Network.

500 Questions

How is the quote at the end of every king of the hill episode selected?

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The most, off-topic quote from the decsrition of the episode.

In what episode of king of the hill does bobby get an older girlfriend?

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". . . And They Call It Bobby Love."

What was Burl Ives's character's name in the Frosty cartoon?

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Burl wasn't in Frosty the Snowman; he played Sam the Snowman in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

Where did the hills live in king of the hill?

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123 rainy street Arlen,Texas

Do steep hills erode faster than gentle hills?

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Steep Hill Erodes Faster. The Water Picks Up Speed And More Energy To Wear Away The Earth.

Generally, hills will be steep because they are made of resistant rock; whereas gentle hills will have that shape because they are made of rock that is easily eroded. Hence steep hills will not necessarily erode faster than gentle ones. However, if a hill is steep because it has recently been formed by tectonic activity, and it comprises soft rock, it will erode faster than a more gentle hill of the same material.

When was Boomhauer created?

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Boomhauer was created in 1997.

What hill did Jesus die on?

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Jesus died on the cross at Calvary.
Golgotha is the place of the skull. It is not known if it looked like a skull or was called that because it was a place of execution.

Golgotha is right outside the city of Jerusalem.

Did the maker of the simpsons make king of the hill?

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No , the cartoon was a Mike Judge creation .

What episode of king of the hill does Joseph kiss Connie?

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season 5 Ep 3 idon'twant to wait

At the bottom of the screen on tv on adult animated shows what does swim mean?

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Adult Swim is a section of more mature cartoons and animes that are shown on cartoon network late at night.

Who killed Debby in King Of The Hill?

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Debbie killed herself. in an attempt to kill the stricklands and possibly the hills, but when she was climbing out of her hiding place, a dumpster, and shot herself in the chest with her shotgun from her appartment, and when peggy found her in the trashcan they all blamed hank but at the end it tells us that she killed herself

What happens when changing gears from overdrive to 3 and why to do it on hills?

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Going up hills doesn't allow engine to "lug" and overheat Going down hills supplies engine braking for safety and will prevent brakes from fading and overheating

Where is signal hill?

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Signal Hill is located in St. Johns, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada.