

Kosher Food

Kosher food is food that meets Jewish dietary laws. Any food can be called kosher food if it adheres to Jewish law. Foods that are considered Jewish aren't necessarily kosher. Kosher food laws are rather extensive, some are derived from the bible and others through rabbinic interpretations over the years.

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Are nitrates in kosher hot dogs?

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Sodium nitrite is actually the chemical added in hot dogs, not sodium nitrATE. Sodium nitrite is added to pork and other meat products as a preservative to allow it to remain fairly pathogen-free on its way to distant markets. Not all kosher hot dogs are nitrite-free, so you have to look at the ingredients. Most hot dogs have sodium nitrite, though.

The problem with nitrites is that they are converted to nitrosamines in the body...and nitrosamines are very carcinogenic. The simple reason why we don't get cancer after eating a hot dog is because we have DNA repair and regulation mechanisms in our cells that prevent cancers and DNA damage. However, over time, as damage accumulates, those repair mechanisms break down and become less effective, leading to increased probability of cancer.

Why is kosher food kosher?

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Jews eat kosher food due to the various laws laid out in the Bible, mostly in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, in which G-d instructs mankind as to which foods are permitted to us and which are not (the reason why these foods are permitted or not is unknown and falls into the category of Jewish laws termed chukim, laws for which no reason is given).

Kosher laws, known as kashrus, only apply to foods that come from animals. For meat to be kosher, it must be from one of the kosher animals (pigs are the best-known non-kosher animal among non-Jews, but there are many others such as whales, dolphins, fish that do not have both fins and scales, birds of prey, cats, dogs, ferrets, rabbits, almost all carnivores, camels, shellfish and all insects except a certain species of locust). Those animals that are kosher must be slaughtered by a highly trained slaughter man (commonly also a rabbi) called a shochet using a very sharp knife with a flawless edge in a process called shechita which is intended to prevent the animal from experiencing any pain or suffering. Animals cannot be killed in any other way, which is why Jews have not traditionally hunted for food or sport, and certain parts cannot be eaten including the blood and the sciatic nerve. In the case of some shochets, who have completed an extra and gruelling course of training) the sciatic nerve is removed, but the hind quarters that contain it are commonly sold to non-Jews for consumption. The carcass is then inspected closely for other signs that would render it unkosher, such as spots on the lungs. Finally, all any last traces of blood are removed by covering the meat in coarse salt which will absorb it - this is the kosher salt you may have seen for sale (salt, being a mineral, is not subject to kashrus and can be eaten by Jews). It's complex, which is why - along with the religious requirement to avoid causing suffering to any living thing - so many Jews are strictly vegetarian nowadays.

Kashrus also applies to the consumption of meat and dairy together, which is not permitted so Jews will wait a certain amount of time after consuming one before consuming the other.

All plants are considered parve, meaning that they can be eaten with anything including dairy or meat. Eggs are also considered pareve.

Note that, despite what many non-Jewish people assume, at no point does food need to have any sort of blessing performed in order to be kosher - it must simply be produced in strict accordance with Jewish law. You can recognise kosher food by the presence of a hechsher stamp, a mark on the label which producers are permitted to use after being certified kosher by a mashgichim who checks the premises where the food is made and supervises the entire process. Despite what some people, often those with a hidden and antisemitic agenda of their own, earning the right to display a hechsher symbol does not raise the price of the food - in actual fact, since the food can then be bought by Jews as well as non-Jews, it increases the market share and pays for itself or can even allow the manufacturer to lower the price.

What is a traditional kosher menu?

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A kosher menu refers to a menu that consists of only kosher foods in a combination that meets the requirements of kashrut. Kashrut is the term for the Jewish dietary food laws. There are no specific foods that make up a kosher menu as kosher isn't a style of cooking, it's simply the rules for food preparation and consumption.

What is the reason for kosher?

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The history of kosher (Kashrut; kosher laws; kosher foods) is part of the Torah-history itself, meaning that it goes as far back as the Torah does because it is based on the Torah and is a part of it. Many of the basic Kashrut laws are stated explicitly in the Torah (see Leviticus ch. 11).

Do Jewish people eat rice on Hanukkah?

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Special foods include potato pancakes (latkes) and jelly donuts (sufganiyot). Also, any foods fried in oil are traditional.

There isn't anything that could be called a "Hanukkah Dinner" though.

Why are Jewish people not allowed to drink milk after they've eaten meat?

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they do drink milk but not milk from pigs !

Jews actually do drink milk, but there are four main requirements:

  1. The milk must not come from a non-kosher animal (such as a llama or a pig)
  2. The milk must not be manufactured using animal products
  3. The milk must not have contacted any meat or meat product, even if the meat is kosher.
  4. The milk must be prepared under Rabbinical Supervision.

Is lumpfish considered to be kosher?

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Yes, it is kosher because it has fins and scales.

Cleaning for kosher?

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The animal is slaughtered by a specific halakhic (Torah law) procedure.

The animal is inspected internally to ensure that it was not injured during its lifetime.

The sciatic nerve (Genesis, end of ch.32) and certain fats (Leviticus ch.7) are removed.

The meat is salted according to a specific procedure to remove the blood.

The meat is cooked without dairy, in a non-dairy pot or pan.

Is kosher alcohol bad for you?

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Kosher alcohol is no different chemically from non-kosher alcohol. Most beers and hard liquors are kosher by default. The only forms of alcohol that need to be specifically certified are wines, wine based liqueurs, or if such ingredients as cream and flavourings are added. Kosher alcohol would be no better... or worse... for you than any other alcohol.

Why don't Jews eat?

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Jews who follow kashrut (the dietary laws) can eat eggs if they are from kosher animals, such as chickens, ducks, and turkeys. The eggs must not contain blood though.

Jews who do not follow kashrut can eat anything they want.

What are the 5 kosher foods?

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There is no single list of kosher foods as creating such a list would be impossible. Kosher isn't a style of food, it is a title given to any food that is prepared following the laws of kashrut (Jewish dietary laws).

For example, macaroni and cheese can be kosher if it is made in a kosher kitchen using kosher ingredients. The same is true for chow mein, which is Chinese in origin, but again, can be made with kosher ingredients.

What does the bible say about eating shell fish?

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In order for a fish to be kosher it has to have scales and fins. That leaves out all shellfish. However, this applies only to Jews, if you're not Jewish and your religion doesn't have a rule against eating shellfish, enjoy!

What drinks are Jews allowed to drink?

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How about Kosher tequila? It's a complex and expensive process for Mexican distilleries to get certification, but Vivanco and Los Generales are two examples who have already had the official Rabbi visit!



What birds do Jewish people eat?

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Unlike other categories of meats (fish, mammals, etc), Judaism does not characterize birds as kosher or unkosher based on their physical characteristics. Rather, species not specifically named in the Bible as clean or unclean are determined based on their similarities to those that are named. The turkey is one such bird that was not referenced in scripture, but became known to Judaism many thousands of years after the Bible was written.

In short, birds of prey are not kosher, including vultures, buzzards, eagles, hawks, and various other carnivorous birds.

Those that are kosher include the chicken, turkey, duck, most game-fowl, feasant, etc.

It is, of course, important to note that some different strains of Judaism have differing levels of committment to these principles. Orthodox Judaism, for example would require not only that the bird itself be of a permitted species, but also that it is slaughtered and prepared according to kosher food rules.

Can kosher's eat nachos and salsa?

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Kosher refers to food that is prepared according to the laws of kashrut. The people who keep kosher are Jews. Kosher is a classification, not a people.

That being said, if the nachos and salsa are certified kosher, religious Jews who keep kosher can eat them.

Are Jews allowed gravy?

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No, blood pudding is not kosher for two reasons:

# It contains pork products. Jews are prohibited from eating pig meat. # It contains blood. Jews are prohibited from eating blood of any animal, even a kosher one like cow or chicken.

Is kosher meat allowed with kosher vegetables?

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1). All vegetables are kosher, as long as there are no bugs lurking.

2). Meat may be eaten with anything except dairy products.

(Mixing with fish is also customarily avoided.)

Is blue cod kosher?

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Cod was a generic name for various kinds of fish (including hake and the haddock) and can refer to different fish in different parts of the world. In those parts of the world where cod refers to fish with scales, then cod will be Kosher. All Kosher fish need fins and scales.

Name for Hanukkah potato pancakes?

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They have nothing to do with religious beliefs, but it just became a custom because they are fried in oil. On Hanukkah, Jews customarily make foods like doughnuts and potato pancakes because they are fried in oil, and part of the miracle of Hanukkah is that oil was found in the holy Temple that could only last one night, but it lasted eight nights.

Can Jews eat nutmeg?

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There is no specification on most major kashrut sites as to the issue of whole nutmeg. However, one potential issue that is mentioned is how the whole spice is dried. Due to the possibility that whole nutmeg might be dried using equipment that might also dry spices that qualify as kitniyot, it's best to err on the side of caution, and only use spices that are labeled kasher psyche?


What do the Kosher markings on retail food packages mean?

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In many countries (like England, America, South Africa, Israel) with a strong Jewish presence, Kosher foods are marked with symbols.

However, many foods that are not marked are also Kosher; notably fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh water, etc.

Other countries have a list of foods that have been checked and certified as Kosher.

Why is only the front of the beef kosher?

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According to kashrut (the set of laws that govern whether or not food is kosher) and more specifically shechita (the laws governing slaughter), certain types of fat found in cows, goats and sheep and known as chelev are reserved for use during a ritual known as korban when they are burnt on the mizbe'ah (altar). Other fats are known as shuman and are kosher. The gid hanasheh, sciatic nerve, is located in the rear of the animal and is also treif (not kosher).

Removal of chelev and gid hanasheh, a process known as porging, is an extremely tedious and complex task which takes a long time to do right and so is thought to be labour intensive and economically unviable. As chelev exists in far smaller - and easier to remove - amounts in the front of the animal, it is often only this part that is eaten unless the animal has been prepared by a very highly-skilled shochet (slaughterer who is highly trained in kosher slaughter) who is able to remove these parts. If not, the hind end is usually sold on to non-Jewish butchers, manufacturers of non-kosher foods and petfood manufacturers.

Are you allowed to eat pizza during Passover?

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A qualified yes is the answer. A very common treat for children during Passover is to make matzah pizza. The matzah is broken up, softened with water, mixed with egg, and baked in the shape of a pizza crust. The 'crust' can then be topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and all sorts of toppings (mainly vegetables although you can go 'gourmet' with a lox and cream cheese or a balsamic grilled vegetable pizza).

There are also kosher for Passover pizzas available on the market.

How do you know if the food product is kosher?

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If you ever see a "U" with a circle around it, that indicates the food is kosher. Next time you are in the supermarket look at a box or bag of food and if you see a "U" with a circle around it means the food is kosher.