



Meat is animal flesh from pigs, cattle and lamb that is used for human consumption. Meat is a valuable source of protein in the human diet.

500 Questions

Is red meat bad for high blood pressure?

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90 g per day is tolerable. Drink 6 glasses of water a day and substitute common salt for dietetic light salt. Alternate red meat by fish and chicken.

Are insects considered meat?

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well depends on if youre gonna eat it or not...if youre a vegetarian then what the hell? you wouldn't eat a cow but what? a grasshopper doesnat matter????? um yeah sure you are a cheater. but then again if you are not a vegetarian then of course its meat! any animal (and yes, an insect IS an animal as far as I'm concerned) is meat. so the answer in a nutshell, YES.

Yes, Insects have muscle (or meat) just the same as animals, though on a much smaller scale. Entomophagy (the practice of eating insects as food) would not be considered vegetarian or vegan.

What is meatballs and noodles?

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Spagetti- though I would add some fresh tomatoes and a side of powdered cheese. hanna

How do you make bologna?

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Here are the ingredients found in a popular sausage making cookbook:

* Ground Lean beef * Ground pork shoulder * white pepper * paprika * nutmeg * allspice * onion powder * salt * curing salts * dry milk or soy protein concentrate

How long does smoked sausage like Hillshire Farms stay fresh after the expiration date?

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How long smoked sausage like Hillshire Farms stay fresh after the expiration date will depend on how the sausage is stored. It will stay fresh for a short while after if it is stored at optimal conditions. However, once you pass the Use By Date, the sausage will no longer be at the peak of its flavor and freshness.

What is another name for a meat casserole?

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Two possibilities would be Stew or Pot Pie.

How do you safely defrost meat?

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Leave the meat in the frige for one day.

What shark doesn't eat meat?

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i know killer whales eat sharks but i dont anything else that eat sharks.

Do you eat meat from female cows?

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Red meat does possess a fair amount of nutrients that are usable in our diets. It is not only a source of protein but other vitamins as well. In that same respect, there are a lot of unhealthy factors about red meat you should consider. It is very high in calories and contributes to an unhealthy part of our cholesterol as well as increasing our chances of various forms of cancer. If done in moderation, cow meat can be reasonable addition to your daily diet, but otherwise it's disappearance from your meals will not be detrimental to your health.

In regards to the morality associated with the act of killing another animal and consuming its flesh, that's a personal choice. We have been consuming animals to supplement our diets for over 100,000 years. It is in our biological nature, but it still remains a choice. So to opt not to eat animal products anymore is a completely reasonably decision.

What is the best way to clean tripe?

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What is the best way to clean tripe, that has not been cleaned by the butcher? My husband purchased veal tripe from a slaughter house yesterday and it is not cleaned.

What is nutritive value of meat?

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there are lots of nurtion in meat but meat with gray stuff in it is nasty...............well idk go ask a teacher!!!!

Is there a word to describe the strong smell of lamb?

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AnswersThe smell and taste associated with lamb has been described as "gamey", pronounced gāy'mē. Having the flavor and odor of game (wild prey animals).

As the diet of sheep and goats have been known to include any type of plant, and they get more exercise than most domestic animals, their meat is usually more muscular and of a darker hue due to excellent blood circulation. This exercise and subsequent circulation makes it necessary for these highly used muscles to be fed a broader spectrum of nutrients taken from the diverse diet, thus the meat gets a gamier flavor and odor.

If you wish to tone down the gaminess of lamb or goat, I suggest the addition of a variety of sour applesauce (granny smith or mackintosh) and cinnamon to the recipe. Advice from a New Zealander As a New Zealander who has cooked a lot of lamb, I find the best herbs and spices to add to lamb while it is cooking are, salt and pepper, rosemary and garlic (garlic can be sliced and placed deeply into the meat before cooking by piercing the meat with a knife). We wouldn't have apple sauce with lamb, but make a gravy from the pan juices or have a mint sauce to accompany the lamb. These additions especially the rosemary will cover a lot of the gamy smell of lamb cooking. Hope this helps! On the lighter side...Yes how's about the word yum! On the American side...American lamb doesn't smell gamy. My father was a 'big game hunter'; he and his friends were overjoyed when they could bring home a deer. Now, that's gamy. The lamb and mutton that were purchased locally and cooked at home had no gamy smell. Americans are very fond of lamb chops, often eaten without fancy seasonings. The smell of lamb that Americans cook can be described as nice to savory, depending on the seasonings used.


Is McDonald's meat free range?

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No, KFC chicken is not free range.

Is a prawn meat?

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Most American call a big shrimp a prawn and enjoy eating them deep fried, and covered in batter like coconut prawns. The truth is that in all other English speaking parts of the world, they are all called prawns no matter what the size. As long as we are adding culinary preferences, Thai people like to barbecue them and eat the whole thing, including the head. Actually they chew up the heads and spit out the shells and gills.


Prawns are shrimp-like crustaceans, belonging to the sub-order Dendrobranchiata. Prawns are distinguished from shrimp by the gill structure which is branching in prawns. In various forms of English, the name 'prawn' is often applied to shrimp as well, generally the larger species are reffered to as prawns.

-A shrimp generally originates from saltwater and a prawn lives in fresh water. In some American grocery stores they sometimes call a large shrimp with the head attached a prawn but they are not. Prawns and shrimp are different

Why cook meat thoroughly?

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It needs to be cooked thoroughly because of the fact that it's been minced (processed). The processing, especially if performed unrefrigerated, allows for both the introduction of contaminants such as bacteria, as well as the propagation of any bacteria present. Processing also allows any bacteria on the surface of the food to be transferred to the interior where it is more difficult to destroy with cooking heat. Salmonella, E-coli, etc., are present in most foods in relatively harmless numbers but given the opportunity provided by processing (presence of more heat, air, mechanical movement), can spread and multiply rapidly to harmful levels.

Not eating meat during Lent?

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Meat is not eaten on Ash Wednesday and on all Fridays during Lent. Catholics (at least 14 years old) in the United States are obliged to abstain from the eating of meat on Ash Wednesday and on all Fridays during the season of Lent. Catholics (from 18 to 60 years old) are also obliged to fast on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday. Self-imposed observance of fasting on all weekdays of Lent is strongly recommended. This is where people also give up chocolate, sarcasm, or something else for Lent.

What does a Vienna sausage taste like?

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A sausage will taste grainy. A sausage tastes like it has some spices mixed into it. Some sausages can be spicier than others.

What animal does the meat neckbones come from?

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Usually from pork, but beef and poultry neck bones are also popular.

Is meatballs a kids movie?

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Not really. "Meatballs" (1979) is rated 'PG'.

Does Taco Bell meat have sand?

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Short Answer, No.

Long Answer, Kinda.

Taco Bell adds Silica, also known as Silicon Dioxide. Silicon Dioxide is the most abundant mineral found in the Earth's crust. Silica is found most common as sand or quartz.

Silica is used in the production of glass, fiber optics, porcelain, stoneware, and concrete.

Silica is also commonly added in the production of foods where it is used to absorb water. In Taco Bell's case they use Silica to reduce moisture and keep the meat from clumping together.

Silicon an essential trace element commonly found in the form of Silica helps to guard against Alzheimer's disease, Osteoporosis, and Dementia.

Silicon is also needed for proper bone, cartilage, and tissue health. A deficiency of Silicon can lead to weak bones, tendonitis, bone decalcification, and cardiovascular disease.

Foods rich in Silica/Silicon are Dark Green Leafy Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Seeds, and Berries.

Fun Fact: In 1999 the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory launched a spacecraft named "Stardust" which used a Silica based aero gel to collect comet dust from comet Wild 2 named after the Swiss astronomer Paul Wild who discovered it in 1978. Stardust returned to Earth in 2006 traveling over 2.5 Billion miles during its journey through outer space.

Why are nitrates added to many types of processed meat?

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The ion nitrate used in curing is converted to nitrite by enzymes or bacteria. The nitrite then prevents the bacteria from growing.

Do you put your potatoes and carrots at the same time as your roast in a slow cooker?

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no, the taste will taste bad. the potato might taste like the carrot or the other way around

How long can raw meat sit at room temperature before refrigerating?

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Potentially hazardous food should not be left at room temperature for more than 2 hours, or only one if the ambient temperature is very warm. At that time, it should be re-heated or refrigerated.