



Modeling is a form of art that replicates real life objects into smaller scale versions. Modeling for an art work generally involves a person posing as the subject of a painting or sculpture.

500 Questions

What modeling agency is the best in Florida?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because each modeling agency operates differently, there is no way to say which one is better than all the others. As long as you stick to legit, top tier agencies such as Wilhelmina, MC2 Models, Q Model Management, etc. then you will be in good hands.

Do you need to go to modeling school to become a model?

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NO! But one qualification may be that you can't understand that answer.

What is the job availability for fashion design?

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Jobs in fashion can be found sometimes on the website pages of the various fashion houses such as Dior or Chanel. They are mostly found in the classified sections of high fashion magazines.

What are some kid freindly modeling agencies?

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That's hard to answer because location plays a factor. You'll want to look for agencies within a 2 hour's drive from where you live in order to see what's out there and which ones represent kids.

How many years does it take to be a model?

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It depends. If you go to a state college, you may only have to sleep with one photographer and become a model after less than three months. If you go to a community college, however, where the pool of quality photographers is smaller, you may have to sleep with up to six or seven before hitting it big.This could take a fair amount of time, possibly even two years,

What is the world's top modeling agency?

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Each agency usually proclaims itself the best in the industry, which makes it difficult to really say which one is the best. The most important thing about finding a modeling agency is to search for one that suits you best. That means meeting the agency's requirements, making sure they get their models a lot of work, and have a good list of clients that they work with.

Here is a link to modeling agencies in Canada you can check out to compare:

How does a model and acting resume look?

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Asked by Wiki User

An actor/model resume should list your name, contact info (telephone, mailing address and email address) and your stats: height, weight, age, measurements, eye color, hair color, ethnicity (optional), etc. From there the sections should be broken up into categories like

- Film

- Television

- Theater

- Commercial

**or (for models)**

- Runway Shows

- Print

- Lifestyle

- Spokemodel

For each line of experience you should list the title of the role you played, the name of the project and the name of either the company that produced the project or the name of the director or client.

What should you wear to meet a model agent?

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Asked by Wiki User

If your 14 and you have to go to a modeling interview, you should wear something that shows off your body but is age appropriate! You shouldn't wear heels unless they ask you to! They should see what height you are naturally and all that good stuff first to see if they want you to work for them or not! But make sure you dress with your best clothes and make sure you have an awesome appearance because remember the first impression is everything! :)

How much does a model earn?

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Most likely about $100 or more a session. But booking modeling gigs can be extremely difficult. It is not an easy career to pursue. Therefore, the yearly income can be very small compared to other careers. That is until they hit it big time. Again though... that is a difficult goal to accomplish. But it's not impossible. It just takes a lot of hard work and rejections. And one other thing: If you aren't at least 5' 8" tall, forget about any modeling agency giving you a second look.

How much money do teen models make for photoshoots?

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Asked by Armymanm

My friend is a model but she's not exactly a kid. She takes classes for it, and doesn't make any money outta it. She performs in front of ppl 4 free with her other model friends but in the future if she grows up she can be a model (big time) and make money 4 da clothes ppl buy & can make up to $600 a day but u must be super sexy.

Is there any modeling agencies?

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Legitimate and reputable modeling agencies are free and do not charge any upfront fees to its models. Nor do they "sell" classes, training sessions, or portfolios. If you come across an agency that tries to get you to pay upfront before signing a contract, they are not legit.

How do you become a model and acctress without paying any money?

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If you want to be a runway model for free you can always volunteer to do fashion shows for various fashion colleges and schools, which are always looking for model (often with no height requirement) to showcase their students' designs. If you want to get paid, the best way is to sign with a modeling agency, who would book you for paying gigs, as long as you are 5'8"-6'0" if you are a female or 5'10"-6'2" for male models. Or you can try sites like Craigslist, Model Mayhem, or other online sites that post for models.

How do you become an American girl model?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can't
Well, the have staff members who write the stories for ag and the put it upon a board and pick the best.
You can't. It is chosen at random.
you can't; the company just makes a person up.
You cannot!!

The AG writers make up a story, that fits the time period. I don' think they base it on real people with the names they pick. They create the name and story...
well the American girl Lanies Back yard contest has past already but if you are talking about the contest of how they determine the girl of the year well they just choose some one which they make up and then they make a story with morals for it

You can't, the American girl doll of the year is not real, she is a story character.

But you can enter the make a poster contest. There is a contest this year where you make a poster that has to do with stopping bullying and creating a more peaceful world.
Unfortunately that cannot be done.
You can't.
Ummm you can't, the Girl of the Year characters are fictional.

How much does a therapist make a month?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average, monthly salary for a psychologist is roughly 5,500 dollars per month. This wage will increase a lot once you have gained experience and time in the field.

How old do you have to be to become a bikini model?

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In general swimwear modeling doesn't have height requirements, just a specific body type is needed, which varies from designer/brand. However, if you are trying to model for a specific brand, then height may come into play. For example, modeling for a high fashion designer brand of swimwear may require models to be of fashion height (5'8"-6'0").

How much does a model make a week?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's difficult to estimate how much models make in a week simply because it is not calculated like a 9-5 job. Models only make money when they are booked for jobs and it is difficult for models to book work on a weekly basis.

Oftentimes, models may only get paid bookings a few times a month. So the pay range varies widely, especially since each project/modeling assignment has its own pay rate.

Do you need a sponsor or an agency to be a model?

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Asked by Wiki User

You do not need a sponsor but having an agency is the best way to start and maintain a modeling career. You have the option of freelancing and finding work on your own but going through an agency is the safer option.

I am 5'10 and i weigh 130 pounds do you think i could pursue modeling?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. Many agencies that represent fashion and runway models lower the height requirement for new models if they are still young because they know there is a good chance that that model in question will get taller as she gets older. Many agencies allow models between the ages of 13-15 to be 5'7" or even 5'6" as long as there is promise of them getting taller in the next few years.

How does modeling agency works?

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Asked by Wiki User

Running a modeling agency is a very challenging job. You have to maintain a close working relationship with your bookers, who are responsible for finding castings for your models. It also helps to know your models on your roster and be aware of how they are doing career-wise. It is important to know which models are booking more work and which ones are not.

You must have great contacts in the industry with clients and have the ability to offer them the types of models they are looking for.

What is the secret about Victoria?

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Asked by Wiki User

The secret is that Queen Victoria of England was said to have worn racy Lingerie under her gowns for Her Husband Prince Albert. She was also said to have strict rules for women's dress in her time. That is why it was such a secret...

What is the walk of male models on ramps called?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's called the runway walk. This term applies to both male and female models.

What height do you need to be for a catwalk model?

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Female models must be between 5'8" - 6'0" and male models must be between 5'11" - 6'2".

How much money can you make modeling for hollister?

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There is no definitive amount of money that can be listed since each modeling assignment for companies like Hollister are all different and vary from project to project.

A model for Hollister could make anywhere from a couple hundred dollars per day to $100+ per hour.

How fat can a model be?

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"Fat" is not the appropriate term when it applies to modeling. Standard measurements for female fashion models are 34-24-34 (bust, waist and hips in inches).

The rule of thumb for female fashion models 5'8" and taller is to weigh anywhere between 100-125 lbs. Plus size models can obviously weigh more than this and typically range from 130-190 lbs.