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How do you retrieve table data from mysql to jsp?

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Asked by Wiki User

<%@ page import ="java.sql.*" %>

<%@ page import ="javax.sql.*" %>

<%@ page import ="*" %>

<%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*,java.text.SimpleDateFormat;" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>



Calendar currentDate = Calendar.getInstance();

SimpleDateFormat formatter= new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");

String dateNow = formatter.format(currentDate.getTime());

String nam=(String)request.getAttribute("uname");

String pwd=(String)request.getAttribute("pwd");







String full_name=request.getParameter("fname");

String cn=request.getParameter("name");

String deg=request.getParameter("designation");

String ema=request.getParameter("email");

String mobile=request.getParameter("mob_no");

String serial=request.getParameter("ser_no");

String department=request.getParameter("deptt_name");

String off_add=request.getParameter("office_address");

String st_name=request.getParameter("state_name");

String spin=request.getParameter("pin");

String phn_no=request.getParameter("phone_no");

String svar1=request.getParameter("srvip");

String svar2=request.getParameter("srvloc");

String svar3=request.getParameter("destport");

String svar4=request.getParameter("descrsrv");

String placen=request.getParameter("place");

String vdate=request.getParameter("date");

String rname=request.getParameter("r_name");

String rdesg=request.getParameter("r_designation");

String remail=request.getParameter("r_email");

String rphone=request.getParameter("r_phone");

String cname=request.getParameter("c_name");

String cdesg=request.getParameter("c_designation");

String cemail=request.getParameter("c_email");

String cphone=request.getParameter("c_phone");

String issby=request.getParameter("captchatext");


Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/vpn","root","test123");

Statement st= con.createStatement();

int i=st.executeUpdate("insert into vpn_registration(cname,name,designation,email,mobile,serial_no,name_dept,off_add,state,pincode,off_phone,place,rname,rdesign,rmail,rmob,c_name,cdesign,cmail,cmob,issuedby) values ('"+cn+"','"+full_name+"','"+deg+"','"+ema+"','"+mobile+"','"+serial+"','"+department+"','"+off_add+"','"+st_name+"','"+spin+"','"+phn_no+"','"+placen+"','"+rname+"','"+rdesg+"','"+remail+"','"+rphone+"','"+cname+"','"+cdesg+"','"+cemail+"','"+cphone+"','"+issby+"')");

Statement st1= con.createStatement();

int y=st1.executeUpdate("insert into server_details(registration_no,serip,serloc,destport,desc_service) values ('"+svar1+"','"+svar2+"','"+svar3+"','"+svar4+"')");







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<SCRIPT language="javascript">

function addRow(tableID) {

var table = document.getElementById(tableID);

var rowCount = table.rows.length;



alert("Cannot add more than 6 rows.");

return false;



var row = table.insertRow(rowCount);

var counts=rowCount-1;

var cell0 = row.insertCell(0);

var chk = document.createElement("input");

chk.type = "checkbox";"chk"+counts+"";


var cell1 = row.insertCell(1);

var srvip = document.createElement("input");"srvip"+counts+"";"srvip"+counts+"";


srvip.type = "text";



var cell2 = row.insertCell(2);

var srvloc = document.createElement("input");

srvloc.type = "text";



var cell3 = row.insertCell(3);

var destport = document.createElement("input");

destport.type = "text";



var cell4 = row.insertCell(4);

var descrsrv = document.createElement("input");

descrsrv.type = "text";





<script type="text/javascript">

function clearFields()





<SCRIPT language="javascript">

function deleteRow(tableID) {

try {

var table = document.getElementById(tableID);

var rowCount = table.rows.length;

for(var i=0; i<rowCount; i++) {

var row = table.rows[i];

var chkbox = row.cells[0].childNodes[0];

if(null != chkbox && true == chkbox.checked) {

if(rowCount <= 2) {

alert("Cannot delete all the rows.");








}catch(e) {





<script type="text/javascript">

function setid()


var x=document.cmaForm.rowlength.value;


return true;



<script type="text/javascript" src="vpn.js"></script>


<body onload="noBack();" onpageshow="if (event.persisted) noBack();" onunload="noBack();" bgcolor="white">

<!-- Header -->

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0" bgcolor="#ffffff">


<td align="center"><img src="img/nic.jpg" width="65%" height="80" border="0" alt="NIC Logo"></td>


<tr><td><img src="img/line9.gif" width="1" height="5" border="0"></td></tr>


<!-- Form -->

<form method="post" name="cmaForm" action="vpn_registration.jsp" id="0" onSubmit="return setid(),validate_form(" >

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="65%" align="center">


<td bgcolor="#4682B4" width="10"><img src="img/line9.gif" width="10" height="1" border="0"></td>

<td class="header1" nowrap>NIC VPN Services<img src="img/line9.gif" width="10" height="1" border="0"></td>

<td><img src="img/line5.gif" width="10" height="21" border="0"></td>

<td background="img/line8.gif" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>

<td background="img/line8.gif"><img src="img/line9.gif" width="10" height="1" border="0"></td>



<td background="img/line6.gif"><img src="img/line9.gif" border="0"></td>

<td colspan="3"><img src="img/line9.gif" width="1" height="10" border="0"><br>

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">

<tr><td bgcolor="#DBEAF5">

<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="100%">

<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td colspan="7" align="center"><font size="2">National Infomatics Centre <br> Department of Information Technology<br>Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

<br> Government of India</font></td>


<tr bgcolor="#4682B4">

<td colspan="7" align="center"><font size="2" color="white"><b>VPN Registration Form</b></font></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td colspan="7"><b>Note:</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Fields marked<font size="2" color="red"> * </font>are mandatory.



<logic:present name="fail">

<tr><td colspan=7 align="center" ><font color="red" size="5">${fail}</font></td></tr>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td colspan="7" align="center"><b>SECTION I : SUBSCRIBER INFORMATION</b></td>


<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">

<td colspan="7">&nbsp;1.1 Personal Details:</td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td width="15%">&nbsp;Full Name:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="1" width="35%"><input type="text" name="fname" class="ctrl"></td>

<td colspan="1" width="5%">&nbsp;Common Name:</td>

<td colspan="5" width="50%"><input type="text" name="name" value="<%= request.getParameter("uname")%>" readonly="readonly"class="ctrl"></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td width="15%">&nbsp;Designation:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="1" width="35%"><input type="text" name="designation" size="12" class="ctrl"></td>

<td colspan="1" width="5%">&nbsp;E-mail Address:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="5" width="50%"><input type="text" name="email" class="ctrl" size="10"></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td width="15%">&nbsp;Mobile:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="1" width="35%"><input type="text" name="mob_no" size="12" class="ctrl"></td>

<td colspan="1" width="5%">&nbsp;DC Serial No.:</td>

<td colspan="5" width="50%"><input type="text" name="ser_no" value="<%= request.getParameter("pwd")%>" readonly="readonly"class="ctrl" size="10"></td>


<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">

<td colspan="7">&nbsp;1.2 Official Address:</td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td>&nbsp;Name of the Department:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td bgcolor="#ffffff" colspan="7"><input type="text" name="deptt_name" size="35" class="ctrl"></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td >&nbsp;Office Address:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="7"><input type="text" name="office_address" size="35" class="ctrl"></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td width="15%">&nbsp;State:</td>

<td colspan="1" width="35%"><input type="text" name="state_name" size="12" class="ctrl"></td>

<td colspan="1" width="5%">&nbsp;Pin Code:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="5" width="50%"><input type="text" name="pin" class="ctrl" size="10"></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td width="15%" >&nbsp;Office Telephone:</td>

<td colspan="1" width="35%"><input type="text" name="phone_no" size="35" class="ctrl"></td>

<td colspan="6" width="5%"></td>


<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">

<td colspan="7">&nbsp;1.3 List of Server to access through VPN:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td colspan="7">

<TABLE border="1" class="ctrl" id="addressesTable">


<td width="21">&nbsp;</td>

<TD width="150">IP Address of the Server</TD>

<TD width="196">Location of the Server</TD>

<TD width="167">Destination Port</TD>

<TD width="162">Website/URL of Servers</TD>




<INPUT name="chk" type="checkbox" class="ctrl" disabled="disabled"/></TD>

<TD><INPUT name="srvip0" type="text" id="srvip0" class="ctrl" /></TD>

<TD><input name="srvloc0" type="text" class="ctrl" value=""></TD>

<TD><INPUT name="destport0" type="text" id="destport0"class="ctrl" /></TD>

<TD><INPUT name="descrsrv0" type="text" class="ctrl" />

<input type="hidden" name="rowlength" id="rowlength" value="1">






<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td colspan="7" align="left"><input name="des_ser2" value="Add New" type="button" onClick="addRow('addressesTable')" />

<INPUT type="button" value="Delete" onClick="deleteRow('addressesTable')" /></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td colspan="7" align="center"><font size="2"><u>DECLARATION</u></font></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td colspan="7">I hereby declare that<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1. The information provided is correct.<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2. Is responsible for the safety of the Digital Certificate, PIN, Username and Password issued for accessing VPN Service.<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3. I undertake to surrender the VPN account and Digital certificate on transfer / leaving the division.<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4. The certificate and VPN account are issued will be used only for accessing the NIC VPN Service as per the list provided in 1.3.<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5. Will not indulge in any activity and no attempt will be made to gain unauthorized access to other NIC Websites and facilities.<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6. I am responsible for the content/ data uploaded in the servers through VPN connection.<br>

&nbsp;I have read the terms and conditions of NIC VPN Services and will comply with. If at a later stage any information is found to be incorrect or non-compliance with the terms and conditions will result in the cancellation of the DC issued by NIC for NIC VPN service.</td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td width="15%">&nbsp;Place:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="1" width="35%"><input type="text" name="place" size="12" class="ctrl"></td>

<td colspan="1" width="5%">&nbsp;Date:</td>

<td colspan="5" width="50%"><input type="text" name="date" value="${date}" readonly="readonly" class="ctrl" size="10"></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td colspan="7" align="center"><b>SECTION II : RECOMMENDATION</b></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td colspan="7">&nbsp;This is to certify that the person as identified in SECTION-I has provided correct information and is authorized on behalf of the organization to update and access servers listed in 1.3.<br>

&nbsp;I shall intimate NIC VPN Division to deactivate the account when the person is transferred / relived from responsibility for which the VPN account and digital certificate is issued.



<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">

<td colspan="7">&nbsp;2.1 Verification by Recommending/Reporting/Head of Office</td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td width="15%">&nbsp;Name:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="1" width="35%"><input type="text" name="r_name" size="12" class="ctrl"></td>

<td colspan="1" width="5%">&nbsp;Designation:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="5" width="50%"><input type="text" name="r_designation" class="ctrl" size="10"></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td width="15%">&nbsp;E-mail Address:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="1" width="35%"><input type="text" name="r_email" size="12" class="ctrl"></td>

<td colspan="1" width="5%">&nbsp;Contact No.:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="5" width="50%"><input type="text" name="r_phone" class="ctrl" size="10"></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td colspan="7" align="center"><b>SECTION III : Verification by NIC-Coordinator</b></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td colspan="7" align="left" ><a href="" target="blank"> <u> &nbsp;Please refer the authorised NIC Web Co-ordinator</a></u></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td colspan="7">&nbsp;User Category: Free / Paid<br>

&nbsp;If free enclose the copy of the approval.<br>

&nbsp;If paid, then confirm the period for which payment is made: From:.................To:.................<br>

&nbsp;Project No. ......................................................................................................................<br>

&nbsp;The web sites mentioned at 1.3 (a) in SECTION-I am correct. The subscriber is the authorized person to update this web site and require VPN Services. Permission may give for the same.<br>

&nbsp;I shall intimate NIC VPN division to deactivate the account when the person is transferred / relived from responsibility for which the VPN account and digital certificate is issued.



<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td width="15%">&nbsp;Name:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="1" width="35%"><input type="text" name="c_name" size="12" class="ctrl"></td>

<td colspan="1" width="5%">&nbsp;Designation:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="5" width="50%"><input type="text" name="c_designation" class="ctrl" size="10"></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td width="15%">&nbsp;E-mail Address:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="1" width="35%"><input type="text" name="c_email" size="12" class="ctrl"></td>

<td colspan="1" width="5%">&nbsp;Contact No.:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="5" width="50%"><input type="text" name="c_phone" class="ctrl" size="10"></td>


<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

<td width="15%">&nbsp;Enter the Letters:<font size="2" color="red">* </font></td>

<td colspan="1" width="20%"><input type="text" name="captchatext" size="12" class="ctrl"></td>

<td colspan="1" width="20%">&quot;</td>

<td colspan="1" width="20%"><input type="image" name="captchaimg" src="/vpn_app/jcaptcha" size="12" class="ctrl"></td>

<td colspan="4" width="25%"></td>



<img src="img/line9.gif" width="1" height="10" border="0"><br>


<td background="img/line7.gif"><img src="img/line9.gif" border="0"></td>



<td width="10"><img src="img/line4.gif" width="10" height="20" border="0"></td>

<td bgcolor="#4682B4" colspan="4" align="right">

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">


<td class="btn" width="100"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" class="btnform"></td>

<td width="1"><img src="img/line9.gif" width="1" height="18" border="0"></td>

<td class="btn" width="100"><input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Reset" class="btnform"></td>

<td width="1"><img src="img/line9.gif" width="1" height="18" border="0"></td>







<!-- Footer -->

<table align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="65%" border="0" height="22">

<tr bgcolor="#DBEAF5">

<td align="center"><font face="Tahoma">For any query please contact VPN Support:</font><font color="blue" face="Tahoma">vpnsupport[at]nic[dot]in</font>


<font face="Tahoma">Contact No:</font> <font color="blue" face="Tahoma">+91-11-24305391 / 99</font></td>


<logic:present name="fail">




<!-- /Footer -->



What is connection in database?

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Asked by Wiki User

Connection is the process of linking your website or web application to the mysql database. So it cannot be a data within the database. The login & password or Signup details can be part of the database but not the connection.

What role do decision support system play in the business environment?

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Asked by Wiki User

Typical roles decision support systems (DSS) play in business modeling are around advocating a certain thought around decision making use of the underlying data. For example : identifying from the underlying data who are the most profitable customers, what products are selling well in a certain market etc ...for organizations DSS could help in cost management as well (where is money getting spent for what) .. it could help in defining marketing strategy, it could help is supply chain management and pretty much in the whole ecosystem of the organization.

What are the advantages of an SQL database as compared to a MS Access database?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many differences between Oracle and Access. First, you need to know that Oracle and Access are both relational database engines. Oracle is sold by Oracle Corporation and Access is sold by Microsoft. The biggest differences between the two are the size and number of users each supports. Oracle is a scalable enterprise database engine that supports from one to many (tens to hundreds of thousands) of simultaneous users. Access on the other hand is most commonly used as a single-user database but since the release of Access 97, can be augmented with Visual Basic code and can easily support 100+ simultaneous users (Top limit of 200 users). Oracle can support very large databases (Tens of Terabytes in size or larger), while Access is designed for much smaller databases in the 1 to 2 gigabyte size range. Oracle has a wide range of support features that can be used to monitor and tune database performance - Access is much more limited in its performance tuning capabilities. Microsoft's SQL Server rdbms is a direct competitor with Oracle and has a great many more similarities with Oracle. There are numerous incompatibilities between Access/Jet SQL and Oracle SQL, including, but not limited to the following:

1. The date delimiter is "#" in Access and " ' " (single quote) in Oracle and SqlServer.

2. In CHAR Datatype, Oracle returns trailing spaces. Access does not return trailing spaces in String data type. In Oracle, use VarChar2 Datatype.

3. Jet allows use of the "Join" keyword. Oracle uses "(+)" following the joined field(s). Join is not a recognized word in Oracle.

4. IIF() is allowed in Jet but in Oracle, you must use the DECODE function. See Oracle documentation.

5. The following functions in Jet must be translated in Oracle.

Mid(fld, 2, 2) - Substr(fld, 2, 2)

Left(2) - Substr(fld, 1, 2)

Right(n) - Substr( fld, Instr(...),n)

Len() - LENGTH()

Year(Fld) = 1997 - to_char(Fld, 'yyyy') = '1997'

Month(Fld) = 6 - to_char(fld, 'mm') = '06'

Trim(Fld) - LTrim() or RTrim()

6. Generally, you need to use "to_date('01/23/1978', 'mm/dd/yyyy')" to format a date for comparison in Oracle SQL whereas in Jet Sql you could simply use "#01/23/1978#".

7. "RENAME" is a reserved word in Oracle and is therefore an illegal field or table name, but not in Jet.

8. If a memory variable is used in a SQL statement, and the variable is a string with trailing spaces, Jet will trim the value before comparing to the database field. Oracle will not! Therefore, the following will work in Jet but not Oracle, assuming the Oracle field in VARCHAR[2].

Sql = " ... where fldname = 'abc ' ...."

9. Oracle SQL will not find uppercase data in the database if the value in the SQL statement is lowercase. Assume that the LastName field contains the value 'SMITH' in the Oracle table Policy. Access will make a find on the following SQL and Oracle will not (Like character would be "*" for Access.

select * from Policy where LastName Like 'smith%'

10. Conversion of Memo (Jet) fields to Oracle can be a problem. The only data type in Oracle that is analogous to the Memo in Jet is the Long. Although it can hold up to 2gb of string data, you cannot append more than approximately 5,000 characters to the existing Long field because you exceed the length of the maximum string length in an Oracle SQL Statement.

Additionally, you cannot use such expressions, as the following, usable in Jet, in Oracle. They result in the error, "Invalid use of Long Datatype."

select distinct LONGFLD


It seems impossible to use a query to determine rows where there is data in the Long field since a Long field that has '' in it is not Null.

Oracle 8 has Append and Get Chunk commands, but the documentation in the Oracle 7.2 Book does not mention these functions, nor are there any examples of how to update a Long field that exceeds 5,000+ characters.

11. Use of the following sql can be extremely slow in Oracle.

select * from table where policy in

(select policy2 from table2 where .....)

Try using the Oracle Minus operator instead. It uses indexes where the "in (select...)" does not. See the Oracle documentation for usage of the Minus.

12. It is normal, when using Jet, to fill the recordsource property of a data control at design time, even if you are going to fill it with a specific SQL sometime after Form_Load. This is done in order to use the Grid Designer when a data control is bound to a Grid or Combo, etc. However, when the form loads, all such data controls are refreshed. If you have the table name as the data control recordsource, which would be normal for designer use, and assuming that dbSQLPassThrough is being used, the entire table is returned to the client machine and refreshed into the grid, even if the grid is not visible, i.e., on a different tab. In Jet, this will not be the case if "UseExactRow" property is not set and therefore will not take an inordinate amount of time, but in Oracle it could be disastorous!

An easy way to deal with this is to set the recordsource to "" in the Form_Load event, especially if you are connected to Oracle. Later on, your code will set the recordsource to the specific SQL as required. Note that this must be done in the Form_Load because the Grid will be refreshed by the time the Activate Event is fired.

13. Be aware that, when using dbSQLPassThrough, the entire recordset, specified by the SQL, is returned to the client machine, and is therefore readonly. At this point the recordset belongs to the client, and Oracle is out of the picture. In praticality, there is no difference between a Snapshot and Dynaset in passthrough mode.

14. Use of apostrophes (') in names and abbreviations are a problem in SQL. In Access, it may be circumvented by use of the double quote (") to encapsulate string data in the SQL statement instead of the apostrophe, thus allowing the use of the (') in the string. In Oracle, you can use two single quotes ('') to denote an apostrophe. The string below is valid in Oracle Sql.

... Set Lastname = 'O''Toole',...

15. In Access, an empty string ("") is not Null. Oracle's default parameter for Null is set to '' (double single quotes or empty string). In other words, Oracle, by default, treats an empty string field as Null. Therefore, the following code which works in Access, does not work in Oracle.

...Where RTrim(Fld) <> ''.....

In Oracle, change the SQL to:

... Where Fld is not null....

Also, the following sql will not work if a field is Null.

... Where THSTATE <> 'Z'...

Even though the field is null, and therefore <> 'Z', the row containing the Null field will not be returned. In order to get the row, you must enhance the SQL as:

...where (THSTATE <> 'Z' or THSTATE is Null)...


16. When using dbSQLPassThrough with DAO, the RecordsAffected Property will always return -1, and there is apparently no way to determine whether any records were affected by an action sql or not.

17. When printing an error message from ODBC, if you print Error, as in the errors object, you will print "ODBC Call Failed", which is useless. Instead, print Errors(0).Description (or both) and you will get the true error description returned from the ODBC data source.

18. If you are having trouble with a bound data control returning less than the correct number of row, i.e., returns 100 rows when it should have returned 200 or more, set the DefaultCursorType to 1 (ODBC Cursor). For some reason this is not always required, but it will solve the problem of truncated recordsets in a data control connected to Oracle.

19. Access allows an Order By clause at the end of a query that uses a Union, but if you try this in Oracle, it will not work because Oracle ignores the column names in the result set from the Union. Not to worry! You can Order By column positions from the select statement. In other words, if Policy is returning in column 3 of the result set, and you want to order by Policy, then use "Order By 3..."

What are the benefits of using ER diagrams?

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Asked by Wiki User

ER diagrame shows the relationship among entities.

How can you create table using datasheet view?

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Asked by Wiki User

When you open Access, Select NEW. The New tab provides several ways that you can create a new database including "TABLE View" which then looks like a datasheet

Similarities between computer language and programming language?

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Asked by Wiki User

They run things using Yahoo+ code. For mor info contact me via my IM .... kaybee_0@yahoo

You want UML diagrams for library management system?

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Asked by Wiki User

An Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) is e-Library website which is part of Integrated Library System(ILS), also known as a Library Management System (LMS), and managed by a library or group of libraries.

Patrons of the library can search library catalog online to locate various resources - books, periodicals, audio and visual materials, or other items under control of the library. Patrons may reserve or renew item, provide feedback, and manage their account.

See example of UML diagram in the link.

What are Java applets used for in programming?

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Asked by Wiki User

Java Applets: Their Uses in Programming - AchieversIT

Java Applets were once a popular technology for web-based interactivity and dynamic content. However, their usage has declined in recent years due to security concerns and the emergence of alternative web technologies like HTML5 and JavaScript. Nonetheless, Java Applets have historically been used in programming for various purposes:

  1. Interactive Web Content:

Java Applets were initially designed to enhance web pages with interactive and dynamic features. They allowed developers to embed interactive games, animations, calculators, and other interactive elements directly within web browsers.

  1. Data Visualization:

Applets were used to create interactive data visualizations, such as charts, graphs, and diagrams, that could be displayed within web pages. This was especially useful for presenting complex data in a user-friendly manner.

  1. Educational Tools:

Java Applets were employed in the development of educational websites and e-learning platforms. They allowed educators to create interactive simulations, quizzes, and tutorials for online learning.

  1. Online Games:

Java Applets were popular for developing web-based games. They provided a platform-independent way to deliver games to users through web browsers.

  1. Scientific and Engineering Applications:

In scientific and engineering fields, Java Applets were used to create simulations and modeling tools. Researchers and students could interact with these simulations to better understand complex phenomena.

  1. Business Applications:

Some businesses used Java Applets for web-based applications, such as data entry forms, calculators, and product configurators, to engage users and facilitate online transactions.

  1. Real-Time Collaboration:

Applets supported real-time collaboration features in web applications. Users could collaborate on documents, drawings, and other content within a web-based environment.

  1. Embedded Systems Configuration:

In certain cases, Java Applets were used for configuring and controlling embedded systems, such as network devices and industrial machinery, via web interfaces.

It's important to note that while Java Applets offered advantages in terms of cross-platform compatibility and rich interactivity, they also had drawbacks, particularly in terms of security vulnerabilities and the need for browser plugins. As a result, their use has decreased, and modern web development has largely shifted toward technologies like HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS for creating dynamic and interactive web content.

At AchieversIT, we provide comprehensive Java training that covers a wide range of Java technologies and programming concepts, including Java Applet development, to equip students with a solid foundation in Java programming.

Which computer programming languages are the standard?

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Asked by Shanesmith89

The older languages are still the standards by which modern programming languages are measured. Fortran, COBOL, Lisp, and C/C++ are all used as baselines to evaluate newer languages. Of course, the "new kids" are being used as standards more and more often. Java, Ruby, Perl, Python, and other more modern languages are being used to measure how "good" a new language is.

What drug helps to lose weight the fastest?

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Asked by Wiki User

Eating a healthy, varied diet that is high in fruits and vegetables — including soluble fiber, vitamin D, and probiotics — is the best plan for losing weight from your waistline. Avoiding refined carbohydrates, sugar, and processed foods whenever possible will help you cut calories and get rid of fat more quickly.reduce

How quickly will you lose weight? The volunteers reduced their waist sizes by an average of 1 inch for every 4lb (1.81kg) they lost. So if you lose 1lb (0.45kg) a week you could hope to your waistline by an inch after four weeks. If you are interested to know the amazing secret tips which helps me lose weight fast then click on the link in my bio

Describe the 3 levels of government?

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Asked by Wiki User

depending on what country you live in, here in Canada we have municipal, provincial and then federal.

What is the dbm?

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Asked by Wiki User

it is the power ratio in decibels

No, it isn't. dB on its own is a ratio.

But when dB has a suffix, the figure is an absolute measurement, not a ratio.

For instance, dBm is a measurement of power compared to 1mW.

0dBm means zero difference between 1mW and the measured figure. In other words the measured figure is also 1mW.

3dBm is 3dB greater than 1mW. -3dB is 3dB less than 1mW. etc.

Another suffix is W. 0dBW being 1 watt.

There are many more suffixes, some of which are used in only a few specialised cases.

Is SQL a high level language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, SQL is a high level language, since it allow us to get result without much going into Assembly level instructions, by using interpreter to change our statements/queries into machine level instructions!.

What is granularity in sql database?

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Asked by Wiki User

lowest level of data

What is data manipulating language?

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Asked by Wiki User

DML is a subset of SQL (Structured Query Language) that is used to insert, delete and revise records (or 'tuples') in a relational database. The precise definition of DML varies considerably with the database system with which it is associated.

How do you reverse a given string without using string functions?

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Asked by Wiki User

1.take while loop in which u continue up to null in array of string.

2.once u get null pointer then take a new array of same length.

3.when u get null there ll save position no in variable i.

4.take while loop i to 0;

5.and j=0 for new array. above loop copy old array to new array in each cycle of loop.


8.u ll get reverse of string.

What six columns are shown in the output of the DESCRIBE table statement?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Field

    Name of the table field.

  2. Type

    Column type such as varchar or timestamp.

  3. Null

    Does the field allow null values?

  4. Key

    Is this field a primary key or (a part of) and index?

  5. Default

    Default field value.

  6. Extra

    Additional information such as "on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"