

Paradox and Antithesis

Includes questions related to contradictory statements or when opposing words are used to create a balance.

500 Questions

How can you explain the Grandfather paradox?

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Asked by Ubergeekpi

The Grandfather paradox is a hypothetical situation where a time traveler goes back in time and prevents their grandfather from meeting their grandmother, thus preventing the time traveler's own birth. This paradox raises questions about the possibility and consequences of time travel and the principles of causality.

What is a paradox in the sound of thunder?

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Asked by Wiki User

In "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury, a paradox is created when the time travelers accidentally change the past by stepping off the designated path, resulting in significant alterations in the future that contradict their original intent to observe and not interfere with history. This presents a paradox where a seemingly insignificant action leads to unforeseen and catastrophic consequences.

What is an energy efficiency paradox?

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Asked by Hejonglee5

The energy efficiency paradox refers to situations where improvements in energy efficiency do not necessarily lead to a reduction in energy consumption. This can occur due to rebound effects, where increased efficiency leads to lower costs and encourages more consumption, offsetting the initial energy savings.

What is a hydrostatic paradox?

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Asked by VundavilliVeerugp8725

The hydrostatic paradox refers to the principle that the pressure at a given depth in a liquid is determined solely by the weight of the fluid above that point, regardless of the shape or volume of the container holding the liquid. This means that the pressure at a specific depth in a liquid is constant, and does not depend on the shape of the container.

What is the Langmuir Paradox?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Langmuir Paradox refers to the discrepancy between the relatively low calculated reactivity of gas-phase ions in the atmosphere and the high reactivity observed in experiments. It highlights the limitations in our understanding of complex chemical reactions happening in the atmosphere.

Where is the first place sugar came from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sugar originated from Southeast Asia and the Pacific region over 10,000 years ago, where sugarcane was first domesticated and cultivated for its sweet juice. It later spread to other parts of the world through trade and exploration.

Since a chicken comes from an egg and eggs come from a chicken which one came first?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first chicken would have come from an egg laid by a bird that was not quite a chicken, due to genetic mutations or changes. Over time, these changes would have accumulated until a bird hatched from one of these eggs could be considered a true chicken.

Which statement is true about half-lives?

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Asked by Wiki User

The half-life of a substance is the time taken for half of the radioactive atoms to decay. It is a fixed characteristic of each radioactive isotope. The concept of half-life is commonly used in carbon dating and nuclear medicine.

What is the Fermi Paradox?

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Asked by Esphira

The Fermi Paradox refers to the apparent contradiction between the high probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations in the universe and the lack of evidence for, or contact with, such civilizations. It raises questions about why we have not yet detected any signs of intelligent alien life despite the vast number of potentially habitable planets in the universe.

If a girl went back in time and killed her grandmother wouldn't she have killed herself because her mother wasn't born?

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Asked by Wiki User

This scenario is known as a paradox, specifically the grandfather paradox in time travel theory. It raises questions about causality and logic, but it ultimately relies on the assumption that time travel could create such situations. Some theories suggest that time travel could lead to branching timelines or alternate realities to avoid paradoxes.

What is the exactly meaning of cold as fire hot as ice?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Cold as fire, hot as ice" is an oxymoron, a figure of speech where contradictory terms are combined. In this context, it expresses a feeling of confusion or contradiction, describing something that is difficult to understand or unpredictable in its behavior.

I just bought a 1991 s10 w 2.5l and 5speed manual it has 145000 is there any important maintenance like timing chain or fluids like clutch or manual trans any other concerns I should look into?

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Asked by Wiki User

For your 1991 S10 with the 2.5L engine and manual transmission, it's important to check the timing chain for wear and proper tension. Additionally, ensure that the clutch fluid is topped up and that the clutch itself is in good condition. Regularly check and change the transmission fluid to maintain smooth operation. Keep an eye on suspension components and cooling system hoses for signs of wear as well.

What is time dilation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Time dilation is a phenomenon of time appearing to pass at different rates depending on the speed of an object or its proximity to a gravitational mass. It is a prediction of the theory of relativity, where time can appear to slow down or speed up based on these conditions. This concept has been confirmed through various experiments involving high-speed particles and precise atomic clocks.

What is the difference between a fish egg and a chicken egg?

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Asked by Wiki User

The difference between a fish egg and a chicken egg became obvious today, Easter Sunday. I had a hard time coloring the fish eggs!

What is the geography of the land in Cry the Beloved Country?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Cry, the Beloved Country" is set in South Africa, primarily in the rural areas of Ndotsheni, a small village, and the urban city of Johannesburg. The novel explores the stark contrast between the picturesque landscapes of the rural region and the harsh realities of urban life in Johannesburg. The descriptions of the land serve to highlight the social, economic, and racial disparities that exist in South Africa during that time.

What came first the chickin or the egg?

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Asked by stormxyy

The egg, by many centuries. Dinosaurs laid eggs long before chickens existed.

Which came first?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the context of what you are asking about. Can you please provide more details so I can give you a more accurate answer?

What paradox is in the crucible?

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Asked by Wiki User

One paradox in "The Crucible" is the notion that those who are accused of witchcraft are expected to confess in order to save their lives, yet by confessing they are also condemning themselves and others to further accusations and trials. This creates a moral dilemma for the characters in the play, as their choices can have dire consequences regardless of whether they tell the truth or not.

Is the correct answer false?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the correct answer is not false. It is best to provide the correct information or clarification instead.

What is paradox mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

A paradox is something that seems contradictory but still works. For example, gaining control of one's life by letting go is a paradox. It seems contradictory but it works.

If I go back in time and kill my past self is it murder or suicide?

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Asked by Wiki User

It would be considered a paradox rather than murder or suicide, as the action of killing your past self would disrupt the timeline and raise questions about causality and existence.

Which coin paradox calls for an alternative to be considered if an assessment of the effects of a course of action?

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Asked by Wiki User

The "Two Faces of Coin Paradox" calls for considering an alternative course of action if assessing the potential negative outcomes of sticking to a current course of action. The paradox highlights the need to evaluate all possibilities and be prepared to change strategies if the risks outweigh the benefits.

Summary of telephone conversation by wole soyinka in Telugu summary?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wole Soyinka's "Telephone Conversation" is a poem that highlights racial prejudice and discrimination. It discusses a person's experience of trying to rent an apartment and facing rejection due to the color of their skin. The poem reveals the absurdity and ignorance of racial biases through a conversation between the speaker and the landlady.

What was Robespierre's paradox?

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Asked by Wiki User

Robespierre's paradox refers to the idea that someone who advocates for extreme measures in order to create a better society may themselves become a tyrant in the process. Essentially, it highlights the contradiction between using oppressive tactics in the name of achieving freedom and equality. This concept is often associated with the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution, which was led by Maximilien Robespierre.