

Pest Control

What's bugging you? How do you get rid of those pesky insects and pests? This is the category to take a swat at those creepy, crawly unwelcome invaders.

500 Questions

What is the role of microorganisms in the biological control of pests?

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Asked by Wiki User

Microorganisms can act as biological control agents by infecting and killing pests, disrupting their life cycles, or reducing their population. They can be used as an eco-friendly alternative to chemical pesticides in agriculture and forestry to manage pest populations. Examples include bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa that target specific pest species.

How do you test a pesticide?

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Pesticides are typically tested in laboratory studies to assess their efficacy in controlling target pests and their impact on non-target organisms and the environment. These tests involve measuring factors such as mortality rates, residual effects, and ecological impacts to determine the effectiveness and safety of the pesticide. Field trials are also conducted to evaluate the pesticide's performance under real-world conditions.

Why did Rachel Louise Carson help ban DDT or pesticide?

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Rachel Carson helped ban DDT because she was concerned about the harmful effects of this pesticide on the environment and wildlife, especially birds. Her book "Silent Spring" brought attention to the dangers of pesticides, leading to increased awareness and eventually regulation of these chemicals. Carson believed in the importance of protecting nature and promoting sustainable practices.

What type of pesticides do chemistry design to protect crops?

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Chemists design a variety of pesticides to protect crops, including insecticides to kill insects, herbicides to control weeds, fungicides to combat fungal diseases, and bactericides to control bacterial infections. They work to create effective and environmentally safe solutions to help farmers protect their crops from pests.

What is the function of emulsifier in the commercial insecticide?

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An emulsifier in commercial insecticides helps to mix oil-based and water-based ingredients together, creating a stable solution that can be evenly applied to surfaces. This allows the insecticide to spread and adhere effectively to the target pests, improving its overall effectiveness.

How do pesticides affect soil fertility?

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Asked by EliGarciagp4509

Pesticides can have both negative and positive effects on soil fertility. While some pesticides can harm beneficial soil organisms and decrease soil organic matter, others can help control pests and preserve soil fertility by preventing crop damage. Using pesticides judiciously with proper application techniques can minimize negative impacts on soil fertility.

What body tissue is DDT stored in humans?

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Asked by Wiki User

DDT is mainly stored in the adipose (fat) tissue in humans. It can persist in the body for a long time due to its fat solubility and slow metabolism, leading to potential bioaccumulation over time.

How many watts for a bug zapper?

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The wattage for bug zappers can vary depending on the size and model. Typically, bug zappers for residential use range from 10 to 40 watts. Commercial bug zappers may have higher wattage, up to 80 watts or more. It is important to refer to the manufacturer's specifications for the exact wattage of a particular bug zapper.

Which type of sulphur is used for fumigation?

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Asked by Almacavaciuti

Sublimed sulphur, also known as "flowers of sulphur," is commonly used for fumigation purposes. It is a fine yellow powder that can be burned to release sulfur dioxide gas, which has insecticidal properties.

What is the name best bedbugs chemical spayer?

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One popular chemical spray for bedbugs is called Temprid SC. It is a broad-spectrum insecticide that is effective against bedbugs and other pests when used according to the label instructions. Remember to always follow safety precautions when using any chemical sprays.

Can lye soap kill bedbugs?

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Lye soap may not be effective in killing bedbugs. Bedbugs usually require specific insecticides or professional treatment to effectively eliminate them. It is recommended to seek advice from a pest control expert for the most appropriate treatment for bedbug infestations.

What does it mean when the red light on the pest repeller stops working?

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If the red light on the pest repeller stops working, it could indicate a malfunction in the device. The light is typically an indicator of when the repeller is functioning properly or emitting frequencies to deter pests. It is best to consult the user manual or contact the manufacturer for troubleshooting and potential solutions.

Which pesticide has active ingridients like nicotine OS strychnine?

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Nicotine and strychnine are found in some insecticides, such as nicotine sulfate and strychnine sulfate. These compounds are used as neurotoxins to control pests and are toxic to insects upon exposure. However, it's important to note that due to their high toxicity, the use of these compounds in pesticides is regulated in many countries.

Can you buy borax at lowes home improvement?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can typically find borax for sale at Lowe's Home Improvement stores. It is often located in the cleaning supplies aisle. If you don't see it on the shelf, you can also inquire with a store associate for assistance.

Who discovered DDT?

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DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) was first synthesized by the Austrian chemist Othmar Zeidler in 1874. Its insecticidal properties were later discovered by Swiss chemist Paul Hermann Müller, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1948 for his work on DDT.

What are the modern uses of arsenic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Modern uses of arsenic include in certain types of semiconductors, as a wood preservative, in some pharmaceuticals, and in the production of pesticides. However, its use is highly regulated and restricted due to its toxicity.

What acts as a fungicide in a bordeaux mixture?

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Asked by Wiki User

Copper ions act as a fungicide in bordeaux mixture.

Specifically, bordo mix contains copper sulfate and slaked lime. Slaked lime contributes to the mix's longevity and viability by neutralizing the solution. The copper keeps fungal spores from germinating. It also may harm earthworms, fish and livestock if it is allowed to accumulate in soil and runoff.

Who invented mosquito repellent?

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Mosquito repellent was not invented by a single person, but rather through a combination of research and development over time. Some of the key components used in mosquito repellents, such as DEET, were developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the 1940s. Since then, many companies and researchers have contributed to the creation of various types of mosquito repellents.

How long should you keep borax out to kill roaches?

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Borax can take a few days to a few weeks to fully eliminate a roach infestation, depending on the size of the infestation. Ideally, keep the borax out in areas where roaches are frequently seen until there is no sign of roach activity. Be sure to keep it out of reach of children and pets.

How do you kill whorled milkweed?

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To kill whorled milkweed, you can manually uproot the plants, making sure to remove the entire root system to prevent regrowth. Alternatively, you can use an herbicide containing glyphosate, being careful to follow the instructions on the product label for safe and effective application.

Will rain dissolve moth balls?

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No, rain will not dissolve moth balls as they are made from materials like naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene which are not water-soluble. However, prolonged exposure to moisture may cause them to lose their potency over time. It's best to keep moth balls in airtight containers to protect them from moisture.

What is eating blossoms from your plants?

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It could be caused by a variety of pests such as caterpillars, beetles, or deer. Inspect your plants for signs of the culprit, and consider using natural or chemical methods to control the pest population. Placing physical barriers or using repellents can also help protect the plants.

How do you pronounce Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is pronounced as "dye-klor-oh-dye-fen-uhl-tri-klor-oh-eth-ane".

Recently moved about 200 feet from a Cherry Orchard-- when they spray pesticides the stink is very bad and sometimes you find residue-- what is the acceptable limit for pesticide drift?

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Asked by Wiki User

The acceptable limit for pesticide drift can vary depending on the type of pesticide being used and local regulations. It is best to contact your local agricultural extension office or environmental agency to inquire about specific limits in your area. In general, pesticide drift should be minimized to protect human health and the environment.

Where can you purchase naphthalene balls?

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Asked by Wiki User

Naphthalene balls can be purchased at most hardware stores, supermarkets, or online retailers. They are commonly used for moth and insect repellent purposes in closets, storage areas, and other spaces.