

Philippines Colleges and Universities

Also known as Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), colleges and universities in the Philippines are licensed, supervised and controlled by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). The University of the Philippines (UP) is one of the better-known universities in the country.

500 Questions

What are the factors that affect academic performance of students in schools?

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First, and most importantly social and cultural peer pressure tosucceed by graduating. Second, a lack of motivating forces to graduate because many high school students find high school mundane due to a lack of personalized systems, making any idea of college or higher education a unreasonabledecision.Third, a high physical work load placed on students by teachers and administrations to give a student a more challenging school experience. And finally a fourth problem could be a bad home life.

Exam results in TUP Manila?

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thet told me to visit

What is the oldest university in the Philippines?

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In 1551 a decree by Carlos I established the "Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico" known today as the University of Mexico or la Universidad Nacional Autonimo de México (UNAM). Source: "The Oldest University in America" by C. E. Castañedain Hispania 1930 published by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.

What specific principle of curriculum development justifies the importance of cooperation and collaboration among all stakeholders of the school?

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1. What educational purposes should the school seek to attain?

2. What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these purposes?

3. How can they be organized?

4. How can we determine whether these purposes are being attained?

What is reflection of product oriented performance based assessments?

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Product oriented assessment is a kind of assessment where in the assessor views and scores the final product made and not on the actual performance of making that product. It is concern on the product alone and not on the process.

It is more concern to the outcome or the performance of the learner.It also focuses on achievement of the learner.

What are the major factors affecting process design decisions?

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Asked by Wiki User

Operations managers have to consider factors like the nature of demand, the degree of vertical integration, flexibility, degree of automation, and quality level and degree of customer contact while making process design decisions.

Nature of Demand: Organizations have to produce products or services based on customer needs and preferences. They have to schedule their production so as to be able to meet the estimated future demand levels. Methods for estimating future demand consider factors like seasonality, growth trends, and other demand patterns that affect future demand levels.

Influence of demand patterns - The demand for a product rises or falls over a period of time and is influenced by factors like seasonal fluctuations that affect the design of the production process of the product. For example, the demand for products like air conditioners, refrigerators, etc. varies from season to season.

Influence of price level - The price-volume or the demand curve influences the process design. As customers are price-sensitive, they have a tendency to buy more of a product at a low price and less at a high price.

Degree of vertical integration: Vertical integration is the extent to which the production and the distribution chain is brought under the ownership of the organization. The degree of vertical integration determines the extent to which a product and its components are produced internally. Vertical integration is of two types: forward and backward. Forward integration is the expansion of ownership of production to the distribution chain, towards the market. And when it is expanded backward or toward the sources of supplies, it is referred to as backward integration. Vertical integration provides flexibility in manufacturing which results in increased profits due to centralized overheads, pooling of R&D and design efforts, and economies of scale. Vertical integration may not, however, always be desirable as the decision to produce the components instead of buying them could leave organizations stuck with outdated technology. Operations managers should evaluate the pros and cons of vertical integration before deciding on its implementation.

Flexibility: A flexible organization is one that responds quickly to the changing customer preferences or market conditions. Organizations have to be flexible in order to increase or maintain their market share. Flexibility can be broadly classified into: Product/service Flexibility - The ability of the production system to shift quickly from producing one product to another is referred to as product/service flexibility. This is necessary for organizations which produce different custom-designed products/services in small lots using general-purpose equipment and multi-skilled employees. Volume Flexibility - The ability to increase or decrease production volumes rapidly in response to external changes is referred to as volume flexibility. This is necessary for organizations that produce products the demand for which fluctuates and for which it is uneconomical to maintain a high level of inventory.

Degree of automation: Operations managers in the past avoided automation due to the high costs involved in automating the processes and the difficulty in integrating them with other production processes. Of late, they have realized that automation can be used as a strategic weapon for competing with others. Though automation is expensive, it can reduce labor and related costs. Operations managers should decide on the degree of automation required for their production processes. Quality level and degree of customer contact: The quality levels of a product or service decide its competitiveness in the market and affect the production process design at all stages of production. The desired level of quality has direct implications for the degree of automation and the extent of customer interaction and contact required for the production process.

How family problems affect students achievement in school?

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Everyone's parents are different. I had strict parents so I don't know what a nurturing family would be like, but I'll tell you what having strict parents did for me:

With strict (and Asian) parents, the expectations are way too high. When you know you can't meet those expectations, you lack the motivation to strive to do your best because you know it will never be good enough. Without motivation and passion, the quality of performance will definitely go down.

What is the role of students in disaster preparedness?

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Asked by Wiki User

DISATER MANAGEMENT-ROLE OF STUDENTS In a lot of nations late teenagers are part of 'emergency rescue teams' - mostly the training goes side by side along with 'compulsory military training' programs.

I would like to negate student community from search and rescue since that is a highly specialized job and should be left to professionals.

The basic role of the student, in my opinion, is AWARENESS of what to do during and after disasters. This would lessen panicking, paranoid and uncontrollable people running around. Also, knowing what to do when disaster strikes will also lessen the death toll. Knowing what to do after disaster, and at least basic first aid, will enable students help the authorities in saving lives.

If students are well trained then if there is a disaster they are able to protect themselves and they can also help others. Student branch is the most well informed branch of community. They can spread awareness about disaster management. Also they can form association to help in times of disaster. Children can help in managing Disasters in many ways few of them are:- * Students can help in rehabilitation and resettlement of victims * They can spread awareness through rallies in streets * Volunteer in the information centers and form associations for the Disaster-Day * Provide the victims with basic needs * Preventing disasters at home - stopping building fires due to petty reasons like a short circuit. DISATER MANAGEMENT-ROLE OF STUDENTS In a lot of nations late teenagers are part of 'emergency rescue teams' - mostly the training goes side by side along with 'compulsory military training' programs.

I would like to negate student community from search and rescue since that is a highly specialized job and should be left to professionals.

The basic role of the student, in my opinion, is AWARENESS of what to do during and after disasters. This would lessen panicking, paranoid and uncontrollable people running around. Also, knowing what to do when disaster strikes will also lessen the death toll. Knowing what to do after disaster, and at least basic first aid, will enable students help the authorities in saving lives.

If students are well trained then if there is a disaster they are able to protect themselves and they can also help others. Student branch is the most well informed branch of community. They can spread awareness about disaster management. Also they can form association to help in times of disaster. Children can help in managing Disasters in many ways few of them are:- * Students can help in rehabilitation and resettlement of victims * They can spread awareness through rallies in streets * Volunteer in the information centers and form associations for the Disaster-Day * Provide the victims with basic needs * Preventing disasters at home - stopping building fires due to petty reasons like a short circuit.

What is an example of an excuse letter in school?

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To whom it may concern,

Please excuse my daughter/son [ full name ] for being absent [date].

[reason for being absent].

Thank you for your kind consideration.


[parent/guardian name]


How did the Spaniards influence the educational system in the Philippines?

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Philippine education before the Spaniards came was informal and unstructured. Parents were the children's first teachers. For schools, the children went to the houses of tribal tutors where they were taught vocational subjects or what we would consider today as electives.

During the Spanish period, tribal tutors were replaced by Spanish missionaries and education became religion-oriented. Education became exclusively for the elite in the early years under the Spanish rule. Later, education became accessible to Filipinos with the enactment of the Educational Decree of 1863. This decree provided for the establishment of at least one primary school in each town. It also provided for the establishment of a normal school for male teachers. Normal schools (teacher-training schools) were supervised by the Jesuits. Primary education was free. Spanish, as a subject, was compulsory.
The Philippines were a colony of Spain until 1898, until losing the Spanish-American War of 1898 to the United States. The Philippines are named after King Philip of Spain.

What are Philippine Coast Guard exam requirements?

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may i know the list of passers of the philippine coast last FEBRUARY 2011?
where is the list of passers of Philippine coast guard february 12 2011

Which pharmacy school is the easiest to get into?

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Asked by Duboo1

It really depends on the demographics of the potential students for a given year. Some institutions also vary in their selectivity in early decision versus regular decision acceptance periods. For those applying for the graduating class of 2011, Harvard was generally considered the toughest Ivy to get into because of the exceptionally low acceptance rate - less than 10%, followed by Princeton and Yale. Overall, Cornell may be the "easiest" to get into, because of its acceptance rates - however, it is one of the most academically rigorous when considering weighted grades and the courses they offer.

Harvards acceptance rate is 6% right about there with yale, cornell's is like 22 but still no easy task. Harvard and Yale ususally look for about a 2250 SAT while Cornell looks for about a 2020, but they all look for a the student more than the test scores I have heard of 1700s getting into Yale. You do have to pop out in a good way and high SAT scores do help

What psychological factors that affect students' academic performance?

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There are quite a few factors, that affect the academic performance of college students, but the number one factor is poor time management. It leads to procrastination, which in its turn leads to anxiety and stress of not performing well, which, in large amounts, leads to physical and mental health problems. So to say, it drives the chain of negative consequences that impact the academic performance of college students. Taking into account that a lot of students have to work full or part-time alongside studying, no wonder their academic performance significantly decreases. The solution to this problem would be proper time management and learning how to keep study-work-life balance.

What does complete academic requirements mean?

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Academic Requirements means the requirements in terms of grades that we acquire during our school or college. For reputed Universities,academic requirements may be High. The grades may be in terms of GPA(Grade point Average) or average of percentage(all semesters of Undergrad). Academic requirements must be fulfilled in order to get successfully admitted in particular University for Bachelor's or Master's course.

What age do students graduate in the Philippines?

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Let's see... 1 to 3 years in pre-elementary (Nursery, Pre-school and Kindergarten), 6 years in elementary school, 4 years in high school, and 4 to 5 years in college, depending on the course. Other courses such as medicine and law would require more than 5 years of study in college--4 years pre-medicine or pre-law and 4 to 5 years medicine proper or law proper. A regular student (not studying medicine or law) would spend 14 to 15 years in school, on the average. Pre-elementary education is an advantage, but not required.

What is fitness testing?

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a fitness assessment is an assessment (test,quiz,paper,ect.) on fitness

What is University of Southeastern Philippines's motto?

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University of Southeastern Philippines's motto is 'Unity, Stewardship, Excellence, Professionalism'.

What are the environmental factors that affects academic performance of a student?

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Environmental factors that can affect academic performance include noise levels, lighting conditions, air quality, temperature, and classroom design. These factors can impact a student's ability to focus, retain information, and engage in learning. Additionally, factors like access to resources, study space, and support at home can also play a role in academic performance.

What are disadvantages of K plus 12 in the Philippines?

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for my own opinion, one of disadvantages ng pagkakaroon ng K12 is dagdag problem 'to hindi lang para sa government, sa mga school staffs and personels especially teachers kundi pati na rin s mga magulang at lalong-lalo na sa mga mag-aaral. As we see, sa hirap ng buhay ngayon, hirap na hirap talagang magpaaral ang mga magulang sa mga anak nila sa sobrang hirap ng buhay ngyayon. Kaya nga maraming out-of-school youth dahil sa kakapusan sa financial, paano pa pag mas humaba yung taon ng pag-aaral.

Isa pa, kung ngayon nga na hindi pa napapatupad yung k 12 system ehh malaki na ang problema pagdating sa mga kagamitan, paaralan at budget para sa educaation, paano pa pag nadagdagan pa ng taon. Lalo pa't kung maraming humihinto sa pag-aaral kada taon, marami ding mga bata ang nag-eenrol every school year. Kung ngayon pa lang kapos na at hindi na kayang mgatugunan ng husto ang mga pangangailangan ng mga mag-aaral at ng mga guro paano pa pag may k12 system na.

Dagdag kaalaman nga ito para sa atin, pero sana isipin din muna yung pwedeng magng bad effect nito sa atin at sa ating kabuhayan .. :)

Current trends and issues in education?

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The Use of the Internet and Social Media as a Teaching Tool All students these days know how to use a computer and the internet, and most of them are using social media networks to share their thoughts and to support each other. Educators these days know how to harness the power of the internet and social media to get in touch with their students, and hear their thoughts. How the Condition of Educational Facilities Affect PerformanceBasically the better the building's condition, the better the students and their teachers perform. There was a survey done with different schools in the US as subjects, they sought to find out just how much of an impact a school building's condition and facilities affect the students and teachers. Some results point out that better facilities led to less truancy, smoking, and substance abuse in the students. It was also determined that with better school buildings test scores rose up significantly. And even the behavior of the teachers and how well they instruct their students seem to increase along with improvements in the school. Students Teaching Teachers Students perform better when they have the opportunity to tell their teachers what things in the classroom needs improvement. Contrary to the old belief that students are too young to know what they need, K-12 education systems now give the students the opportunity to give pointers to their teachers on how they can better deliver their lessons so that the students can understand. It was also found that giving the students the chance in contributing and even revising the classroom rules actually make the students abide to them; it gives them the feeling that they actually have a say on what goes in the classroom. Students tend to follow the class rules now since they had a role in making the rules and regulations. Paying Close Attention to Each Students' Needs Educators are not looking at their class as a collective; they see them as different individuals with different needs, which is why some students lag behind the others when it comes to the lectures. Educators can help these students keep up by giving them personalized attention. These are just some of the recent trends in the K-12 education system. These are promising signs that show the educational system in the country is improving and no longer stagnant.