

Psychosomatic Therapy

Considered not a treatment, psychosomatic therapy is a technique of assessing and understanding mind and body communication. Through this technique, a person can determine the “issues in the tissues” and learn to use the body in better ways.

500 Questions

What is the difference between a theory and a model?

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A theory is a well-substantiated explanation based on evidence, reasoning, and principles that describe a natural phenomenon. A model is a simplified representation of a system or concept that helps to explain or predict how it works. Theories provide the framework for understanding phenomena, while models are tools used to illustrate or simulate those phenomena.

Why do onion cell plasmolyze?

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Onion cells plasmolyze when placed in a hypertonic solution because water moves out of the cell, causing the central vacuole to shrink and the cell membrane to pull away from the cell wall. This occurs to balance the water concentration inside and outside the cell.

Is the autonomic nervous system of psychopath over aroused?

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There is some evidence to suggest that psychopaths may have differences in autonomic nervous system functioning compared to non-psychopathic individuals, such as reduced fear responses. However, more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between psychopathy and autonomic arousal.

What do you need to make bubbles?

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You need a soap solution (water mixed with soap or detergent) and air to make bubbles. The soap solution lowers the surface tension of the water, allowing the bubbles to form and hold their shape.

What is an example of a variation that could give an individual an advantage for surviving and producing offspring?

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It depends on the species and their habitat.

The classic example is the peppered moth in industrial England. There was a light coloured moth that was common in rural towns and cities. As England became industrialised the air became sooty, darkening the bark of trees that the moths spent most of their time on. The lighter moths became more visible to predators and the darker moths in the same species were better able to blend with the bark of trees, hence being able to survive and pass on their colouration to the next generation. So in this case, an example of a variation that could give an individual a better chance of survival and being able to produce offspring would be colour. Since England has been cleaning up its air through stricter laws against pollution, the process has begun to reverse.

In humans i would say being attractive, well off financially, living in a secure environment etc.

Who were the loyalty boards created by?

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Asked by Wiki User

President Harry S. Truman created the loyalty boards with Executive Order 9835 on Mar. 21, 1947.

What relationship might nutrition and heredity have to the development of physique?

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Nutrition and heredity both play a role in shaping an individual's physique. Heredity determines the genetic potential for traits such as body type and muscle composition, while nutrition provides the building blocks for growth and maintenance. Combining a balanced diet with genetic predispositions can influence the development of physique over time.

What effects does nightquil give you?

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Nightquil, a common over-the-counter cold and flu medication, typically provides relief from symptoms such as cough, congestion, runny nose, and sore throat. However, it can also cause side effects like drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, and upset stomach. It is important to read the label and follow dosage instructions carefully.

What is Last name of theorist who offers an alternative outline that arranges situational characteristics into a nested hierarchy?

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The last name of the theorist is Mischel. Walter Mischel proposed the cognitive-affective personality system (CAPS) theory, which organizes situational characteristics into a nested hierarchy based on their importance and relevance to understanding personality and behavior.

Which personality theory do you think offers the best explanation for how an individual's personalitiy develops?

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The psychodynamic theory, developed by Sigmund Freud, suggests that personality development is influenced by unconscious motivations and childhood experiences. This theory delves into the role of the unconscious mind, defense mechanisms, and early childhood experiences in shaping personality.

What are the similarities among therapies for each school of thought in psychology for mental disorders?

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While therapies across different schools of thought vary in approach, they all aim to alleviate symptoms, improve functioning, and promote well-being. Common goals include building coping skills, increasing self-awareness, and fostering positive changes in thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Additionally, many therapies emphasize the therapeutic relationship between the client and therapist as a foundation for healing and growth.

Is Arthur Janov's primal therapy a good therapy?

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Primal therapy, developed by Arthur Janov, is controversial and not widely supported by the mainstream psychological community. While some individuals may find benefit from this therapy, it lacks empirical evidence to support its effectiveness and has been criticized for its unorthodox and potentially harmful techniques. It is important to consult with mental health professionals to explore evidence-based therapeutic approaches.

What is the paradox to Sigmund Freud research?

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One paradox in Sigmund Freud's research is the lack of empirical evidence to support many of his theories, such as the Oedipus complex or the role of the unconscious mind. While his ideas have influenced psychology greatly, they have also faced criticism for being unscientific and difficult to prove. Freud himself acknowledged the challenges of verifying his theories through traditional scientific methods.

When a problem is stated in a particular way either to focus on the loss or to focus on the gain it can influence the decision an individual makes in the field of psychology this is called?

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This is called framing effect in psychology. It refers to how people’s decisions are influenced by how information is presented to them, whether in terms of potential gains or potential losses. People tend to be more risk-averse when options are presented in terms of potential losses, and more risk-seeking when options are presented in terms of potential gains.

What are the factors governing development in psychology?

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Development in psychology is influenced by a combination of biological, cognitive, social, and environmental factors. These include genetics, brain development, environment, early experiences, cultural influences, and social interactions. Developmental psychologists study how these factors interact to shape an individual's cognitive, emotional, and social growth over the lifespan.

What does FLP stand for in relation to psychology?

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Asked by Penpencil22

FLP stands for "family life cycle perspective" in psychology. It refers to a theoretical framework that examines how individuals and families transition through various stages across the lifespan, each with unique developmental tasks and challenges to navigate. This perspective helps psychologists understand the impact of family dynamics on individual behavior and relationships.

Can the nurture theory be proven?

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The nurture theory, which suggests that external factors such as environment and upbringing have a greater influence on development than genetics, cannot be definitively proven due to the complexity of human behavior. However, research in psychology and other disciplines has shown that environmental factors play a significant role in shaping individuals' behavior, beliefs, and personalities.

What is a dramatic person according to society?

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A dramatic person is typically seen as someone who reacts in an exaggerated or intense manner to situations, often seeking attention or validation from others. They may be prone to overreacting, being overly emotional, or creating unnecessary drama in their relationships and interactions.

Which perspective is most responsible for bringing issues relating to diversity to the forefront of psychological research?

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The multicultural perspective has played a key role in highlighting diversity-related issues in psychological research. This perspective emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing diversity in various areas, such as culture, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, to promote inclusivity and social justice in the field of psychology.

What is lack of sleep?

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Lack of sleep, also known as sleep deprivation, is the condition of not getting enough quality sleep. It can lead to various negative effects on physical and mental health, such as fatigue, cognitive impairment, mood disturbances, and increased risk of chronic diseases. It is essential to prioritize good sleep habits to ensure overall well-being and optimal functioning.

What is imaginal exposure?

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Imaginal exposure is a therapeutic technique used in cognitive-behavioral therapy to help individuals confront and process distressing thoughts, memories, or images related to their fears or traumas. This involves guided visualization of these distressing scenarios in a safe and controlled environment to help the individual reduce anxiety and gain a sense of mastery over their thoughts. It aims to desensitize the person to these triggering stimuli and promote emotional healing.

When i go around people i get scared and panic what is wrong with me?

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It's possible that you may be experiencing social anxiety, which is a common condition where individuals feel anxious or fearful in social situations. It might be helpful to seek support from a mental health professional who can provide strategies to manage these feelings and help you feel more comfortable around others. Remember, you are not alone, and seeking help is a brave and positive step towards feeling better.

What are the basic principles of behaviorism?

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Behaviorism is a theory that focuses on observable behaviors rather than internal mental processes. It emphasizes the role of the environment in shaping behavior through conditioning. Key principles include the idea that behaviors are learned through interactions with the environment, the use of reinforcement and punishment to modify behavior, and the belief that behaviors can be studied objectively.

The early psychological approach known as Functionalism played a part in the development of which modern perspective in psychology?

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The early psychological approach of Functionalism contributed to the development of the modern perspective of Evolutionary Psychology. Both perspectives focus on understanding how mental processes and behaviors have evolved to adapt and serve a purpose in facilitating survival and reproduction.

How do psychologists use the term operant conditioning?

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Psychologists use the term operant conditioning to describe how behaviors are influenced by the consequences that follow them, such as reinforcement or punishment. It involves modifying behavior through reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors or through punishment to discourage undesired behaviors. Operant conditioning is a key concept in behavioral psychology.