

Sanitization and Germs

Although it is impossible to eradicate every germ around you, there are things you can do to help make surfaces in your home and workplace less hospitable to a variety of germs. Germs pass freely to and from surfaces, and this category will enlighten the curious and aid the phobic with various tips, tricks, and methods of deep cleaning and sanitizing.

500 Questions

How do you get white out out of denim shorts?

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To remove white out from denim shorts, you can start by scraping off any excess with a butter knife or spoon. Then blot the stain with a cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover. Wash the shorts in cold water with laundry detergent, and repeat the process if necessary before drying.

What temperature is required to sanitize water for injection?

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Water for injection must be sanitized by heating to a temperature of 80°C (176°F) for not less than 10 minutes. This process is necessary to ensure that the water is free from potential contaminants and meets the required quality standards for pharmaceutical use.

What is substance that destroy germs?

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An effective substance for destroying germs is called an antimicrobial. Antimicrobials can include products like alcohol-based hand sanitizers, hydrogen peroxide, bleach, or certain kinds of essential oils like tea tree oil. These substances work by disrupting the structure or function of the germs, ultimately leading to their destruction.

What liquid that kills germs?

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One liquid that kills germs is isopropyl alcohol. It is commonly used as a disinfectant and antiseptic to kill bacteria and viruses on surfaces and wounds.

Can propylene glycol kill bacteria?

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Propylene glycol has antimicrobial properties and can inhibit the growth of some bacteria. However, in order to effectively kill bacteria, propylene glycol would need to be used in high concentrations, which may not be safe for certain applications. It is commonly used as a preservative in products to prevent bacterial growth rather than as a direct antibacterial agent.

What type of sanitizer is a bleach?

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Bleach is a disinfectant sanitizer that is effective at killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi on hard surfaces. It is commonly used in household cleaning to sanitize surfaces in kitchens and bathrooms. It should be diluted with water as directed and used with caution due to its strong chemical properties.

Where was pine sol invented in Mississippi?

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Pine-Sol was invented in 1929 by Harry A. Cole in Mississippi.

How does hand sanitizer go bad?

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Hand sanitizer can go bad by losing its effectiveness over time, as the alcohol content may evaporate or deteriorate. Exposure to air, sunlight, or high temperatures can also contribute to the degradation of hand sanitizer, making it less effective at killing germs.

Is it safe to use borax to kill mold and paint over it?

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Borax can be effective in killing mold, but it may not completely remove it. It's important to thoroughly clean the affected area with a borax solution and allow it to dry before painting over it to prevent the mold from regrowing. Ensure proper ventilation and wear protective gear when working with borax.

What does soap have that can kill bacteria in the hands?

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Soap contains surfactants and other chemical compounds that can break down the lipid layer of a bacteria's cell membrane, causing its structure to fall apart and ultimately killing the bacteria. Additionally, the mechanical action of rubbing the hands together while washing helps to remove bacteria from the skin's surface.

How do you get pee out of furniture?

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To remove urine from furniture, first blot the area with a clean cloth to absorb as much liquid as possible. Then, mix a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar and dab the affected area. Finally, sprinkle baking soda over the stain, let it sit for a few hours, and vacuum it up.

What is the difference between a detergent and a sanitizer?

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Detergents are used to remove dirt, grease, and grime from surfaces, while sanitizers are designed to kill or reduce the number of bacteria and germs on surfaces to prevent the spread of illness. Detergents focus on cleaning, while sanitizers focus on disinfecting.

Why are there bubbles in hand sanitizer?

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Bubbles in hand sanitizer are typically caused by the presence of alcohol or other surfactants that can lower the surface tension of the liquid, leading to the formation of bubbles when the sanitizer is dispensed or agitated. Bubbles help to evenly distribute the product on your hands for effective coverage when rubbing them together, aiding in proper sanitization.

Does toothpaste get rid of stains?

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It can do, because toothpaste is slightly alkaline.

Personally, I recommend using something more effective than toothpaste, unless you have no other option.


It seems like you could have success with a small stain that you need a gentle abrasive action to remove. Otherwise, better to use another method.

How do you remove hard water on granite?

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To remove hard water stains on granite, mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes. Scrub gently with a soft brush or cloth, then rinse with water and dry thoroughly. Repeat if necessary.

How long will a bottle stay sterile?

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A sterile bottle will typically stay sterile as long as it remains unopened and the seal is intact. Once opened or exposed to the environment, the bottle could become contaminated and lose its sterility. It is important to follow proper sterilization and storage protocols for maintaining sterility.

What are the dots made of that float in hand sanitizer?

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The dots that float in hand sanitizer are likely air bubbles. When you pump or dispense hand sanitizer, air can get trapped and form these bubbles that rise to the surface. They are harmless and do not affect the effectiveness of the hand sanitizer.

What are disinfectant items?

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Disinfectant items are products designed to kill germs and bacteria on surfaces to prevent the spread of infections. Examples include disinfectant wipes, sprays, and sanitizing solutions. These items are commonly used in homes, hospitals, and workplaces to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.

How long can the Swine Flu virus survive in the air?

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Most sources indicate that once in the air, the viruses would drop onto surfaces and not stay floating in the air for any length of time since they are carried in the air on respiratory droplets from coughs and sneezes, and the weight of the droplets would cause them to fall. We know that some viruses can stay active 2 hours or longer* on surfaces like cafeteria tables, doorknobs, and desks. The time of viability of the viruses is affected greatly by the humidity in the location where they have been transferred to the surfaces. The drier the air, the shorter the time they are able to remain active and infect our cells to replicate.

From the CDC and Flu.Gov web pages:

The H1N1 virus is new. Research is being conducted to better understand its characteristics. Studies have shown that flu viruses can survive on hard surfaces and can infect a person for up to 2 to 8 hours after being left on items like cafeteria tables, doorknobs, and desks. Frequent handwashing will help you reduce the chance of getting contamination from these common surfaces.

The UK National Health Service (NHS) says :

"The flu virus can live on a hard surface for up to 24 hours, and a soft surface for around 20 minutes."

*Different time frames are found referenced about the length of time viruses can remain viable on surfaces outside a living host. It is also often quoted that they can "live" for 24 to 48 hours on nonporous environmental surfaces and less than 12 hours on porous surfaces before becoming inert. This is being studied for the specific length of time H1N1/09 can stay active outside a host but the results of those studies are not yet back.

See also the related question section below for the question asking if swine flu is "airborne".

How does gravity affect the shape of a soap bubble?

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Gravity causes the soap bubble to deform into a spherical shape due to surface tension. The weight of the liquid soap film is evenly distributed throughout the bubble, resulting in a sphere being the most stable shape for the film to take.

What is the gas that is used to kill germs in the water?

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Chlorine gas is bubbled in to water , where it disproportionates

Disproportionation is a chemical term , where molecule simultaneously oxidises and reduces. Thereby its oxidation numbers change from zero (Cl2) to Cl^- ( -1) & Cl^+ ( +1(

Chlorine gas forms the chloride ions Cl^- & Cl^+

These ions react with a water molecule to form HCl + HClO

H2O + Cl2 = HCl + HClO

HCl is hydrochloric acid which is a bactericide and HClO form the 'bleach anion (ClO^-) which is also a bactericide.

These two substances together kill germs (bactericide).

NB Only sufficient chlorine is bubbled into water , as enough to act as the bactericide. You do NOT taste these chemicals when drinking water as the concentration is very low.

NNB All water supplied by a public suppliers must do this, otherwise there would be severe illness, such as Typhoid, Cholera, Dysentery.

What do pathogens cause?

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Many pathogens enter the body through the mouth and nose.The linings of the mouth, throat and nose produce mucus which can trap bacteria. This mucus is periodically swallowed and the acid in the stomach kills most of the bacteria. So that's how we get colds and why pathogens make us feel icky and ill.

When was Clorox bleach invented?

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Clorox bleach was invented in 1913 by a man named Archibald Taft in Oakland, California.

What is a borate-based detergent?

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A borate-based detergent is a cleaning product that contains boron compounds, such as borax or boric acid. Borates act as alkaline buffers and water softeners, helping to enhance the cleaning power of the detergent. They are commonly used in laundry detergents and multipurpose cleaners.

How much does a cup of tide laundry detergent weigh?

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On average, a cup of Tide laundry detergent weighs approximately 9 ounces. This can vary slightly depending on the specific product and formulation.