

Survival Tips

This category contains tips and info for surviving all kinds of threatening and potentially dangerous situations.

500 Questions

How to survive in extremely hot weather?

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People survive in hot climates by learning to adapt in a number of ways. For instance, they will change the way they dress, apply sunscreen more often, and try to stay in the shade as much as possible.

Can you make fire with one stick?

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Asked by Wiki User

Knowledge is power. Fire burns UP. Prepare your fireplace/firepit/oven (with flue) and load with tinder at the bottom, and a FEW small twigs on top of them. Have progressively larger pieces of wood handy for stoking. Stoke so as not to Choke. That means, leave room for the air to circulate. A fire must be built from the botton UP.

Friction is the key answer.

You will need some (preferably very dry) pieces of wood.

One could be a flat piece, as in a stick, split in half.

Another piece, preferably round and pointed on both ends.

Method one, my preferred method.

Make a third piece that fits into your palm.

The flat first piece is placed on ground. Make a small cavity where you want the fire to start.

The third piece is held in your palm. Make a bigger cavity in this.

Place the second round longer stick between these in both cavities.

This makes out how you hold them together in an upright condition, not angled.

Now for the trick of applying a lot of friction fast.

Make a bow with a juicy fresh piece of a young small green tree.

The rope/string need to be of some quality, otherwise the friction will eat it away fast.

There are methods one can use to minimize friction here as in adding a bit of oil or water to the rope. (Oil might be a bad choice if the rope/string you use does not manage to "grip" the pointed stick afterwards. In most cases it will but it depends on the rope)

When you have made the bow, twist the string one or two times around the pointed stick.

Place the stick as mentioned before and start moving the bow back and forth. This will spin the stick clockwise and counterclockwise creating the friction needed.

If you place some very dry moss at the bottom of the stick and start spinning, then it should only take a few minutes to create the heat needed to make the moss catch fire.

When it smokes a lot, it will be glowing and then a little gentle blowing would make it catch fire.

Obviously you should have a fireplace ready with dry tiny bits of wood so that you just move the burning moss over there and it will light up the rest if it is done properly.

This is my preferred method of creating a fire as it actually involves little physical effort for the friction and provides almost a guaranteed result every time.

Method 2:

The flat piece of wood is placed on the ground.

if you have split it perfectly, then you should have a narrow canal in the middle.

If the piece of wood does not have this canal, then you will have to make one.

Put a piece of very dry moss or something equally as flammable at the end of the canal.

Place the second round stick with the pointed end down into the canal at approx 45 degrees angle and start moving it back and forth towards the moss.

Apply some pressure as this increases friction.

Within not too long you should see smoke, then it will start glowing. when it is glowing you need to "catch" the glow into the moss and blow a little bit for it to light up.

Practice makes master. If you do not succeed first time, have a short break and start again.

Method 3: Cheating.

Wear protective glasses. This method can hurt your eyes if not careful.

We would need some petrol. A tiny amount is often enough. 3-4 drops.

If you are able to find some hard rock and some tiny hard pebbles of quartz or granite then carry on.

On a big flat rock you place some moss.

Add 3-4 drops of petrol. (More is not better as it will be unsafe)

Put one little hard pebble of granite or quartz on top.

Smash this with a big rock.

(If you can not find any suitable small pebbles then it might work well with some dry sand (spoonfull) from a beach but add a drop or two of petrol to this too.)

As the pebble is crushed this causes friction and sparks. This is often enough to ignite the petrol. The petrol will ignite the moss. Move moss to your fireplace.

Petrol, turpentine, pure alcohol and other highly flammable liquids work well.

Oils as in diesel and various household oils will most likely not work. The reason for this is that they do not give off flammable fumes. These oily liquids does not catch fire easily unless they are heated up quite a bit first.

How long can a person survive in the desert without food or water?

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Asked by Wiki User

72 hours

* Actually I have been going for about 72.5 hrs now w/out water, and I think I can go longer

Will you survive WW 3?

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World War III is due to start somewhere between 2012 and 2014. It will start in the middle east and spread through Africa, Europe and Asia. It will end when Russia invades North America and China invades South America. By then about 85% of the global population (mostly civilians) will be annihilated. Those who survived will deal with radiation, disease, violence and torture by foreign armies. After 2020 the world will be a complete different place, and there will be "peace" for a while. Checkmate!

How do you survive in the tundra lowlans?

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Get really really warm stuff

How could you make weapons if stranded on a desert island?

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If you have a knife or sharp-edged stone you can carve a spear, using a shaft of wood at least six and a half feet long. If you have some plants that can be processed to make cordage, and a medium to large pointed thin stone, you can lash on a spear head shaped stone, or even your knife, to the top of your spear.

You can take a sawed off branch and split it two-thirds of the way down the shaft, or instead use a naturally forked branch, and lash a hammer or ax head-like stone into the split or between the forks of the branch. In making this type of hammer wrap tight lashing to well above and below the stone in the split you made, or well above and below the forks. A simple large and hard stick makes an excellent club.

You can use your shoe strings and a small piece of fabric ripped from your shirt or other article of clothing to make a stone sling.

There is a number of weapons and other tools that a survivor on a desert island could improvise.

How do you survive an alligator attack?

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If a shark is attacking you tighten your fist as if it were rock while playing rock paper scissors and hit it as hard as you can on the nose. It will swim away. Then return to shore and take it easy so you don't get the bends or other health problems.

Where can you get water in a desert?

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Asked by Wiki User

First you dig a hole half a metre deep. Put a bottle or container in and wee around it. Then put a plastic sheet over the top (like the one on the inside of a rucksack) and put stones around the edge and one in the middle. the wee will evaporate then condense on the underside of the plastic and will trickle to the middle and drip into the container. It will no longer be wee, but pure distilled water!

Check the link below for a diagram.

You can only find water in the desert from the oasis of the desert it is a small body of water that can sometimes be found in the desert.

Yes that is very correct but the water from a barrel cactus is drinkable.

What to do when you get lost in the desert?

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If you have something shiny, you can use it to flash light to get someone's attention. You can make a small fire and put some branches on top of it, green ones, and it will cause the smoke to go up so people can find you more easily. If you find a stream you can follow it, and it will usually lead to a place where there are houses, that use the stream as a water source. Don't just walk around, because you will end up walking in circles. It is best to stay where you are, so people can find you, but if no one shows up soon, here's what you can do: Find two trees in a line and walk up to the next one, then find two more trees that are in a line and go to the second one, then keep doing that and you will be walking in a line in one direction instead of going in circles.

How many people could survive a grasshopper attack?

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DIRECTLY killed by grasshoppers? Probably none.

But grasshoppers in large numbers are called "locusts" which are capable of devouring every shred of grain, grass or plant material. Over the course of the centuries, probably millions of people have starved to death after locusts ravaged their crops and fields. Locusts were one of the "ten plagues of Egypt" for a reason.

How do people survive in the jungle?

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Things you need to survive:







Things you should advoid:

Bears,wolves,poisonus berries.

Things you could hunt:Bears,wolves(dont even think about it grr)

bevers,small rodents(if u like tha kind of stuff?)


Things you shoulnt do:cut down trees, kill to many animals, destroy animal habitat.

Things u should be aware of:bears,wolves,animals,bugs

Things you should do:Have fun!!!

How hot can someone get before dying?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • 150

you could die from a fever that elevates your core body temperature even by two to four degrees. So real answer would be 101-103 Degrees Fahrenheit.

How do you survive in a disaster?

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Asked by Wiki User

To survive a disaster you first must know what type of disaster you wish to prepare for. And that is the key phase, PREPARE Do your homework on what types of disaster you need or want to prepare for, then PREPARE. Get all the items you may need to survive. You also will need to mentally prepare by going over "what if" or worst case scenarios in you head or on paper. Keep in mind that to survive you NEED to be all about you and you alone. The only way you can help others is if you've helped yourself.

What do you do if you got bitten by a snake?

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whenever u see a cobra u should not get angry or scared. bcos, they have infra red radiating eyes which can understand our situation because of change in blood pressure. so be cool and casual and let it go.....they will not hurt us unless we initiate it.

How can you survive a volcano?

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OK, i don't know why someone changed my old answer (pray) because there is no physical way of surviving a direct volcanic explosion. If lava runs you over at who knows how many degrees, you will die and if a chunk of lava flies through the air and hits you, you will also catch fire (and die) or melt (and die), depending on the size of the lava mass. If a rock propelled by the explosion hits you, you will either die of the impact or being suffocated/burned when you pass out from the hit and die of indirect causes. If you are too close to the fumes of the volcano or lava (lava releases CO2 and Sulfur gas - both harmful to humans), you will suffocate and die. If there is a pyroclastic flow, you will be burned at thousands of degrees and die (no one as ever survived a pyroclastic flow and don't bet on being the first). If you become stranded on an "island" in a flowing river of lava, the heat will dehydrate you, or if sufficient, catch you on fire and kill you, no to mention the toxic gases released by lava suffocating you. If there is a terrestrial rainfall or pumice rain, and you are completely exposed, you may or may not die, but for sure you will become impaired. And lets not even mention if you are on the cone of the volcano when the eruption takes place; that's obviously a guaranteed death. Basically you will not survive a volcanic eruption if you are near it long enough, I'm assuming your question implies that you survive the entire length of the volcanic activity within a near distance, and history will support that. Look at Pompey, not even on the volcano and nearly the entire city wiped out, or the Minoan civilization which was on a separate island from the volcano and had many people killed (an indirect cause of the fall of Minoan civilization BTW) and Krakatoa too. So physically you will not survive, and therefore you're better off praying, unless you can outrun the volcano's wrath (don't forget volcanoes typically have earthquakes too and as for pyroclastic flows; they move at over a hundred mph, way faster than any human) or you can find some type of man-made shelter that can withstand lava, which doesn't exist by the way.

How many people could survive a tiger attack?

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Most scientists believe that not many people could survive a lion attack because they are too fierce and aggressive. A lot of people die from lion attack, especially adult lions. Recently, guns have been invented, so they usually shoot gun at the lion quickly when they're about to get attacked in order to protect themselves from being killed.

What do you do when a bear chases you?

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Some people say to lie down, cover your ears and eyes with your forearms, and 'play possum' until the bear tires of toying with you. What will follow is a certain mauling and possible death.

I would try to run DOWNHILL AND AWAY FROM the bear, as they are known to be slower at running DOWNHILL than UPHILL, due to their physical structure.

DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT climb the nearest tree, as bears CAN CLIMB TREES.

From the lighter side: The ONLY way to outrun a bear is to run faster than some other prey in their line of sight. That's why you always go camping with someone that you KNOW can't run faster than you.

Can you survive in the desert longer than in the Arctic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Assuming you packed appropriate clothing and equipment for the environment you are visiting, and did a bit of basic research on survival techniques for the environment you are in, then survival in these environments is entirely possible.

There are primary things you need to take care of to survive in any environment:

  • Shelter
  • Food & Water
  • Fire

Snowy climates (often thought to be separate to a true arctic wasteland climate):

  • Shelter can be made by digging snow holes etc
  • Water can be readily made be melting snow
  • Food is available, such as ice hole fishing local mammals etc
  • Fire, most typical snowy areas also have trees

Desert climates:

  • Shelter, true deserts are barren open places with little shelter readily available
  • Water is available, but you have to work harder to get it using dew traps or digging down to the water table
  • Food again is available, but in less places
  • Fire, deserts by nature have little in the way of trees or foliage to burn.

So on balance with the appropriate clothing and equipment, I'd say it would be easier to survive in a snowy area like a Canadian winter, than it would be to survive in an area like the Sahara

What are the 5 basic needs for survival?

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My opinion: 1. Water (boil all outdoors water 10 minutes if possible) 2. Shelter (even a pile of leaves if nothing else) 3. Food (or you have no energy for surviving and only exhaustion) 4. Calmness (or you won't even see solutions that are presenting themselves) 5. A plan for escape or maintaing where you are

How many cups of blood in the human body?

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the average adult has ten pints of blood.