


WW1 Allied Forces

During World War 1, the Allied Forces, the largest being the US, Great Britain and colonies and France, banded together to oppose the Central Forces.

500 Questions

What countries used imperialism during World War 1?

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Imperialism helped bcause both countries wanted to persuade each other to do what they wanted the other to do and they wouldnot so they each got mad and started to fight.

What statement describes the start of World War 1?

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The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914.
the war was being planned for a long time before it actually broke out, and this was because of the assasination off Franz Ferdanand.

What are centripetal forces in Europe?

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There are many different centripetal forces but some are:


1. A common market in Europe is a centripetal force by allowing goods and workers to travel freely across borders.

2. The EU trading bloc unites Europe because they work together in the global economy and they have more power in the global economy.


1. The development of a supernational government unites Europe by bringing its members together to work on common issues e.g. pollution, unemployment, etc.

2. The development of a European citizenship unites Europe because people think of themselves as citizens of Europe, NOT necessarily as citizens of their own country. They can also live and work anywhere in the EU.


1. The EU has united Europe by promoting a common culture because it has created a common cultural identity and symbols.

2. Increased travel has also united Europe by helping the youth to learn new languages and people see it as more unified.

just finished this chapter in social studies taking a test tomorrow hope this helps you!

What was trench foot in ww1?

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From Wikipedia:

Trench foot, also known as fat foot, is a medical condition caused by prolonged exposure of the feet to damp, unsanitary and cold conditions.

Affected feet may become numb, may be affected by erythrosis (turning red) or cyanosis (turning blue) as a result of poor vascular supply, and feet may begin to have a decaying odor due to the possiblility of early stages of necrosis. As the condition worsens, feet may also begin to swell. Advanced immersion foot often involves blisters and open sores, which lead to fungal infections; this is sometimes called tropical ulcer (jungle rot).

If left untreated, immersion foot usually results in gangrene, which can require amputation. If treated properly, complete recovery is normal, though it is marked by severe short-term pain when feeling returns. Like other cold injuries, it leaves sufferers more susceptible to it in the future.

What major Allied power refused to join the League of Nations following the end of World War 1?

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The United States did not join the League of Nations after World War I.

What is the indication that the last ammunition round has been fired for the m500 shotgun?

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The M500 is the US Navy designation for the Mossberg 590 shotgun, which is a part of the Mossberg 500 family. There is no indication that the last round has been fired, other than hearing just a click and no report when you pull the trigger. This requires the firer to keep track of the rounds they fire.

How did triple entente increase tensions among European nations?

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International competition increase tensions in Europe by causing the Arms Race and conflict over territories. This is because each nation sought to secure its political and economic interest at the expense of others.

What problems did soldiers face in America for soldiers that came home in World War 1?

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wifes would be worrried for their husbands fighting

mothers would be worried for their children

their would be no food at all

daughters for their brothers and fathers

more work for the female (sex)....that is totally inapropriate for some users

How did Russia help the allies during World War 1?

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Russia had a large impact on the allied side during world war one. The first, and most obvious, is man power. Russia had an army of over nine million during the war. The shere size of the army was enough to help the allies. They also helped by having large military success against austria-hungary. they didnt have as much success against germany, but that didnt really matter. they punched a hole in austria hungary's defense so the rest of the allies could knock them out of the equation

How many countries fought in world war 2?

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a total of 56 nations fought during WWII
Australia Japan England Germany America Tobruk

Who was allied with Serbia in World War 1?

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Great Britain, France, Belgium, Russia. Russia backed Serbia. As Russia was allies with Britain and France through the triple entente, Serbia had their backing as well. Eventually, America and Belgium supported them too.

What hindered trade between Germany and the United states in 1915?

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The British blockade hindered trade between Germany and the United States in 1915.

Which does not describe US attitudes toward World War 1 before the sinking of the Lusitania?

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Supporters of Bryan and Wilson generally favored intervention on the side of the Central Powers. There was overwhelming support for the Allied Powers. The United States hoped the war would end the era of Progressive reform.

Who was the commander of Allies on western front in World War 1?

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General Eisonhower

Sorry, Wrong War. Eisenhower led during World War II. The Alllies during World War I were lead by several commanders, as there was not a Joint Effort like there was in World War II.

Sir Douglas Haig was the Commander of the British forces, for example, and Marshal Petain led the French.

What country joined the Central Powers and later changed to the Allies?

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Italy as they realised that germany were the only other people fighting in Europe and they were outgunned and outnumbered

When did the us get involved in WWI?

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The United States became involved in World War I in April of 1917 -- with war against Germany being declared on the 6th of that month. This declaration followed from general antipathy towards Germany, even outright rage, as a result of the sinking of American ships by German submarines and the threat of still more sinkings to come, among other motivations for going to war.

What does the prefix en in entangle mean?

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The prefix en- means "to put within" or "to make". It depends on mostly on the root word. The word entangle means to tangle in.

Did Britain and frace volutarily disarmed after world war 1?

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Yes. They chose to disarm because Germany was forced to by the Treaty of Versailles in 1920. They disarmed also to set an example to other countries that war should never happen again, they did this to try and encourage more to do the same.

Did the US participate in World War 1?

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No it didn't!! The main contribution was the armies of France and it's colonial soldiers along with Britain and it's Empire armies / navy's. The USA contributed very little in WW1 as it was nearly over before the AEF fielded it's army. The first major battle that the AEF was in September 1918 less than 2 months before the armistice. If however the war had gone on until 1919 / 1920 the USA contribution would have been decisive. The main reason for the for the German's seeking peace was that civil unrest and potential revolution, this was brought about due to wide spread starvation and lack of war materials brought about by the blockade of the Royal Navy, one could argue that strategically the decisive battle WW1 was Jutland after which German sea commerce ceased to exist thus eventually sealing her fate. The USA had no real armaments herself and relied heavily on French and British equipment. More US casualties were caused by the Spanish Flu than than by battlefield casualties. Total number of US battlefield casualties were 53,000 less than Bulgaria,

What three major events drew America into world war 1?

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I don't know what history books you're reading, but it was only two events:

1. U.S. ships sunk by U-boats.

2. The Zimmermann Telegram.

Who where the big four World War 1?

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Woodrow Wilson of the U.S David Lloyd George of Britain Georges Clemenceau of France Vittorio Orlando of Italy

What is an allience?

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alliences are people or places that are nice to one another and or promise not to attack in battle