


WW1 Allied Forces

During World War 1, the Allied Forces, the largest being the US, Great Britain and colonies and France, banded together to oppose the Central Forces.

500 Questions

What are the three major rivers of east Asia?

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In terms of which rivers are fastest, the Mogami, Fuji, and Kuma would qualify first. In terms of the longest river, the Shinano takes first place. However, the river with the largest overall watershed is the Tono. Thus, which rivers are 'largest' depends on the criteria (though the first three listed are the best choice for the general question).

What do you call someone from Bosnia?

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Resident of Belgrade is called a Belgradian.

Was Italy an allied power during WW1?

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Originally it sided with Germany and Austria when they looked like they had the upper hand. As soon as Germany took major loses in the Eastern and Western fronts it quickly switched sides to the allies.

It's more in depth than that but that's what basically happened. Think it was due to the fact that Mussolini had been thrown from power and a new government had replaced him.

Why did Germany want Mexico to attack the US?

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By offering aid should they do so. Mexico's only reason for not starting such a fight was that they physically couldn't maintain it; few and poorly trained troops, low quality and outdated gear, and terrible organisation.

What is the size of Serbia?

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Slovenia is a small country, just 20,273 km2.

Why did African americans leave south to go to the north for world war 1?

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Slavery was illegal in the nNorth so they decided to go up North so the wouldnt be slaves anymore.

Is nat and ally together?

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No they are just close friend Nat Wolff is dating P-STAR who is a rapper

Why was Canada a part of World War 1?

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In 1914, most Canadian could not find Serbia on a map. Although Archduke Ferdinand's assassination was news-worthy and tragic, few Canadians understood what it meant. However, Canada was a proud and loyal member of the British Empire. Canada's relations with foreign powers were in hand OS Great Britain.When Britain was at war, Canada was automatically at war, but Canada could determine the extent and nature of its effort.

While many Canadians were keen to follow Britain to the battlefields of Europe, few understood the back-ground causes of the war. Many felt that Britain was in the right and Germany was at fault.

So without much thinking or real debate, the young country advanced into the unknown. Canadians eagerly joined a war that they hd absolutely no role in causing or declaring. They would, however, play a great part in fighting the war. They would also soon know the pain and price of war.

What new country was formed at the end of the Boer War?

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Asked by Rydot

There were a lot of different factors that led to the Boer Wars. The 2nd Boer War is the main one that most people mean when they refer to the Boer War. I'll try to give a brief explanation. The Cape Colony was a British Colony and the original European settlement in southern Africa. The Boers, people of Dutch and some Hugeonot Ancestry, moved from Capetown by trekking inland, further north and west. The major migration was known as the Great Trek. They eventually established towns, which the British had little interest in until it became clear that there was an abundance of diamonds and gold to be mined. The British kept trying to annex new Boer Colonies, the Natal, Orange Free State, and the Transvaal. The Boers were pissed because they lived a lifestyle that valued open land and space, hunting, their language and culture, and political autonomy to preserve this culture. They did not want to be controlled by the British. The Boer Colonies were important in terms of linking British South Africa to the Indian Ocean and in the entire scheme of Europeans' plans to exploit the entire African continent. Cecil Rhodes particulary wanted the Boer Colonies under British control. There were a lot of politics surrounding the rights of non-Boers, known as Outlanders, working in mining towns within Boer territory. The issue was exaggerated by Rhodes and others as anti-Boer propoganda. Eventually, it was Rhodes who pushed for what would become known as the Jameson Raid. A band of armed men rode into the Transvaal, in order to incite an uprising amongst the Outlanders. But the raid failed, the Boers knew about it and the Outlanders were never really that upset. So a war started. There was a lot of international tenstion surrounding the war as well. England and Germany were pissed at each other, and the Kaiser kind of supported the Boers. Most people felt that the British were unjustly fighting the Boers; the use of concentration camps and a scorched earth policy made the British cause very unpopular. In the end, the British won the war and eventually the entire place became South Africa, more or less as it is today.

Who is Helen burrey?

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A world war 1 nurse who grew up in Pittsberg then went on to nursing school. When world war 1 broke out she volenteered to go tofrance to be ana rmy nurse..... for more detailed information and stuff like that go to Helen Burrey Biograghy or go to and type in Helen Burrey then go down to Helen Burrey Biography. (Good info.)

How did the border between France and Germany protect southern France in world war 1?

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France built the Maginot line, after the name of a minister who built it. It was a line of forts running on the eastern border to protect France against Germany, but which proved useless as the German invasion went by another route through Belgium.

Who created Napster?

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Napster was co-founded by Shawn Fanning, John Fanning, and Sean Parker

If you are almost 18 can your parents force you to quit your job?

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Ok NO they can not make you quit your job. The only thing they may be able to do about it is make sure they do not take you to or from work. They do not have a say in your working status or not!

What were the first machines used in World War 1?

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Tank, airplane, machine gun, poison gas, submarine were all new weapons in WW 1. At the end of that war, soldiers were asked to name what they thought was the most devastating weapon of that war, and they almost unanimously said: The machine gun.

What are the factors that contributed to the war in Europe in 1914?

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Militatism-Arms race


Triple Entente (allies)Russia-France-Britan(Canada, Australlia ect included) Triple AllianceGermany-Austria/Hungary-Ottoman Empire(Turkey)--Italy (backed out once the war began)

Imperialism- Empires being built

Nationalism- Countries wanting national idependance

Assassination- Franz Burdenan (archduke of Aus/Hun.) is assassinated by a serbian terrorist organization called the black hand. (June 28)

After the assasination Aus./Hun sent an ultimatum to seribia *surrender or else* Serbia declined the offer and on July 28th 1914 Serbia is invaded by Aus./Hun.

Russia then invades Aus./Hun. as they are allied with Serbia and also wish to protect their warm water ports in Montenegro. (July 29)

Germany declares war on Russia. ( July 29)

France declares war of Germany because of its obligations with Russia. (Aug. 1)

Germany declares war on France(Aug. 3)

In order to attach the heavily fortified french army they will have to go around the artillery set up along the French- German border. The Germans use a tactic called the Schlieffen plan and go through Belgium.(Aug.4)

Belgium is allied with Brittain, who asked Germany to pull their troops out of belgium. This offer was rejected.(Aug 4)

The Brittish Empire declares war of Germany, thus forming the allies and the start of the first world war.

How much is the great war of civilization 1914-1919 medal worth?

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I have my uncle's medal 46466 pte.h.r.barber,cheshire .r can you tell me what this medal is worth I will never sell it .

There is a medal like this on eBay for about $25 (20 euro). I don't know if that's because of the condition, or because the seller has no idea what it's worth, or because that is what it's worth.

What countries used imperialism during World War 1?

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Imperialism helped bcause both countries wanted to persuade each other to do what they wanted the other to do and they wouldnot so they each got mad and started to fight.

What statement describes the start of World War 1?

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The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914.
the war was being planned for a long time before it actually broke out, and this was because of the assasination off Franz Ferdanand.

What are centripetal forces in Europe?

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There are many different centripetal forces but some are:


1. A common market in Europe is a centripetal force by allowing goods and workers to travel freely across borders.

2. The EU trading bloc unites Europe because they work together in the global economy and they have more power in the global economy.


1. The development of a supernational government unites Europe by bringing its members together to work on common issues e.g. pollution, unemployment, etc.

2. The development of a European citizenship unites Europe because people think of themselves as citizens of Europe, NOT necessarily as citizens of their own country. They can also live and work anywhere in the EU.


1. The EU has united Europe by promoting a common culture because it has created a common cultural identity and symbols.

2. Increased travel has also united Europe by helping the youth to learn new languages and people see it as more unified.

just finished this chapter in social studies taking a test tomorrow hope this helps you!

What was trench foot in ww1?

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From Wikipedia:

Trench foot, also known as fat foot, is a medical condition caused by prolonged exposure of the feet to damp, unsanitary and cold conditions.

Affected feet may become numb, may be affected by erythrosis (turning red) or cyanosis (turning blue) as a result of poor vascular supply, and feet may begin to have a decaying odor due to the possiblility of early stages of necrosis. As the condition worsens, feet may also begin to swell. Advanced immersion foot often involves blisters and open sores, which lead to fungal infections; this is sometimes called tropical ulcer (jungle rot).

If left untreated, immersion foot usually results in gangrene, which can require amputation. If treated properly, complete recovery is normal, though it is marked by severe short-term pain when feeling returns. Like other cold injuries, it leaves sufferers more susceptible to it in the future.

What major Allied power refused to join the League of Nations following the end of World War 1?

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The United States did not join the League of Nations after World War I.

What is the indication that the last ammunition round has been fired for the m500 shotgun?

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The M500 is the US Navy designation for the Mossberg 590 shotgun, which is a part of the Mossberg 500 family. There is no indication that the last round has been fired, other than hearing just a click and no report when you pull the trigger. This requires the firer to keep track of the rounds they fire.