

Youth Sports

Sports leagues for boys, girls and teens such as high school sports, Little League baseball, American Youth Football (AYF), and American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO)

500 Questions

What is long jump record for 12 year old boy?

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Asked by Wiki User

I do not know but anywhere above 10 meters is exceptional for a 12 year old. I got 11 meters 26 when I was 12 and that was a new district record, by quite some way.

Adding to the above, the Australian Little Athletics website gives a (2009) national record for a 12 year old girl as 12.09

What is freestyle wrestling?

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Folk Style is the normal type of wrestling like in junior high, high school, or college. Freestyle is more upper body oriented. I think both are great anyway.

Actually, the more upper body oriented version of wrestling is Greco-Roman. Freestyle and Greco are very similar except in Freestyle you can utilze the legs in the match. For instance double leg and single leg take-downs. In Greco you cannot touch or utilize the legs. But the difference in Folkstyle and Freestyle is the scoring. In Folkstyle there are 2 pts. takedown, 2 pts. reversal, 2 pts. for 3 sec. nearfall, 3 pts. for 5 sec. nearfall, 1 pt. escape, and 1 pt. for stalling or other penalty point. A technical pin in Folkstyle is a lead by 10 pts. Also the match is one constant match in comparison to Freestyle there are 3 separate rounds in one match. To win a match you must win two out of the three matches. After each round the score is reset and both wrestlers are at zero pts. To technical pin a guy a wrestler must lead by 6 pts. There is no such thing as a tie, or overtime, in Freestyle because if the two wrestlers were in a tie of 6 to 6 the last person to score wins or if a wrestler has a higher amount of high scoring moves or throws. This stands true unless there are no pts. scored at all during the round then the wrestlers go into a clinch, where one wrestler has a single leg and the other has to get out, first person to score wins the round. In Freestyle scoring partial back exposure, escapes, takedowns, reversals, and nearfall are all worth 1 pt., a wrestler can be awarded either 3,4, or 5 pts. for a throw (5 pt. throws win the entire match and 2 3 pt. throws win a round regardless of the score), 2 pts. are awarded for complete back exposure (for example the wrestler without control rolls his back on the mat), 1 pt. is awarded to the attacker if both wrestlers go out of the circle (unlike Folkstyle where if your on bottom and the other guy is close to pinning you it would be smarter to "crawl" out of bound if you're able to). And also, in Folkstyle pts. are taken away or given to the other wrestler if you stall, Freestyle however you are encoraged to stall out. But that is the general difference between those two styles of wrestling, there is a lot more but I think that will give you a good idea of the differences.

How could a 13 year old kid get sponsored by Nike?

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Company like Nike will sponsor a team, if the

team is getting lots of media attention then yes.

chances are Nike will sponsor equipment.

your daughter has to be very good for a company

to sponsor one single player.

What is the average fastball speed for a 12 year old boy?

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Asked by Herb123

I'd say between 45-65 mph

I'd say between 45-65 mph

The average would be around 56. 65 is bringing the heat when you are only 12 and 45 is a little slow for 12yoa.

I'd say the average is roughly 40 to 50, but it depends if the kid is a ballplayer or just an average person.

I'm 12, I play baseball for about 4 to 6 hours everyday, and have been to the little league world series as a pitcher. My town is an insane baseball town. The kids are amazing. I am probably the best pitcher in town, but there a lot of good people.

A ballplayer should throw around 55 to 58, but that is not neccisarly true... Some of my friends can only throw about 45 to 50, but they are still great ballplayers. I throw the hardest out of anybody. My fastest pitch ever is 66 MPH. My average is between 58 and 63.

My point is that everybody is different, and most people are not like me or my friends, or people in my town. So some kids can throw 40, and some kids can throw 65.

I hope this answered the question.

i am a 12 year old boy playin AA and my fastest pitch is 70

Both boys and girls should play on the same sport team why or why not?

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Asked by PaolaHWHelp


No. Because there is a different skill level between boys and girls and if girls wanted to play on the same team or league they shouldn't complain if boys go hard on them. If they didn't do that everything would be fine.


When they're younger, yes. But as boys reach puberty, they gain muscle and weight that most girls never develop. If a girl can hold her own against the boys at any age however, she should be allowed to play.


my school let my play on a boys hockey team. I played JV boys hockey in 7th and 8th grade and now ima freshman and they wanted me up on varsity.

yes, for the girls who are tough but no for the girls who worry about their nails

this ya boy nicholesreginal from Powell but girl should not be allowed to play on the same as the boy because they could get seriously get hurt peace outt

How much weight should a 9 year old be able to lift?

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Asked by Wiki User

It really depends on the size and sex of the child. For an average sized male i would say 60 or 70 lbs... For an average sized female i would say the same thing.

Is Youth Football dangerous?

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Asked by Herb123

At any age, football is dangerous because it is the ultimate contact sport, and kids are consistently coached to tackle and block with maximum effort. However, youth football is a lot safer for participants than the game played in highschool and higher levels. The primary reason for this is physics. Smaller, younger players don't move as fast as older players, and obviously they weigh less. They are less likely to injure each other in the course of the game because the forces involved are smaller. Youth leagues generally have division classifications where they control not only the players' ages, but also the weights of the players in the game. This is done not only to minimize the possiblity of heavier players injuring smaller players, but also to make the games more competitive. In my coaching experience, kids up to 10 years old are more likely to sustain general sports injuries, like dehydration, twisted ankles and muscle pulls, for example, rather than from contact with other players. The risk is similar to other sports, in my opinion. These kinds of injuries are prevented by proper stretching and conditioning. Protective equipment is not a panacea. There's no accounting for an awkward fall, which can happen in any sport and at any age. If your child will play youth football, be ready to see lots of bruises on his arms, and to see the wind knocked out of him with some regularity. These boo boos are very common and are generally not considered to be "injuries." Kids who are 11 or older may suffer the same general sports injuries, of course, as younger players. Because they are faster and bigger, they may also suffer bruised or broken ribs, wrist fractures and knee injuries caused directly by contact with other players. These are not prevalent, but they do happen. You should contact the organization you are considering joining and ask them about weight/age classifications and if they keep injury statistics. If you are interested, there are many youth football video clips that can be found on the Internet, so you can see what happens at games, how the kids move and what the contact is like for younger ages. You should also attend a game or a practice to see what happens in person. In conclusion, if you assume that the weights and ages are appropriately classified, the rule of thumb is that the younger the players are, the safer is the game for them. This answer is about safety. The benefits for boys playing youth football are tremendous and many. If you are worried about your child playing football, you don't have to let him play. But be sure that you are making an educated decision, rather than letting fear dictate your decision.

What is the 9 year old boy half mile run record?

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Asked by Wiki User

Age nine I don't know, but the "Bantam" record for ten year olds and under is 2:19.0.

The Australian national record for 800m for a 10yo boy is about 2.18-2.19.

Actually I just checked and it's 2.15.6 set in 1993. That is pretty extraordinary.


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There is not a difference unless you catch an Official League Baseball.

What are the field dimensions for senior little league?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are two different kinds of softball, fast pitch and slow pitch. Rather than try to explain I will point you to a wonderful link that will explain all.

What is the fastest 40 yard dash by an eleven year old girl?

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Asked by Wiki User

If You Are Trying To Break An World Record For 12 year Olds ...

It Should Be In 4.51 Seconds


What is the fastest 11 year old 100m time?

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Asked by Wiki User

The 11 year old's name is Omar, and he ran the 100m race in 11.34 seconds.

Most home runs in a little league season?

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Little league happens all over the world, which means there are thousands and thousands of teams. Unless a team has made it to the Little League World Series, those statistics are not kept. Thus, the following information is only from the history of the Little League World series.

In one game, Roger Miller (Tuckahoe, Virgina, 1968), Chic Hsiang Lin (Chinese Taipei, 1995), and Tetsuya Futukawa (Kashima, Japan, 1998) all hit three home runs in one single game.

In one series, Chen Chao-Ping (Chinese Taipei, 1996) hit seven home runs.

Can l know 10 examples non locomotor?

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Asked by Wiki User

Non-Locomotor - is ability to do a movement without going on another place

examples are:

1. Twisting

2. Bending

3. Swaying

4. Stretching

5. Turning

6. Swinging

7. Pulling

8. Pushing

9. Falling

10. Singing

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How old did you have to be to play in the Little League World Series of baseball?

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Asked by Wiki User

I played Little League in Islip, NY between 1957 and 1961. If you were thirteen before August first, you were too old. That was the maximum age. Our league won a state title and got to the state tournament four out of six years. That increases interest in baseball and as a result, the minimum age went up. When I started in 1957, you had to be eight before August first of 1957 to play.

Could overweight tweens do gymnastics and handstands and bars?

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When taking gymnastics when I was a kid, the worse feeling was putting on spandex. But now there are more options. Yoga capri pants. They move with you, no worries about length tripping you, and you can easily throw on a favorite t-shirt. If worried about doing handstands and other stomach possibly showing activities, long tank tops under the shirt. Tuck into pant and you're good. Also remember, if you're out there having fun that's the biggest part. You're doing things not everyone else can. Be proud!

Paystubs for academy sports and outdoors?

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paycheck stubs for academy sports and outdoors employee log in kwright@asport

What is the official dboys website?

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Asked by Wiki User

I've been looking all over for that website forever and I've never found it, I think they're just a manufacturer and they supply companies with their stock. But a D-boys website would be AMAZING.

What is the name of the Gonzaga Theme Song?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes it's

Go Gonzaga G-O-N-Z-A-G-A Go Gonzaga G-O-N-Z-A-G-A and it just repeats like that.

How do you build up personality in a national netball player?

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Asked by Wiki User

Remember whatever foot you land on, you need to stay on it and you can only pivert. Jump when you catch the ball. Shoot with your writing hand and the other hand supporting the ball so it doesn't roll out of your hands. Run at top speed when the ball is free (bouncing around the court) and grab it firmly.Take your time to throw and shoot, just not too long! If you have asthma then take 2 puffs of your reliever and your on a role!

Take all the notice you can of the other players. Try and get in an easy space for your partner to throw to you and if you are being marked, unexpectedly move backwards.

Hope i helped!

Give the 7 physical fitness test?

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13 test batteries

What does fina stand for?

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Asked by Wiki User

The acronym FINA stands for different things: - "F̩d̩ration Internationale de Natation", french for "International Swimming Federation". - Federation of Independent Nursing Agencies (in the UK). - Food Intolerance Network of Australia.

When does the little league World Series start?

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The World Series Starts in October after the playoffs are finished.

What is the fastest time a sixth grade boy has ran a mile?

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This girl ran six minutes one second and one hundredth


my friend and i are 11 and 12 and we can run a 5:43 no lie if we stay together

A girl at our middle school ran a 5:30.4 in sixth grade at our track meet, it was a district record

Average time for a 10 year old for 60 yard dash?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm a 10 year old Girl and I ran a 6.0 in the 40 yard dash. I have proof to show.