


An alternative medicine adopted from the ancient Chinese, acupuncture relieves pain by inserting needles through the muscle and skin at certain points in the body. Different versions of acupuncture are practiced worldwide.

500 Questions

Can you die from accupuncture?

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Asked by Shelbyoso

Many people turn to acupuncture to help relieve or cure illnesses such as depression, arthritis and diabetes. Although not scientifically proven, acupuncture is based medicine in Asia and has been practiced for over 5000 years. Professionals use needles to manipulate your body's physiological functions.

What can you eat to suppress nicotine cravings?

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Asked by Karanthakur

Eat what makes you feel comfortable, and do what you need to do to do to keep your mind away from nicotine. Don't give up, be strong!

What is Japanese acupuncture?

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Asked by Wiki User

Japanese acupuncture uses thinner, smaller needles, and focuses on the meridians rather than on specific points along their course.

What is the Vatican's position on acupuncture?

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Asked by Wiki User

Acupuncture is a medical and not a religious practice, I can"t see what you would find morally objectionable or singularily sinful in it. on the other hand Yoga has religious origins in Hindusism and there are different schools- Hatha Yoga and Kriya Yoga which might be too spiritually-slanted for comfort. pm tje opther hand acupuncture is a medical and not a religious line. My Mother is a nurse, an RC and while she did not herself have acupuncture done, she did recommend it to patients where she worked and there was no ecclesiastical angle at all.

What are the health benefits of facial acupuncture?

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Asked by Wiki User

Facial acupuncture is seen as a non invasive regenerative measure to takes years off your skin without the need to injecting harmful chemicals into it. This is achieved through improved muscle tone and reduced inflammation.

Is acupuncture safe?

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Asked by Wiki User

no their are certain risks that could result in acupuncture

Can acupuncture treat mental disorders?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. Actually these diseases are quite different from each other, and so far, both are incurable, albeit treatable. Effective treatment is available on the form of specific medicaments (such as lithium and antidepressives for bipolar disorder, and antipsychotics for schizophrenia) plus psychotherapy and supportive therapy. Acupressure and acupuncture are ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques without any proved effects, except in some cases of somatic pain, according to the US National Institutes of Health. Correction, acupuncture is not just for pain, and it HAS been proven to treat mental illness. The World Health Organization deemed acupuncture effective in treating over 40 commonly seen conditions ranging from insomina to HIV/AIDS. It is a 3000 year old healing art that is gaining momentum in the US to be recognized an a powerful alternative healing system to conventional medicine. Please refer to the discussion board for more information.

Can you donate blood if you have had acupuncture done?

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Asked by Wiki User

No you can't donate plasma if you have had acupuncture.I was going to donate today and after 45 minutes of intake, I was asked if I ever had acupuncture and I said yes. I was then told I couldn't donate and I could come back in a year if I quit the acupuncture.

Is there treatment of glaucoma with acupuncture?

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Asked by Wiki User

The treatment of Glaucoma is to reduce the eye pressure (IOP). Eye drops and surgery would be effective for this purpose.

Glaucoma medications are either oral or topical. Topical medications such as eye drops, eye ointments, or inserts work to reduce IOP either by increasing the outflow of fluid from the eye or by reducing the amount of fluid produced by the eye. These include:

- Miotics increase the outflow of fluid. These include Isopto® Carpine, Ocusert®, Pilocar®, and Pilopine®.

- Epinephrines increase the outflow of fluid. These include Epifrin® and Propine®.

- Beta-blockers reduce the amount of fluid. These include Betagan®, Betimol®, Betoptic®, Ocupress®, Optipranalol®, and Timoptic®.

Whats an acupuncture?

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Asked by Wiki User

Accupuncture is an Asian method of healing. They use thin needles and puncture your skin at certain places. Like, if you have pain in your shoulder or leg that's where they put them. Some doctors, make the needles vibrate other doctors hold a candle near the needle to make it hot. If you have a hearing loss, they put the needles behind your ear. These needles are not like a sewing needle or the ones a regular doctor uses to give you a shot. They are extremely thin. Only the tip of the needle pierces the skin. It doesn't go in very deep. There's no pain involved. You won't even notice it, unless you're watching. A treatment takes about fifteen minutes. The best part is, it works! It takes pain away and you'll be amazed.

What is treatment for pinched nerve in thumb?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pinched nerves can be treated several ways; the most common treatment is a chiropractic adjustment. Muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatory medications can be prescribed for the pain and discomfort of a pinched nerve.

Can accupuncture help shingles?

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Asked by Sjpret

In my clinical experience the pain caused by shingles can be treated well with acupuncture. Acupuncture can also be used to shorten the duration of a shingles outbreak, as well as strengthen overall immune system health which helps with the number of shingles outbreak.

Does acupuncture help hammer toes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Acupuncture does not really help hammer toes. Acupuncture increases blood flow to the feet and other areas but does not change malformations.

How does Amylophagia affect health?

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Asked by Wiki User

Amylophagia is a form of pica, and involves excessive eating of starch, such as cornstarch, or even laundry starch. If pregnant, it can result in gestational diabetes, and should be treated immediately. If the person with amylophagia is not pregnant, they should still be treated by a physician, as it can also lead to other medical complications.

Why acupuncture works on smokers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Small needles or springs are inserted into the skin--is another aid in smoking cessation. The needles or springs are sometimes left in the ears and touched lightly by the patient between visits.

Is acupuncture effective?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes - as long as you are totally honest about your symptoms to your doctor.

Acupuncture has been proven to be more effective than conventional lower back pain treatments in a 2007 study.

A different opinion:

A skilled AP-ist does NOT need to know your symptoms. S/He will use pulse diagnostic, face-, tongue-, and other diagnostic methods to establish what is wrong. If the AP-ist needs to know your your symptoms s/he is NOT a classic therapeut and could be anything with no education.

Be sure your AP-ist is accredited with a recognized organisation as British Acupuncture Council or similar. A minimum of three years study is necessary in addition to a medical education.

A sure sign of not knowing what s/he is doing is the number of needles. FOUR needles is the MAXIMUM (or eight if symmetrical applied). The Yellow Emperor said: "The master uses ONE needle"

The international opinion among medical personnel who is up-to date is that AP works if correctly applied. But it is not a panacea, as many believe. The World Health Organization has a special department for AP!

A different opinion:

Please note that several sites provides anecdotal evidence to prove their remedy effective. In real medical science proper double-blinded results must be presented and similar results must be replicable by other researchers. Anecdotal evidence has a value = 0, and should be read with scepticism. Actually if you want acupuncture to work; ignorance helps. The less know about it, the more you will be ready to accept questionable facts. And if you strongly believe in any placebo, it works!

"The evidence as a whole suggests that the benefits of true acupuncture over sham acupuncture are almost clinically irrelevant," Eric Manheimer, MS

Acupuncture and moxibustion is an external therapy. By means of needling and moxibustion, it can stimulate the body and activate the regulating functions of the body to improve and rectify the disturbance and dysfunction of certain organs in the body. Such a therapy not only can treat disease, but also can prevent disease.

Can acupuncture help ocd patients?

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Asked by Wiki User

Acupuncture is receiving a great deal of study worldwide. It appears that some claims that, on their face, seem ridiculous, may indeed have some merit. We can find no information that we consider accurate indicating that it can be helpful in cases of mental or emotional disturbances, but it is not understood how it controls pain, either, which is a well-documented fact.

Accupuncture is not an especially expensive procedure, and it is essentially harmless if done by a licensed practitioner under sterile conditions, so we -- personally -- might be inclined to give it a try. We are not recommending it or making promises.

What are the benefits of acupuncture for constipation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Best cure for constipation is to prevent it from happening. Try chewing your food until it liquefies before swallowing. Digestion start in the mouth by the action of saliva on the food. Avoid drinking liquids when eating because this will alter the PH level of the digestive juices that we need to digest foods completely. Avoid sodas when eating. One thing to remember, if you take liquids when eating, then you're not chewing the food enough. Also avoids unpleasant thoughts when eating. Turn the TV off, set the newspaper aside and play some calming music. Concentrate on the taste of the food, don't criticize it if your eating outside, and don't forget to compliment the chef whether eating outside or at home. Enjoy the food in front of you and don't compare it with the food you ate 2 months ago at another restaurant five hundred miles away. The adage "You don't get ulcers from what you eat, but from what's eating you" also applies to constipation.

If it fails then go to an accupuncturist.

What kind of needles are used in acupuncture?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sterile one-time use needles are the only type used. They range in sizes and length and are chosen based on the point being used, the affect desired, and the person's needle sensitivity.