



Autism is a developmental disorder that manifests itself in the first years of life. Characteristics of this disorder include impaired social interaction, repetitive behavior and delayed language development. Ask questions about disorders in the autism spectrum here.

500 Questions

When should Autism be capitalized?

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Asked by Wiki User

Autism should be capitalized when referring to the disorder or condition itself, but not when used in a general sense (e.g., "children with autism" vs. "autism spectrum disorder").

What is the scientific name for autism?

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Asked by Wiki User

The scientific name for autism is autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It is a complex neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges with social skills, communication, and repetitive behaviors.

Do you capitalize autism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Whether you capitalize autism depends on the use.

If it is at the start of a sentence you would capitalize.
If you're referring to Autism as an identity you capitalize - e.g. Autistic person or Autistic community.

Do you capitalize autism spectrum disorder?

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Asked by Wiki User

Whether you use capitalization depends on the use.

You would capitalize if it's the beginning of a sentence or sometimes people will capitalize Autism Spectrum Disorder in order to make it easier to identify the acronym ASD. When speaking about Autistic people or the Autism community this is also capitalized to identify it as an identity.

How long do children with Autism live?

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Asked by Wiki User

Children with Autism generally have a normal life expectancy similar to individuals without Autism. However, they may face certain health conditions or challenges associated with Autism that could impact their overall health and well-being. Regular medical check-ups and support services can help address any potential issues and improve their quality of life.

Do you capitalize the word autism?

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Asked by Wiki User

You capitalize autism either when grammatically correct to do so (at the start of a sentence, for example), or when talking about Autistic people or the Autism community. As autism is an identity it means that when talking about us as people or as a community you will capitalize the word. It's similar to deaf/Deaf - 'when a person is deaf you refer to them as a Deaf person'.

For example I am diagnosed with autism, thus I am an Autistic person.

What is autism awareness mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Autism awareness means bringing awareness about autism and Autistic people. Autism awareness is unfortunately associated with Autism Speaks who actually act against Autistic people by spreading misinformation as a means of increasing their profits.

Was Jane Austen autistic?

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Asked by Wiki User

I would have to say certainly not. Autism spectrum includes Asperger's Syndrome, and people who have that can be very creative, certainly. But they do not understand people; they do not understand psychology. Jane Austen seems to have understood other people to well to have been in the spectrum.

I could be wrong.

Did J R R Tolkien have Asperger's Syndrome?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is speculation that J.R.R. Tolkien may have displayed some traits associated with Asperger's Syndrome, such as a strong interest in certain topics and difficulty with social interactions. However, without a formal diagnosis, it is not possible to definitively say whether he had the condition or not.

Does Mark Haddon have autism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mark Haddon, the author of "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time," has stated in interviews that he does not have autism. He did extensive research and spoke with individuals on the autism spectrum to portray the protagonist, Christopher, accurately.

Your 5 year old son is nonverbal w autism you are looking for a thank you poem you can give to his teachers and people that have helped him over the years you have looked everywhere HELP?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, here is one, but if you don't like it, there is always the poem site in the links below. It seems to be a good site. Though I can't speak to tell you myself, I wish I could so that i could thank you so deeply for all your help. For so long you have been by my side, doing your best . The love and care that you have shown me is so thougtful and beats all the rest. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what I would have done , for you were the ones who taught me so MANY things and looked at me as your own son. Though I may never be able to say it, thank you so much , I will always remember your kindness and most of all your love.

What fiction books for children have characters with autism or Asperger's Syndrome?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some fiction books for children with characters with autism or Asperger's Syndrome include "Mockingbird" by Kathryn Erskine, "Rules" by Cynthia Lord, and "The London Eye Mystery" by Siobhan Dowd. These books provide insight into the experiences of children with autism or Asperger's Syndrome.

What is the oldest person in the world with Autistic?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of my knowledge cutoff date in 2021, the oldest person with autism in the world is likely to be someone in their 70s or 80s. It is important to note that autism is a lifelong condition, and individuals with autism can lead long and fulfilling lives.

Will autism be cured in the future?

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Asked by Wiki User

Autism research is ongoing, and there are various interventions and therapies aimed at improving the quality of life for individuals with autism and their families. These may include behavioral therapies, educational interventions, and support services.

It's important to note that the concept of "curing" autism is complex and controversial. Many in the autism community advocate for acceptance and understanding of neurodiversity, emphasizing support and accommodations rather than seeking a cure.

Medical and scientific advancements continue, and researchers are exploring various avenues for better understanding and addressing autism. While there may be progress in improving the lives of individuals with autism, predicting a specific timeline for the development of a cure is challenging.

For the most current information on this topic, I recommend checking recent scientific literature, news from reputable sources, and updates from organizations dedicated to autism research and advocacy.

Should students with Asperger's Syndrome be homeschooled or go to public schools?

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Asked by Wiki User

Public schools. The more social situations they encounter, the more used to them they will become. You dont want to keep your child at home for years, and them expect them to walk out into the world and be fine.

What is ethical issues?

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Asked by Wiki User

A problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right (ethical) or wrong (unethical)

Do cats have Asperger's Syndrome?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. no Aspergers is a human disorder which is impossible for any animal to have.

Can animals have autism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, they can. It is sometimes mistaken as being crazy, or being too rambunctious and dogs have been given away because of this misunderstanding. Medication can be given to at least lessen this behavior and calm the dogs down. Some breeds, however, such as Border Collies, are naturally hyper. These dogs simply need lots of exercise. Make sure you research the breed of your dog before diagnosing him with ADHD. If it is a mixed breed, research the most predominant breed according to the dog's looks and appearance. Some dogs simply need a walk or two to get all their energy out. So yes, dogs can have ADHD, but sometimes it is just pent up energy that needs to get out.

Are there any famous wrestlers with Autism?

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Asked by Wiki User

there was a one legged wrestler in WWE for a little while called Zach gowen

Can people with Asperger's Syndrome compete in the Special Olympics?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. We are not physically handicapped. I was a star runner and hurdler in track, and always finished in the top ten at Cross Country Running. I sucked at football, baseball, and basketball.

Actually I found this article that talks about an athlete with aspergers who has won medals in the Special Olympics.

Were autistic children mistaken as deaf?

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Asked by Alyssamcintosh908

Yes, I believe this happened over the years that most autistic children because of not responding to their names or certain sounds like clapping, conversations, shouts and such that they were mistaken as deaf children. Reason they don't react to certain sounds or people because of the sounds all around them-even though they don't seem too loud and because most autistic people are very uncomfortable with eye contact. Some deaf people can be autistic also.

Can people with autism dangerous?

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Asked by Wiki User

People with autism does not spread to others. It's just starts to happen when they're born. Sometimes if they have A LOT of autism, they may look scary and copy what you do because they have learning problems. How they act could indicate autism such as not listening to adults or repetitively stacking of lining up objects. They might also act weird. And also when they grown up and have children, the child may also have autism because of their gene. People with autism SHOULD go to a special school. You could tell if they have it by they're voice, how they act and of copping others.

No, autism isn't really harmful to others. It won't spread to others. ;)

Where do you find materials to teach a child with autism?

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Asked by Helpingtogrow

Our site, given below, includes teaching materials for teaching kids with Autism.

Are there any similarities or connections between sociopathy and autism or ADD or ADHD?

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Asked by SabrinaSingularity

Definitely a link between epilepsy and autism and ADD... regarding the psychopathy, I'll bet in many cases there is an association there as well. I have two children who are patients of Dr. Michael Goldberg, who is pursuing this theory in treating children. You can information regarding underlying neuroimmune disease processes on his website at ... he is helping kids with autism, ADD and epilepsy by treating their immune dysfunction. Spend some time reading in his "Articles" section at and you may begin to understand the relationship between the disorders. The diagnoses are really just a description of a set of symptoms rather than a description of what is wrong inside of the body.

Roughly 20% of kids with an autism diagnosis will eventually develop epilepsy, and I recentle read that there is a higher than average concordance between epilepsy and ADD as well.

Here is a link (published in the Annals of Neurology) to a study clearly showing immune dysfunction and inflammation in the brain in autism;

...and here is another interesting link...

clinic posting this page is doing wonders for children)

I'll stop here, but will end by saying that there is a lot of hope for people as far as new treatments coming within the next decade or so with these disorders... science is really beginning to pick up speed in understanding the body at an epigenetic level, which may well be where the answers lie (if you want to know more about epigenetics, try to watch the PBS Nova episode called "Ghost in Your Genes"). I hope my answer helps a little.

Does Dan Aykroyd have Asperger's Syndrome?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a 2004 interview with Terry Gross, he claims to have been "analyzed" as a Tuerette's and Asperger's kid. There is still some speculation about if it was true or not. It was a radio interview so no one could see his facial expression but when asked, he said he was not joking. I personally find it hard to believe that if that were true, why is he not more of an activist for autism?