



Demographics are important for every country. Records of marriages, births, deaths, emigration and immigration are key information needed in creating national policy. Different ways of summarizing data are used like the population pyramid and life table.

500 Questions

Who was the Top eviliest Humans in history?

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Some of the top evilest humans in history include figures like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong. These individuals were responsible for the deaths of millions of people through war, famine, and political purges. Their actions have had lasting negative impacts on multiple regions and societies.

What age group is the most violent and why?

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Individuals in the age group of 15-24 are often associated with higher levels of violence due to factors such as peer influence, impulsivity, and brain development. This age group is characterized by a search for identity and a higher likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors.

Do self absorbed people have many friends?

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Self-absorbed people may struggle to maintain close relationships because they often prioritize themselves over others. While they may have many acquaintances or casual friends, they may find it challenging to maintain deep and meaningful connections.

How much time does the average person spend blinking in a lifetime?

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On average, a person blinks around 15-20 times per minute. Assuming an average of 17 times per minute, this would amount to around 14,280 blinks per day. Over a typical lifespan of 70 years, this would equate to approximately 371 million blinks.

Do all black people like watermelon?

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No, not all black people like watermelon. This is a harmful stereotype that perpetuates racism and reduces individuals to oversimplified caricatures. It is important to treat people as individuals with unique preferences rather than ascribing traits to them based on their race.

Average IQ of a 9 year old girl?

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The average IQ of a 9 year old girl is around 100, which is considered within the normal range. IQ tests may vary in their scoring and interpretation, so it's important to consider other factors when assessing a child's cognitive abilities.

The smartest dinosaurs were as smart as what?

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The smartest dinosaurs, such as the Troodon or the Deinonychus, were estimated to be as smart as modern-day birds, with problem-solving abilities and some evidence of social behaviors. However, their intelligence level was not as advanced as modern mammals like apes or dolphins.

Is an IQ of 72 good for a 10 year old?

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An IQ score of 72 is considered to be below average for a 10-year-old. It may indicate possible learning challenges or delays in cognitive development. It is recommended to seek further evaluation from a professional to understand the specific strengths and weaknesses of the child and to provide appropriate support and interventions.

How was propaganda used to enlist people into the military and support the war?

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Asked by Wiki User

Propaganda was used to glorify military service, demonize the enemy, and create a sense of national duty and unity. It aimed to evoke emotions of patriotism, bravery, and sacrifice to persuade people to enlist in the military and garner support for the war effort. This was done through various mediums such as posters, films, speeches, and media campaigns.

Who tends to gamble more men or women?

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Historically, men have tended to gamble more than women. However, in recent years, the gender gap in gambling has decreased as more women have taken up gambling activities. Factors such as accessibility to gambling venues and online platforms can also influence gambling behavior among different genders.

What are the 7 aims of propaganda movement?

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Asked by Wiki User

The 7 aims of the Propaganda Movement in the Philippines were: 1) to seek representation in the Spanish Cortes; 2) to bring about linguistic-patriotic societies; 3) to foster economic development; 4) to demand equal treatment for Filipinos and Spaniards under the law; 5) to secure Filipino priests in parishes; 6) to obtain recognition of the Philippines as a province of Spain; 7) to push for legal equality between Filipinos and Spaniards.

How many people in America are below the average IQ level?

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It is difficult to provide an exact number as IQ scores are distributed along a bell curve where the average is set at 100. Typically, around 50% of the population will have an IQ score below the average level.

What is the average IQ for a 19 year old girl?

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The average IQ for any individual, regardless of age or gender, is considered to be around 100. So, a 19 year old girl would typically fall within this range, but individual IQ scores can vary widely.

What is the average IQ for a teenager?

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Its About 120
IQ tests are supposed to measure innate intelligence, not knowledge, wisdom, or ability. Valid IQ tests use age in the calculation of your score. You IQ is supposed to stay more or less the same throughout life. Also, IQ tests are periodically standardized so that the score of 100 is average. So, the official answer to your question is 100.

How many bad people are there in the world?

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It is difficult to quantify the number of "bad" people in the world as morality is subjective and individuals can change their behavior. It's more constructive to focus on promoting positive values and actions in society rather than labeling people as "bad."

Why are so many people incarcerated in the US today?

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Asked by Wiki User

Many factors contribute to high incarceration rates in the US, including harsh sentencing laws, mandatory minimums, racial disparities in the justice system, the war on drugs, lack of access to mental health and addiction treatment, and limited focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment.

How many thoughts do people have each day?

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Asked by Wiki User

On average, people have about 6,200 thoughts per day. However, this number can vary depending on the individual and their mental activity.

What type of account has highest instrest rate?

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Asked by Wiki User

High-yield savings accounts typically offer the highest interest rates compared to other types of accounts. These accounts are specifically designed to help you grow your savings faster by providing a competitive interest rate.

We might be able to explain why people why people know less about the world today by?

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People may know less about the world today due to information overload, where it can be challenging to discern credible information from misinformation. Additionally, social media and personalized news feeds may create echo chambers, limiting exposure to diverse perspectives. Finally, humans may prioritize immediate concerns over broader global issues, leading to a lack of awareness about the world.

The graphs below show the distribution of heights among people who live in four different countries. On average which country has the tallest people?

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Asked by Wiki User

Based on the graphs showing the distribution of heights among people in four different countries, the country with the tallest people can be determined by looking at the graph with the highest peak or median height. The country whose graph shows the highest peak or median height generally has the tallest people on average.

When are are paved roads most likely to be their slickest?

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Asked by Wiki User

Within the first 15 minutes of rain. All of the oils rise to the top of the surface, creating a messed up situation for aggresive braking.

Assuming rain is the topic of the question: Right as the rain begains to fall

If it isn't rain then ice would be slickest.

Natassia believes that boys learn to be more aggressive than girls primarily because boys are more frequently pressured to defend themselves with fists. Natassia's belief is best described as an examp?

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of social learning theory, which suggests that people, especially children, learn behaviors through observational learning and imitation. Natassia's belief aligns with the idea that children, based on their gender, are socialized to adopt specific traits and behaviors, in this case, aggression in boys.

How many people get accidentally physically hurt a day?

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Approximately 50,000 people are seen in emergency departments each day due to unintentional injuries or accidents in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to more serious incidents requiring medical treatment.