



Beliefs and practices resulting from the human need to find causation in the everyday happenings of life. This is where we will try to unravel some of the unusual and esoteric things people ask us about.

500 Questions

Is AG Gardiner's essay 'on superstitions' an expository essay?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, AG Gardiner's essay "On Superstitions" can be considered an expository essay because it presents information and explanations on the topic of superstitions in a clear and organized manner, without the author's personal opinions dominating the content.

What is the meaning of voltaire's famous quotation superstition sets the whole wolrd in flames philosophy quenches them?

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Voltaire is suggesting that superstition leads to conflict and chaos, while philosophy promotes peace and understanding. Superstition, with its irrational beliefs, can ignite destructive behaviors and prejudices among people, whereas a rational and critical approach to life, as promoted by philosophy, can extinguish these conflicts through reason and enlightenment.

What are some phrases for good luck?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. "Break a leg!"
  2. "Best of luck!"
  3. "Fingers crossed!"
  4. "Knock on wood!"

What does it mean when a person wishes another person good luck?

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Wishing someone good luck is a way to express hope for their success or favorable outcome in a situation. It's a gesture of encouragement and positivity towards the person.

What is irrational beliefs?

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Irrational beliefs are beliefs that are not based on reason, logic, or evidence. They are typically formed without critical thought and can lead to cognitive distortions and negative emotions. Examples include superstitious beliefs and unfounded fears.

What do the three leaves on the shamrock signify?

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The three leaves on a shamrock are said to symbolize faith, hope, and love. In Christianity, the shamrock is also associated with the Holy Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

What is the bird of death?

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The bird often associated with death is the vulture, which is known for its scavenging behavior and presence near areas of death and decay. In some cultures, the raven is also seen as a bird of death due to its dark color and association with omens and the afterlife.

Why do you cross your fingers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Crossing your fingers is a common gesture to express hope or luck. It is believed to have originated from pre-Christian times as a way to ward off evil spirits and protect oneself from harm. Today, it is often used in a more lighthearted way to wish for good luck or success.

Does color affct memory If so how?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, color can affect memory by influencing mood and attention. For example, warm colors like red and yellow are often associated with increased arousal and can help stimulate memory retrieval, while cool colors like blue and green may promote relaxation and focus. Additionally, using colors to highlight important information or categorize concepts can aid in memory retention.

How did people come up with the consequences and rewards for the superstitions?

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Asked by Wiki User

Consequences and rewards for superstitions were likely developed through observation and association over time. People noticed patterns or coincidences and began to believe that certain actions or objects were linked to either good or bad outcomes. These beliefs were passed down through generations and became ingrained in cultural practices.

Where did the superstitions If you use the same pencil to take a test that you used for studying for the test the pencil will remember the answers come frome?

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This superstition likely originated from a belief in magical thinking and the concept of inanimate objects developing memory. The idea suggests that the pencil somehow retains information from the studying process, even though pencils do not have the capacity for memory or intelligence. It's a fun superstition that serves as a light-hearted way to create a connection between studying and test-taking.

I am doing a report on superstitions and I need yes or no questions?

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Are superstitions based on cultural beliefs? Do superstitions vary from country to country? Can superstitions influence people's behavior?

What did Aristotle do and believe?

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Asked by Wiki User

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who made significant contributions to various fields such as logic, metaphysics, ethics, politics, and biology. He believed in the importance of observation and empirical evidence in understanding the natural world. Aristotle's works have had a lasting influence on Western philosophy and science.

How do you eradicate superstitions through education?

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Asked by Wiki User

Eradicating superstitions through education involves providing accurate information, critical thinking skills, and promoting a strong foundation in science and evidence-based reasoning. By empowering individuals with knowledge and encouraging them to question beliefs, superstitions can be gradually dispelled. Education should focus on promoting rational thinking, skepticism, and a mindset that values evidence over myths and superstitions.

How might the principles of operant conditioning help keep superstitions alive?

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Asked by FernieZepeda

Operant conditioning can help keep superstitions alive through reinforcement. If a person receives a positive outcome after performing a superstitious behavior (e.g., wearing a lucky charm and then winning a game), they are more likely to continue the behavior in the belief that it is causing the positive outcome. Over time, this reinforcement can strengthen the association between the superstitious behavior and the positive outcome, perpetuating the superstition.

Can someone give me an example of superstitious beliefs related to agricultural practices and natural phenomena?

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Asked by Wiki User

One example of a superstitious belief related to agricultural practices is the idea that planting certain crops during a specific phase of the moon can affect their growth. Another example is the belief that appeasing nature spirits or deities through rituals or offerings can bring about a successful harvest.

Which animals are likely to be considered evil?

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There is no scientifically proven concept of "evil" in animals. Animals typically act based on survival instincts and do not have a sense of morality like humans. However, animals that are considered dangerous to humans or that exhibit aggressive behavior may be perceived as "evil" by some people.

What does it mean when a fantail flies inside your house?

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Asked by Wiki User

It means that someone you know it going to die; according to the Maori tribal beliefs.

Is crossing on the stairs bad luck?

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Beliefs about crossing stairs bringing bad luck range among cultures and individuals. Some people might also consider it bad luck to go anyone on the stairs due to superstitions or cultural traditions, while others can also now not consider such notions. Ultimately, whether or not crossing stairs is viewed as a terrible success depends on non-public beliefs and cultural influences.

When people say there is another you in the world is that true?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the idea of there being an exact duplicate of you in the world is not scientifically possible due to the uniqueness of each individual's genetic makeup and experiences. While there may be similarities between individuals, each person is ultimately one of a kind.

Is it true that you can get bad luck?

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Belief in bad luck is subjective and varies among individuals. Some people may believe in concepts like luck, superstition, or karma, which can influence their perceptions of events. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of luck as a tangible force that directly impacts outcomes.

Is 13 luck or unlucky?

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The number 13 is often considered unlucky in Western cultures, stemming from various historical and cultural superstitions. However, beliefs about luck are subjective and vary across different societies and individuals.

Does breaking a mirror brings bad luck for seven years?

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The belief that breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck likely originated from ancient superstitions linking mirrors to the soul. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. It is just a superstition.

Give 3 superstition beliefs that you know?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Breaking a mirror will bring seven years of bad luck.
  2. Finding a four-leaf clover is considered good luck.
  3. Walking under a ladder is believed to bring bad luck.

What are five superstitious beliefs?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Breaking a mirror brings 7 years of bad luck.
  2. Walking under a ladder is unlucky.
  3. Finding a four-leaf clover brings good luck.
  4. It's bad luck to open an umbrella indoors.
  5. Seeing a black cat crossing your path is considered unlucky.