


Conditions and Diseases

Conditions and Diseases include everything from aches and pains to broken bones, chronic conditions to life-threatening diseases, symptoms and possible causes, and much more. Questions range from what causes hair to turn grey, possible causes of pains, origins of viruses, and anything to do with conditions and diseases associated with health.

500 Questions

What are the common illnesses in urology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wondering about common urological problems? We see many patients for issues like:

Kidney stones


Bladder control problems

Men's health concerns

Let our urology experts help you regain urinary health and peace of mind.

Sandheep Memorial Hospital, Madurai: Your Partner in Urologic Health

Why is lung cancer the leading cause of cancer death?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for several reasons:

High Incidence: Lung cancer has one of the highest incidence rates among all types of cancer. Each year, millions of people worldwide are diagnosed with lung cancer.

Late Detection: Lung cancer often goes undetected until it reaches an advanced stage. Symptoms may not appear until the disease has progressed, making it more challenging to treat effectively.

Aggressive Nature: Lung cancer tends to be aggressive and can spread rapidly to other parts of the body. By the time it is diagnosed, it may have already metastasized, making treatment more difficult.

Limited Treatment Options: Treatment options for advanced lung cancer are often limited, especially if the cancer has spread beyond the lungs. While surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy are available, they may not always be curative.

Smoking: Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. The majority of lung cancer cases are attributable to smoking, either directly or indirectly through secondhand smoke exposure. Smoking cessation efforts have helped reduce lung cancer rates, but the effects of past smoking habits continue to contribute to current lung cancer cases.

Other Risk Factors: While smoking is the primary risk factor for lung cancer, other factors such as exposure to secondhand smoke, radon gas, asbestos, air pollution, and certain occupational hazards can also increase the risk of developing lung cancer.

Stigma: Lung cancer is often associated with smoking, which can lead to stigma and a lack of empathy or support for those affected by the disease. This stigma may deter individuals from seeking medical attention or support services, potentially delaying diagnosis and treatment.

Addressing lung cancer requires a multifaceted approach, including efforts to reduce smoking rates, increase early detection through screening programs, improve treatment options, and raise awareness about the importance of lung health and prevention strategies.

Can nicotine gum cause pancreatic cancer?

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Asked by Wiki User

There's currently no direct evidence linking nicotine gum to pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer is a complex disease with multiple risk factors, including smoking tobacco. However, nicotine gum is typically used as a smoking cessation aid and is designed to help people quit smoking by delivering nicotine without the harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke.

While nicotine itself is not considered carcinogenic like many of the other chemicals in tobacco smoke, it is addictive and can lead to dependence. However, the use of nicotine gum as a cessation aid is generally considered safer than smoking cigarettes because it eliminates exposure to many harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke, which are strongly associated with various cancers, including pancreatic cancer.

That said, if someone has a history of pancreatic cancer or any concerns about their risk factors, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance on smoking cessation methods. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, can help reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer and other diseases.

Can nicotine gum cause cancer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nicotine gum is used as a smoking cessation aid to help people quit smoking by providing nicotine without the harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke. While nicotine itself is not considered a carcinogen (a substance capable of causing cancer), it is addictive and can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems.

However, it's essential to note that while nicotine gum itself is not carcinogenic, the act of smoking is a significant risk factor for various types of cancer, including lung cancer, throat cancer, and others. Quitting smoking, even with the help of nicotine replacement therapies like nicotine gum, reduces the risk of developing smoking-related cancers and improves overall health.

If you have concerns about the safety of nicotine gum or its potential impact on your health, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized advice and guidance tailored to your specific situation.

What is Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)/PCOD?

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Asked by novaivf

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), largely a genetic disorder may affect 35 percent of women in their reproductive years and close to 90 per cent of obese/ overweight women. The incidence of PCOS is rising among young women and is probably the largest contributor to female infertility.

Will wild mice give your rabbits diseases?

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Wild mice can potentially carry diseases that could be transmitted to rabbits if they come into contact with each other. Some diseases that wild mice may carry include leptospirosis, salmonellosis, and various parasites like fleas, ticks, and mites, which can indirectly affect rabbits.

Leptospirosis, for example, can be transmitted through the urine of infected animals, including mice. Salmonellosis is another bacterial infection that can be spread through feces, and both wild mice and rabbits are susceptible to it. Additionally, parasites carried by mice could infest the environment shared by rabbits, leading to health issues for the rabbits.

To minimize the risk of disease transmission from wild mice to rabbits, it's essential to maintain good hygiene practices in the rabbits' environment. This includes keeping their living area clean and free of mouse droppings, securing food and water sources to prevent contamination, and regularly monitoring the rabbits for any signs of illness. If wild mice are a concern, taking steps to control their presence, such as using traps or sealing off entry points into the rabbits' habitat, can also help reduce the risk of disease transmission.

What do people receive cemotheropy for?

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Asked by Wiki User

People receive chemotherapy for various types of cancer. Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment that uses drugs to destroy cancer cells or slow their growth. It is used in different scenarios:

Primary Treatment: Chemotherapy may be used as the main treatment for certain types of cancer, either alone or in combination with other treatments like surgery or radiation therapy.

Adjuvant Treatment: After surgery or radiation therapy to remove or shrink the primary tumour, chemotherapy may be used to kill any remaining cancer cells that cannot be seen.

Neoadjuvant Treatment: Chemotherapy can be given before surgery or radiation therapy to shrink a tumor, making it easier to remove or treat with other methods.

Metastatic or Advanced Cancer: Chemotherapy is often used to treat cancer that has spread to other parts of the body (metastatic cancer) or is in an advanced stage where surgery or radiation alone may not be sufficient.

Palliative Care: In cases where the cancer cannot be cured, chemotherapy may be used to relieve symptoms, control the growth of the cancer, and improve quality of life.

The specific chemotherapy drugs used and the duration of treatment depend on factors such as the type and stage of cancer, overall health, and individual response to treatment.

Does Cristiano Ronaldo have any allergies?

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Asked by Wiki User

No because the News wouldn't have reported it in sted. Also HE would have reported it to.

Liver cancer symptoms?

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Asked by Wiki User

the main symptom of many liver disease is fatigue. Many times there are no symptoms at all, until the disease has been in your system for many years. Other symptoms can include itching, joint pain, and jaundice( yellowing of the skin or eyes).

What is a fiber disease?

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Asked by ChildrenofManfb1875

A fiber disease is a condition that affects the fibers in the body, such as muscle fibers or nerve fibers. Examples of fiber diseases include fibromyalgia, which affects muscle fibers causing widespread pain and fatigue, and multiple sclerosis, which affects nerve fibers leading to a range of neurological symptoms. Treatment for fiber diseases often involves managing symptoms and improving quality of life.

Can a festering grudge be lanced like a boil?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a festering grudge can be resolved through open communication, forgiveness, and understanding. Just like lancing a boil releases built-up pressure and allows healing to occur, addressing and working through the underlying issues of a grudge can lead to catharsis and resolution.

Can a person develop autism at the age of 14 from something traumatic?

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No, autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that is typically present from early childhood. Trauma can exacerbate symptoms in individuals already diagnosed with autism, but it does not cause someone to develop autism later in life.

What are the 3 different symptoms people who suffer from autism have?

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Asked by Wiki User

Symptoms of autism can vary, but common signs include challenges with social interactions, repetitive behaviors, and difficulty with communication. These symptoms can manifest differently in each individual with autism.

Can hypochondriac be cured?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hypochondria, now known as illness anxiety disorder, can be managed with therapy, medication, and support. While it may not have a definitive cure, individuals can learn to cope with their fears and reduce their anxiety through treatment. It's essential for those experiencing symptoms to seek professional help for proper guidance and support.

Is Synesthesia real?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, synesthesia is a real neurological phenomenon where stimulation of one sensory pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory pathway. This can manifest as seeing colors when hearing music or tasting flavors when seeing numbers.

What endocrine disorders can cause secondary amenorrhea?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Endocrine disorders that can cause secondary amenorrhea include polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, pituitary disorders such as hyperprolactinemia or pituitary adenomas, and adrenal disorders such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia. These conditions can disrupt the balance of hormones involved in the menstrual cycle, leading to the absence of menstruation.

What is the DSM-IV definition of somatoform disorder?

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Asked by Wiki User

The DSM-IV defined somatoform disorders as a group of conditions marked by physical symptoms that suggest a general medical condition, but are not fully explained by a medical condition or substance abuse. These symptoms cause distress or impairment in functioning.

What is disorganized or catatonic behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

Disorganized behavior refers to a range of unusual behaviors that may not follow a logical pattern or societal norms, such as speaking incoherently or acting unpredictably. Catatonic behavior involves a lack of responsiveness or extreme motor disturbances like stiffness or excessive movement. These behaviors are symptoms seen in certain mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia or catatonia.

What are the signs and symptoms of Leigh syndrome?

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Asked by GaleEncyofNeuroDis

Signs and symptoms of Leigh syndrome can include developmental delays, muscle weakness, poor coordination, loss of motor skills, and respiratory problems. Other common symptoms are seizures, vision or hearing loss, and uncontrollable movements. Leigh syndrome is a progressive condition that can lead to serious neurological complications.

How is Rett syndrome classified in the DSM-IV?

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Asked by Wiki User

In DSM-IV, Rett syndrome was classified as a pervasive developmental disorder, which is characterized by varying degrees of impairment in communication skills, social interactions, and repetitive behaviors. It was subcategorized under the broader diagnostic category of autism spectrum disorders.

Is the extra sensory perception considered a legitimate scientific undertaking?

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Asked by Wiki User

While some people believe in extra sensory perception (ESP), most scientists consider it to be pseudoscience due to lack of empirical evidence supporting its existence. Scientific studies have not been able to reliably demonstrate the existence of ESP through rigorous experimentation.

Are ulcers more a psychological problem than a biological problem?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ulcers are mainly caused by a bacterial infection (H. pylori) or the long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), rather than being solely a psychological problem. However, stress and lifestyle factors can exacerbate ulcer symptoms and delay healing. It is important to address both the biological and psychological aspects in the treatment of ulcers.

What happens when you hallucinate?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hallucinations are similar to waking dreams. You may see or hear things that are not actually there, or your mind may interpret actual situations in surreal or impossible ways.

Hallucinations are normally caused by imbalances in the chemistry of the brain, notably in the locations responsible for interpreting information from your senses. The simplest hallucinations involve seeing lights or colors, hearing sounds, or imagining that you are moving while actually stationary. It may be difficult or impossible to determine what is real and what is not.

The most serious hallucinations are similar to delusions, where you imagine a state completely different from reality. In this condition, it is possible to cause injuries to yourself by your actions, because your mind responds to what you perceive instead of what is there.

Hallucinations may be caused by psychotropic or psychedelic drugs (or excessive alcohol); by injury; or by any condition that changes the body's metabolism, such as allergic reactions, fever, or dehydration (e.g. the "mirages" seen by persons marooned in a desert environment without water).

How does anorexia develop through operate and classical conditioning?

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Asked by Wiki User

In operant conditioning, anorexia can develop if an individual restricts food intake in response to perceived rewards like weight loss or positive reinforcement. In classical conditioning, anorexia may develop when certain foods or situations become associated with negative emotions or body image issues, leading to avoidance of those stimuli. Over time, these conditioned responses can contribute to the development and maintenance of anorexia.

What is a statistic on synesthesia?

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Asked by Wiki User

Around 4% of the population is estimated to have some form of synesthesia, a condition where one sense is perceived as if by another sense (e.g., seeing colors when hearing music). Women are more likely to have synesthesia than men, and it often runs in families.