


Parts of Speech

Includes questions related to the comprehension, usage and identification of the classification various parts of speech including nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.

500 Questions

Is the word through a preposition?

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Yes, the word 'through' is a preposition, an adverb, and an adjective.

The ball went through a window. (preposition, 'a window' is the object of the preposition)
We came through without a scratch. (adverb, modifies the verb 'came')
The through traffic must take the left lane. (adjective, describes the noun 'traffic')
When I finish this sentence, I'm through. (predicate adjective, restates the subject 'I')

Is happily a noun?

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No, the word 'happily' is an adverb, a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.


The prince and the princess lived happily ever after.

  • How did they live? The adverb 'happily' modifies the verb 'lived'.
  • The nouns in the sentence are 'prince' and 'princess', words for people.

Ingrid bent over and kissed a happily smilingfrog.

  • The adverb 'happily' modifies the adjective 'smiling'.
  • The nouns in the sentence are 'Ingrid' (a proper noun), a word for a person, and 'frog' a word for a thing.

The word 'happily' is the adverb form of the adjective 'happy'.

The noun form of the adjective 'happy' is 'happiness'.

What is the Philippines version of parts of speech?

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The parts of speech in the Philippines are similar to English, including nouns (pangngalan), verbs (pandiwa), adjectives (pang-uri), adverbs (pang-abay), pronouns (panghalip), prepositions (pang-ukol), conjunctions (pangatnig), and interjections (pangungusap). They serve the same functions in structuring sentences and expressing ideas.

What are the words and and but?

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The word and is a conjunction, a word used to join two (or more) words, two phrases, two clauses, or the parts of a compound sentence.


Jack and Mack are brothers.

They are ten and twelve years old.

They are off from school and ready to play.

Jack goes to baseball camp and Mack plays on Little League.

The word but is a conjunction, a preposition, and an adverb.


He has good taste but he has no money. (conjunction)

She liked everything but the broccoli. (preposition)

We would have lost but for your play. (adverb)

What part of speech is a preposition?

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A preposition is a part of speech used to show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. It typically indicates location, direction, time, or the relationship between nouns or pronouns.

What parts of speech are nominative object and possessive?

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"Nominative" and "possessive" are cases, not parts of speech. Nominative is used for the subject of a sentence, while the possessive case shows ownership. Parts of speech refer to categories like nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

What part of speech is crime?

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"Crime" can function as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to illegal activities or offenses. As a verb, it means to commit a crime.

What are words with a hard c sound and begin with the letter k?

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There are actually numerous words that make the hard "c" sound and begin with a "k".

A couple examples would be the words kite and kabob.

When the vowels A, O, or U come after the letter "C", it will produce the "K" sound making it a hard "C".

Some examples of words beginning with K and hard C:

  • Kaleidoscope
  • Kick
  • Kilometrical
  • Kilometric

Is swiftly an adverb?

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Yes, "swiftly" is an adverb. It describes how an action is done, usually indicating speed or efficiency.

What part of speech is victim?

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The word "victim" is a noun. It refers to a person who has been harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event.

What part of speech is 'have been'?

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'Have been' is a verb phrase that functions as a combination of auxiliary (helping) verbs. These verbs help to form various tenses in English, such as the present perfect tense.

Is swiftly a verb noun adjective or adverb?

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The word 'swiftly' is an adverb, a word that modifies a verb. Some examples:

We ran swiftly to the bus stop, just in time to wave good-bye as the bus sped away.

The kids swiftly made their bed because they could smell bacon and pancakes.

What part of speech is burglar?

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The word 'burglar' is a noun, a word for a thief who enters a building with intent to steal; a word for a person.

How do you begin a speech?

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You can start a speech by grabbing your audience's attention with a quote, a story, a shocking statistic, or a question. Then, introduce yourself and give a brief overview of what you will be discussing in your speech. Finally, establish your credibility and build rapport with the audience to make a strong connection from the start.

What is the difference between a prepositional phrase and a subordinate clause?

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A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and functions as an adjective or adverb in a sentence. A subordinate clause, on the other hand, has a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. Subordinate clauses often begin with subordinating conjunctions like "because," "if," or "although."

Does the word Amadeus have any meaning?

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The word "Amadeus" is a Latin name that means "loves God" or "beloved of God". It is most commonly associated with the famous composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Is the word comet a homophone?

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I can't think of any words that sound exactly the same, so I don't think so. However, depending on how you pronounce the word, the word "Comment" might be similar enough to be a homophone. In some regions, it could be.

Catching fish is one of the oldest pastimes is a preposition conjunction verb or adverb?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the sentence, "Catching fish is one of the oldest pastimes.":

  • the preposition = of;
  • the verb = is (a linking verb).

There is no conjunction or adverb in the sentence.

What is a nicer word for alien?

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If you mean illegal alien, it would be an undocumented worker(person).

What part of speech is an adverb?

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An adverb is a part of speech that modifies verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. It typically provides information on how, when, where, or to what extent an action is performed.

Is the noun to which a pronoun refers is called the antecedent of the pronoun?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is called the antecedent.

It's the noun from earlier that the pronoun refers to.

For example:

John said that he liked hot dogs.

John is the antecedent of he.

What is a participle phrase?

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A participle phrase is a phrase that includes a present or past participle verb and its modifiers. It functions as an adjective in a sentence, providing more information about a noun or pronoun. For example, "running quickly" or "cooked by the chef" are participle phrases.

What words are related to riverside?

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The words related to riverside may include: bank, shore, water's edge, waterfront.

Is yet a conjunction?

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No, "yet" is not a conjunction. It is generally used as an adverb meaning "up to the present time" or "so far." It can also be used as a conjunction when connecting contrasting ideas.

What is censure?

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Censure is an official expression of disapproval or criticism, often by a legislative body or organization, towards an individual or group for their actions. It is a formal condemnation without resulting in any legal consequences but serves as a public reprimand.