


Korean War

The Korean War, between North and South Korea, began on June 25, 1950 and paused with an armistice signed on July 27, 1953.

500 Questions

What is the relative location of Korea?

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Korea is located in East Asia and is neighbored by China, Japan and North Korea. 37°35N 127°0E to be precise.

Who led the American forces in Korea?

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Depends on when, South Korea had many leaders.

What are some things that south korea invented?

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They've had some nice things like kimchi, soju, the turtle ship, the hanbok and Hangeul. These things are influences in the world because now Americans eat kimchi and drink soju. People wear the hanbok on babies first birthdays and people also use Hangul (Korean). That is a few things that Korea has brought to the U.S.

How many US soldiers are in Korea?

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28,500 US - R.O.K. agreed troup level.

How did the deaths of the Canadian troops in the Korean War effect Canada?

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Many momuments were set up all around the world to commemomorate those who died. they saved the lives the many south Koreans, and they won the Korean war. if they hadn't south Korea would be communist to this day.

What is the name of the Korean War movie with John Wayne?

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"Flying Tigers" (1942)

"Reunion in France" (1942)

"The Fighting Seabees" (1944)

"Back to Bataan" (1945)

"They Were Expendable" (1945)

"Sands of Iwo Jima" (1949)

"Operation Pacific" (1951)

"Flying Leathernecks" (1951)

"The Wings of Eagles" (1957)

"The Longest Day" (1962)

"In Harm's Way" (1965)

Who was the first South Korean president?

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On August 15, 1948 the Republic of Korea (R.O.K.) was established, with Syngman Rhee as the first President. On September 9, 1948 the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (D.P.R.K.) was established under Kim Il Sung.

In 1987, Roh Tae-woo, a former general, was elected president, but additional democratic advances during his tenure resulted in the 1992 election of a long-time pro-democracy activist, Kim Young-sam. Kim became Korea's first civilian elected president in 32 years.

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What were the similarities between the Vietnam war and the Korean war?

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The ONLY real differences between the two wars was:

1. Geography (Korea was on a peninsula; which made things alot easier).

2. Different decades and languages.

3. Korea was LARGELY fought with left over WWII equipment (weapons, M1 Garand rifle as one example).

4. The Korean War was far more intense than Vietnam (higher casualties in a shorter time period).

5. Korea was cold and full of snow; Vietnam was hot and tropical.

6. Communists were stopped in Korea; they won in Vietnam.

7. Korea didn't have the anti-war movement; because it only lasted 3 yrs. Just about the same amount of time as WWII did for the US.

Why was Douglas MacArthur chosen to lead the allied forces in Korea?

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General MacArthur helped the US win the War in the Pacific. He was a rallying point for the U.S. and Philippines. He was also known for being fired by President Truman during the Korean War.


•He liberated the Filipinos from the Japanese and led the rebuilding of Japan to a democratic country after WWII.

•He was chosen to lead the United Nations Command in a war against North Korean aggression, and commanded the U.S. Forces of the Pacific in WWII.

•His famous quotes are: "I shall return." and "Old soldiers never die. They just fade away."

What does Japan China South Korea and Canada have in common?

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Well Japan and Canada both have Constitutional Monarchies. And South Korea has a government type like the U.S and China is run by Communist

What were the tactics used in the Iraq war?

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Conventional warfare, although Iraq did use chemical warfare against the Iranians during the war (1980-1988). The individual responsible for it, may have just recently been hanged.

Why did Truman want a limited war in Korea?

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From the beginning of the war, President Harry S. Truman called for containment of the 38th parallel rather than all out war. Truman felt, by containing it, he would succeed and preventing a wedge from being driven between the United States and the rest of the Far East. General MacArthur, vehemently disagreed, opting instead for total destruction and a complete booting out of all the communists. The disagreement finally ended in MacArthur losing his post.

How do you find a list of Korean War veterens?

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Contact one the following vet groups: 1. AMVETS (American Veterans-founded in 1944 by WW2 vets) 2. VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars-founded in 1899 by Spanish-American War vets) 3. AMERICAN LEGION (Founded in 1919 by WW1 vets) 4. VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America-founded in 1978 by Viet War vets)

What caused us to enter Korean war?

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The United States could have been motivated by a few reasons... 1) The strategic location of Korea- Korea is located between Russia, China and Japan giving its position great strategic importance. 2) Communist Agression- This was a war caused by communist agression, and the US was no doubt afraid of a domino effect going off all throughout Asia.

Queen or king of North Korea?

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North Korea is widely considered a dictatorship by Kim Jong il who is under the title Chairman of the National Defense Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea who in a monarch like fashion succeeded his father Kim Il Sung who died in 1994 who still holds the title of 'Eternal President'.

Describe the pattern of fighting in the first year of the korean war?

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Asked by Rinokumuragp7821

Both battles were fought in a similar pattern: The two forces took turns winning and losing,key hilltops.

Who started the new world order?

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There are illiterate mentally feeble people who believe in fantasy conspiracy theories and spread misinformation for entertainment purposes and profit on the unsuspecting public who try to blame their failure in life on sinister others.

Why was the US and the USSR involved in the Korean war?

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The North Koreans were communist and because of this the USSR supported them. The South Koreans were democratic and required help from foreign countries to defend itself from the Northern communists. The Americans were quick to help the South Koreans because they were very anti-communist at this point and wanted to stop the spread of communist through Eastern Europe and Asai.

Colombian participation in the Korean War?

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Colombia contributed one infantry battalion (Batallón de Infantería de Colombia) which was rotated and 6 naval vessels to Korea.

They suffered:

163 KIA

448 WIA

28 MIA

In total 6200 Colombians served in Korea.

Is the Korean War the cold war?

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It depends who is being asked.

One could say that these two wars are one and the same because an armistice, ending the fighting, was signed in 1953, but the conflict that sparked the Korean War was still very alive and continued on. The United States wanted to contain communism and the Soviets wanted to spread it through Europe. The Cold War is often referred to beginning immediately after WWII, and ending in 1991, but that wasn't decided until later. Leaders could not have forseen the longevity of this Conflict. Today, the Korean War can be considered the "Young Cold War" because Kim Il Sung and North Korea was Stalin's first attempt to put his ideas into action. The Cold War Conflict truly was a war, it was just a type the world was unfamiliar with because both sides could have made use of nuclear weapons. Leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States were afraid of the destruction that would be brought to the world, in addition to the risk of starting WWIII.

Some historians believe that the Cold War began with the Bolshevik revolution.

Another view . . .

No, the Korean War was not the Cold War. The Cold War was the term used to describe the situation between the United States and the Soviet Union which was marked by hostile intentions but no actual hostilities. The Korean War was an undeclared war with actual hostilities and military action. The Korean War was partly a result of the Cold War in that South Korea and the United States (and the United Nations allies) fought militarily against North Korea and the Soviet Union and Communist Red China. Absent the backdrop of the Cold War, the Korean War might not have occurred at least with the participation of the super powers engaged in the Cold War.

Could North Korea defeat the us military?

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Can? Best answer is, perhaps. Did they? By no means. Keep in mind that the US and several other UN countries did fight a war with North Korea, from June 1950 to July 1953, and that only to a stalemate. The Korean War technically never ended. Fighting on the peninsula ended in an Armistice that was signed in the city of P'anmunjôm 27 July 1953. But, the war itself goes on.

Another view

It must be remembered that although the UN forces were stalemated there, the fact is that China came in on the side of North Korea, with over one million soldiers, and with military aid from the Soviet Union.

If the United States were to fight North Korea in a one on one war, it seems doubtful North Korea would have any chance at all against the world's strongest military.

Was President Johnson nearly defeated by anti-war candidate William Westmoreland?

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General Westmoreland was commander of US forces in South Vietnam during LBJs administration.