



Meat is animal flesh from pigs, cattle and lamb that is used for human consumption. Meat is a valuable source of protein in the human diet.

500 Questions

What is sweetmeat and what animal is it from?

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Sweetmeat is the testicle of the animal, usually a bull. It is not sweet, has a very strong flavor. It is a southern term, mainly deep south like Mississippi and alike. It can also refer to the pancreas or spleen of a young bull.

What is the average price of deli meat?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the company's brand name, the size of the meat package, the amount of meat in the package, which store sells the meat, and which town in which state or nation produce the meat.

Do people eat yak meat?

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Asked by Wiki User

Absolutely, people eat yak meat! It is the healthiest meat you can possibly eat, and the flavor is sweet, delicious, and never gamey! It is also easily available in the USA. Raised in Colorado, in the mountain and plains, with healthy water, and chemical free!

You won't believe how good this meat tastes!

Why does The plunger on a meat thermometer pops out when the meat is done?

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Asked by Wiki User

Due to Charles law, the plunger pops out when the turkey is done. As the temperature of the turkey rises up, as does the air trapped under the plunger so the plunger pushes up as the volume of the air increases.

What is meat with skin around it?

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That would be sausage, or bologna.

Why use a thermometer for meat?

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It allows you to make sure that the meat is cooked to the proper temperature. This means the meat is cooked all the way through to the desired degree of doneness. Properly cooked meat prevents people from getting sick.

Is meat bad for your teeth?

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What diseases can you get from eating raw meat?

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Asked by Wiki User

Salmonella :)

ANS2:If unsanitary slaughtering processes were involved, fecal coliforms e.g., E. coli, can be found on meat. Unhealthy livestock, unsanitary slaughtering processes and storage conditions may even allow some even more unusual contamination such as hoof and mouth disease, Shigella, Salmonella, Listeria, Tularemia and others.

If I am slaughtering a deer for instance I tend to gut and skin the carcass then wash My hands and arms and the carcass I then wash my knives and saw. In an effort to keep tham from transfering any of the aforementioned nasties into the meat from the surface. The fact is that the most dangerous meat to eat raw is hamburger or any other ground meat since a contaminant of any sort will usualy not get inside the meat easily or quickly. But once it's ground all bets are off since you have just put the outside layer in to the inner meat. Fortunately in the US most facilities are pretty conscientious about sanitation. I have eaten alot of hamburger raw and rare and not had a problem with food poisoning. One tip If you make beef Tartar cut the outside layer of beef off I santize with a little booze, seriously. If you remove the outside layer and use only the inside of the beef you eliminate the largest opportunity for the beef to become contaminated.

What is the word for meatball in Italian?

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che bella polpetta

How many prime rib roasts you get from a cow?

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This is totally determined by the size of the critter and how it was cut.

What countries eat shark meat?

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Asked by Wiki User

Erm... So I think that people in Japan and Korea eat shark meat, but mostly in Japan. If you need to know more, GOOGLE it...

How may healthy eating be promoted when preparing meat for complex dishes?

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There is not a huge amount that you can do with meat. Cut off all of the fat and maybe grill it? Grilling is the best way to cook meat because it adds no extra fat and only a small amount of nutrients are lost. Maybe add a variety of vegetables, research veggies with a variety of nutrients to make it a more nutritionally 'full' meal (eg, tomatoes are one of the few foods which contain lycopene, which helps prevent prostate cancer). If you have the choice, choose red meat over poultry or fish. They both have protein but only red meat has high levels of iron (be careful though because it has a higher fat content). If you do choose chicken, removing the skin removes 99% of the fat. With Fish, only buy fish that you know where it came from, because in some places in the world, chemicals in the water can make you sick. If you don't grill meat, and are going to fry it, use olive oil as it is an unsaturated fat (good for your arteries).

Hope this helps!

Bugs that eat meat?

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Unknown, but easy to find on: for kids, Time for Kids and Red 40.

How does dragon meat taste like?

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Taste like you're eating kiwi, but it's a little sweet and watery.

French name for horse meat?

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The dictionary says slang for horse is heroin. 50 years ago my father teased fast food burgers were horse meat. He called them heroin meat.

How long can you keep meatballs in the freezer?

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Six months, if they've been properly wrapped and kept frozen.

What different ways was buffalo meat prepared?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yall are very slow because i put in the question and yall askin me do i want to answer it its just slow and these sights are supposed to give you the exact answer not somebody just putting it in their probably not even sure if its correct or they might just be putting something in thats dum and stupid its just stupidity:(((((

What kind of food animals eat in farm?

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Depends on the type of farm animals.

Grazing animals eg cows, sheep, goats and horses consume pasture and hay.

Poultry, geese, turkeys, chickens, normally eat a manufactured grain based pellet.

Pigs, eat a manufactured feed.

NB: There is legislation in most countries that says you can not feed any product that has meat in it or has had contact with meat to ruminants and pigs - this is to ensure that mad cow disease, FMD and a few other diseases do not occur.

How do you make meat little alchemy?

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To make a mushroom on alchemy,just add earth+algea.

What type of meat is Chinese food made out of?

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Dim sum is a cover-all term for a wide array of dishes in Chinese cuisine. The dishes vary in size, shape, taste and utilize a variety of ingredients which include both vegetables and meat like chicken, pork, beef, prawn, etc.

What is the color of salami?

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Asked by Sasracer

Salami is cured sausage, fermented and air-dried meat, originating from one of a variety of animals. Historically, salami has been popular among Southern European peasants because it can be stored at room temperature for periods of up to 30-40 days once cut, supplementing a possibly meager or inconsistent supply of fresh meat. Varieties of salami are traditionally made in Italy, France, Hungary, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Greece, Romania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, and Turkey.

How many quarter pound burgers can you make with 4.75 pounds of meat?

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Asked by Paris prince

- You DIDN'T know how to do it! One pound can make four quarter pounders. And 3/8 is more than 1.4 but < 2/4, so that fractional part could make one quarterpounder. Altogether, you can make 4 times 4plus one, or 17 quarter pounders.

How do you get more heat out of a smoker using charcoal to smoke meat?

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Asked by Uinmybiz

I have a vertical Mr Smoker/Brinkman style smoker that used to barely get 160-180 degrees, especially in the fall when the weather is cooler outside. I have found that you have to stoke it with wood, around 50% or half charcoal and half wood. Any type, although, not lumber, plywood, cedar, or pine, or you will add a real bad flavor to what you smoke. Wood from fruit trees is generally ok. Some charcoal has a higher content of wood in it and may produce enough heat, but generally none work well in a smoker. The natural chunk charcoal works better than briquets if you don't have access to a neighbors fruit tree.