

Addictive Behaviors

Compulsive behavior that people take part in to the exclusion of other physical, social or psychological needs

500 Questions

Why are people stealing?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may steal for a variety of reasons, such as financial difficulties, lack of resources, personal challenges, or emotional issues. In some cases, it may also be due to a lack of awareness or empathy towards the consequences of their actions.

Is timmy right?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm not sure, could you provide more context or information so I can assist you better?

Is it true that arson is one of the most common causes of fires in the home and workplace?

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Asked by Wiki User

Arson is not one of the most common causes of fires in the home and workplace. More common causes include cooking accidents, electrical malfunctions, heating equipment issues, and smoking-related incidents. Arson is a deliberate act of setting a fire with the intent to cause damage, and while it can occur, it is not as common as these other accidental causes.

How do you delete a profile on voretube?

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Asked by Wiki User

To delete a profile on VoreTube, you can typically go to your account settings or profile settings and look for an option to delete or deactivate your account. Follow the instructions provided by the platform to complete the deletion process. Make sure to review any potential consequences of deleting your account, such as loss of data or content.

What is a way to stop yourself from going back to bed after turning your alarm clock off?

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Asked by Wiki User

Move your alarm clock across the room so you have to physically get out of bed to turn it off. Once you're up, engage in a stimulating activity, like drinking a glass of water or doing a quick stretch, to help wake yourself up and prevent the urge to go back to bed.

When is someone addicted to durgs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Someone is considered addicted to drugs when they have a strong craving or compulsion to use drugs, experience withdrawal symptoms when not using drugs, continue to use drugs despite negative consequences, and have difficulty controlling or stopping their drug use. Addiction is a complex brain disorder that can have serious implications for a person's physical and mental health.

Why is heat stroke primarily dangerous to people?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heat stroke is primarily dangerous to people because it occurs when the body's temperature regulation system is overwhelmed, leading to a rapid increase in body temperature. This can result in organ damage and potentially be fatal if not treated promptly. People are more susceptible to heat stroke due to factors like age, underlying health conditions, and certain medications that can impair the body's ability to cool down effectively.

Was Robin McGraw abused as a child?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no public information or verified reports indicating that Robin McGraw was abused as a child. She has not publicly spoken about any childhood abuse experiences.

Can a person be addicted to rehab?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a person cannot be addicted to rehab. Rehab is a treatment program designed to help individuals overcome addiction, not develop a new addiction. However, a person may become reliant on the structure and support provided in rehab, leading to a struggle with transitioning back to regular life after treatment.

Does the AA 5th tradition mean you cant talk about drug use as it relates to alcoholism?

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Asked by MountainFlower

The 5th tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous emphasizes the importance of sharing experience, strength, and hope related to alcoholism within the fellowship. While discussions around drug use can be important in understanding addiction, the focus within AA meetings is on alcoholism to maintain unity and coherence in the group. If drug use is mentioned, it is often in the context of how it relates to alcoholism.

What happens when you hold your poop in for months?

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Asked by Wiki User

Holding in stool for months is extremely dangerous and can lead to severe health complications such as impacted bowels, fecal impaction, and damage to the rectum. It is crucial to seek medical attention immediately if experiencing prolonged constipation.

What are exhaled mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke combined?

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Asked by Wiki User

Exhaled mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke combined is referred to as secondhand smoke. This form of smoke is a mixture of the exhaled smoke from a smoker and the smoke emitted directly from a burning cigarette. Exposure to secondhand smoke can have harmful health effects on non-smokers.

What to get a 13 year old boy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Consider getting a gift that aligns with his interests such as a sports equipment, a video game, a book series, or a gift card to his favorite store. Alternatively, experiences like tickets to a concert, movie passes, or a fun outdoor activity could also make great gifts for a 13 year old boy.

What group is the most at risk of developing depent or addictive behaviors?

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Asked by Wiki User

Individuals with a history of trauma, mental health disorders, genetic predisposition, or those experiencing high levels of stress are at a higher risk of developing dependent or addictive behaviors. Additionally, people with a lack of social support, coping skills, or access to resources may also be more susceptible.

I can't stop chewing on things like bobby pins or toothpicks why?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chewing on objects like bobby pins or toothpicks may be a sign of stress, anxiety, or a subconscious habit. It could also be due to sensory-seeking behavior or a need for oral stimulation. Consider finding alternative ways to manage stress or anxiety, such as mindfulness techniques or exercise, and consult with a healthcare provider if the behavior persists.

What is alarazopam?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm not familiar with alarazopam. It might be a misspelling of Alprazolam, which is a medication used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. It belongs to a class of medications called benzodiazepines.

Why do alcoholics use bread to filter rubbing alcohol?

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Asked by TheSinnersSaint

Alcoholics may use bread as a filter for rubbing alcohol in an attempt to remove impurities or denaturants to make it suitable for consumption. However, this is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious health complications or even death due to the toxic nature of rubbing alcohol. It is important to seek professional help for alcohol addiction rather than resorting to potentially deadly methods to obtain alcohol.

Why was Finbar really away from school for so long?

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Asked by Wiki User

Finbar constructed of a set elaborate lies and slander which consist entirely of fabricated statements about the absense matter under consideration. However, the truth of any one of these statements is always relative to the whole theory of deciept. Therefore the same statement may be true with respect to one theory, and not true with respect to another. This is, in ordinary language, where statements such as "He is a terrible person" cannot be judged to be true or false without reference to some interpreation of who "such a monstrousity" is and for that matter what a "terrible person" is under the theory.

Sometimes two theories of Finbars omission from school have exactly the same explanatory power because they make the same predictions, he wasn't there. A pair of such theories is called indistinguishable, and the choice between them reduces to convenience or philosophical preference.

My sister is obsessed with a band what should I do?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's great that your sister has found something she's passionate about! You can support her interest by attending concerts with her, listening to their music together, or even getting her band merch as a gift. Just be sure to also encourage her to have a balanced life with other interests and activities.

Is stealing caused by addiction?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stealing can be influenced by a variety of factors, including addiction. Some individuals with addiction issues may turn to stealing to support their substance abuse habits. However, not all instances of stealing are directly caused by addiction, as motivations for stealing can be complex and multifaceted.

What does ziyinzhuangyang do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ziyinzhuangyang is a herbal supplement that claims to enhance male sexual performance and treat erectile dysfunction. It is popular in traditional Chinese medicine circles, but its effectiveness and safety have not been well-researched or proven scientifically. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new supplement.

What is the name for obsession with cheese?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tyrophilia is the term used to describe an obsession or love for cheese. It is a specific form of food fetishism.

Whats it called if someone is addicted to abbreviating words?

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Asked by Djnt360

The term for being addicted to abbreviating words is "acronymomania." This compulsion involves constantly shortening words or phrases into acronyms. It can impact communication and may be seen in text messages or social media posts.

Why nitravet 10 mg tablets is used?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nitravet 10 mg tablets contain nitrazepam, a medication used to treat insomnia (difficulty sleeping) and anxiety. It works by calming the brain and nerves, helping to improve sleep quality and reduce feelings of anxiety. It is typically used for short-term management of these conditions.

How does the Leukemia Foundation receive money?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Leukemia Foundation receives money through various avenues, including donations from individuals, grants from foundations, corporate sponsorships, fundraising events, and bequests in wills. These sources of funding help support their research, support programs, and advocacy efforts for individuals affected by leukemia.