


Brain Teasers and Logic Puzzles

Test your IQ in this category filled with brain teasers, puzzles and riddles.

500 Questions

Which country has lots of cub scouts?

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The United States has a large number of Cub Scouts due to the popularity of the scouting program in the country. Cub Scouts are part of the Boy Scouts of America organization.

What is the answer to the logic puzzle - Would Martians Lie?

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The answer to the logic puzzle "Would Martians Lie" is that Martians would always speak the truth. This is because in the puzzle, if a Martian were to lie, it would contradict itself, leading to an illogical statement.

What is the best way to trap a fart in a balloon?

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To trap a fart in a balloon, hold the opening of the balloon near your rear end as you pass gas. The balloon will hold the fart inside once it inflates. Be cautious with this method, as balloons can pop if overinflated.

Two sisters look the same and same age and same parents but not twins or clones explain why?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sisters could be the result of two separate sets of identical twins who married each other and had children. This would mean that genetically, the sisters are siblings, but due to the unique combination of DNA from both sets of twins, they appear very similar in appearance and age.

Define heat and thermodynamics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heat is the transfer of energy between objects due to a temperature difference. Thermodynamics is the study of the relationships between heat, work, and energy, and how they affect the physical properties of matter. It encompasses principles such as the conservation of energy and the second law of thermodynamics.

Can you answer questions on here or not?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes of course you can! I am anwsering this right? Oh and do zebras migrate? On here it says no. But they do. During the dry seasin zebras migrate to the Serengeti. I looked it up for no reason to find out it was wrong. I am saying this to inform you. Anyways, yes you can answer questions on her that are unanswered. Thank you!

What does brain teaser 3 S to a T mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

The phrase "3 S to a T" is a play on the idiom "to a T," which means being exactly right or perfect. In this context, "3 S to a T" could suggest that three things align perfectly or fit together seamlessly.

Is this statement true or false a group of different organisms living together in a particular area make up a population?

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False. A population refers to a group of individuals of the same species living in a particular area, rather than individuals from different species. Groups of different species living together in an area make up a community.

Answers to millsberry astronomy trivia?

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  1. What is the brightest star in the night sky?

    • Sirius
  2. Which planet is known as the Red Planet?

    • Mars
  3. What is the name of the galaxy containing our solar system?

    • Milky Way
  4. What is the largest planet in our solar system?

    • Jupiter

What is wrong or right about the statement that infertility may be hereditary?

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Asked by Wiki User

The statement is partially correct as there can be genetic factors that contribute to infertility, such as certain conditions or abnormalities that can be passed down in families. However, infertility is a complex issue with various potential causes beyond genetics, including lifestyle factors, medical conditions, and environmental influences. It is important to consider a comprehensive range of factors when assessing the likelihood of infertility in an individual.

Do all mammals have a common ancestor?

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Yes, all mammals share a common evolutionary ancestor. Mammals belong to the same taxonomic class, Mammalia, which indicates their common evolutionary heritage. This common ancestor likely existed around 200-230 million years ago.

What word means full of energy?

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The word "vibrant" means full of energy.

Is a jar of jelly beans heterogeneous?

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Yes, a jar of jelly beans is heterogeneous because it contains different types, colors, and flavors of jelly beans mixed together.

What is slivers symbol?

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Slivers in Magic: The Gathering are represented by a symbol depicting a curved snake-like creature. The symbol is a central part of the card design for Sliver cards, emphasizing their interconnected and hive-minded nature.

What 3 animal names are found in tall elephant or apeman?

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There is more than three: "Tall Elephant": Eleplant Ape Hen Ant Peahen Eel Or without rearranging the letters: ant, ape, elephant

How long 3 pills had been taken if 1 pill must be taken every 30 minutes?

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Asked by Wiki User

If 1 pill must be taken every 30 minutes, then 3 pills would have been taken in the span of 1 hour and 30 minutes.

What letters on a bolood tests represent bilirubin count?

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The letters used to represent bilirubin count on a blood test are usually "T Bili" for total bilirubin and "D Bili" for direct bilirubin. Total bilirubin includes both direct and indirect bilirubin, while direct bilirubin specifically measures the amount that is conjugated and ready to be cleared by the liver.

How many liters in 10.5 gallons?

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There are approximately 39.7 liters in 10.5 gallons.

What is the evaporating point of diamond?

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Diamond does not have a boiling point because it sublimes directly from solid to gas at around 4,027 degrees Celsius in a vacuum.

An electric train is moving north at 100kph and a wind is blowing to the west at 10kph Which way does the smoke blow?

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Electric trains do not produce smoke like traditional diesel trains, so there would be no smoke blowing in any direction.

There is two rooms one has three light bulbs in it the other has three switches you are only allowed in the first room once you start in the secon how do you find out which switch operates which bulb?

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Asked by Wiki User

Turn on one switch and leave it on for a few minutes to see which bulb it corresponds to. Switch it off, then turn on another switch. Go into the first room and identify the bulbs to determine the correct switch for each bulb based on which is on or off.

If you could fold a piece of paper in half 50 times how thick would it be?

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If you could fold a piece of paper in half 50 times, it would become incredibly thick, estimated to reach a thickness of about 112 million kilometers. This would be equivalent to the distance between the Earth and the Sun.

How you freeze a corona just by hitting the bottom?

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When you lower the temperature of a bottled beverage(a beer) the liquid cannot become a solid because there isn;t a possibility for crystals to form. once you tap it, the co2 escapes and creates a chance.