


Cat Health

Wellbeing and medical needs of cats, including maintaining health, illnesses, and injuries

500 Questions

What happens if you swallow mucus?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you swallow a small piece of bubblegum, it's fine. It will not hurt you or anything. But you swallow a huge wad of double bubble with an extra layer of blueberry bubblegum, then, yes, you're really hurting yourself. You know when you eat food & you chew it down to swallow easier? I'm sure you couldn't swallow an entire hot dog so you have to chew it up. But bubblegum you can't really "chew." it just gets tastier when you do that and even harder to swallow, so it can get stuck in your throat. It would do too much bad to your actual body, but just don't try it.

Can cats cause a headache in humans?

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If a person has minor allergies to cats then they could get a headache. Most of the time when a person is allergic to cats they will other symptoms as well such as runny nose, itchy eyes, and swollen glands.

How many years those a catfish live?

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Well commet fish live for 50 years or 60 years and they grow to the size of the tank and the others i don't really know.

Why does your cat sleep so much?

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Why does my kitten sleep so much?My kitten, she's 2 now, and she's become really lazy and always wanting to sleep on the radiator or bed, even near the garbage sometimes! she always loves cuddles and hugs and will constantly meow while I'm asleep so i can cuddle her, and she isn't in heat season at the moment.

Can a kitten die from having a wolf worm?

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Asked by Wiki User

Of course it can! Especially a Kitten! Take the kitten to a vet ASAP.

What plants are poisonous to cats with pictures?

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Asked by Wiki User

Azaleas, daffodils, tulips, holly, lilies, rhubarb, yew, belladonna, potato,philodendron, jimsonweed,and foxglove. There are more, but these are some common ones

What to feed an orphaned kitten?

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You will need to bottle feed an orphaned kitten. Cimicat substitute milk or baby milk formula can be used successfully. You will need to feed the kitten every two hours. You will also need to stimulate the kitten after feeding, to enable it to pass waste matter. You do this by gently rubbing a cotton wool ball around it's belly area until the kittens produces waste matter.

Is it normal for the mother Cat to move her 3 day old kitten?

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Asked by KierstenAdams

It depends on where the cat moved it, do you consider it safe? But you should never touch a kitten before it's eyes are open, unless you absolutely have to, because they are more prone to diseases when their eyes aren't open yet, talk to your vet and ask if it's a safe place and if not, then ask how you should move them or if you should touch them. It won't kill them but it's good to use precaution.

Is it ok for a young cat with no kittens to produce milk and to start feeding 12 week old kittens?

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Mom cats often adopt another cat's litter, especially if the mom recently gave birth. For young kittens, that's okay BUT mom will need more food with protein (e.g. a good dry and wet food). However, 12-week old kittens should NOT be nursing. Separate the older kittens from their "adopted" mom and get them onto dry food.

Why would my cat be losing hair above her eyes to the point of only raw skin left?

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Asked by Rachell

Because she is getting old. It is possibly from a food allergy. Check for little tiny hives (rash) on her ears, above her eyes and on her belly. Hives are a sure sign of a food allergy. In that case, changing her food will probably help. If you do not see hives, take her to the vet. Cats do not, and I repeat, do not lose their fur from aging!

If cat has worms does human need to be treated?

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It is not essential but can be done for safety. Do not ever give cats products not meant for them like dog or human medication unless prescribed by a proper vet because these can be fatal to cats. And if you do test yourself for worms do not use cat or dog products unless prescribed by a proper doctor. Thankyou.

How quick could an adder bite kill a cat?

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Adders are not aggressive snakes, and they will only bite if they are disturbed. Although adder bites can be painful, they are rarely serious. For example, about 70% of adder bites only result in pain and swelling in the area of skin that was bitten There have only been 14 reported deaths caused by adder bites, with the last death occurring in 1975.

Is it bad when a kitten sneezes?

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Not much - mucus may be expelled and the kitten should go on and be fine. This is likely similar to when you sneeze while dusting the top shelf of a bookcase - your nose became irritated, you sneezed, life went on.

However, if your kitten is constantly sneezing, has watery eyes or otherwise appears sick, you may want to make an appointment with your veterinarian. Most feline upper respiratory tract infections are viral, so there is no treatment, but your veterinarian can check for other causes (maybe a small piece of something stuck in the nose, etc.) and explain what the likely outcome of this will be.

Most kittens get over URTI on their own with no medication, but some will become "chronic snufflers" due to a change in the shape of their nasal passages. If this happens, you may have a sneezing cat, but otherwise it should be relatively normal.

How do you change cat food?

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Asked by Wiki User

you do it over a period of time. On the first day just have a little bit of the new food mixed in the old, then over a period of a few days add more and more of the new food until there is no old food left.

How do you get a cat to lay on a cat bed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lure it with food or lock it out of your room. It will get used to sleeping in its bed and not in yours, if you lock it in its room where the cat bed is.

You can either try to just keep putting it in the cat bed right after you give it milk or food because it will probably be sleepy right after eating/drinking (if it's not yet weaned).

Some cats, though, just don't like cat beds, and may choose to sleep in a chair, on a desk, under the bed, etc. if not on your bed. Do not try to force it to sleep somewhere, as this will only cause other problems such as the cat peeing, clawing, etc. in the place where you lock it in, and if you physically force it into the bed, you'll just get hurt. It's just not smart to try to force a cat to do something they don't want to do, and cruel to punish it for protesting.

Why is you spayed female suddenly hissing and growling at your male kitten recovering from his neuter and declaw?

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Asked by Wiki User

sometimes cats smell like the vet's office or like the medicine there. it makes other cats nervous because they remember that smell and how unpleasant it is there for them. they will get over it

What does it mean if your cat has brown urine?

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Asked by Wiki User

The biggest cause for brown urine is dehydration OR a urinary tract infection (UTI). If a UTI, the brownish urine is likely because the infection is bad enough that the insides of the bladder or kidneys are bleeding. When very fresh bleeding, blood looks red/reddish. But when bleeding had occurred over time, it's called old blood and looks brownish rather than reddish. Both dehydration and UTI can be very serious in cats. They are small; their bladder and kidneys are small. They can't tolerate a UTI like humans can. If it is a kidney infection, the cat can become so sick it can die. For $35 take it to a vet. They will put a very tiny tube into the cat's urethra (where urine comes out) and get a urine sample. The vet will look at the urine under a microscope to see if it has bacteria in it (urine should not have any bacteria). The vet will also take kitty's temperature, check the eyes and mouth for dry mucous membranes, and possibly give the cat a shot of Normal Saline (NS) and a shot of antibiotics. All of this will cost $100-150. BUT if you wait and don't take this cat to a vet NOW, the cat will get sicker and then it could cost up to $300 to $400 to treat. Or without treatment, kitty could die.

Make sure kitty has fresh water. Offer kitty some canned food if you have it. And call the vet so you can take the cat in for evaluation and treatment.

Are all white cats with blue eyes deaf or just hard headed?

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First thing is first, not all white kittens are deaf. It is usually ones with blue eyes.

Second, it is to do with genetics. There are certain traits in a creature's DNA that make up what they look like, how they act, what diseases they will have, and basically anything. Have you heard of dominate and recessive traits? A white kitten with blue eyes all have dominate traits in their DNA that cause them to most likely be deaf.

Is there any other way of removing s cat on heat besides spaying a female?

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Female cats go into heat at the end of their estrus cycle (the feline equivalent of a human female menstrual cycle). When a female cat is spayed they undergo a hysterectomy essentially where the uterus is removed. So to answer the question, no, the only way to stop a female cat from going into heat is to have her spayed.

Can a kitten be 10 pounds?

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Yes the average weight for an average-sized cat is around 10 lbs, or roughly 4 kgs. However, cats come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, so may weigh a lot more or less than the average weight. A cat of a healthy weight usually has a waist, and you are able to feel the cat's ribs over a layer of skin and fat.

Can I give a cat wormer if they might not have worms?

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Most dewormers for cats are very safe. However, to make sure the drugs will continue to work, you should check with your vet before deworming your cat - he'll be able to tell you not only if your cat has worms, but also what type of worms and what medications are effective against those worms.

How do you treat a broken nail for a cat back paw?

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Asked by Wiki User

BROKEN OR BLEEDING NAIL BROKEN NAIL If the nail is not bleeding and is causing the dog or cat pain because it is in the way then it needs to be removed. Only remove it yourself it is loose and you feel comfortable doing so. You may need to have someone help you hold your pet or muzzle your dog. Grasp the broken nail with a pair of pliers and tug. If it does not come away easily then seek veterinary help. BLEEDING NAIL This can happen if your dog or cat tears the nail or if you have trimmed the nail too short. * Restrain your pet and elevate the affected limb above the body if possible by rolling your pet onto its back. * Apply a clean cloth against the nail. Cotton wool can be used in this circumstance as the fine fibres aid clotting. * An alternative is to drag the affected nail over a bar of soap to clog the nail and then apply the cloth to the nail. * Apply pressure for at least 5 minutes. Nails tend to bleed for long periods of time. Do not remove the pad until bleeding stops. * Apply a bandage if the nail tends to start bleeding as soon as the pad is removed or your pet is licking the paw excessively. * If bleeding does not stop in 15 minutes transport to your veterinarian. Continued bleeding may indicate a bleeding disorder and your pet may be in serious trouble. * There are also commercial products you can buy - I know of one called Qwik Stop that will halt the blood flow quickly. Alternatively, you can use cornstarch which will work too.