


A cataract is the clouding over of the eye in the crystalline lens. It can cause blindness if not treated. Ask questions here about classifications, signs and symptoms, cause, treatment and history.

500 Questions

What precautions with regard to iron tests should be taken?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Before undergoing iron tests, it is important to fast for 8-12 hours, as eating can affect the results. Avoid taking iron supplements for at least 24 hours prior to the test, as they can interfere with the accuracy of the results. Inform your healthcare provider of any medications you are taking, as certain medications can also impact iron test results.

What precautions should be taken when taking pyridoxine?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

When taking pyridoxine (vitamin B6), it's important to follow the recommended dosage provided by a healthcare professional. Taking excessive amounts of pyridoxine can lead to nerve damage and other serious side effects. Individuals with certain conditions, such as kidney stones or epilepsy, should consult with a healthcare provider before taking pyridoxine.

What precautions should be taken if considering silica treatment?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

When considering silica treatment, it is important to wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, and a mask to prevent inhalation or skin contact. Ensure adequate ventilation in the area where the treatment is being applied to minimize exposure to silica dust. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application and disposal to prevent any potential hazards.

How did the cataracts affect the transportation of goods for the E gyptians?

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Asked by Wiki User

The cataracts along the Nile River in ancient Egypt acted as natural barriers, making it difficult for boats to navigate smoothly. As a result, goods had to be unloaded and carried around the cataracts, adding time and effort to transportation. This limitation impacted trade routes and the efficiency of moving goods throughout Egypt.

How does LASIK surgery affect cataract surgery?

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Asked by Zoso967

LASIK surgery and cataract surgery are both common procedures aimed at improving vision, but having LASIK surgery can impact the approach and outcomes of subsequent cataract surgery. Here are some key points to consider:

Impact on Cataract Surgery

  1. **Preoperative Measurements**:

    • **Corneal Alterations**: LASIK reshapes the cornea to correct refractive errors. This can make the standard measurements used for calculating the power of the intraocular lens (IOL) less accurate because the normal relationship between the front and back surfaces of the cornea is altered .

    • **Increased Complexity**: Surgeons may need to use advanced formulas and technologies, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and corneal topography, to get more accurate measurements for IOL power calculations .

  2. **IOL Selection**:

    • **Customized IOLs**: Special consideration is given to the selection of IOLs to ensure the best visual outcome. Multifocal and toric IOLs, which correct for presbyopia and astigmatism, respectively, can be chosen based on the altered corneal shape post-LASIK .

    • **Residual Refractive Error**: Post-LASIK patients may have specific visual needs and expectations, often necessitating a more customized approach to IOL selection.

  3. **Intraoperative Challenges**:

    • **Surgical Technique**: The changes in corneal thickness and curvature post-LASIK may affect the surgical technique. Surgeons need to be cautious to avoid complications related to the altered corneal structure.
  4. **Postoperative Considerations**:

    • **Visual Outcomes**: While cataract surgery can successfully restore vision in post-LASIK patients, achieving the exact desired refractive outcome can be more challenging. Patients might still need glasses or contact lenses for some activities .

    • **Follow-up and Adjustments**: Regular follow-ups are crucial to monitor healing and the refractive outcome. Additional procedures, such as LASIK enhancements, might be required if the desired visual acuity is not achieved initially.

Patient Counseling and Expectations

  1. **Setting Realistic Goals**: It's important for surgeons to discuss with patients the potential complexities and the realistic outcomes of cataract surgery post-LASIK. While excellent vision can often be achieved, the precision might not be as predictable as in patients who have not had prior refractive surgery .

  2. **Informed Consent**: Patients should be made aware of the additional measurements and potential need for corrective eyewear post-surgery. Understanding the limitations and possible need for further adjustments can help in managing expectations.

Technological Advances

  1. **Enhanced Diagnostic Tools**: Technologies such as advanced corneal topographers and intraoperative aberrometers are improving the accuracy of IOL calculations in post-LASIK patients, leading to better surgical outcomes .

  2. **Evolving IOL Calculation Formulas**: Newer formulas specifically designed for post-refractive surgery eyes are being developed and continuously refined, contributing to better refractive outcomes post-cataract surgery .


While LASIK surgery does affect the approach to cataract surgery, with proper planning and the use of advanced technologies, successful outcomes are achievable. Patients who have undergone LASIK should consult with an experienced ophthalmologist to understand the implications and plan for the most effective cataract surgery tailored to their specific needs.

How many cataract operations are performed in the US each year?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

Approximately 3.5 million cataract operations are performed in the US each year, making it one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in the country. Cataract surgery is highly successful in restoring vision and improving quality of life for patients.

Who invented cataract surgery?

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patrisha bath

What are the factors which retard expected visual outcome after cataract surgery?

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Asked by Wiki User

role of risk factors in visual outcome after cataract surgery

Can you smoke cigarettes after cataract surgery?

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Asked by Wiki User

Continuing to smoke after surgery greatly heightens a person's risks of complications, such as infections in the surgical incision. In one study, more than half of patients who continued smoking after surgery developed complications compared to less than 20 percent who quit. Plus, fewer complications means less time in the hospital for patients who kick the habit.

What is a ancient Egypt cataracts?

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Asked by Wiki User

a cataract is steep rapids formed by cliffs in a river.

What are cataracts made of?

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Asked by Wiki User

A cataract is caused by an opacity of the crystalline lens. The lens becomes cloudy and will not allow proper light to transmit through it. It is like having a dirty windshield. You won't see any better, until you have it surgically removed. Many people believe that cataracts are caused by exposure to ultraviolet light. That is why most people in the coastal regions have a higher tendency to have cataracts- they are outside more often. And usually cataracts are found in older adults- because their eyes have been exposed to the ultraviolet light for a number of years. But cataracts cal also be caused by other things, not just ultraviolet light. An annual dilated eye exam should be performed by an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist to check for refractive errors and any diseases or problems with the eye.

Which is worse Glaucoma or Cataract?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cataracts: loss of transparency in the lens or rather the lens are clouded due to changes in the structure of lens' proteins and this due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays

Glaucoma: a buildup of aqueous humor within the anterior cavity, there is also an abnormally high intraocular pressure


Introduction to the Human Body

by Gerard Tortora and Bryan Derrickson

How long do you have to wait before you can wear contacts after retinal laser surgery?

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Asked by Wiki User

Why would you need contacts after the surgery? You need to ask your doctor about this one.

If you have cataracts what can you do to help it?

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Asked by Wiki User

The only thing that helps cataracts is surgical removal. If somebody tells you a pill or drop can reverse the effects of a cataract, they are lying to you. Most insurance companies will not cover the cost of a cataract surgery unless your vision is worse than 20/40 in the affected eye. But that all depends on your insurance company.

Can welding cause cataracts?

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Asked by Wiki User

Flash Burn and Blindness

Can pellagra be cured?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pellegra is associated with a deficiency of the B vitamin -- niacin . To cure it, one would add niacin to their diet. The body can also make niacin from the amino acid (a protein building block), tryptophan. Pellegra is rare unless there is an overall deficiency of food, vitamin and mineral intake including tryptophan and niacin.

Had cataract surgery and now have floaters?

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Asked by Wiki User

A new floater after cataract surgery could indicate presence of retinal tear or hole. When associated with flashes of light or a "curtain" over the visual field, floaters are especially concerning. Retinal holes or tears may lead to retinal detachment and eventually, loss of vision, if not properly managed. Therefore, it is important to let one's eye surgeon know of any significant eye problems after surgery for early detection and treatment.

What causes congenital cataracts?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Genetic defects or an infection or disease in the mother during pregnancy are among the causes of congenital cataracts.

How much is cataract surgery in the Philippines?

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Asked by Wiki User

30,000 to 55,000 are the prices I've seen.

Which procedure is the removal of a cataract leaving the posterior lens capsule intact?

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YAG capsulotomy is most often used for this type of cataract.

When the lens becomes cloudy they are called?

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Asked by Wiki User

Senile cataract