

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy means damage to the retina that occurs from long term diabetes. It can lead to blindness. Questions can be asked about causes, complications, prevention, symptoms, treatments and when to contact your doctor.

207 Questions

Would an eye exam from an Ophthalmologist be covered under medical or vision?

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The answer depends on the purpose of the exam and the coverages offered by your medical and vision insurance. There is no universal answer. Contact your insurer for information, or contact the ophthalmology office, which has great expertise in answwering this question.

Can a leg ulcer cause diabetic retinopathy?

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No. However both ulcers and retinopathy are late manifestations of Diabetes Millitus.

What causes bleeding behind the eye?

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Asked by Tpgarcia

There are many reasons one might bleed behind the eye. First you might have Diabetic Retinopathy, which is a condition that interferes with the body's ability to use and store sugar. Over time, Diabetes may cause weakening of the small blood vessels found in the retina. These blood vessel changes are called Diabetic Retinopathy. Early stages of this cause Background Retinopathy,' causing small hemorrhages to form throughout the retina the more progressive this gets the more prone it is to bleed. sudden loss of vision.

You can also have what is called a Vitreous Hemorrhage, this is blood within the back cavity of the eye. THe only symptoms of this are visual. The vitreous cavity has no nerves and, therefore, cannot sense pain, and pressure, etc. The visual symptoms experienced by patients with vitreous hemmorhage vary from mild to severe. YOu might have floating black dots, ( like pepper grains), a red or dark strand, or cloud floating or stationary within the field of vision. A more severe hemmorhage might produce symptoms such as a large dark curtain blocking part of the vision or even whole vision. There are many causes of Vitreous Hemmorhage, The blood almost always originates from the vessels in the retina. Bleeding can occur as a complication of the vitreous gel peeling free away from the retina, a process called Posterior Vitreous Detachment. Sometimes bleeding originates from the abnormal new blood vessels growing on the retina ( because of poor circulation)This occurs as a complication of Diabetic Retinopathy and other disorders that reduce the circulation in the retina. Less common causes include, bleeding from an aneurysm, or macular degeneration.

What is the differential diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity?

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night blindness and congenital syphillis

What can cause pressure and pain behind one eye tooth ache and blocked sinus?

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That sounds like a classic sinus infection. Since the sinus cavity sits right above your top teeth, it will feel like you have the worst toothache. Lower sinus is behind and under eyes and cheeks. so the pressure in your face and behind your eyes is unbearable and the blocked sinus is the standard thing to have when you have a severe sinus infection. Get to an E.N.T. specialist (ear, nose & throat) doctor. Left untreated, it may get worse and spread to your brain. Ask you doctor for a good sinus antibiotic and a nasal douche solution that comes with a little plastic Neti pot. I've had them so bad that a quick and painless death started to look rather attractive! Go to your doctor for a sinus anti-biotic!

Is night blindness caused by pupils not dilating sufficiently?

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possible - most likely vitamin deficiency and/or abnormal rod cell count in eyes or possibly another eye disorder - infection or cataract. Check with an eye doctor or research online night blindness and causes.

Night blindness due to constricted pupils is not total. Persons using pilocarpine eye drops have small pupils. Now it is rarely used. In darkness, you need more light , and the pupils dilate naturally. In contrast, pupils become small in bright sun light to cut down light.

What is six nerve palsy of the eyes?

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the 6th cranial supply the lateral rectus muscle of the eye. It allow the eyeball to turn out. if you have the nerve palsy of this nerve, your eyeball cannot be turned out.

Do panic attacks cause your eyes to turn red?

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Yes In panic attacks eveys will not turn red why because when a person get panic the herat rate will increase so that the blood pressure will comedown.when there is decrese in blood flow,even there is decreased bloodflow in the eyes. In panic attacks eveys will not turn red why because when a person get panic the herat rate will increase so that the blood pressure will comedown.when there is decrese in blood flow,even there is decreased bloodflow in the eyes.

What kind of vision problem do you have if you cannot see straight forward but can see out the side of your eye?

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It's called temporal anopia. If both your eyes are effected (bitemporal anopia), it could be because of the damage at the area where the optic nerves cross. Please refer to a doctor ASAP. This may be a sign of pituitary adenoma or hydrocephalus (increased fluid around the brain).

How do you put an aged cat down at home?

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Don't ever try to do it yourself at home. As a Vet Technician over the years, I have seen many botched attempts by the owners and then the animal ends up suffering more. See if you can find a Veterinarian who will come to your home and put them gently to sleep. Ask to have a sedation administered first before the final shot. Everything will go so smoothly for your precious one to pass on over the Rainbow, where some day you will see them again.

What is the Research results of retinopathy of prematurity?

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Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), previously known as retrolental fibroplasia (RLF), is an eye disease that affects prematurely born babies. It is thought to be caused by disorganized growth of retinal blood vessels which may result in scarring and retinal detachment. ROP can be mild and may resolve spontaneously, but may lead to blindness in serious cases. As such, all preterm babies are at risk for ROP, and very low birth weight is an additional risk factor. Both oxygen toxicity and relative hypoxia can contribute to the development of ROP.

PathophysiologyNormally, maturation of the retina proceeds in-utero, and at term the mature infant has fully vascularized retina. However, in preterm infants, the retina is often not fully vascularized. ROP occurs when the development of the retinal vasculature is arrested and then proceeds abnormally. The key disease element is fibrovascular proliferation. This is growth of abnormal new vessels that may regress, but frequently progresses. Associated with the growth of these new vessels is fibrous tissue (scar tissue) that may contract to cause retinal detachment. Multiple factors can determine whether the disease progresses, including overall health, birth weight, the stage of ROP at initial diagnosis, and the presence or absence of "plus disease". Supplemental oxygen exposure, while a risk factor, is not the main risk factor for development of this disease. Restricting supplemental oxygen use does not necessarily reduce the rate of ROP, and may raise the risk of other hypoxia-related systemic complications.[citation needed]

Other physicians have suggested that supplemental oxygen, specifically oxygen tents given to pre-term infants specifically causes ROP. The hypothesized mechanism involves the degradation and developmental cessation of blood vessels in the presence of excess oxygen. When the excess oxygen environment is removed, the blood vessels begin forming rapidly again and grow into the vitreous humor of the eye from the retina, sometimes leading to blindness. This does not preclude the dangers of hypoxic environments for premature infants.

Patients with ROP are at greater risk for strabismus, glaucoma, cataracts and myopia later in life, and should be examined yearly to help prevent and treat these conditions.

What are the red lines under your eyes that appear after not sleeping well and is there any way to get rid of them?

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Different types of edema?

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Rancid edema secondary to tobacco abuse

Why diabete insulin cannot made a pill same as diabete?

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Because type 2 diabetics have a different problem from type 1 diabetics.

in type 2, your pancreas is producing a mutated version of insulin, and this can be fixed through certain drugs needing to be taken in the form of a pill.

in type one, you don't produce any insulin and you have to inject the insulin in to your body to cover the deficiency. there are alternatives, however, thy make a automated pump you can use, and there is a inhalable version as well.

How much does contacts cost?

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It really all depends on what you're looking for...

If you'd like just a normal contact with no bells and whistles, the cheapest are around 25$ per box, per eye. They can go up to around 60$/box.

If you have other conditions such as astigmatisms, they must run you a bit more. As well as colored contacts. It really all depends on the brand, and where you're shopping. I order mine from 1800contacts and get a great deal. Browse around and look for what kind best suit you.

Be sure you also have your prescription, Dr's name, and the name of the office you went to, most websites confirm prescriptions with your ophthalmologist.

Hope this helps!

Why were transplants between 1800 and 1950 unsuccessful?

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because people on that time, they were not aware of transplant that much and then when in 1954 for the first kidney was transplant from one twins brother to another and they got the idea which if the body did not reject the organ. (E.g. perfect kidney for the perfect body, not old, not damaged) the transplant will successfully work for long time. So that why before 1954 the transplant were unsuccessful.

further more, the other reason is, that there were no Immunosuppression ( kind of drugs, radiation which help the body to not reject the organ). So thats why transplants were unsuccessful.

If a teenage girl occasionally has a pain behind her eyes as if someone is pulling on them is this just eye strain or something serious?

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Most probably she needs glasses, but eye pain can be a serious condition and should be consulted upon as soon as possible.

If you say occasionally, I suppose it's the problem is rather chronic so it's probably nothing serious, but again, it could be a condition that may need treatment. However the most common cause would be myopia or any other refractive problem (which means, glasses).

Is maize flour is good for diabetes?

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Not really. It is made from corn and corn is a very high starch content so it will raise your blood sugar levels. Sprouted grain flour is the best, but it is very hard to find.

What causes rapid vision change?

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diabetes causes rapid vision change,retina changes are big problem (NPDR)