


Earth Sciences

Earth Sciences is the study of the Earth in terms of Geography, Geology, Geophysics, etc. It combines the use of Sciences such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics to understand the Earth System.

500 Questions

How was Lookout Mountain formed?

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Lookout Mountain was formed through a combination of geological processes, including uplift, erosion, and volcanic activity millions of years ago. The mountain's distinct shape and features are the result of these processes shaping the landscape over time.

Thin outer layer of earth that covers its entire surface?

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The thin outer layer of Earth that covers its entire surface is called the crust. It is made up of solid rock and is the Earth's thinnest layer. The crust is divided into several large and small tectonic plates that float on the semi-liquid mantle beneath them.

What is the difference between a land breeze and a sea breeze?

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A "land breeze" results from a greater decrease in the temperature of the land (as at night), so that it flows seaward, where the air has stayed relatively warmer.

A "sea breeze" is created by increased warming of the land (as on sunny days), and the rising warmer air draws in air from the sea (which does not increase as much in temperature).

What is the lowest temperature recorded in Hawaii?

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The lowest temperature recorded in Hawaii was 12°F (-11°C) on May 17, 1979, at the Mauna Kea Observatory on the Big Island.

How much does air weigh in grams?

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The weight of 1 liter of air depends on the composition of the air, the temperature, the pressure, and the gravitational field it is subject to.

As an example, let us assume air of composition:

79 mole% N2 (nitrogen)

20 mole% O2 (oxygen)

1 mole % Ar (argon)

This would give an average molecular weight of

0.79x28.01335 + 0.20x31.9988 + 0.01x39.948 = 28.930 or 28.930 g/mole

At 0 °C and 1 bar pressure 1 mole of gas occupies 22.4 liters, i.e. 22.4 liters/mole

hence we have 28.930/22.4 = 1.29 g/liter

At normal earth gravity this would weigh 0.0127 N (Newtons) or 0.00285 lbf or 0.0456 ounces.

Are Europe and north America drifting closer together or farther apart?

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Europe and North America are drifting farther apart at a rate of a few centimeters per year due to the movement of tectonic plates. This movement results from the spreading of the Atlantic Ocean, causing the two continents to move away from each other over time.

How many elements make up 98 percent of earth's crust?

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8 Elements make up earths crust like

27.7% Silicon (Si)

8.1% Aluminum (Al)

5.0% Iron (Fe)

3.6% Calcium (Ca)

2.8% Sodium (Na)

2.6% Potassium (K)

2.1% Magnesium (Mg)

46.6% Oxygen (O)

Why does the earth have layers?

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The Earth has layers due to its formation process: denser materials sank towards the center while lighter materials floated towards the surface, creating distinct layers based on their composition and density. These layers include the crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core, each serving different functions and properties within the Earth's structure.

Why do you have day and night on earth?

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Day and night on Earth occur due to its rotation on its axis. As Earth rotates, one side faces the sun, experiencing daylight, while the other side faces away, causing night. This cycle creates a 24-hour day.

How does air pressure affect the freezing point of water?

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Air pressure affects the freezing point of water by lowering it. As air pressure increases, the freezing point decreases, allowing water to freeze at a lower temperature. Conversely, at lower air pressures, such as at higher altitudes, the freezing point of water increases, requiring a lower temperature for water to freeze.

Do you know when people stop growing?

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Most people stop growing in height by the time they reach their late teens or early 20s. Growth plates, found at the ends of our bones, close during this time, signaling the end of the growth process. However, everyone is different and growth can vary based on genetics, nutrition, and overall health.

What is nitrogen normal phase?

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Nitrogen is normally found in the gaseous phase at room temperature and pressure. It exists as a diatomic molecule (N2) with a boiling point of -196 degrees Celsius and a melting point of -210 degrees Celsius.

What is Another name for a constructive boundary?

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Another name for a constructive boundary is a divergent boundary. This type of boundary occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other, leading to the formation of new crust. It is characterized by volcanic activity and the creation of rift valleys.

Why is it that when you climb a flight of stepswe are more exhausted compared to climbing up a slope?

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Climbing stairs involves lifting your body weight vertically, which requires more effort from your leg muscles and cardiovascular system compared to climbing a slope where you use more continuous, horizontal movement. Additionally, stairs generally have a steeper incline than a slope, making it more strenuous on the body.

What type of cloud is thick enough to blot out sunlight?

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Nimbostratus clouds are thick enough to block out sunlight. These clouds are characterized by their thick, dark appearance and can produce prolonged periods of precipitation like rain or snow.

What conditions help a sea breeze begin?

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A sea breeze is usually triggered by temperature differences between the land and sea. During the day, the land heats up faster than the sea, causing warm air to rise over the land. Cooler air from the sea then moves in to replace it, creating a sea breeze.

Is sugar crystal a mineral?

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No, sugar crystals are not considered minerals. Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substances with a defined chemical composition and crystalline structure, while sugar crystals are organic compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.

What is a relatively new mountain range with very very old rock veins?

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The Himalayas are a relatively younger mountain range with very old rock veins, some dating back to 540 million years.

Which planet supports life?

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Earth is the planet with the most life. Some people believe we are aliens and evolve from a creature called archea. Archea can breath iron and can survive extreme temperatures. They can go for millions of years without food, and live in the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park. Their characteristics do make it possible that if the came from another planet that was destroyed, they could have been inside of a meteor for millions of years and crashed on Earth (archea is microscopic).

The Mars Rover also discovered water on Mars. To survive, creatures must have a water sources. If there were aliens on mars, they would have to be microscopic.

Winds that provide a dependable route for trade?

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Trade winds are dominant patterns of surface air flow that blow from east to west in the tropics. These winds give sailors a dependable route for trade voyages across oceans, as they facilitate efficient sailing in a consistent direction. Their reliability has historically played a crucial role in shaping global trade routes.

What are two places you find galena?

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Galena can typically be found in hydrothermal veins and as a byproduct of silver and copper mining. It is commonly associated with limestone and dolostone deposits.

What numbers is Talc on Mohs Hardness test?

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Talc is a mineral that ranks as the softest mineral on the Mohs Hardness Scale, with a rating of 1. This means that talc is very easily scratched by harder minerals.

What mineral is found in magnetite?

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Hematite is found in all types of rocks, including the rhodochrosites. It is iron oxide, and is used as pigment in paints and as a polishing agent.

There are several types of Hematite found, and therefore hard to say that it is found in only one type rock. In its powder form, it is blood red and it get is name from the Greek word meaning "blood like".

Where does flax fiber come from?

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Flax fiber comes from the stem of the flax plant, specifically from the phloem which surrounds the woody core. The fibers are extracted through a process called retting, where the stem is soaked in water to break down the pectins that bind the fibers to the stem. After retting, the fibers are separated, dried, and processed for various uses such as textiles and paper production.

Who made thin paper from red peanut skins?

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Thin paper made from red peanut skins was developed by researchers at the University of Georgia using a combination of red-skinned peanuts and chemical processes to produce a biodegradable and sustainable alternative to traditional paper products.