



A headache is any pain or discomfort in the area of the head or upper neck. It can be chronic or irregular, mild or severe enough to\ interrupt one’s daily activities.

500 Questions

What causes you to get a severe headache every night at the same time?

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You could be dehydrated or hungover from alcohol.

It could be a caffeine addiction withdrawal:

You might also have sleep apnea, whereby your breathing gets obstructed (from bad snoring, for example) and you don't get enough oxygen to the brain while sleeping. Usually this can be determined by a sleep study, and, if you have apnea, there are mechanisms to be used to help keep you breathing smoothly during the night. or it could be the jolt of sitting up suddenly in the morning. some scientists think that the jolt can give you a headache and make you bad tempered.

How do you get rid of a headache with no aspirin?

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Well My mum and I get headaches all the time and we take some panadol rapid It works quickly and affectively and then we go to bed with a cold face cloth and a face mask and when you wake up you should feel heaps better. Also try some fat lemonade, all you have to do is shake out all the fizz, this also works.

If you have stopped breast feeding for more than a year but are just recently leaking could that be a sign of pregnancy?

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Hello. Yes this could be a sign of pregnancy. Do a pregnancy test. If negative consult your doctor.

Could you be pregnant while your period spotting thick red and brown and you are having real bad headaches?

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Yes, I have been there. If you find yourself falling asleep at strange times along with your feet being soar there is a good chance. Another simple no doctor test is to push on your breasts, not gently. If they are really soar, or even strangly soar by this action you should go to a doctor fast. Sadley my friends and I learned these techniques the hard way. If it just that your balance is off and bad headaches you might have a really bad sinus infection. Either way go to your regular doctor if you feel comfortable and get a pregnancy test while your there. It only takes about ten minutes, and the sooner is allways the better. If you do not feel comfortable than call plan parenthood tell them the situation and set up for an anual exam it will get you in the door, and while your there for that ask for a pregnancy test. Because of your situation they usually make a spot open up. Be honest with them about everything but drug use. They will not help anyone who has used drugs as of a new company poliecey enacted a couple of years ago. Good luck, you'll be fine. yes, of course does are the symptoms of being pregnant i know this because im pregnant and does are my symptoms so good luck and take care ok. Yes, but you could have a migrain also Yes, you could also have eaten something bad or have allergies. Get a preg test and take the guess out of your worry.

Why do you get headaches after you drink beer?

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Because you drink to many of them.

You are drinking low quality beer. Headaches are caused by fusel alcohols that should not be present in a quality beer. I would suggest that you not drink light beer. Switch to a high quality craft-brewed beer.

What is another name for a headache in medical terms?

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The medical term for headache is cephalalgia or cephalea.

What is a lump on the left side of the neck near the spine that is accompanied by involuntary cracking of the neck and a headache?

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Sounds like two different things going on... 1. lump could be a lymph node or fatty tumor... neither is anything to worry about... If the lump is at the hairline halfway between the spine and ear, there is a possibility you could have an occipital neuralgia... at the point where a nerve exits from the deep tissue of the neck at the base of the skull and palpating (pushing) the area causes shooting pains to the side of the head. This can also cause really terrible headaches to the side of the head. 2. The "crunching" symptoms are most likely degenerative joint disease (arthritis). Arthritis can also cause neck pain. You need a series of xrays of the neck. If you are having weakness of your arms and difficulty working above your head, refer to another answer linked below.

Sore throat and red sore eyes?

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If by 'pink eye' you mean red, watery eyes, then it sounds like an allergic reaction. Grass, trees, etc.

Can you die of a headache?

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Excessive headaches could be a sign of an underlying problem that may be very serious. Get yourself checked by a doctor. Get referred to a specialist. My mother had a bad headache and died a few hours later from a brain aneurysm.

What is the earliest sign of ALS?

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ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease is a progressive disease that destroys nerves and muscles. Only a neurologist could diagnose it properly. The first signs that Lou Gehrig had were a slight slowing of his reactions and reduced strength. Nearly everyone over 40 has those symptoms!

The ALS Association says weakness, reduced coordination, clumsiness, pain in hands and feet are all signs of ALS but that there is no one main early symptom. All of those symptoms could be caused by many other things.

What if you have headaches neck pain and aching around the ears are they signs of being pregnant?

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I had headaches at first but not neck pain or ear pain, I guess it is different for everyone but I have never heard of those as signs. You could be pregnant with a cold, or it could be just a cold. If you are late a test should show correctly by now, if you aren't due for your period, then you have to wait until your period would be due. That sounds more like signs of being tense.

What causes diarrhea hives and headaches for more than a month?

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hives are caused from too much histimine. however it sounds like you may have a food intolerance. if you do not have a fever its probably something you ate. however i have had trouble with hives for three years. stress can trigger mine. hives are a tricky thing. zantac 150mg twice a day helped me you can by generic ranitidine it works fine two beneryl works but makes me sleepy

Very sore throat and a small red bump in the back of your throat what could it be?

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Asked by Camillejackson

the bump could be caused by infection or friction from lack of bile. This is associated with cold/flu like symptoms as the cilia hair is restricted, letting bacteria into the throat and causing a rash or bump.

Why eating peanuts take your headache away?

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No, peanut butter is not a remedy for headaches. Though if you have a headache, you should avoid bright lights and loud noises.

Some remedies I found:

  • Closing your eyes while slowly breathing in and out, while pinching the skin between your thumb and index (pointer) finger.
  • Another is to just simply sleep. It usually relieves itself after a good night's sleep (or nap) unless it's really bad.
  • Hydrating yourself always helps.
  • Rub the affected area with slight pressure, constantly, for a few minutes.
  • Cold showers or hot baths
  • Try to relax and think positive thoughts
  • Massage your feet with pressure
  • Eat an apple. The natural sugars in it help your headache go away. This reigns true for all fruits, so you're not just limited to apples.(And peanuts are not a fruit.)
  • Peppermints or honey (even a tea with those extracts in it)
  • A moist hot towl around the neck, forehead or back of the head.
  • Caffinated drinks or Gatorade with Electrolytes in it is good.

And if none of these work, then I suggest seeing a doctor or trying to take Motrin or another over the counter drug specificly for headaches.

What causes a throbbing headache?

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A headache is caused by the swelling of blood veins/vessels in the head, obviously. This excessive swelling causes pressure on the brain since the swelling is above normal. In turn, the more dilated your blood vessels are, the more pressure there is inside your head. Which causes the headache.

Now, everyone is familiar with the drug caffeine. Caffeine is actually very effective in releaving headache pain. This is because the dilated veins are constricted back to a normal size by the caffeine, in turn decreasing the effects of the headache.

Hope this helps..

What should i do when someone gets headache?

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Muscle headaches are often due to emotional or physical stress, such as poor posture. The muscles in the neck, scalp, and jaws tighten, producing a dull, aching sensation, or band of tension, around the head. Vascular headaches, which include the common migraine, are due to a constriction and then dilation of blood vessels in the head. Vascular headaches are usually severe, one-sided throbbing headaches often associated with nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances (flashing lights or stars). Sinus headaches are caused by blockage of the sinus cavities with resulting pressure and pain in the cheeks, forehead, and upper teeth. These headaches are often associated with nasal congestion. Sometimes a combination of these types of headaches occurs at the same time.


  • Apply ice packs or heat on your neck and head.
  • Gently massage the muscles of your neck and scalp.
  • Use relaxation exercises.
  • Take aspirin, or an aspirin substitute, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
  • Use a decongestant medication, if you have nasal congestion.
  • Reduce emotional and physical stressors, such as anger, eyestrain, or continuous loud noise.
  • Avoid foods that may trigger headaches, such as aged cheeses, chocolate, nuts, red wine, alcohol, avocados, figs, raisins, or pickled foods.

Can a upper tooth extraction effect sinus?

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Yes, the extraction of an upper tooth can affect the sinuses.

Can chewing tobacco give you a headache?

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yes it has nicotine in it which is a drug. nicotine poisioning is when you get a headache from nicotine, also more severe nicotine poisioning can cause light headedness, nausea, and also cause you to vomit. if you are a lightweight on nicotine if you put a big dip in its enough to make you throw up after about 25 minutes. but you will probably feel so bad before you ever make it to 25 minutes. my first i was lightheaded after 5 minutes of putting it in.

What could be the problem if the left side of your head hurts when you cough?

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I thought it was. Until I went to the doctor for a routine checkup and found out that I had high blood pressure. The "cure" was to medicate me with a drug to lower blood pressure. Since then, my head no longer hurts when I cough. Most people don't experience symptoms from high blood pressure. I did and the symptom was pain in the head while coughing. Bottom line: Talk to you doctor!

How do you get rid of a headache when you're sick?

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All you can really do is try to sleep it off or try to drink hot teas.

Why do you get real bad headaches and feel nauseous?

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The truth is, most of the time we aren't clear on what causes a headache or a migraine. Obviously a head impact will -- that one's obvious -- but all the others are somewhat mysterious. I can also think of about 200 really dangerous pathologies that cause this but, for every time a headache and queasiness are a symptom of one of these grave illnesses, there's a zillion that are just headaches -- nothing more, nothing less. If you're running a fever of more than 2-3oF above normal, you should call a doc. However, what works for me is lying down in the dark with good neck support, closing my eyes, putting on some soft music and trying to get a nap. I personally think most headaches are stress related, and that most stress-related headaches don't survive a good nap. And why queasy along with the headache? I've always interpreted that as my body telling me it wants to take it easy for now. And so I do. If this persists for more than a day, consider a consultation.

Is ice good for a headache?

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Yes and it works very well for migraines. One company has a cold pack you can buy at the drugstore just for headaches. A cold compress or cold facial mask works wonders.

How did people relieve headaches before aspirin?

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took an almost identical medicine by chewing the bark of a willow tree

Can herpes on the throat cause headaches?

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A person with an STD may experience headaches, but typically they would not be the only sign of STDs. Talk with your health care provider about your headaches, and ask to be screened for STDs if you have concerns.