



A headache is any pain or discomfort in the area of the head or upper neck. It can be chronic or irregular, mild or severe enough to\ interrupt one’s daily activities.

500 Questions

Can chewing tobacco give you a headache?

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yes it has nicotine in it which is a drug. nicotine poisioning is when you get a headache from nicotine, also more severe nicotine poisioning can cause light headedness, nausea, and also cause you to vomit. if you are a lightweight on nicotine if you put a big dip in its enough to make you throw up after about 25 minutes. but you will probably feel so bad before you ever make it to 25 minutes. my first i was lightheaded after 5 minutes of putting it in.

What could be the problem if the left side of your head hurts when you cough?

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I thought it was. Until I went to the doctor for a routine checkup and found out that I had high blood pressure. The "cure" was to medicate me with a drug to lower blood pressure. Since then, my head no longer hurts when I cough. Most people don't experience symptoms from high blood pressure. I did and the symptom was pain in the head while coughing. Bottom line: Talk to you doctor!

How do you get rid of a headache when you're sick?

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All you can really do is try to sleep it off or try to drink hot teas.

Why do you get real bad headaches and feel nauseous?

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The truth is, most of the time we aren't clear on what causes a headache or a migraine. Obviously a head impact will -- that one's obvious -- but all the others are somewhat mysterious. I can also think of about 200 really dangerous pathologies that cause this but, for every time a headache and queasiness are a symptom of one of these grave illnesses, there's a zillion that are just headaches -- nothing more, nothing less. If you're running a fever of more than 2-3oF above normal, you should call a doc. However, what works for me is lying down in the dark with good neck support, closing my eyes, putting on some soft music and trying to get a nap. I personally think most headaches are stress related, and that most stress-related headaches don't survive a good nap. And why queasy along with the headache? I've always interpreted that as my body telling me it wants to take it easy for now. And so I do. If this persists for more than a day, consider a consultation.

Is ice good for a headache?

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Yes and it works very well for migraines. One company has a cold pack you can buy at the drugstore just for headaches. A cold compress or cold facial mask works wonders.

How did people relieve headaches before aspirin?

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took an almost identical medicine by chewing the bark of a willow tree

Can herpes on the throat cause headaches?

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A person with an STD may experience headaches, but typically they would not be the only sign of STDs. Talk with your health care provider about your headaches, and ask to be screened for STDs if you have concerns.

What can pregnant woman take for a headache?

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I was told that you should not take ibuprofen while pregnant, but most doctors will let you take a regular dose of Tylenol for pain. It comes in a mostly white package, says Regular Dosage, should be only 325mg capsules. I took it to fight a fever for sinus infection while pregnant. Just don't over do it, best thing is to ask a doctor or pharmacist about this.

Does peppermint get rid of headaches?

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Peppermint oil is known to be effective in helping certain headache disorders in specific patients. However, it's important to note that peppermint oil has significant contraindications, including the fact that it should NEVER be taken by a pregnant woman. Always check with your doctor before beginning a new treatment, or changing your current management practices. Even peppermint is a drug and needs to be treated with immense respect. For a diagnosis and appropriate treatment advice, a doctor needs to be consulted. Preferably a headache specialist who is best able to diagnose, treat and manage headache disorders.

Can you take aleeve for headache while on Lexapro?

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Right now I am on Lexapro and I've only taken Tylenol for my headaches. I havent had any harmful effects from it so far. I actually am getting ready to go to my doctor today and this is one of the questions I have planned to ask her so when I get her answer I will edit this and let you know.

I am also on Lexapro and would like to add that I take migraine medicaiton (almotriptan) and at different times for stress headache I take "syndol" and don't have any problems with those.

Why do you taste metal in your mouth when you have a headache?

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Fever or a medical nerological illness called Timoyetonocidis.

What could you use for sinus pressure headaches?

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Use a neti pot. You can pick one up from the pharmacy for less than 15 bucks. It is basically a way to "wash" your sinuses by pouring a salt/baking soda in water solution through one nostrel to drain out of the other nostrel... kind of like how you keep your mouth clean by brushing your teeth. Works so well for me, makes my sinuses feel free and clear. and it can be used many times a day-- no harmful side effects!! better than medicine by far.

What causes head perspiration?

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Such smelly sweating is most probably caused by some type of bacterial infection. You can apply the concentrated common salt solution as well as vinegar to treat the condition. You can apply the same during night time, only or say during sleeping hours.

How can you get rid of cluster headaches?

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I'm not sure but you can rest for a few hours maybe even get an ice pack and put it on your forehead. Maybe even because you're hungry or thirsty. Do you work yourself too hard? If you do, then that might be the problem. To figure that out you can just go to the beach get ice cream go do something that? Just chill out. Hope I helped you.

If a period only lasted 2 days then spotting has been on the pill for 2 yrs has sex frequently has been feeling nauseous urinating frequently and had a headache negative hpt could she be pregnant?

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Pregnancy is posible. However, there could be a number of factors contributing to this situation. You should realy see a doctor if nauciousness, headaches and/or irreular periods persist.

What kind of nut is good for headaches?

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The answer to this question is dependent upon which headache disorder you're referring to. There are hundreds of headache disorders, all with different causes, treatments and triggers. Migraine is one disease in which headache is a symptom. Nuts are often a trigger for Migraine. Depending upon the person, no nut may be safe to eat without triggering an attack. Each person is different, and what helps them or hurts them will be very individualized. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders, consult a board certified headache specialist.

What causes really bad headaches?

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Headaches can be caused by a number of factors. If they continue without relief, you may need to visit your doctor.

One factor might be if you just recently started getting headaches. Look at any changes in your life. Diet may be a cause--lunchmeats and hotdogs with nitrates, artificial sweeteners in diet drinks (aspartame gets me) and any food allergies. If you are burning scented candles, try stopping that for a period of time.

If you are stressed at work or in life, you may become headache prone. Make sure to stretch your upper back muscles periodically as well as to adjust your chair so that you are sitting properly. Take short walks during breaks. We just are not made to be tensed up all of the time.

Florescent lighting, long hours at the computer and, for me, indirect lighting can also trigger headaches.

If you have weather systems coming and going constantly, sometimes your sinuses get congested. Try taking an antihistamine and acetaminophen combination or a sinus pill to see if that helps.

I recently read about a fix that works for some headaches. Place your feet in warm water and put ice on your head. This causes your circulation to improve quickly and that may ease the headache.

How to get rid of a headache?

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Treatment of headache disorders is dependent upon your diagnosis and your past health history. Because there are well over 100 different headache disorders and each may require a different treatment, seeing a physician might be very important if this is a headache different from those you have experienced before or it is severe.

For appropriate diagnosis, treatment and prevention of headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache specialist.

first step...... when you feel like your about to get a headache take a tylonal, ecedrine, or asprin......then rest, dont be to hyper or energetic. just repose,....then take a hot bath, let your heache melt away, then GO TO SLEEP.. in the morning if you still have the headache, see a doctor.

-or- (if your a kid or dont wanna take a asprin etc.)


  • pinch REALLY hard between your index finger and your thumb with your other index finger and thumb
  • hot bath
  • hydrate
  • rub your feet yup, i said it
  • tight head band securing and ice pack around head
  • chat with a friend
  • relax
  • avoid bright lights and loud noises or REALLY bad/strong smells for that matter...
  • watch a simple (cooking maybe?) stressless show.
  • cold shower
  • sleeeeeeeeeeeep

there is so much more so here is a GREAT site!!!!

(you can copy and paste it into the search box)


and i hope this helped

Does switching to decaffeinated coffee prevent 'withdrawal' headaches associated with giving up caffeinated coffee?

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No, but by using decaf, you can slowly wean your way off caffeinated to avoid possible withdrawal headaches. If you drink 3 cups of coffee a day and stop drinking, you're going to be just as likely to encounter caffeine withdrawal as if you start drinking 3 cups of decaf. No caffeine is no caffeine. But if you slowly switch from caffeinated to decaf, by making your coffee more and more decaffeinated by mixing in more of the decaffeinated powder over time, you might be more successful since the transition will be gradual.

Why do you get headaches when you cry?

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a bad headache can be normal after a very "hard cry". Very simply put, when you cry, there is increased pressure exerted in the eye area and sinuses. Your blood pressure also increases during the period of crying. Hence, you can get a really bad, "slammin'" headache.

Emotional stress can translate into physical tension as well, and that tension can manifest in the muscles of the neck and head, leading to another means by which you can get a headache while crying.

after an intense period of crying (during, if you can manage it), try to drink a full glass of water and take an anti-inflammatory drug, such as ibuprofen (if you are medically safe to do so--if you have no medical condition that precludes you from taking that)

What tea should you drink when you have a sore throat?

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Yes. It doesn't cure it, but it definitely soothes it. Caffeine-free tea (not decaffeinated is most effective. If you want to sweeten it, use honey instead of sugar (granules). A little squeeze of lemon is helpful too.

If your sore throat is affecting your voice, try not to speak. If you must, speak in a low voice rather than a whisper. Whispering puts extra strain on your vocal cords.

Is blood pressure the cause of continuous headache?

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A high blood pressure can cause a headache, but there are many other things that can cause headache.

Will cipro treat cough and sore throat?

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Cipro is not the first line antibiotic of choice for pneumonia. Levaquin is the first choice. Levaquin is expensive. It is usually given IV for the first dose in order to speed up effectiveness, then by table form, one 500 mg per day for ten days.

Why do you get a headache during an orgasam?

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Postorgasmic illness syndrome is a condition characterized by debilitating symptoms following orgasm that last for a few hours to several days.


Symptoms usually appear within half an hour of orgasm and resolve after a few days.

One can experience mental symptoms, physical symptoms, or both. Common mental symptoms include cognitive dysfunction, intense discomfort, irritability, anxiety, craving for relief, susceptibility to nervous system stresses (e.g. cold), depressed mood, and difficulty communicating, remembering words, reading and retaining information, concentrating, and socialising. Physical symptoms include severe fatigue, mild to severe headache, and flu-like and allergy-like symptoms, such as sneezing, itchy eyes, nasal irritation, and muscle pain. Affected individuals may also experience intense warmth.

This may be why you are having this

Why do you get a headache after you have a dream?

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it could be migranes, before you go to sleep, cup your hand and cover you mouth and nose softly and breath for about 5 minutes, this should help your breathing through the night, when you get headaches also do this and it should help