

Israel Defense Forces (IDF)

The Israel Defense Forces are the military forces of the State of Israel, consisting of the ground forces, air force, and navy. The Israel Defense Forces is a conscript army, with service being mandatory for nearly all Israeli citizens over the age of 18. The IDF has played an important roll in all the country's major military operations.

297 Questions

How many war planes does Israel have?

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The Israeli Air Force is considered to be one of the best in the world and the best in the Middle East. 700 air strike aircrafts. 350 are F16. The others are F15, Lavi (Israel creation), Boeing F-15E Strike Eagle.

How good is the IDF in combat?

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the IDF is one of the most professional forces in the world.

they have experienced many battles since 1948.

1948-independence war

1956-sinai campaign

1967-6 day war

1973-yom kippur war 967-1973-

1982-first Lebanon war

1987-first intifada

2000-second intifada

2006-second Lebanon war

2008-operation casted led in Gaza.

Israel's special forces are among the best in the world.

Israeli soldiers and different units have been many times in combat situations, and have proved themselves over and over again.

the IDF cannot afford to be less than what they are, because they are the only democracy in the middle east where many if not most of the Muslims around them want to destroy Israel.

How many men were on Israel's army when David killed Goliath?

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Gideon's army started with 32,000 men. But then The Lord told Gideon, "The people who are with you are too many for Me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel claim glory for itself against Me, saying, 'My own hand has saved me.' "Now therefore, proclaim in the hearing of the people, saying, 'Whoever is fearful and afraid, let him turn and depart at once from Mount Gilead.' " 22,000 men left leaving Gideon with only 10,000 men left. Then again the Lord told Gideon he had too many men, again and again. The Lord said this until only 100 men remained. To answer your question Gideon started with 32,000 men, but ended up fighting the Midianites with only 100. To read a full account read Gideon, Chapter 7.

Who won the Lebanon war?

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Israel won the Lebanon war militarily, but Hezbollah may be said to have won politically. Israel achieved its goals, which was to 1) establish a buffer-zone in Southern Lebanon and force Hezbollah to withdraw from this area, 2) reach a complete ceasefire, effectively ceasing the low-scale conflict which had lasted since 1982, 3) bring an end to the rocket attacks, and 4) the deployment of Lebanese Armed Forces in Southern Lebanon. As a result of the war, for the first time in 40 years, the Lebanese state was able to control it's southernmost land militarily. Although Hezbollah officially denies it, an Israeli investigation shows that between 600 and 700 Islamic fighters died during the conflict. Hezbollah lost most of its long-range missiles, and the Israeli Air Force also stroke a serious blow to the rest of Hezbollah's rocket arsenal. In this respect, it's clear that Israel fought a successful war against Hezbollah. However, the amount of damage and devastation visited on Lebanon has become a public relations benefit to Hezbollah.

How many Muslims are there in the Israeli Defense Forces?

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There are about 170,000 active Duty Soldiers, who are serving their compulsory 3 year service. There are about another 450,000 reservists who serve one month a year, and can be activated during an emergency.

Which country equipped Israel's air force and was the main reason for the destruction of the Arab armies in the Six-Day War?

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France. The IAF was equipped with Dassault Mystere and Mirage aircraft from France during the Six Day War.

How did God water the army of Israel?

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Exodus 17:6 describes how, at one point in the forty-year trek by the Israelites, Moses struck a rock and water gushed out for the thirsty Israelites. However, this miracle raises more questions than it answers. On the face of it, it would seem logistically impossible for at least two and a half million people to queue up at the stream, so presumable only the women did. But even six hundred thousand women would queue for days and would have to return to the queue as soon as they took their water ration back to their tents. And provision would have to be made for the Israelites' livestock to be watered. And it does not tell us how God watered the army for the rest of that long period in the wilderness. These questions are left unanswered.

Can Muslims serve in the Israeli military?

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Numerous Muslims serve in the Israeli Defense Forces. The majority come from Bedouin families as opposed to the Palestinian Israelis, but there are some Palestinian Muslim Israelis who serve proudly in the IDF. Most Bedouins when asked about whether there is a Muslim injunction on fighting other Muslims, they respond by asking: And what about all of the wars between Muslim States? Circassians are another Muslim minority in Israel who serve in the army, but unlike the Bedouins who volunteer, Circassian males are conscripted mandatorily.

There is a requirement for all Jews, all male Druze, and all male Circassians to serve in the Israeli Army. Bedouins and Palestinian Israelis have the choice to enlist or not.

It is worth noting that although Druze are similar to Muslims, both Muslims and Druze believe that the Druze are a distinct religion.

Can Non-Jews join the Israeli Defense Forces?

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Of course Non-Jews are permitted to join the Israeli Defense Forces; Non-Jews have been part of the IDF since its inception. The mandatory draft was extended to the Druze in 1956 and Druze, Bedouins, and Circassians have volunteered in high numbers for positions in the Israeli Defense Forces since Israeli Independence in 1948. Ethnic-Palestinian Israeli citizens are also permitted to join the Israeli Defense Forces, but rarely do since many Ethnic-Palestinians Israeli citizens do not want to open fire on other Palestinians.

Has Israel ever helped the US military?

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I have read that US fighter jet aircraft incorporate something like 700 separate
mechanical and technological components developed in Israel.

What does IDF stand for?

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IDF has many meanings, here are the most common.

Intel Developer Forum

ÃŽle-de-France (region)

Israel Defence Force

International Diabetes Federation

Where do Israel buy military weapons?

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they manufacture their own weapons

What Is The Comparision Between Israel's Military And The Arab Military?

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There is no one "Arab Military," because there are MANY Arab countries, not just one. Therefore it would have been much better if you had made clear which Arab country you wanted a comparison with. Also, there is no one way to compare such things -- when you compare two things, you have to decide exactly in what WAY you want to compare them. In general, Israeli military capabilities are greatly superior to the military capabilities of neighboring countries. They make their own very high-quality military equipment, and they also have an excellent relationship with America, particularly the American military and the American politicians who decide a good part of the rules on what the American military may do. Israel is also allowed to import huge amounts of brand-new American military equipment, with very few restrictions on what they are allowed to buy from us, and vice versa. Israel is also unusually good at preventing other countries from getting the most secret information about how Israeli military equipment works. Usually, none of this is true for Arab countries. In general, most Arab countries have old and vastly inferior military equipment (mostly very outdated things, given to those countries by the Soviet Union or by modern Russia) The soldiers tend to be poorly trained compared to Israeli soldiers -- except for those Arab countries which have lots of oil and are very rich (for example Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia) and except for the special forces of some Arab countries. These tend to be at least well trained, and sometimes very well trained. Some Arab countries also concentrate on having good long-range missiles and rather good submarines. These things are very closely watched by Israel and the friends of Israel. The equipment, the morale, and the book learning of the Israeli soldiers tens to be excellent -- and in Israel EVERYBODY who is physically capable of doing so is REQUIRED to serve in the military for a certain time, even the women. In Israel, women can serve in front-line combat units, even though this means they are as likely to be killed as the male soldiers. Other countries almost never permit this. If Israel wants any kind of military information or intelligence information from the United States or its allies, or vice versa, usually all that is necessary to do is to ask -- and the one who asked gets what they asked for, IMMEDIATELY. Israel not only has its own spy satellites (two, I think) -- but when they want to see what we get from ours, which are much better, all they have to do is ask. While America is the best at finding stuff out by using advanced machines, Israel has more human spies than the US, and they tend to be better than ours are. This is because Israel searches for Jews throughout the world who have love for Israel, and these people, called "sayanim," pay attention and follow instructions so that Israel can make use of them and find out the things they know. Israel also has laws which openly permit them to assassinate their enemies if they think it is absolutely essential, and they have a court to rule on wether there is cause to do this, and when they do it, they admit it. Almost none of these things are true for Arab countries. In particular, Israel's spies are seen as worthy of respect by other countries, and greatly feared. Sometimes people fear Israeli spies and Israeli military so much that they think they are superhuman, and don't stop to think about what their real limits are. It can be easier to find soldiers in Arab countries who will go to cause trouble for Israel, even if they know they are definitely going to die. The reverse tends not to true. Israeli soldiers are very good at surprise attacks, even far away from Israel, as long as the fighting far away will be over very soon. If somebody is attacking Israel, Israeli soldiers (and civilians) are UNBELIEVABLY brave and good at defending themselves. On the other hand, if they think that somebody is attacking them, Israeli soldiers have a reputation for being ruthless and impulsive, using too much force and obliterating the attacker without considering anything else. This the reputation, but that does not mean it is always true. Israel has about 100 small nuclear weapons, though they are not the kind that can reach other continents. Definite proof that this is true was leaked to other countries some decades ago, during some events having to do with a man named Mordecai Vanunu. Israel still will not admit that it has them, but after the business with Mr. Vanunu, they do not deny it any more, either. If they are asked about this, they say nothing. Other Arab countries do not have these, though about two are working hard on them. Some used to be working on them but gave up, or were attacked to make them stop. I have not spoken about Iran. Iran is very complicated and it is not an Arab country, it is just next to a lot of Arab countries. In Iran, most people are related to the ancient Persians -- not Arabs, but quite different. In fact, in ancient times, they were attacked by Arabs several times, and several times taken over by Arabs. They get upset if you make a mistake and say that they are Arabs. But they sort of expect that Westerners are ignorant and will make this mistake. In Iran, people speak Farsi, not Arabic. Iran's military is very modern and very tough. Iran sort of has two governments which overlap with each other, both ruling the whole country and both running at the same time. One is a religious government. and can be very, very strict and cruel some of the time. The other is a secular government, a lot more reasonable, more like in Western countries. They are ready for hardship in Iran because they remember all about the war with Iraq, when they were attacked with chemical weapons. Iran suffered horribly and had to defend itself by using many, many young suicide attackers (bassijis). These bassijis have become very numerous and powerful. They have their own special laws and courts, and many people in Iran are scared of them, but they tend keep their mouths shut so that they do not get into serious trouble. In theory, the religious government rules over the secular government. This is all very complicated.